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      • KCI등재

        17세기 江南의 災害와 救荒論

        김문기(Kim Moonkee) 부산경남사학회 2009 역사와 경계 Vol.73 No.-

        Recently, Geoffrey Parker has shed new light on the collapse of the system of the nation in Asia, Europe, and the Americas especially in the mid-17th century, and he indicated Ming-Ch'ing transition in China as an typical case of that collapse. That transition was a part of the “global crisis” in the Little Ice Age. This paper looked into the historical meaning of the theory of famine relief in the 17th century in this view. The period of late Ming and early Ch'ing was so much important in term of the development of the theory. Numerous famine-policy books and theories of famine relief made their appearances in the late Ming. Most books of famine policy before then mainly supplemented Dongwei's Jiuhuanghuominshu(救荒活民書) in the Song Dynasty, but now new theories were sophisticated on the basis of real experience against actual disasters. So much appearance of the theory of famine relief in Jiangnan especially in the late Ming was closely connected with the climatic change in the Little Ice Age. Most books in Ming were published after 1580, when the Little Ice Age started in earnest. Various theories of famine relief were almost the same. Because gentries and intellectuals in Jiangnan coped with the political and economic crisis from the climatic change positively, as a result, those changes in publications and theories were possible. An interesting point is that theories of famine relief were presented mostly in the late Ming, but the number of them was reduced greatly in the early Ch'ing. The difference between Ming and Ch'ing was related with political capability to deal with famine. In the late Ming, as nation finance was exhausted and Wanli-Emperor neglected political affairs, famine policy system broke down virtually. In addition, because the northeast Jurchen invaded and uprisings of the peasants were spreaded widely, the government could not carry out famine policy. Gentries and intellectuals in Jiangnan had to stabilize local communities by playing leading roles for famine relief action in cooperation with local governments in the crisis of disasters in the Little Ice Age and the fall of the dynasty In the Ch'ing Dynasty, the national government recovered its leading capacity and overcame disasters taking effective famine relief measures. So gentries and intellectuals who had taken the lead in famine relief action remained in secondary assistants. Their role was reduced because of efficient management of national famine relief policy. The difference of the theories between Ming and Ch’ing reflected this historical situations. So the theories then were good examples to explain the reason of the failure of Ming and the success of Ch’ing in the period of a climatic change, the Little Ice Age.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 中國과 朝鮮의 小氷期 氣候變動

        김문기(Kim Moonkee) 부산경남사학회 2010 역사와 경계 Vol.77 No.-

        The importance of Little Ice Age in historical analysis is its global simultaneity. There has not been comparative study between China and Korea on the days. There have been considerable advances of the studies on Little Ice Age of the three north-east asian countries but they have many differences in concrete periodization. So it needs to reconstruct the Little Ice Age of east asia in the point of the view of the global simultaneity. The synchronicity of the climatic change of east asia is confirmed by scientific researches on the colding of the northern hemisphere for the last 600 years. During the extremely cold days, there were bad harvests, famines, riots and revolts not only in this region but in all over the world including Europe. The cold climate in summer was closely related to the great famine of the east asia in 17th century. This simultaneity testifies that the Little Ice Age of east asia in those years had a part of the global climate change. It is the bitter cold in winter that symbolizes the ice age of 17th. The rivers or lakes in subtropical China were often frozen like Thames in Britain and the East Sea between Joseon and Japan was frozen too. This bitter climate was blow to the China's economy and Joseon's which both were based on the shipping system. It also had an enormous influence on the wars or the military defences in 17th century like Manchurian Invasion and the peasant rebellions of the late Ming Dynasty.

      • 수페너의 牧會者像에 대한 소고

        김문기 평택대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        17세기에 독일 루터교회에서 일어난 경건주의 운동의 창시자인 슈페너는 신학자이자 훌륭한 목회자였다. 슈페너가 휼륭한 목회자로서 일생을 마친 것은 그의 어렸을 때의 경건한 주의환경과 경건의 훈련이 밑바탕으로 작용하였기 때문이다. 슈페너는 슈트라스부르크에서 부목사로 목회를 시작했으며 프랑크푸르트에서는 목사단의 대표로서 20년 동안 사역하였다. 이곳에서 경건주의의 대표적인 책이라고 할 수 있는 '경건한 소원들'(Pia Desideria)이 1675년에 출판되었다. 그 후 1686년부터 1691년가지 당시 독일 루터교회에서 가장 명예스럽고 대표적인 목사직이라 할 수 있는 작센(Sachsen) 선제후국의 궁정수석목사로 사역하였다. 그러나 이 기간이 슈페너에게는 목회에서 가장 힘든 시기였다. 마지막으로 슈페너는 베를린에서 목회하였다. 이곳에서 목회하는 기간이 슈페너에게는 가장 절정적인 시기였다. 슈페너는 이상적인 목회자상을 성서에서 찾고 있는데 그것은 바로 예수 그리스도이다. 그는 예수 그리스도가 나타내준 목회자상을 다섯 가지로 말하고 있다. ① 목회자는 교인들을 영적으로 알아야 한다. 이것은 영적인 돌봄이다. ② 목회자는 교인들을 영적인 양식으로 먹어야 한다. ③ 목회자는 교인들의 본이 되어야 한다. ④ 목회자는 교인들을 보호해야 한다. ⑤ 목회자는 교인들을 위해 목숨을 버릴 수 있어야 한다. 슈페너는 이러한 목회자상을 제시하면서 자신 또한 다음과 같은 목회자로 살았다. ① 신자들에게 관심을 쏟는 목회자였다. ② 양심적인 목회자였다. ③ 하나님의 말씀을 실천하는 목회자였다. ④ 금욕과 절제의 목회자였다. ⑤ 소외층에 대한 관심을 가진 목회자였다. ⑥ 성서 중심의 설교자였다.

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