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      • 궁체시의 오락적 기능에 관한 연구

        권혁석 중국어문학회 2000 中國語文學誌 Vol.7 No.-

        文學主要有功利性和娛樂性兩大功能, 而中國古代文學向來大抵着重在其功利性, 那是因爲文學自從漢代以來受到了儒家思想的深刻影響. 在這種功利主義所支配的文學環境中, 宮體詩是與之相反地極度追求娛樂功能的一種文學. 本稿着力探討了宮體詩具有的那種娛樂功能. 宮體詩是在梁朝蕭綱任太子的中大通3年(公元531年)左右流行於東宮的一種新詩體. 卽, 所謂 $lt;文體旣別$gt; · $lt;止乎임席之間, 思極閨위之內$gt; · $lt;淸辭巧制, 雕琢蔓藻$gt; 的, 是風格輕○的絶情詩. 那些詩作大都是響應當時王族和貴族文人的娛樂需要的作品, 故自然是主要追求文學的娛樂功能的體裁. 而這類作品大都收錄在徐陵的詩選集 《玉台新詠》, 竝由而得以流傳到現在. 中國古代詩歌從建安詩期開始有了大幅度的發展, 經過魏晋南北朝, 再到了唐代, 完成了一種具有新的內容和形式的詩體. 在這種詩歌的演變發展歷史中, 宮體詩決不只具有消極的一面, 也有發展革新的成分在里面. 卽, 宮體詩確實使得中國古代詩人從功利主義的과臼中擺脫出來, 開始將詩人的視線轉向了詩歌的娛樂功能, 這是具有積極意義的. 這種宮體詩之所以誕生, 當然有許多因素所促使的, 不過我們可以說, 唱導者蕭綱的文學關点從中起了最大的作用. 他從世人向來將以 $lt;文學$gt; 和 $lt;立身$gt; 爲一元的關点中擺脫出來, 提出了 $lt;立身先須謹重, 文章且須放蕩$gt; 的二元論的關点. 這可以說, 對於當時詩歌過於偏重在功利主義的錯誤傾向, 有着有所糾正的積極作用. 從那以後, 因爲以李白 · 杜甫爲頂点的唐代詩歌又再過於講求詩歌的功利性, 所以詩歌中的娛樂功能又逐漸不再那마受到重視了. 不過, 詩歌的娛樂功能本來不是可或缺的, 因此, 在那種娛樂功能的恢復過程中誕生了一種新體裁的詩歌, 也就是中唐以後才開始落在文人手中而到了晩唐 · 五代才正式完成體裁的 $lt;詞$gt; . 《花間集》是中國最早的文人詞選集, 《花間集》就從某種角度而言, 具有與六朝的 《玉台新詠》相等地位. 雖然其 $lt;詩$gt; 與 $lt;詞$gt; 的體制大不一樣, 但其功能過是一樣的. 花間詞以前的詩人都只從 $lt;詩$gt; 中講求其娛樂性和功利性, 但詩人在花間詞誕生以後就轉從 $lt;詞$gt; 中講求其娛樂性. 由而 $lt;詩$gt; 與 $lt;詞$gt; 就有了不同的功能和專屬領域, 而 $lt;詞$gt; 也在詩歌史上和 $lt;詩$gt; 分庭抗禮, 有了竝行的發展. 就這一点而言, 花間詞顯然繼承了宮體時的傳統. 文學創作是決不可偏廢功利性和娛樂性中的任何一面的. 文學就像 $lt;糖衣錠說$gt; , 看似相對立的兩者要有適度地折衷和和諧, 才能成爲好作品.

