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      • KCI등재

        3~5세기 호서지역 철정(鐵鋌)의 전개와 지역성

        김대영(Gim Dae Young) 한국고대학회 2013 先史와 古代 Vol.38 No.-

        본고는 호서지역에서 최근 출토사례가 증가하고 있는 철정(鐵鋌)에 대한 연구를 통하여 백제권역에서 확인된 철정의 전개와 그 지역성을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구는 개별유적에서 확인된 철정을 중심으로 형태분석과 지역별 분포특성을 파악하는 것을 기초로 하였다. 분석결과 철정은 크기변화와 신부ㆍ광폭단부ㆍ협폭단부의 형태변화에서 시간성이 파악되며,충남서북부권과 금강하류권의 철정은 서로 다른 전개과정을 갖는 것을 알 수 있었다. 충남서북부권의 철정은 초대형의 철정부터 소형의 철정까지 크기와 형태 면에서 계기적인 변화가 보인다. 또한 철정을 관(곽)의 모서리에 세워서 부장하는 사례가 확인되며, 대부분의 철정이 피장자의 머리 부분에 부장된다는 특징도 있다. 금강유역권은 중류권과 하류권으로 권역 구분을 할 수 있는데, 금강하류권의 철정은 무덤의 중앙부나 발치에 부장되는 비율이 높으며, 다른 지역의 철정에 비하여 그 두께가 매우 두껍다는 특징이 있다. 호서지역에서 전형적인 철정이 등장하는 시기는 3세기 후반을 전후한 시점으로, 이는 한반도 전역에 걸쳐 거의 동시기에 일어나는 것으로 판단된다. 이후 철정의 전개는 지역권 별로 각각 특성에 따라 전개되나 6세기를 전후한 시점에 들어서면서 호서지역의 철정은 그 존재가 확인되지 않는다. 이는 철기가 국가의 중요 산물인 점을 고려할 때 백제 중앙과의 관계에서 이해되어야 할 것으로 추론된다. This paper has been written to investigate the deployment of Iron Ingots identified in the regions of Baekje and its meaning through the study on iron ingots of which the excavation cases is recently increasing in the Hosea region. In this study, focused on iron ingots identified in the individual ruins, their forms were analysed and geographic distribution characteristics were studied. According to the results of the analysis it was found that iron ingots showed changes in size and forms of body prat and narrow end part, and were divided into Chungnam northwestern region type and Geungang river basin type. It could be confirmed that the iron ingots identified in Chungnam northwestern region showed instrumental changes ranging from the supersized one to the small one and the characteristic that the most of them were buried beside the head part putting them in the upright position at the corner of coffin(case). Geungang river basin type can be divided into the midstream region type and the downstream region type. The iron ingots in the Geungang river downstream region shows the characteristics that their burials at the central part of the grace or beside the feet are proportionally high, and their thickness is very large in comparison the iron ingots in other regions. It could be known that the period of the typical ingots’ appearing in Hoseo region was the second half of the third century, which was also similar in Yeongnam region or in the Honam region. However, ita is judged that in the contrary to this appearance of iron ingot around the Korean peninsular almost at the same time, the deployment of the iron ingots afterwards was different by the regions. Just the existence of iron ingots of Hoseo region was not confirmed coming into the period before and after the 6th century, which is supposed that it should be understood in the relation with central power of the Baekje, considering that the iron instrument were the important products of the country. Further it could be known that the uses of the iron ingots were not restricted to only one. The original use of iron ingots has been as the intermediate material, but, due to this character of intermediate material they also had been used as the currency for barter exchange. And it is supposed that the symbolistic character of bixie had appeared due to the own character of the iron together with the value as the currency.

