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      • KCI등재

        Local transnational economic cooperation in Northeast Asia: Take China’s Inner Mongolia as an example

        루이펑 한국무역보험학회 2014 무역보험연구 Vol.15 No.3

        Based on the developing trend of economic globalization and regional integration, this paper analyzes the necessity, current situation and influencing factors of economic cooperation between Inner Mongolia and localized transnational areas in Northeast Asia, and then puts forward the development strategy and way of economic cooperation between Inner Mongolia and localized transnational areas in Northeast Asia, aiming to promote the sustainable and healthy development of Inner Mongolia’s economy by virtue of the process of economic integration in Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        Risk evaluation and policy suggestions for the Mongolia - China joint venture(MCJV) in Mongolia

        루이펑 한국무역보험학회 2016 무역금융보험연구 Vol.17 No.4

        The long historical source and prominent resource complementarity decide the significance and necessity of economic trade cooperation between Mongolia and China. Especially, the strategic concept of “prairie road” of Mongolia highly agrees with that of “one belt, one road” of China, which provides the golden opportunity for the all-round cooperation between two countries. Under this background, development research of Mongolia-China joint venture enterprises has the vital practical significance for the economic trade cooperation between two countries. The development ofMCJVfaces the various risk and problems such as lowpolicy continuity, weak infrastructure, slow technical development and other human factors. The corresponding countermeasures and policy suggestions tomitigate the investment risk from the aspects of Mongolia and Chinese enterprises are the insufficient market research, vicious competition and cultural difference of these enterprises.

      • KCI등재후보

        베링해협 터널의 구상과 전개

        심의섭,루이펑 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2015 한국시베리아연구 Vol.19 No.2