      • KCI등재

        서릉(徐陵) 시가의 궁체시적(宮體詩的) 성격에 관한 연구

        권혁석 영남중국어문학회 2021 중국어문학 Vol.- No.86

        Until now, Xu Ling has been known as the representative writer of Palace Style Poetry. This is because he worked with Xiao Gang, the representative writer of Palace Style Poetry, and also compiled “Yu Tai Xin Yong” to expand the appearance of Palace Style Poetry according to the purpose of Xiao Gang. The name Palace Style Poetry was never originated from Xu Ling, and the period of Xiao Gang centered creation of Palace Style Poetry was also short throughout its life. In addition, his strong character, which is handed down in his biography, does not fit with the representative writer of Palace Style Poetry with amorous content. And his literary perspective, which values both the substance of the content and the beauty of the form, does not fit with Palace Style Poetry of poor content. The contents of his poems vary widely. Although there are also works of amorous content, which is typical of Palace Style Poetry, there are also poems of various contents, including Frontier Poetry, Scenery Poetry, and Farewell Poetry, it has the closest form of modern style poetry compared to other poets of its time. In conclusion, Xu Ling's poem contains the formal characteristics of Palace Style Poetry rather than the content characteristics of Palace Style Poetry, and the content is also far from the amorous content of Gungche City, which are the focus of criticism. Xu Ling is not a typical poet of Palace Style Poetry, and even if Xu Ling's poems are included in Palace Style Poetry, his poems are a pioneer of modern style poetry, which is the literary significance of Xu Ling's poetry.

      • 《玉臺新詠》과《花間集》의 비교 연구

        權赫錫 충주대 2001 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        是南朝梁徐陵所編的詩歌選集, 而 <花間集> 是後蜀趙崇祚所編的詞選集. 所以從兩本選集可以看到誇歌體裁上的不同, 就是誇和詞的不同. 但在幾個方面上, 例如選集的題目和序文, 所收的作品內容, 音樂和形式, 兩本選集是復類似的. 本論文就是爲了從兩本選集之間的不同之點中栽到共通特色進行硏究的. 通過硏究, 可以知到如下的事實. : <玉臺新詠> 所收的詩歌與宋代詩詞的區別明確之後的誇不同, 反而與 <花間集> 所收的詞俱有相似的性格. 所以, 目前我們進行硏究詞的起源的時候, 必須對詩詞分立以前的詩歌十分關注.

      • 顔延之의 〈庭誥〉에 나타난 가정교육

        권혁석 한국교통대학교 2014 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.49 No.-

        魏晉南北朝時期是中國曆史上戰亂頻繁分裂的時代, 在門第觀念的影響下, 以世家大族爲單位的家庭教育取得了長足發展. 魏晉南北朝形成了中國古代家訓作品創作的第一個高峰, 士大夫家訓作品衆多, 其中出現不少家訓名篇. 顔延之是南朝特別東晉到劉宋文壇的巨頭, 他爲元嘉三大家之一, 也與謝靈運竝稱顔謝, 和陶淵明情好甚厚. 他擅長散文, 而且在當時的詩壇上聲望更高. 顔延之好酒疏誕, 一生狂放不羈, 屢犯權要, 不能斟酌當世. 但是他對於子弟的訓戒比較嚴謹. 〈庭誥〉就是用以告誡子孫的家訓文章. 〈庭誥〉可謂顔延之文學的代表作. 也是將作者的人生體驗, 人生感悟, 以長者的口吻, 夾敘夾議, 訴諸筆端, 語言平易周詳, 說理深入淺出. 〈庭誥〉作爲魏晉南北朝家訓文學的傑出代表, 具有一定的思想價值, 文學價值和文化價值. 〈庭誥〉裏的訓戒可分爲幾些項目如下. 卽是修身和對人觀, 孝悌, 交友, 貧富觀, 用事和用人. 中國中古時期可稱亂世期, 在〈庭誥〉裏, 我們可看到亂世期士人對於他子弟的訓戒. 我們應當吸取其合理的部分, 進而我們可以找到當代所希望的家庭敎育模型. 因爲要想使我們的孩子在家有所敎, 則必須對傳統家訓進行必要的改造以使其適應社會的發展.

