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        일 지역 성인의 고혈압 유병률 및 관리 실태

        김현옥,Kim, Hyeon-Ok 한국지역사회간호학회 1999 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        In order to analyse the prevalence rate of hypertension and the actual conditions of control, we selected five districts out of eleven eups and myuns in Chinan Country. We administered structured questionaries to 309 adults above the age of 40, computerized the data using SPSS - PC+. More than 40.1% of adults over 40 in Chinan County have health disorders ranging from high blood pressure to hypertension including alert high blood pressure at 36.2%, relatively high. Among general characteristics, differences in the rate of hypertension were influenced by age, occupation and places of residence. Over 71 who are engaged in agriculture, who don't have jobs, who reside in Sungsu, Jungchun, Chinan-eup all have higher hypertension rates than other groups. Accordingly, the control of hypertension should be focused on these people. As a result of the control of blood pressure, the survey showed 93.0% of the subjects were checked mainly at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers and community health posts more than once a year, relatively high level of blood pressure management. However, the difference between their blood pressure measurements at ordinary times and the level of blood pressure at the time of research was quite considerable. Only 47.3% of the subjects diagnosed with high blood pressure and 70.3% of the subjects with normal blood pressure recognized their blood pressure accurately 52.7% of the subjects diagnosed with high blood pressure showed errors in understanding their blood pressure at normal times. Because these errors can cause problems in the control of blood pressure, proper management should be executed through a systematic examination. As a result of the high blood pressure control condition, the average period of hypertension was 74.5( ${\pm}92.8$) months, 92.3% of the subjects were diagnosed with high blood pressure at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers community health posts, but only 29.5% were examined after a general check up on high blood pressure was completed. 70.5% were diagnosed with high blood pressure only after measuring their blood pressure. 14.1% of the subjects were hospitalized because of falls influenced by high blood pressure. 33.3% attended hospitals and health centers regularily for medical treatment and this shows how low the rate of the control of blood pressure. Most people did not undergo medical treatment, because they had no painful symptoms (46.7%), they didn't need to take the medicine(28.9%), or they forget to take the medicine(20.0%). These problems in the control of hypertension were discovered in the process of diagnosing high blood pressure at health medical institutions. Many people did not recognize the need for consistent control of blood pressure. That is, although the diagnosis for high blood pressures performed at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers and community health posts, was 92.3%, more than 70.5% of the subjects were not examined completely with regard to blood pressure. Accordingly, heath medical institutions must diagnose high blood pressure not only by only measuring blood pressure but also by using systematic process of examination. As for the people diagnosed with high blood pressure, one should perform consistent medical approaches and help them to recognize the importance of the continuous control of blood pressure through subject-oriented education. Problems the subjects experienced were the following numbness in the limbs easily paralyzed stitches in their shoulders which felt painful, stiff necks, occiputs felt heavy, headaches when they got up in the morning, felt dizzy when standing and moving their heads and poor eyesight. The rate of knowledge related to high blood pressure was 78.7 points, comparatively low. Whether they had normal blood pressure or hypertension made no difference. These results are not desirable. Adult-oriented education forgot the prevention and management of high blood pressu

      • 현장탐방 고객감동 현장 - 에스엠비티(주) 전남지점

        김현옥,Kim, Hyeon-Ok 한국작물보호협회 2008 자연과 농업 Vol.29 No.10

        전통문화와 첨단산업이 공존하는 자족형 혁신도시를 추구하는 나주시. 영산강 문화의 뿌리를 둔 생명의 당이다. 배 주산단지인 이곳 나주에 '천우지베레린'을 확인시킨 에스엠비티(주) 전남지점(지점장 김현옥 44)이 자리하고 있다. 2006년 최초 1호 지점으로 설립, 에스엠비티(주)와 인연을 시작한 김지점장은 "고객과의 만남을 위해 현장으로 떠나는 매일 아침이 적지 않게 설레인다"면서 "하루 이동거리가 보통 250여km를 상회, 때론 지치기도 하지만 항상 생명이 살아 숨쉬는 현장의 목소리에 귀 기울이며 함께 꿈을 이룰 수 있어 행복하다'며 그의 환한 웃음 속에 열정을 내비친다. 이 같은 열정은 지난해 전국 우수지점에 선정된 영예와 무관치 않다. "영업력은 성실, 정보력, 대인관계, 적시적소의 운영 등 개인의 능력에 좌우된다"며 선두지점의 자부심을 드러내는 김 지점장은 "농가들은 작물보호제품의 인지도를 쉽게 바꾸려 하지 않아 우선 고객의 마음에 신뢰와 믿음을 심어주어야 한다. 끊임없는 제품연구와 정확한 정보 전달, 수요와 판매예측의 시장분석을 통해 적시적소에 적합한 제품을 공급해야 한다"면서 타사와의 차별화 전략에 대해 역설하며 그의 일상이 빼곡히 적혀있는 다이어리를 넘기며 또 다른 미래를 준비하고 있다.

      • 학습자 유형 분류법을 이용한 메카트로닉스 교과교수 및 학습지원 지식형 시스템

        김현옥(Kim Hyeon Ok),허용정(Huh Yong-Jeong) 한국산학기술학회 2005 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.- No.-

        수업시간은 단순히 교사 한 사람이 수업을 준비해서 만들어 가는 것이 아닌 교사와 학생 간 상호교류의 시간이다. 따라서 교사는 학생들과의 상호 교류가 잘 이루어질 수 있도록 유도해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 지식형 시스템 기법을 이용하여 현실적 자아(ego)에 초점을 맞추어 학습자의 유형을 분석한 후 교실에서 수업이 이루어질 때 개개의 학습자에게 적합한 최상의 의사소통 방법을 구현할 수 있는 학습시스템을 구축하고자 시도하였다.

