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        1-5. 강정천산 은어 Plecoglossus altivelis 의 하계 개체생산속도에 대하여

        김을배 한국수산학회 1973 한국수산과학회지 Vol.6 No.3,4

        濟州道內 河川의 重要魚族인 은어는 他地域의 것에 比하여 그 魚體量이 顯著하게 적을 뿐 아니라 生態學的으로도 많은 興味를 가지게 하고 있어 이의 究明은 學術面이나 産業面에서 意義가 있을 것으로 안다. 따라서 本人은 爲先 은어의 生長이 가장 旺盛하다 할 수 있는 夏季의 個體生産速度를 알아 보고자 1973年 6月부터 9月까지 江汀川産 은어에 對하여 調査하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. ① 6月18日부터 7月23日까지의 純同化量은 0.0059 ㎈./ind./day로 月間 0.2065 ㎈./ind. 였고 個體當 生産速度가 0.17gr/mon. 에 不過하였다. ② 7月24日∼8月30日까지는 0.0155 ㎈./ind./day와 0.589 ㎈./ind./mon.였으며 亦是 0.49 gr/mon.의 微弱한 生産速度였고 ③ 8月31日∼9月25日까지는 純同化量 0.2395 ㎈./ind./day와 6.227㎈./ind./mon.로 生産速度가 多小增加되었다. ④ 夏季 3個月間에 걸쳐서는 生産速度가 5.85gr/ind., 7.02㎈/ind.로 1日平均 0.0709㎈./ind.의 純同化量에 不過하여 그 生長量은 極히 적었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        치리 ( Cultriculus eigenmanni ) 의 형태 및 생활사에 관한 연구 - Ⅱ. 체장 (體長) , 체중관계와 (體重關係) 비만도에 (肥滿度) 대하여 -

        김을배,김영길 ( Eul Bae Kim,Young Gill Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1985 생태와 환경 Vol.18 No.1·2

        A total of 378 Chili fish were randomly sampled at 4 locations including Mangyo^˘ng reservoir, Oehang, Osan and Rapo water-way in the vicinity of Kunsan from June, 1983 to October, 1984 in order to investigate allometry according to their habitat and sex. The body weight and fatness conditions against the mean body length of the specimens from Rapo water-way were remarkably decreasing. And this result seems to be caused by seasonal difference. The relationships between total length and body weight are expressed, W=0.0116 L^(2.84795) : Oehang, Mangyung and Osan, W=0.00507 L^(3.06155) : Rapo. Considerable significance is recognized in these equations. Nevertheless, the significant difference is not found between location and sex in the same period.

      • KCI등재

        치리(Cultriculus eigenmanni) 의 형태 및 생활사에 관한 연구 : Ⅰ . 난발생과 부화자어에 대하여 (1) On the Egg Development and the Fry in the Larval Stage

        김을배,김영길 한국수산학회 1984 한국수산과학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The Chili fish, one of the most common species of the freshwater fishes, is distributed in the river basins of the western coast of Korea. However, any studies on this fish, especially its development or life history, have not been made so far. The authors, therefore, carried out an experiment to reveal some characteristics of egg development and fry in this fish. For accomplishing this study, we caught some adult Chili fish by means of a casting net at raceway in the vicinity of Kunsan in June and July, 1983; then, we injected 0.1 cc Gonadotrophic hormone 1,000 unit solution (Puberogen) in order to iduce the spawning on the abdominal cavity of male and female respectively. Approximately 12 hours after injection, the artificially fertilized eggs by using of the dry method and the naturally fertilized eggs were observed simultaneously in the aquarium (30�~50�~70cm). The fertilized eggs, in spherical shape, were sperative, demersel, adhesive nature and 1.38~1.59 mm in diameter. The light yellow yolk was opaque and 1.17~1.27 mm in diameter. The hatching of eggs took place at 29.5 hours after fertilization under the condition of 23.5~25.0�� water temperature. Basically there were not found so many different aspects in comparison with the common species of Cyprinidae in development process of eggs: however, there were a few noticable characteristics, that is, pigment cells, eye balls and blood circulation are invisible, ore the velocity of egg development is rapid, seemed similar to the Loach's egg. Newly hatched larvae with the yolk sac (2.39 mm in size) were 3.87~3.99 mm in total length and their myotome number was expressed as 28+15=43. About 20 hours after hatching, a caudal and a pectoral fin as well as an anus began to origin. In addition, a few malanophore showed on the upper region of the yolk sac of the larvae whose size was 4.73 mm in total length. The larvae developed about 5.02 mm in total length, and the median fin fold in the abdomen extended forward to two thirds or beyond of the yolk sac at 50 hours after hatching. Simultaneously, the eye balls and mouth also appeared. After 3 days, the yolk sac nearly disappeared, and the larvae (5.4mm in total length) with perfect eye balls began to swim for themselves for the first time. Also, the specialization between the gill arches and the ailmentary canal, the development of each fins except dorsal fin as well as the blood circulation obviously distinguished in this stage. The larvae whose total length was 5.68 mm was very brisk; also, the development of the dorsal fin rudiment, nearly perfect formation of each organs and the function of the upper and lower jaws were noticeably observed 5 days after hatching.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 및 낙동강산 은어군의 형태 측정학적 분석