      • KCI등재후보

        『老子』에서 謙讓 읽기

        권혁석 한국중국언어문화연구회 2010 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.24

        『Lao-zi』is equivalent to the Bible in Taoism. This book describes chaotic circumstances during the Spring and Autumn Period. The themes in the book can be understood in various manners depending on difference of perspective such as Non-action, No Desire, Selfless, Emptiness, Simple and Unadorned, Frugal, Loving,Kenosis, Weak, Feminine, Infant, Indisputable and Private as Selfless. This paper has been written based on the perspective that 『Lao-zi』was released as one solution to get over the chaos of the Spring and Autumn Period. Based on this point of view,this paper has chosen ‘modesty’ as the topic of 『Lao-zi』. Modesty could be the most effective means to overcome the chaotic era which was created by selfishness and competition. The modesty in 『Lao-zi』can be divided into three stages. First,it is a posture stage. Specifically, it is a stage of eliminating selfish mind, which is a prerequisite to practice modesty. For example, Non-action, No Desire, Selfless,Emptiness, Simple and Unadorned, Frugal and Loving are associated with this stage. Second, it is a stage regarding the relationship with others. Specifically, we lower ourselves before others, which is the basic step of modesty. For example, Kenosis,Weak, Feminine and Infant are included in this stage. Third, it is a stage of social utility. In other words, we develop and grow together with others. Indisputable and Private as Selfless are included in this stage. After all, it is modesty to remove selfish mind, lower ourselves to others and finally develop together with others. Modesty in 『Lao-zi』is prescription on individualism which was widespread during the Spring and Autumn Period. Therefore, modesty could be one solution to build an ideal society in which all people live in perfect harmony.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고대동요의 언어적 특성

        권혁석 영남중국어문학회 2002 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.40

        古代童謠也應該是有音樂性文學, 而且其音樂性比文學性更强. 在古代童謠收集與記錄以前, ??們己經是口頭傳承的歌曲了. 但是, 流傳到現在的古代童謠有歌辭, 沒有曲譜, 所以關於古代童謠的硏究, 我們不可避免地採取了偏重一面的態度. 關於音樂方面的硏究, 因爲沒留下的曲譜, 實不加能. 在這方面, 本論文也不例外. 但是, 在這論文上, 我試圖通過對歌辭的硏究去探索那些音樂諸方面的問題. 試圖揭示古代童謠的某些實質. 古代童謠與現代童謠最大的差異就在於其歌辭的內容. 現代童謠大多表現兒童們純眞無垢和天眞爛漫的感情, 而古代童謠的內容則大多以預言爲主. 也就是說, 古代童謠, 但看其內容, 我們흔不容易認出是兒童們的歌謠. 古代童謠是口頭文學, 所以以聲音爲主, 由此, 在歌辭方面, 構有以下一些特色. 首先, 不少的歌辭在相似的聲音之間, 互相通用, 其次, 常用雙關語. 雙關語就是利用同音字或近音字的諧音法. 童謠在口頭上唱的時候, 其意義흔難指實, 一般有表面的與隱含的意思. 用雙關語的例子흔多, 不勝枚擧. 古代童謠大都有預言性和象懲性, 瞭解較難. 可是, 영一方面, ??又有簡易性的特色. 對其簡易性, 說明如下. 首先, 用平凡的語詞. 第二, 刻書具體的形象. 例如動物與植物, 可以흔容易看到的周圍事物. 那些語詞幷非抽象的或觀念的. 第三, 用比較簡單的修辭法. 例如對比法·反復法·設問法·誇張法等等. 最後, 古代童謠大部分帶有易於背誦·傳唱的短小特色和篇幅. 卽一首童謠只有一句的不少的, 絶對多數都是四句以下. 영外, 還有用較容易的字的特色, 這些特色都可以看做是其簡易性的表現. 古代童謠근現代童謠的最大差距就在是否有預言的內容. 再說, 明代以前的童謠大都具有預言性. 由此, 其預言性使童謠的歌辭具有神秘性. 而且, 其神秘性幷不顯露, 由此産生了其謎語性, 把預言神秘化. 試擧衆所周知的<後漢獻帝初京都童謠>爲例, 「千里草, 何靑靑. 十日卜, 不得生.」 這短小的歌辭里, 由折字·謎語·文字遊戱·雙關語等等. 在歌辭上, 古代童謠大體上與此相類. 歌辭的這個特色근童謠具有的娛樂性關係흔密切. 對於具有這個特色的童謠, 兒童們更感興趣. 綜上所述, 古代童謠的歌辭在個體上雖然比較容易, 可是在整體上却又흔難瞭解其意味. 其內容的預言性使我們難以看透童謠, 但是, 在其體制和歌辭上, 又鮮明地具有童謠的特色. 因此, 我們不可不說古代童謠還是童謠.