      • KCI등재

        百濟熊津城城郭築造過程에 대한 硏究

        김대영(Gim Dae Young) 한국고대학회 2017 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.52

        웅진성의 성벽에 관련된 기록은 성왕4년(526)에 수리와 관련된 기록이 처음으로 확인된다. 이 기록으로 보면 웅진성은 성왕4년 이전에 이미 축조되어 있었기에 526년에 수리가 이루어진 것으로 볼 수 있는데, 다만 웅진성을 언제 쌓았는지에 대한 정확한 기록은 발견되지 않는다. 웅진으로 천도한 이후의 축조나 수즙과 관련된 기사를 살펴보면, 천도 초반의 기사에서는 宮室과 관련된 기사가 우선적으로 확인되며, 성왕 4년(526)조에 보이는 웅진성 修葺기사가 확인되기 전에는 웅진성 이라는 명칭이 기록에서 확인되지않는다. 그러나 웅진성에 대한 수즙 기사 이후에는 웅진성이나 웅천성 등의 명칭이 문헌에서 확인되고 있다. 한편 최근 공산성 성벽에 대한 발굴조사가 성안마을 지역과 동쪽 토성지, 그리고 서쪽 공산정 부근에서 부분적으로진행되었다. 조사결과 공산성의 백제시대 성벽은 능선상의 고지대에서는 대부분 편축의 석축 성벽이조사된 반면, 공산성내 저지대인 성안마을 지역에서는 협축의 성벽과 더불어 백제시대 문화층이 2차례 걸쳐서 조성된 것으로 확인되었다. 그리고 능선상에 축조된 편축의 성벽에서는 그 기저부나 판축부에서 백제시대 토기편과 기와편이 일부 수습되었다. 이와 같은 자료를 종합적으로 검토해 보면 웅진성인 공산성의 성벽은 웅진천도 직후 성안마을 지역과 영은사 주변 등 저지대에 먼저 축성되었으며, 이후 백제왕실은 성벽보다는 궁실의 중수에 우선적으로 신경을 쓴 것으로판단된다. 그리고 궁실의 중수와 더불어 주변 교통로에 대한 방어성을 축성하고 어느 정도 국가 체제가 갖추어진 성왕 4년(526)에 이르러 웅진성의 전체 성곽을 완성한 것으로 판단된다. While there is no disagreement that Gongsanseong castle was named Woongjinseong castle in the Baekje period, there are differing views on the status and construction of the castle. The reason is, although Gongsanseong castle was from the Baekje period, Gongju was still considered an important center of local administration even after the fall of Baekje, which kept Gongsanseong castle functioning. The first identified record regarding the walls of Woongjinseong castle is about its repair in the fourth year of King Seong (526 A.D.), the 26th king of Baekje. According to this record, Gongsanseong castle was built before the fourth year of King Seong, and the repair was made in 526 A.D. However, there is no exact record of when Gongsanseong castle was built. Within records concerning construction or repair after the transfer of the capital to Woongjin, mentions of the royal chamber are identified during the early stage of the transfer, while the name of Woongjinseong castle is not found until the record concerning the repair of Woongjinseong castle in the fourth year of King Seong (526 A.D.). After the year of this record, however, the names of Woongjinseong castle or Woongcheonseong castle are found in the literature. On the other hand, recent excavations of the Gongsanseong castle walls were carried out partially in the Seongan village area, the East Toseongji area, and the West Gongsanjeong area. According to the results of this survey, the Baekje period walls of the Gongsanseong castle were mostly single-sided stone walls in the highlands of the ridge, while the Baekje period cultural layer was found to be built twice with double-sided stone walls in the Seongan village area of the lowlands. Also, Baekje period pottery and tiles were recovered from the basement and plate shafts of the one-sided wall built on the ridge. A comprehensive review of such data reveals that the walls of Woongjinseong castle were built first in the lowlands, in the areas of the Seongan village and the Yeongunsa temple, immediately after the transfer of the capital, and it is believed that the Baekje royal family paid more attention to the repair of the royal chamber than the walls. Along with the repair of the royal chamber, it seems that the double and triple layers of the defense castle for the surrounding traffic routes were constructed before the walls of Woongjinseong castle were built later in the fourth year of the King Seong, when the country’s system was established to some extent.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부여 관북리 유적의 변천과정과 사비도성의 전개