        김을배 한국수산학회 1970 한국수산과학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        제주도산 은어의 체형이 왜소(倭小)한 것이 종족적 형질에 기인하여 별개의 어군에 속하는 가를 규명하기 위하여 낙동강산과 형태 측정확적 견지에서 비교 분석하고 검정하였다. 표본은 1968년부터 1969년에 걸쳐 제주도 천지천(天地川)과 낙동강 지류의 밀양천(密陽川)산 은어를 수시로 채집한 것으로서, 체장과 두장이 측정치를 회귀법에 의한 공분산 분석으로 E-분포의 유의성을 검정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) F=1.023(n₁=1, n₂=42)로 양 어군간에 유의성이 인정되며 동일 모집단의 어군으로 볼 수 있었다. 2) 낙동강산과 제주도산의 회귀 계수는 각각 b=0.167라 b=0.185 였으며 이들 양 회귀 계수간의 차에 있어서도 역시 유의성이 검정된다. 3) 결과적으로 제주도산 은어군의 체형이 왜소(倭小)한 것은 종족적 형질에서 기인된 것이 아니며, 필연 서식 하천의 환경 조건의 영향에서 온 것으로 추측되었다. From the standpoint of fishery science it is an interesting matter to note that the size of Plecoglossus altivelis population on Cheju Island is smaller than that of the Nakdong River located in the southern part of Korea's mainland. Therefore the author carried out a comparative analysis to determine whether the populations differ because of racial or because of environmental conditions. The morphometric characters of the head length and the body length were used for the analysis of covariance and computed by a standard regression method of testing for the homogeneity of the populations. All samples were collected during 1968 and 1969 in the Milyang Stream of the Nakdong River and the Cheonji Stream of Cheju Island. The results of the analysis of the populations based on the significance test are as follows: 1. Since the F value observed was only 1.023 (n₁= 1, n₂= 42) the conclusion was reached that the samples could both belong to the same population. 2. In comparison with the deviations of the regression coefficients between the fish of the Nakdong River and Cheonji Stream, the populations were also highly significant suggesting that they belong to the same population. 3. The conclusion is that the fish of Cheju Island became a smaller fish in size due to an environmental condition but not due to racial characteristics.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 소라, Turbo cornutus SOLANER의 사료 가치에 관하여

        김을배,이정열 제주대학교 해양연구소 1978 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.2 No.-

        A food value for the topshell. Turbo cormttus SOLANDER. fed four marine algae, Ecklonia cava, Sargassum sp., Ulva pertusa, Galaxausa falcata was estimated at the Marine Biological Station, Jeju University. from July 1st, 1977 to September 8th. 1977. The experiment was carried out with two group of shell length 4~6cm (A group) and 6~8cm (Bgroup). The highest valus of daily feeding rate was obtained in mixed feed (2.10~2.49%) and those of alone feed was U.pertusa (1.57-1.66%). When a mixed feed was given, U. pertusa was superior in selectivity of feed (41.21~50.46%) and G. falcata was inferior (14.00~14.07%). The highest value in monthly increase rate of shell width was obtained in E. cava(1.13-5.09%), in monthly increase rate of total weight was mixed feed (3.54~5.26%), and none feeding was represented 1.41~2.11% of decrease rate in total weight. The efficiency of food conversion of mixed feed was superior (4.62~8.04%) to the other feeds, and Sariassum sp. was inferior (2.10~2.58%). The most lowest value of fogd coefficient was obtained in mixed feed (12.44~21.67) and the highest value of that in Sargassum sp, (38.71~47.56). The food effects of A group, shell length of 4~6cm, was better than B group, shell length of 6~8cm.

