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      • KCI등재

        수온과 개체크기에 따른 양식산 미더덕 , 흰멍게 , 진주담치의 여수율

        김용술(Yong Sool Kim),문태석(Tae Seok Moon) 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Filtering rates of two farming ascidians Styela clava and S. plicata, and of a farming mussel Mytilus edulis were experimentally investigated with reference to effects of writer temperature and sue. Absorptiometric determination of filtering rates were carried out in a closed system with experimental animals being decreased indicate dyes neutral red. Optical density (OD) of 440 ㎚ in path length 22 ㎜ cell used as the indication of food particles absorption was appeared directly in proportion with the concentration of neutral red dyes. The filtering rate F is calculated by Kim`s equation F = V(1-e^(-z)), where V is the water volume(ℓ) in the experimental jar, and Z is the decreasing coefficient of OD as meaning of instantaneous removal speed as In C_t = In C_o-Z·t, in this formula C_t is OD at the time t. Filtering rate of S. clava increased as exponential function with increasing temperature while not over critical limit, and the critical temperature for filtering rate was assumed to be between 28℃ and 29℃. In case of S. plicata, the critical temperature was to be below 13℃, and through the temperature range 15∼25℃ appeared a little difference in levee even though with significant. M. edulis was not appear any significant effects by water temperature less than 29℃. The model formula derived from the results is as below, where F is filtering rate (ℓ/hr/animal), T is water temperature (℃), and DW is dry meat weight (g) of experimental animal. S. clava; F = exp (0.l19 T-4.540) (DW)^(0.6745), (T<29℃) S. plicata; F = exp (A_t) (DW)^(0.5675), (13℃<T<29℃) [A_t = -8.56+0.6805 T-0.0153 T²] M. edulis; F = 0.3844 (DW)^(0.4952), (T<29℃)

      • KCI등재

        북만 양식굴의 개체군 특성과 DHA 함량조성의 변동

        김용술(Yong Sool Kim),강석중(Seok Joong Kang),정우건(Woo Geon Jeong),조창환(Chang Hwan Cho) 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Relationship between population group properties and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) content of the Pacific oyster had been carried out at the Bukman oyster farm near Tong-yeong based on the regular monthly sampling from November 1994 through April 1996. DHA content in lipids was least abundant in tune and most abundant in November. Minimum DHA content close to zero in June suggests that much of DHA are being used for maturing and discharging of eggs and sperms, in consideration of the fact that June is the spawning periods of the oyster. The corelationships among DHA content, mortality, and growth coefficient, have not been recognized. The approximate positive relations have been acknowledged between DHA content and the individual density in times of harvest, and also the individual weight. But it seems that the relations between DHA content and the individual weight are not directly related, rather it seems that it is the result from the population density effects caused by the relations between DHA and the number of individuals. But the meaning of the above mentioned relations can not be clearly defined yet.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수온과 크기의 영향을 고려한 양식굴, Crassostrea gigas의 여수율(濾水率) 모형(模型)

        김용술 ( Yong Sool Kim ) 한국수산학회 1995 한국수산과학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        본 연구는 수온과 크기의 영향을 포함하는 양식굴 C. gigas의 단위시간당 여과수량 산출식을 제시하였다. 여수율의 측정은 폐쇄순환계에서 지표물질의 농도 저감속도를 측정하는 간접법으로 수행되었으며, 지표물질은 배양한 규조류 Chaetoceros calcitrans를 사용하였고, 이 규조의 chlorophyll-a양에 직선적으로 비례하는 675nm의 흡광도 값으로 부터 농도감소계수 Z를 구하고, Z를 감소율로 변환하여 水量 V에서 여수율 FR을 산출하였다. Z=-In(Ct/Co)/t FR=V·(1-e(-Z)) 양식굴의 여수율은 다음과 같이 수온 및 개체건조 육중량을 변수로 하는 지수함수식으로 나타낼 수 있다. 여수율은 수온과 더불어 지수함수적으로 증가하며, 상한측 임계온도는 28~29℃ 사이에 있는 것으로 여겨진다. FR/DW, l/hr/g, dry meat wt=Exp(0.208·T-4.324) (DW)-07771 FR, l/hr/animal=Exp(0.208·T-4.324) (DW)0223 Filtering rates of Crassostrea gigas were experimentally investigated with reference to effects of water temperature and size. Absorptiometric determinations of filtering rates with oysters being fed diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans were carried out in a closed system. Optical density of 675nm in path length 100mm cell used as the indication of food particles absorption was appeared directly in proportion with the concentration of diatom pigment chlorophyll-α. In the closed system where Co is OD675 at initial time 0, Ct at time t, and Z is the decreasing coefficient of OD as meaning of instantaneous removal speed, then Ct=Co·e(-Zt), Z=-In(Ct/Co)/t. On the assumption that the filtering rate is constant, then removal rate per unit time (d) is d=1-e(-z). If t is used to time unit of hour (hr), the filtering rate (FR) in l/hr is given by FR=V·d=V(1-e(-Z)), where V is the water volume (I) of the experimental vessel. Filtering rate increased as exponential function with increasing temperature while not over critical limit. The critical temperature for filtering rate was assumed to be between 28℃ and 29℃. And the weight exponent for filtering rate is 0.223. The model formula derived from the results is FR, lhr(-1)=Exp(0.208·T-4.324)·(DW)0.223, (T<29℃) where T is water temperature (℃), and DW is dry meat weight (g) of oyster.