        김대영 ( Gim¸ Dae-young ) 백제학회 2020 백제학보 Vol.0 No.34

        본고는 백제 사비기 왕궁과 관련된 시설로 주목되고 있는 부여 관북리 유적의 단계별 변화 양상을 대단위 성토층과 유적의 성격이 변화되는 시점을 기준으로 크게 3단계로 분류한 뒤, 유적의 단계별 변화모습과 여기서 도출되는 사비도성의 전개과정을 살펴보고자 하였다. 관북리 유적의 1단계는 관북리 일대에 대단위 성토행위가 진행되기 이전으로 이 시기에는 자연지형에 맞춰 도성 내 공간구분이 이루어졌던 것으로 판단된다. 관북리 유적은 중앙부의 자연곡부를 중심으로 동남쪽과 서남쪽으로 능선이 갈라져 내려오는데, 이러한 지형에 맞춰 동남쪽으로 흘러내리는 능선에는 생산과 관련된 유구, 서남쪽으로 흘러내리는 능선에는 저장과 관련된 유구들이 분포하고 있다. 2단계는 관북리 일대 지역에 1차 성토가 진행되며 관북리 유적 ‘라’지구를 중심으로 기와기단건물지가 조성되는 시기로 기와기단건물군과 장방형구덩이, 석곽고 등의 유구가 확인되며, 이 시기부터 관북리 일대 지역이 사비도성의 중심권역으로 부상되기 시작하였다. 3단계는 1차 성토된 구간의 상면으로 부분적인 성토가 진행되거나 그 외 지역에 2차 성토가 진행되는 시점으로 대형전각건물지와 담장터 등의 유구가 조성되는 시기이다. 익산 왕궁리 유적에도 유사한 형태의 대형건물지가 조성되며, 이 단계의 유적은 『三國史記』무왕 31년(630)조의 사비 궁궐 중수기사와 관련되는 것으로 판단된다. 사비천도 초기에 보이는 관북리 일대의 모습은 지형별로 공간이 구획되어 있어 계획적인 공간배치 모습을 보이나 유구의 성격이 왕궁과 같은 중심권역 보다는 이를 지원해주는 공간으로서의 성격을 가지고 있는 것으로 보인다. 최근 조사성과를 살펴보면 사비천도 초기의 중심권역은 관북리 일대보다는 그 동쪽의 쌍북리 일원에 해당될 가능성이 높다. 그러나 관북리 2단계 이후 관북리 일대가 도성 내 중심지로 부각되면서 그 남쪽의 정림사지나 궁남지 등 부여시가지 일대 평탄지가 대단위로 재개발되는 모습이 확인되는데, 이는 도성 내 공간 확장을 위하여 저지대를 중심으로 개발을 진행하면서 나타나는 현상으로 이러한 재개발이 진행되면서 현재 사비도성의 모습이 완성되었다. Sabi Capital was the last capital of the Baekjae Dynasty. It had maintained as the center of the Baekjae's history for 120 years after transferring the Capital in Sabi, now Buyeo. Thus, there are so many sites related in the Castles, royal palaces, tombs, temples of Baekjae. but the controversy over the location has continued so far. Among the remains identified in the Buyeo area, the most notable site is Gwanbuk-ri site that associated with the royal palace. In this paper, we are going to classified the stepwise change aspects of the Gwanbuk-ri site into three phases by the large-scale embankment layer and the time of site's character transition. Through this process, we will investigate the transitions in this sites and development process of Sabi Capital on this basis. The first phase of Gwanbuk-ri site was before the large-scale embankment process was carried out in this area. and it is considered that the space in the area was divided according to the natural landscape. The topography around Gwanbuk-ri site divides the ridges of the southeast and southwest, centering on the natural curves of Buso Mountain. In accordance with this topography, the remains related in production are located in the ridge that flows southeastward. and related in storage are located in the ridge that flows southwestward. The second phase is when the roof-tile foundation building site was built around the 'la' district of Gwanbuk-ri site after the first large-scale embankment process was completed. It is identified with the group of the roof-tile foundation buildings, rectangular pits, storage and so on. from this period, the area around Gwanbuk-ri may have emerged as the central area of Sabi Capital. The third phase is the large-scale buildings, fences, and etc. were constructed on theupper side of the central building group in the second phase after the partial embankment process. Also, a similar type of large-scale building site was constructed at the Wanggung-ri site in Iksan. this phase is associated with the reconstruction article of the 31st year of King Mu's reign on 『三國史記』 Also From the early and mid 7th century, which is on the third phase of the Gwanbuk-ri site, It is confirmed that flat land on southward of the royal palace was redeveloped to the large scale land, This phenomenon is caused by the development of low-lying areas to expand the space in the capital. Through this process, Sabi capital had completed that now we recognize.