      • KCI등재

        강정천산 은어 , Plecoglossus altivelis 의 하계개체생산속도에 대하여

        김을배 한국수산학회 1974 한국수산과학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        濟州道産 은어의 魚體量이 倭小한 事實에 對하여 그 原因을 究明하는 一環으로 成長이 빠른 夏季의 個體生産速度를 1973年 6月 18日부터 9月 25일까지 江汀川에서 調査한 바 資料數가 만족스럽지는 못하나 本調査資料에서는 다음과 같은 結果를 推定할 수 있었다. 1) 1973年度 夏季에 있어서 江汀川産 은어의 個體生産速度에 對하여 Table 5와 같이 推定하였다. 2) 江汀川産 은어의 個體生産速度는 日本 宇川産의 것에 比하여 不過 7.2%였고, 付着藻類의 現存量도 6.7%에 지나지 않으며 全體的으로 極히 微弱하였다. 3) 調査期間을 通하여 付着藻類의 現存量으로 볼 때 棲息密度가 平均 5.2尾/㎡로서 收容限界推定 尾數 4.8尾/㎡ 보다 많은 數인5.2尾/㎡였다. 4) 江汀川産 은어의 夏季 個體生産速度는 主로 8月에서 9月 사이에 旺盛히 이루어지고 있음을 알았다. 5) 個體生産速度의 成績이 좋지 못한 것은 攝食量의 不足에 있는 것으로 보았으며, 이는 付着藻類의 生産量이 적고 棲息密度가 過多한데다 日中 平均水溫이 낮아 攝食活動이 活潑치 못한 데서 起因한 것으로 推測되였으며, 이러한 要因들이 一次的으로 江汀川의 夏季 은어 生産速度에 크게 影響을 미치고 있는 것으로 보았다. The individual production rate of Plecoglossus altivelis was studied from the 18th of June to the 25th of September (99 days) 1973, when the fish grow best at Gangjeong Stream, Jeju Do, as one of the ways to find out the reasons why the size of P. altivelis of Jeju Island is smaller than that of other places. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The indivudual production rate of the fish in the Gangjeong Stream during the summer 1973, was estimated as shown in Table 6. 2) The individual production rate of the fish and standing crop of algae on stones in the Gangjeon Stream were no more than 7.2% and 6.2% respectively, when compared with those of the Ukawa River (which is located in Japan), thus the individual production rate of the fish at Gang jeong Stream being very poor. 3) Population density was 5.2 individuals average per square meter during the research period. This is beyond the estimated density limit, i. e., 4.8 individuals per square meter, for the standing crop of algae on stones. 4) The period that the individual production rate of the fish was the most brisk during the summer in this stream was from August to September in 1973. 5) The poor individual production rate is primarily regarded due to insufficient gross ingestion. The reasons seemed to be insufficeient productivity of algae on the bottom stones, over-population density of the fish, and the lowered activity of ingestion due to low water temperature in daytime as compared with other places. Thus, the production rate of Plecoglossus altivelis in the Gangjeong Stream during the summer was greatly influenced by these factors.