      • KCI등재

        해산 어류 양식장 가두리의 DO수지 : 곤리도 방어 양식장의 경우 In case of yellow tail farm in Konli - Do

        김용술 한국수산학회 1988 한국수산과학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 1987년 9월 8일, 9일 양일간에 걸쳐 24시간 동안 곤리도 금성수산 방어 가두리 양식장에서 해산어류 양식상·가두리의 방양한도를 산정하는데 기초자료로 쓰일 수 있는 용존산소 수지를 해석해 보기 위하여 실시하였다. 가두리에 수용된 당년생 방어 2,800㎏이 1일간 소비하는 산소량은 3.09g/㎥였고, 가두리 안의 水體에 의하여 소비되는 산소량은 1.24g/㎡·day였으며, 수중 식물성 플랑크톤에 의해 생산공급된 산소량과 大氣로 부터 海水中으로 녹아 들어간 산소량의 합계는 水中 유기물의 분해와 플랑크톤의 호흡을 포함하는 水體자체의 산소소비량의 43%를 감당하는 수준이었고, 그 나머지 57%와 사육어가 소비하는 다량의 산소는 가누리 안밖으로 교류하는 해수유동에 의하여 공급되고 있었다. 이 어장의 가누리에 수용할 어체량은 해수교환율에 의해 결정되는 듯이 보이며, 어장내의 조류에 대한 가두리 배치방식에 따라 해수교환율이 달라지게 될 것이므로 가두리마다의 해수유통에 따라 수용량을 조정할 필요가 있다 하겠다. In coastal fish farms the farmers, especialy engaging in dealing with the floating cage culture, going to know about relationships between holding capacity and water quality in cage. Some of water quality managers and specialists studing physiological ecology understand that the key of water quality management concerned fish farming is budget of dissolved oxygen. This paper deals with oxygen budget in floating cage of the yellow tail farms at southern coastal area in Korea. The sampling station is located at Konli-Do fish farm near Chungmu, and the data is collected for 24 hours from 3:00 ㏘ 8 th September 1987. In result, the needed oxygen coming after the consumption by the rearing fish had been supplied with the tide current exchange, the sum of oxygen produced by phytoplankton photosynthesis and diffused from atmosphere are no more that 43% for the needs of sea water consumption included respiration of planktons and decomposition of organic matters. The optimum holding capacity of cage is possible to compute with the calculation of minimum diurnal water exchange rate [Qin·V ¹(C-c˙)] through net mesh of cage.

      • KCI등재

        한국 남해의 동물성 플랑크톤 생산량 추정

        김용술 한국수산학회 1976 한국수산과학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        1. 1967∼1973년까지 7개년간 한국 남해에서 국립수산진 흥원이 조사한 동물성 플랑크론 현존량 자료에서 동해역의 동물성 플랑크론 년간 총 생산량을 추정 하였다. 2. 남해역 59,800 ㎢에서 1년동안에 생산되는 동물성 플랑크톤 총량은 약 5.14×10^6∼10.27×10^6ton으로 추정되며, 면적당 평균 생산력은 86∼172ton/㎢/year이다. 3. 동해역에서의 영양단계간 에너지 전환효율 15%, 동물플랑크톤 부터 유용어족까지의 먹이 전환단계를 2로 볼 때, 남해역의 유용어족 잠재 생산력은 1.9∼3.9 ton/㎢/year로 추정된다. The present paper deals with estimation of zooplankton production in the South Sea of Korea based on the plankton data of the Annual Report of Oceanographic Observations, Fisheries Research and Development Agency, Korea during the period of seven years from 1967 through 1973. Net zooplankton biomass of the layer upper 150 meters is calculated with an average of 70.2 ㎎/㎥ and gross production in the region 59,800 ㎢ are about 5. 14∼10.27×10^6 tons/year. Mean zooplankton productivity is estimated 86∼172 tons/㎢/year.