        The Bering undersea tunnel considered more than 150 years is an international infrastructure. The construction of international infrastructure is related to an enormous cost, long time, pollution, urban and cultural problems, environmental destruction, climate change, technical problems, etc. and regarded transnational as well as intra-government project in terms of political, diplomatical, security and military issues. The special meanings for the Bering Strait are raised from the G2 super power Russia and USA, cold Arctic ocean, earth quake, climate change, technology and fund supply. It must find the cooperative ways for harmonizing conflicts between political and diplomatic interests of neighbouring countries even if is at initiating stage. However, all these limits and bottlenecks can be solved by our knowledge in this global era and the dream of Bering strait undersea tunnel will be realized in near future. The positive effects of Bering tunnel will be great by connecting Asia and America. By connecting America, Europe and East Asia it increases logistics, also develops Siberia, Primoria and Alaska, a new paradigm is foreseen for the international economy and policy relations. Russia and China have poured wonderful plans into the strategic development of Siberia, also this conception can be an opportunity associated with Eurasia Initiative in Korea. The initiative to connect Siberia and Alaska in the Bering Sea raised firstly in 1849, and specific various proposals were introduced intermittently or consistently in some times. The most concrete initiative was announced by the Moonie in 2005. Recently Russia announced a US$65 billion dollar TKM-World Link tunnel construction initiative (2011.8), and China also proposed a dreamlike initiative for the construction of 600km per hour high-speed bullet train railway connecting China-Russia-Canada-America. These kind of super gigantic projects include an international infrastructure between large and small Diodeme middle of the Bering Sea to Alaska and Siberia connection, the long term also includes the development of the hinterland. These proposals are very similar to the China’s dream ‘One Belt One Road’ or ‘Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative’. In the point of view the Bering tunnel construction surely will promote the development of the Arctic marine route, the EurAmeriAasia crossing to America and Eurasia appeared naturally as new concept. 세기적 구상인 베링해협 터널은 국제 인프라이다. 국제인프라 건설은 공사자금이 막대하고, 공사의 구상에서 착공, 완공까지 공사기간이 길고, 거대한 공사에 따르는 공해문제, 도시문제, 문화오염, 환경파괴, 기상문제 같은 것이 당연히 거론되고, 기술문제와 건설후의 경제성 등 정치, 외교, 안보, 군사적인 문제가 발생하기 쉬우므로 초국적이고 초정권이며 초정체적인 국제적 공사이다. 더구나 베링해협의 터널사업은 미국과 러시아라는 초강대국을 연결하는 사업이며 북극해 개발과 관련될 뿐만 아니라 혹독한 기후여건, 지진과 같은 자연환경, 지구 온난화, 기술, 자금조달, 각국의 전략 간의 조화와 충돌, 정치・외교적 갈등 등 온갖 난관이 얽혀 있지만 베링해협 터널에 대한 국제적 공론은 이미 가시권에 들어와 있다. 그러나 이러한 모든 제한은 인간의 한계 안에 있는 것이고, 역사는 글로벌 시대, 평화 시대로 역사는 진행되고 있으므로 베링해협 터널의 건설과 운영의 시대적 과제는 그 실현이 앞당겨지고 있다.베링해협 터널은 아시아와 아메리카를 연결하는 것이므로 파급효과는 직간접적으로 막대할 것이다. 미주, 유럽, 동아시아 3대 거대경제권을 연결하는 것이므로 직접적인 물류의 증가 뿐 만아니라 자원의 보고인 시베리아 개발과 연해주 개발은 비단 경제적, 정치적인 면에서도 새로운 패러다임이 예견된다. 러시아와 중국이 시베리아 개발에 전략적 열정을 쏟아 붓고 있지만 한국의 유라시아 이니셔티브(Eurasia Initiative)와 연계되는 기회가 될 수 있다. 1849년에 최초로 베링해의 시베리아와 알래스카를 연결하는 구상이 있었고 그 후 여러 차례에 걸쳐서 다양한 구상과 계획이 간헐적으로, 한 때는 지속적으로 제기되는 것이 반복되다가 2005년에 문선명은 가장 구체적인 구상을 발표하였다. 뒤이어 러시아는 650억 달러짜리 TKM-세계연결터널(TKM-World Link tunnel) 건설 구상을 발표하고(2011.8), 중국도 중국-러시아-캐나다-미국(China-Russia–Canada-America)을 연결하는 시속 600km의 고속철도(bullet train railroad line)의 건설구상을 발표하였다. 이러한 구상은 시베리아와 알래스카 연결을 위해 베링해 중간의 대·소 다이오메드 간의 인프라 건설을 포함하고, 장기적으로는 배후지역의 개발도 포함하고 있다. 이는 중국의 일대일로(Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative) 계획과 유사한 것이며, 베링해협 터널의 건설은 북극항로의 개발을 촉진할 것이므로 유라시아를 넘어 아메리카까지 포함하는 유라메리아시아(EurAmeriAasia)라는 새로운 개념까지 등장하게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Expected Effect of Korea-Mongolia FTA and EPA

        심의섭,루이펑 한국제도∙경제학회 2023 제도와 경제 Vol.17 No.1

        On December 30, 2021, the Mongolian government enacted a “New Revitalization Policy” to accelerate economic development and enhance the effectiveness of the long-term development policy “Vision 2050” after the COVID-19. Mongolia is currently a member of the Japan-Mongolia Economic Partnership Agreement and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement(APTA). The joint research on the Economic Partnership Agreement with Korea-Mongolia and Mongolia-China are completed. Joint research of a free trade agreement with Mongolia and EEU(Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) is in progress. Economic cooperation between Korea and Mongolia is not showing good results compared to current political, social, and cultural cooperation. The expected effects of the conclusion of the Economic Partnership Agreement can be summarized as follows. First, if the tariff barriers on Korea-Mongolia trade are gradually resolved through the conclusion of the economic partnership agreement, the volume of trade is expected to increase significantly. Second, the inclusion of special information on investment in the bilateral economic partnership agreement is expected to improve Korea’s FDI environment with Mongolia, and increase investment in mining, agriculture and infrastructure and SMEs. As the tree planting campaign is a nationwide campaign, demand for forestry machines, equipments, and irrigation systems is expected to expand gradually. Korea has become a representative country that has succeeded in foresting project of Mindungsan(bald mountain). Korea’s forest diplomacy also played a major role in fields such as greening projects, desertification prevention projects, carbon emissions, and global warming climate countermeasures on the international stage. The “Planting 1 Billion Trees” campaign to respond to climate change in Mongolia can be an opportunity for Korean companies.

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