      • 소라, Turbo cornutus SOLANDER의 Energy 收支에 關하여

        李廷烈,金乙培 濟州大學 臨海硏究所 1978 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        소라에 대한 攝餌量과 排泄量 및 呼吸量을 測定하여 60日間에 대한 energy 收支를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 먹이로부터 變換된 energy의 量은 A群(殼長4∼6㎝)에서 9.003K-㎈, B群 (殼長6∼8㎝)에서 13.430K-㎈이였다. 2. 排泄에 消費된 energy 量은 17.3∼29.3%였으며 體內에 同化된 energy 量은 70.7∼82.7%였다. 3. 成長에 利用된 energy 量은 A群에서 3.213K -㎈, B群에서 2.568K-㎈였으며 47.0∼51.6%가 呼吸에 利用되었다. 4. 純 體重 增加에 利用된 energy는 A群에서 同化된 energy의 33.8%를, B群에서 20.1%를 나타냈다. The energy flow for the topshell, Turbo cornutus SOLANDER, was estimated from 11st July, 1977 to 8th September, 1977 with references to observations on the feeding rate, excretion, and respiration rate. The total energy of ingested by individual topshell was computed 9.003 K-㎈ per 60 days in A group (shell length 4∼6㎝) and 13.430 K-㎈ per 60 days in B group (shell length 6∼8㎝ ). The energy of excreta and the energy which was assimilated to body were 17.3∼29.3%, 70.7∼82.7% respectively of total ingested energy. The energy flux for the growth was about 3.212K-㎈ per 60 days in A group and about 2.568 K-㎈ per 60 days in B group. The amounts of energy loss in respiration was 47.0∼51.6% of total ingested energy and energy flux for net body growth was 33.8% of assimilation energy in A group and 20.1% in B group.

      • 소라, Turbo cornutus SOLANDER의 餌料價値에 關하여

        金乙培,李廷烈 濟州大學 臨海硏究所 1978 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        1977年 7月 11日부터 9月 8日까지 60日동안 殼長 4∼6㎝(A群) 및 6∼8㎝(B群)의 소라에 4種의 餌料 (감태, E. cava; 모자반, Sargassum sp. ; 파래, U. pertusa; 갈라가라, G. falcata)를 投餌하여 餌料 價値를 實驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 餌料의 日間 攝餌率은 混合 餌料(2.10∼2.49%)가 가장 높았고 單一餌料로는 파래(1.57∼1.66%)가 높았다. 2. 混合 餌料 中 嗜好度는 파래, 모자반, 감태, 갈라가라의 順이였다. 3. 月間 殼幅 增加率이 제일 높은 餌料는 감태(1.13∼5.09%)였고 月間 增重率이 제일 높은 餌料는 混合 餌料(3.54∼5.26%)였으며 餌料를 供給하지 않은 對照區는 1.44∼2.11%의 減重率을 나타냈다. 또한 殼幅 增加率 및 增重率이 낮은 餌料는 모자반이였다. 4. 餌料 轉換效率의 크기는 混合 餌料, 파래, 감태, 갈라가라, 모자반의 順 이였다. 5. 增肉係數가 가장 낮은 餌料는 混合 餌料(12.44∼21.67)였고 가장 높은 것은 모자반(38.71∼47.56)이였다. 6. 殼長이 작은 A群이 殼長이 큰 B群보다 餌料效率이 높았다. A food value for the topshell, Turbo cornutus SOLANDER, fed four marine algage, Ecklonia cava, Sargassum sp., Ulva pertusa, Galaxaura falcata, was estimated at the Marine Biological Station, Jeju University, from July 11st, 1977 to September 8th, 1977. The experiment was carried out with two group of shell length 4∼6㎝ (A group ) and 6∼8㎝ (Bgroup). The highest valus of daily feeding rate was obtained in mixed feed (2.10∼2.49%) and those of alone feed was U. pertusa (1.57∼1.66% ). When a mixed feed was given, U. pertusa was superior in selectivity of feed (41.21∼50.46% ) and G. falcata was inferior (14.00∼14.07%). The highest value in monthly increase rate of shell width was obtained in E. cava (1.13∼5.09%), in monthly increase rate of total weight was mixed feed (3.54∼5.26%), and none feeding was represented 1.44∼2.11% of decrease rate in total weight. The efficiency of food conversion of mixed feed was superior (4.62∼8.04%) to the other feeds, and Sargassum sp. was inferior (2.10∼2.58%). The most lowest value of food coefficient was obtained in mixed feed (12.44∼21.67) and the highest value of that in Sargassum sp. (38 71∼47.56). The food effects of A group, shell length of 4~6㎝, was better than B group, shell length of 6∼8㎝.

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