      • KCI등재

        ≪옥대신영(玉臺新詠)≫에 나타난 중고(中古)시기 여성의 형상 2 -외모와 화장을 중심으로-

        권혁석 영남중국어문학회 2016 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.72

        Heroines from ≪New Songs from the Jade Terrace≫ had following physical characteristics : smooth and lily-white skin, a slim waist that seemed cannot even keep clothes and accessories steady, delicate limbs, slender hands, sideburns like wing of a cicada, black and long slender eyebrows, cherry lips with white and even teeth, and acting charming with a dimpled face. Above those characteristics, they put makeup on, so that the common aesthetic consciousness of that period could be given shape more clearly. The base of face makeup was white powder, and also the red powder was added to emphasize feminine beauty. For the eye brow, Sometimes they made a thick shape and sometimes made a long and thin shape like tentacle of a the silk moth. They put yellow rouge as the shape of stars or moon on their forehead and put solid orange rouge on their lips, colored them deeply, so that lips could show off their healthy and beauty. As covering clothes with scent, they added feminine attraction by using perfumes such as Di Xiang(狄香), orchid, musk, et cetera.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : ≪옥대신영(玉臺新詠)≫에 나타난 중고시기 여성의 형상 -의복 수식(首飾)과 장신구를 중심으로-

        권혁석 영남중국어문학회 2015 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.69

        The purpose of this thesis is to reconstruct women``s figure in certain time, through the poetry in ≪Yu Tai Xin Yong≫. ≪Yu Tai Xin Yong≫ is a collection of Chinese poetry which maily dealed with women``s lives. Clothing, hairstyle, hair ornaments(首飾) and accessories are also a part of their figure. First of all, among 667 poems in the book, certain poems related with those subjects were selected. Furthermore, research data about each category helped to analyze women``s figure in the poems. According to the book, reconstitution of typical women``s figure in The Middle Ages[中古] is as follows: A soft and thin silk was the most common fabric. There were clothing such as Ru(□), Shan(衫), Gui(□), Pao(袍), Pa Fu(□複), Liang Dang(□□), et ceteta. Ru(□) was usually short. Such as head kerchief, shawl, scarf, towel, handkerchief and so forth were essential costumes. Socks and shoes made of silk were preferred, and clogs with high heel was popular. Straps, that was used to gather clothes up, not only was high quality pres many wishes of love. Also people in this period already concerned about fragrance of clothing. In this period, it was very common to make fabric or clothing smell fragrant by using tumeric scent(鬱金香), potpourri scent(百花香) and so on. In the area of hair style, bun(□) was most common. Among many kinds of bun, high bun(雲□, 高□) or Wo Duo-bun(倭墮□) was in vogue at the time. There were two main types of ornamental hairpin: Zan(簪), Chai(釵). The material was gold, jade, green jadeite, Imbricate tortoise shell(玳瑁) and etc. They also usually used Bu Yao(步搖) as a kind of ornamental hairpin. There were also other accessories with jewels such as gold or pearl and ect.: the necklace, the bracelet, the ring, the jade wearings(佩玉).

      • KCI등재

        중고시기 부부애정시 연구

        권혁석 한국중국어문학회 2008 中國文學 Vol.57 No.-

        夫妻是家庭的中心, 家庭又是構成社會的基本要素, 所以爲了國家健康的發展, 其基礎就是家庭的發展. 換句話說, 夫妻琴瑟合鳴是家庭和睦的基礎, 進而成爲社會安定和國家堅實的基礎。 本文以中國中古時期夫妻愛情詩歌爲內容, 對如何解決目前不安定的夫妻關系進行了討論。 中古時期男女關系不平等, 男尊女卑, 以這種關系爲基礎一些文人 ?歌了自己與愛侶之間的的夫妻之情。 其作品分爲五類, 第一類是琴瑟相和之理的, 比如?含的<伉儷詩>和楊方的<合歡詩>, 第二類是相處悅樂之情的, 比如徐君?的<共內人夜坐守歲>和<初春携內人行戱>, 第三類是惜別相思之情的, 比如秦嘉夫妻之間的贈答 詩和徐?夫妻之間的贈答詩, 第四類是永別悼亡之情的, 比如潘岳的<悼亡詩>和江淹的 <悼室人>, 第五類是超越生死之情的, 比如<孔雀東南飛>.

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