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      • KCI등재

        화란(和蘭)의 농업구조와 연구동향

        권준국,주영희,조양희 한국국제농업개발학회 1992 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.4 No.2

        和蘭에서 入手한 農業關聯資料를 土臺로 農業構造, 유럽共同體와의 關係, 農業政策 및 重点硏究動向 等을 分析한 結果는 다음과 같았음. 가. 和蘭은 傳統的으로 輸出主導型 農業國으로 農産物의 60%를 輸出하고 東유럽의 市場開放으로 輸出需要는 漸增할 展望임. 나. 經濟活動人口中 農業勞動比率은 4.6%로 EC 平均値인 6.6%보다 낮으나 農業所得은 EC 12個國中 가장 높았음. 다. '91 農業人口比率은 3.7%(551千名)로 우리나라에 比해 낮으나 農畜産物生産額은 219億$로 우리나라(178億$)보다 23% 높았음. 라. 和蘭의 氣候條件은 低溫性要求作目에 適合하므로 穀類 ㏊當 收量은 우리나라의 2倍 水準임. 마. 韓國의 對和蘭農産物 輸出額은 39憶원, 輸入額은 409億원으로 370億원의 貿易逆調現壯임. 바. 主要農業硏究內溶은 農産物品質의 부가가치 向上과 生物防除 및 作物育種을 위한 遺傳子轉換 等이며 今後 重点硏究方向은 生態系保全農法임. This paper aims to investigate the agricultural structure and research trends in the Netherlands with the agricultural and research information data collected during the participation of the International Course on Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment held at Delft and Wageningen in the Netherlands from June 24 to August 8 in 1991. The Netherlands consists mainly of rural areas whose appearance has been determined to a major extent by human activity. In the course of time, agricultural activity created small scale landscapes with hedge-banks and marsh land grazing areas are an attractive by product of farming. The land form of the country is a very flat with only a few hills in the south and the east of the country. The agricultural industry comprises activity in the primary sector as arable farming, livestock farming and horticulture. Dutch agriculture has developed into one of the world's leading industries. Contributing factors have been the extensive know-how of farmers resulting from research, extension and education. Due to the high and constant quality of the products, Dutch market is easy of access to internal market of the European community.

      • 플라스틱하우스용 피복재의 광학 · 물리적 특성

        권준국,박동금,이재한,엄영철,최영하,박중춘 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2001 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        To compare to the optical and physical properties of covering materials for plastic greenhouse, EVA(ethylene vinyl acetate, 0.08 mm), polyorefine antifog (0.1 mm), fluoric (0.06 mm), diffused (0.15 mm),polyorefine antidrop (0.15 mm) and PET (polyethylene terephthalate, 0.5 m) films were used. Thesmall greenhouse (5.4 18.5 2.9 m, W L H) investigated during 3 years from 1997 to 1999. Aftercovering materials were used for greenhouse covering during 30 months, UV (300-400 nm) transmit-tancesof diffused film and PET were appeared from 25 to 26%, while those of fluoric film and theother films were 76% and from 63 to 67%. For PAR (photosynthetically active radiation, 400-700 nm), the transmittances of fluoric, antidrop, PET, antifog, EVA, and diffused film were 86.5%,80.5%, 76.3%, 75.5%, 74.1% and 61.9% respectively. The losses of PAR transmittance of EVAand theantidrop film during period between 7 days and 30 months were higher value 12% and lower value6% than any other film. Under the canopy of tomato plants, light intensities of the diffused film andthe antifog film were 2.5 times and 1.4 times higher than those of PET. Tensile resistances of fluoricfilm at the break point were the higher than those of antifog film and diffused film. While impactresisitance of the antidrop film was the highest value, but the fluoric film was the lowest. Air temper-ature inside the greenhouse for the day showed to be changed the similar light transmittance of thefilms. But the increasing order of air temperature for the night was PET, fluoric, antidrop, diffused,antifog and EVA film. Especially, air temperature in the PET was 4oC higher than that in the EVA.Solar radiations of the fluoric film, the antidrop film, PET and antifog film in the greenhouse were32%, 15%, 11% and 4% higher than those of PET. However, those of the diffused film was 7% lessthan PET.

      • KCI등재

        호주의 농업생산 , 무역 및 연구동향

        권준국,주영희,장안철 한국국제농업개발학회 1995 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.7 No.2