      • KCI등재

        대중음악과 대중정서의 상관성

        김현옥(Kim, Hyeon-Ok) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.31

        이 논문은 2000년대 우리나라 대중가요의 주요 구성부분인 트로트와 대중정서와의 상관성에 대해 실증적으로 연구한 논문이다. 역동적인 역사과정 속에서도 대중음악이 생명력을 계속 유지했던 이유는 대중음악이 제반 역사과정 속에서 대중의 정서를 담고 있었고 이를 구가하고 반영하면서 대중들의 머릿속에 깊이 들어가 있었기 때문이다. 과거에 트로트가 정치적, 이념적 이유로 문제시 되었다고 한다면, 최근에 들어서는 시장의 발전, 매체의 발달, 음악 장르의 다양화 등 경쟁적 요소가 다양해지면서 트로트는 또 한 번 변화해야만 했다. 트로트가 그 시대를 살고 있는 대중들의 정서를 담아낸다는 것은 이론의 여지가 없지만, 구체적으로 대중가요와 대중정서가 어떻게 상호 영향을 주고 있는지에 대해서는 아직까지 실증적인 연구가 매우 드물다. 본 연구에서는 2000년대에 들어서면서 대중가요가 대중정서와 어떤 관계를 맺고 있는지 트로트 음악을 중심으로 밝혀보았다. 한국의 트로트 음악은 1990년대에 이르러 댄스음악을 닮아가며 트로트 리듬이 소실되어 가고 있었다. 이에 따라 트로트 음악은 설 자리를 잃게 되었고 그 생존권마저 위협받게 되었다. 댄스음악의 출현과 함께 트로트음악의 댄스화가 시작된 것이었다. 2000년 이후는 신자유주의의 팽배 속에, 젊은 세대들은 정서적으로 기존의 트로트, 즉 주인공이 현실을 냉철하게 파악하고 욕망을 조절하는 등의 합리적인 태도를 갖추지 못하고 눈물만 흘리는 류의 트로트를 환영하지 않았다. 2000년대에 들어오면서 젊은 세대들이 트로트가수 행렬에 뛰어들면서 그 리듬과 가사 모두 대한민국 남녀노소 할 것 없이 쉽게 접하도록 크게 변화하였다. 트로트와 같은 대중음악의 변화는 단순히 음악 리듬과 가사의 변화뿐만 아니라 그 사회를 살아가고 있는 대중들의 가치관의 변화 또는 생각의 변화와 함께 일어났다. 트로트 음악에 대한 다양한 평가가 등장한 것은 시대의 변화와 함께 그만큼 특정한 공동체의식 보다는 합리적인 개인주의가 지배적인 지위를 얻었기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. This study was focused on the "trot" music from 2000 to 2009. The trot music, which was influenced by colonial, national division, Cold War, and neoliberal periods has been highly significant development and the most innovate changes of any popular music genre in Korea. In this study the 86 selected songs from the trot genre were analysed as the rhythms and lyrics then researched the correlations between popular music and popular sentiment. The popular sentiment appears in Korean popular music as expressions through language and in lyrical forms. Furthermore the emotions of the masses are expressed in the rhythms. The categories for popular sentiment sought in this study are not based on lyrics alone, but on lyrics and rhythm together. Analysis of popular music’s lyrics favored by 2000s audiences showed that "love" "parting" "hope" and "memory" appear as the major expressions of "popular sentiment". Most songs contained "love". The sentiment of "love" is rooted partially by the traditional valuation of "pure love"; but in the more individualistic, liberal social climate of the present day, we can also see straightforward narrations of "love" from a female point of view. The classifications for popular music’s rhythms were identified as "modern" (hyeondaejeok) sentiment (genre) and "traditional" sentiment (genre). Some music continued to be written in the traditional way, but these represented the minority and enjoyed relatively less popularity. On the other hand, "trot" songs with "modern" sentiment revealed new compositional forms, new musical intruments appearing in the rhythmic scores, and more complexity and Westernized elements than traditional rhythms. At the same time, a new trend is now underway as new generation "trot" singers emerge, making the "trot" form one which can be enjoyed and sung by listeners of all ages. Microlevel analysis reveals that when ths Korean audience joins its own sentiments to popular songs, a highly complex operation of various factors take place within the "individual" dimension. The sentimental trajectories of lyrics and rhythms are more heavily influenced by political and economic factors rather than by demographic ones. Demographic characteristics become relatively more important when lyrics and rhythms are viewed as discrete variables.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of Function and Design Elements of Sign on Customer Preference

        Hyeon-Ok Kim(김현옥),Soo-Yong Park(박수용),Dong-Hyung Lee(이동형) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2018 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        Each municipality is promoting signboard improvement projects, but the effectiveness is not great. The main reason for this is that when the signboard is manufactured the location of the shop is only dependent on the visual aspiration effect and it is not harmonized with the building by applying uniform design. The signboard are installed almost everywhere in the city, such as residential, natural and commercial environments. And the signboard provides various services such as traffic information and life safety to customers. Also, by applying design and functional elements, we can enhance the competitiveness of companies and improve the urban environment by enhancing the mutual connection effect of customers and space. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of design elements and functional elements of the signboard on customer preference. In other words, we conducted surveys and analyzes of 152 specialists and non-experts (customers, self-employed). As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. First, the functions and design elements of signboards are important factors that have a positive effect on customer preference. Second, the function of the signboard has a positive(+) influence on the customer preference, and the information providing function and the corporate image side function directly affect the customer preference. Third, color elements have a positive(+) meaningful effect on customer preference. Especially, similar color sign affects customer preference positively. Fourth, the signboard design component has a positive(+) significant effect on customer preference. In particular, typefaces have a positive effect on customer preference.

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      • KCI등재

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