      • KCI등재

        부소산성 성벽의 변천과정 연구

        김대영 ( Gim Dae Young ),최지원 ( Choi Ji Won ) 백제학회 2022 백제학보 Vol.- No.42

        Busosanseong Fortress located in central northern part of Sabi which is the last capital of Baekje Dynasty is important to understand the history of the Baekje Sabi period. In this article, the transition process of rampart in Busosan mountain over time was reviewed upon classifying the investigation periods of the rampart by the step and summarizing the similarities among the periods. The result revealed that some rules had been applied by the step when constructing the rampart. Rampart 1 surrounding over Busosan mountain can be divided by four steps. In Step 1 as the first rampart construction in the mountain, neat rammed earth and 130cm apart wooden poles on average are found. Within the rampart together with Naewhando, the drainage is circled side by side with the rampart. In Step 2, stones or clay roof tiles are supplemented to the rampart of Step 1. The interval between wooden poles seems to tend to widen a little bit compared to that in Step 1. From Step 3 in the unified Silla period, the unorganized rampart with rammed earth is constructed, and stonework is added in the lower body of external wall in the section overlapped with Rampart 3 in the mountain. After Step 3, mounding and covering in Goryeo and Joseon dynasties are found where additional wall was constructed once again in the unified Silla and the wall was overlapped with Rampart 4 in the mountain. Rampart 2 in Busosan mountain surrounding the peak area of Sajaroo passed three steps of the construction. In the step 1, rampart with rammed earth was constructed but not a neat way compared to the rammed earth in Rampart 1. In the step 2, lower slope of this rampart was cut and stone rampart was constructed. In the step 3, the stone poles were added in front of the existing rampart, which did not pile the wall as had done in the step 2 nor use rectangular stones. In step 1 of Rampart 3 surrounding plane area of the southern mountain, rampart with rammed earth was constructed as seen in the step 3 of Rampart 1 and lower part of the external wall was closed with stone poles. In the step 2 mainly found in the northern and eastern parts of the military warehouse area, the rampart was supplemented with mounding by the upper part of the existing rampart or rammed earth again. Step 3 was the covered layer in Goryeo and Joseon dynasties. In Rampart 3 over the military warehouse area, the rampart was used with mounding on the upper part of the wall in the sections with the existing rampart of the prior periods and the rampart was constructed with stone poles externally and rammed earth internally in the sections without the existing rampart.