      • KCI등재

        굴 양식장의 미세환경에 관한 연구 : 1. 거제만의 양식장밀도 및 부영양화에 관하여 1. On the Eutrophication and Raft Density in Geoje Bay

        김용술,조창환 한국수산학회 1977 한국수산과학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        After a great mortality owing to abnormal oceanographical condition and fungal disease in 1973 hanging cultch lines per raft has been reduced to 450 from 558, and oyster production per raft has also been decreased. It seems to be the result of dense culture of oysters and its resulting accumulation of waste materials on the sea bottom in the farm area. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of rearing density and the degree of eutrophication in Geoje Bay for 6 months from June through November in 1977. Total area of this bay is about 48.9㎢, and the area of registered oyster farms as of November in 1977 is around 10.9㎢, which is about 22.3% of this bay. Water quality during summer season was shown as transparency 5.5m, COD 1.5ppm, degree of oxygen saturation 90.6% in upper and middle layers and 82.2% near bottom, chlorophyll-a 3.0 mg/㎥, and phytoplankton 8.7×10^4 cells/ℓ. In superficial mud in August COD was 35.4 mg/g, total sulphide 0.24 mg/g, and phaeophytin 43.7 ㎍/g dry mud. These values indicate that water quality in this bay is so far excellent but quantities of chemical oxygen demend and sulphide in bottom mud show maximum level or a little over eutrophication standard.

      • KCI등재

        한국 남해의 동물성 플랑크톤량의 경년 변화에 관한 연구

        김용술 한국수산학회 1972 한국수산과학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        한국 남해의 동물성 플랑크톤 현존량은 1963∼1971년간의 자료로 분석한 결과 63개월을 일주기로 주기 변동을 하고 있으며, 그 주기성은 자기 상관 계수 r_k=0.86으로 강한 편이다. 계절 순환 변동은 4월과 10월을 극대기로 하는 쌍봉성 변동을 하며, 그 경향은 대단히 뚜렷한데, 이것은 이해역에 있어서 식물성 를랑크톤의 양적 소장과 중요한 관련성을 가지는 것으로 고찰된다. The present paper deals with secular analysis of zooplankton biomass by statistical method in the south sea of Korea during the period of nine years from 1963 through 1971. Data were taken from the Annual Report of Oceanographic Observations, Fisheries Research and Development Agency, Korea. The trend value of annual variations in the 108 month period above was calculated by method of 12 month moving average, and a pericd analysis was made by use of correlogram method using autocorrelation coefficients. The trend of zooplankton biomass shows periodical fluctuation for the period of 63 months with high interrelationships. The seasonal variation has been obvious with growth phase twice a year, in April and October.

      • KCI등재

        충무근해산 한전복 Haliotis discus hannai Ino 의 조기채묘 기술에 관한 연구

        김용술,조창환 한국수산학회 1976 한국수산과학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        전복의 조기채묘기술개발을 위하여 전복의 생식소 조기성숙에 관여하는 요인과 채란성적을 생태적입장에서 조사검토하였다. 수온조절, 광주기 조절, 단순사육등의 실험구 배치를 한 4개의 실내사육 수조와 해중에 수하한 축양용 대바구니를 사용하여 1975년 4월 24일부터 6훨 23일까지 60일간 인공사육한 한 전복과, 충무시 앞바다의 죽도에서 채포한 자연산 한 전복을 모패로 사용하며, 동년 6월에 산란유발하여 그 채란성적을 비교 고찰하였다. 1. 한전복 생식소 성숙에 관여하는 생태적 요인은 수온보다 조도환경이라고 보아진다. 2. 낮의 최대 조도가 2,000lux이하의 어두운 수조에서 60일 이상 모패를 사육함으로써 좋은 성적으로 조기채묘가 가능했다. For the artificial precocious breeding of abalone effects of changes in environmental parameters, water temperature and light period, on the induction of spawning have been studied. Subtidal specimens of Haliotis discus hannai were collected irregularly for 6 times from April to June 1975 in Chungmu Bay near Jukdo Island, the southern coast of Korea. One hundred and fifty specimens were reared in 4 aquarium tanks in the laboratory and in a creel submerged in the sea during the period of 60 days from April 24 to June 23, 1975. The all groups kept in the four tanks and a creel showed very high spawning rates (70∼100%), compared to those inhabited the natural environment at sea until right before the spawning time (0∼50%, average 16.4%). From the results of the present induced spawning, the parameters can be discussed as follows: It seems likely that photoenvironment may stimulate to produce and secrete some internal substances which may concern to giving the fertilizing ability to the eggs before spawning and to inducing spawning, but the temperature may not be a factor for this concern. For effective precocious breeding, it seems to require that abalones are to be reared under controlled conditions of darkness below 2,000 lux even durng day time for mire than 60 days before inducing spawning.

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