      • KCI등재

        백제 후기 벽주건물지 유형과 전개

        김대영(Dae-Young Gim),조운득(Un-Deuk Jo) 한국고고학회 2024 한국고고학보 Vol.- No.130

        본고에서는 백제 후기(웅진・사비기) 중심지로서 벽주건물지가 주로 확인되고 있는 공주・부여・익산지역의 건물지 현황을 파악하고 구조를 살펴본 뒤, 개별 유형을 설정하여 각 유형별, 지역별 분포 현황과 통계적 분석을 통해 유의미한 속성을 도출하고 이를 바탕으로 각 유형별 건물지의 형태와 기능의 변화 양상을 살펴보았다. 벽주건물지 형식은 크게 3가지 유형과 특수형으로 구분하였으며, 공주지역에서는 정지산과 공산성 등 핵심유적에 집중 분포하고 있다. 정지산과 공산성에서 벽주건물지는 건물지 배치에 분명한 계획성과 유형별 위계 차이가 있는 것으로 판단되며, 이들 핵심 유적을 제외한 지역은 여전히 수혈건물이 사용되었다. 부여지역에서 초기 유적이 위치하고 있는 부소산 남동쪽 쌍북리 일대에는 벽주(벽식)건물지와 가구식 굴립주건물이 주로 위치하고 있으며, 부소산 남서쪽의 관북리 일대에는 가구식 초석건물의 비중이 높게 확인된다. 각 유형의 벽주건물지의 변화상을 살펴봤을 때 1유형은 건물지 외곽으로 4개의 돌출된 기둥이 벽에서 점차 멀어지는 경향성을 보이며, 어미기둥(동지주)의 경우 이른 시기에는 명확하게 위치하다가 점차 확인되지 않는다. 2-1유형은 구가 단절된 부분이 보이지 않는 형태에서 구가 단절되고 출입구가 명확해지는 모습을 보인다. 2-2유형은 웅진기에는 중요 건물로 사용되나 사비기에는 초석건물로 대체되어 그 수도 감소하고 크기도 작아진다. 3유형은 구조가 단순하여 평면형태보다는 기둥 설치 방식의 변화상이 관찰되는데 A-가와 A-나 형식이 이른 시기부터 확인되며, A-마 형식이 가장 늦은 것으로 확인되었다. This paper examines the current state and structures of the building sites in Gongju, Buyeo, and Iksan, the central areas of the late Baekje period (Ungjin and Sabi periods) where pillar-wall buildings are primarily found, and defines the individual types of walled buildings. The significant attributes of each building type are derived based on their distribution in each region and statistical analyses, upon which the changes in the form and function of each type of building site are examined. The walled building sites were categorized into three types and an additional special type. In Gongju, they were concentrated in key archaeological sites such as Jeongjisan and Gongsanseong Fortress. The pillar-wall buildings at Jeongjisan and Gongsanseong Fortress, where walls supported superstructures like roofs, were judged to have been clearly planned, displaying hierarchical differences in the layout of the building site. Meanwhile, pit-dwelling structures, created by digging the ground to form the floor and erecting pillars, were still used in areas other than these core sites. Regarding the Buyeo region, at Ssangbuk-ri, located southeast of Busosan Mountain, the earliest features were found to consist of pillar-wall buildings and ground or lifted floor buildings of the post-and-lintel construction style, erected by driving the bottoms of pillars into the ground. In contrast, the Gwanbuk-ri site, situated southwest of Busosan Mountain, seems to have been dominated by foundation stone buildings of the post-and-lintel construction style, erected by using flat and carved stones under pillars erected on the ground. Although this might be due to the spatial arrangement of buildings within the city, it was judged to more likely reflect architectural changes over time. Statistical analysis showed that pillar-wall buildings became increasingly formalized from the Ungjin period to the Sabi period, with the sizes of the first and second types being larger than the third type. In particular, Type 1 pillar-wall buildings were all square-shaped, and there was no significant difference in area from the Ungjin period to the Sabi period, making them the most formalized of all the types of pillar-wall buildings. Also, the area of the (elongated) rectangular pillar-wall buildings in the Gongju region was found to be significantly larger than that of the buildings in the Buyeo region. This difference is believed to be related to the fact that the elongated (rectangular) buildings from the Sabi period were in the form of foundation stone buildings of the post-and-lintel construction style. When examining the changes undergone by each type of pillar-wall building sites, Type 1 showed a tendency for the four protruding columns to gradually move away from the walls, and the oemi-gidoong (i.e. the pillar located in the center of the side wall), which had been clearly present in the early buildings, gradually disappeared. Type 2-1 initially featuring a whole-connected drain but began to deminstrate disconnection, with the doorway becoming more prominent. Type 2-2 was an important building type in the Ungjin period but began to be replaced by foundation stone buildings in the Sabi period, during which its number and size reduced. Type 3 was simple in terms of structure, and evidenced changes in the method of column erection, rather than the plane shape. A-I and A-II were identified from the earliest period, and the A-V types were identified in the latest period. Through a comprehensive review of the distribution and size of the buildings, it is possible to propose that the changes in the nature of the building sites would have proceeded differently for each type, with the Type 1 buildings continuously used as important buildings such as national facilities from the Ungjin period to the Sabi period. It is inferred that the function of the third type changed, and they were used for general residential purposes, except for a few cases.

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