        호주는 호주섬대륙과 태즈메니아섬 등으로 구성된 6개주의 聯合體이며 英國聯邦의 自治國으로 인구의 95%가 영국계이다. 국토면적의 54.6%가 초지, 6.4%가 가경지이며, 호당 耕地面積은 1,190㏊로서 대규모 粗放農業의 형태를 취하고 있다. 호주의 農業地帶는 地形에 따라 西部地帶, 中東低地, 東部山地로 대별되는데 서부지대는 건조한 花崗岩 및 사막지이고 열대권인 중동저지는 강수량이 풍부하여 과실, 벼 재배 및 양 사육지대이며, 동부산지는 대체로 토양이 비옥하여 牧畜業이 盛行되고 있다. 호주를 대표하는 집약작인 농업지대인 뉴사우스웨일즈 남서부, 빅토리아 북부, 남부오스트레일리아 동부지역은 대부분 灌漑施設을 이용해 耕種作物을 재배하고 있으나 강우량의 부족과 불안정으로 인한 鹽害發生으로 營農上의 制約을 안고 있다. 그러나 동부산지의 남북을 잇는 대분수산맥은 목축업을 가능케 하는 좋은 자연환경을 제공함으로서 오늘날의 畜産强國으로 발전할 수 있게 된 기반이 되었다. '92/'93농산물 총생산액은 225억불이었으며 이중 양모·양피가 27억불, 육류 61억불, 우유 23억불, 穀物·油料種子 49억불, 과실·채소·면화등이 62억불로 축산물 비중이 절반을 차지하였다. 한·호 교역규모는 점차 확대추세에 있으나 무역수지 적자 폭은 점차 확대되고 있으며 1993년 대호주 수입중 농축산물 수입은 26.8%를 차지했다. 대호주 농축산물 무역수지 赤字改善을 위해서는 우리농산물의 대호주 시상확대 방안이 절실히 요구되고 있으며 新鮮食品 및 가공식품분야에 있어 현지 판매력 강화를 위한 유통망 확보, 高附加價値 신상품개발, 包裝改善, 貯藏性 向上 및 原價節減, 현지 투자 등 다각적인 노력이 필요하리라 생각된다. '92년 호주의 科學産業硏究機構는 농업부문연구에 147.4백만불(농업총생산액의 1.4%)의 많은 연구예산을 持續的 농업생산기술개발, 고품질 농산물 생산 및 상품화, 농업생산성 향상을 통한 농업발전을 위해 투자하고 있으며, 한편 정부는 농업에 대한 규제완화로 세계시장에서 유리한 위치를 확보하는 동시에 생산자 가격안정프로그램, 가격 안정화 연합기금, 마켓팅서비스 등을 통해 생산자에 대한 간접지원을 확대하고 있고 교역정책에 있어서도 수출보조금 감축 또는 폐지 등으로 시장개방화에 적극 대응하고 있는바, 금후 이에 대한 더욱더 많은 조사연구가 요망된다. This study was carried out in order to give an insight of the trends of agricultural production, trade and research in Australia and the present condition of trade between Korea. The agricultural region of Australia is divided to three regions by natural features. Crop cultivation by irrigation and stock raising are performed mainly in Mideastern low land region and Eastern mountainous district. A salt harm by the shortage and instability of a rainfall effects disadvantageously on Australian agriculture. The gross agricultural output was 22.5 billion$ in 1992/1993; wool and roan(2.7 billion$), meat(6.1 billion$), milk(2.3 billion$), grain and oil seed(4.9 billion$), fruits, vegetables and cotton(6.26 billion$). The total imports of Korea from Australia was 3,346.685 million$, occupied 26.8% of agricultural products in 1993. Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organization(CSIRO) is composed of 6 institutes. Institute of animal production & processing and institute of plant production & processing under CSIRO are in charge of agricultural research and study for the high quality and diversification of livestock products, the development of sustainable agriculture technique and the improvement of agricultural productivity.

      • KCI등재

        이스라엘의 농업개관(農業槪觀)과 연구동향

        권준국,주영희,조양희 한국국제농업개발학회 1993 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        이스라엘에서 入手한 農業關聯資料를 土臺로 農業環境, 農業特徵, 貿易動向 및 硏究動向 等을 分析한 結果는 다음과 같았음. 가. 이스라엘은 劣惡한 土地資源과 旱魃의 被害가 極甚하나 農業硏究에 基礎를 둔 科學營農을 試圖하여 先進農業國에 進入하였음. 나. 農業環境은 地帶別로 氣候가 多樣하여 落葉果樹, 熱帶 및 亞熱帶作物 等이 栽培됨. 다. 經濟活動入口中 農業人口占有率은 3.4%로 우리나라의 20%, 水準이나 農家戶當 耕地面積 6.7㏊로 우리나라의 5倍 規模임. 라. 大規模集團農場은 田作物栽培에 注力하는 ◎面 小規模協同農場은 比較的 栽培技術이 要求되는 果樹, 果菜類 및 花卉栽培에 注力 마. 總貿易規模는 266.7億$이며 輸出에 比해 輸入이 많아 35.5億$의 逆調現狀이나 農畜産物은 1億$의 黑字國임. 바. 農業部傘下 볼카니센타는 7個 農業硏究所로 構成되며 主要實積은 交雜育成 토마토種子 開發로 70% 費用節減 및 輸出을 促進시켰으며 바이러스 退治 花卉 開發로 유럽市場을 席卷하고 点滴灌漑技法開發로 砂丘에 菜蔬栽培實用化. The present situation of agricultural production and research in Israel are reviewed and discussed. The country has various climatic conditions growing diverse crops including deciduous fruit trees and subtropical and tropical crops. Agricultural share of the gross domestic product has declined by about 3 to 4 percent every year since 1960, In 1990, agricultural employment of labor force was about 3.4% and agricultural sector of total exports was about 10%. In spite of poor land and shortage of water resources, they produce most agricultural products to meet self-sufficiency and export horticultural crops with high quality as well. This seems to come from an efficient production system based on scientific farming and advanced technology. A remarkable progress was achieved in agricultural research on the breeding of hybrid seeds for tomato, the production of virus-free flowers, and the development of fertigation system.

      • KCI등재

        태국(泰國)의 농업실태와 농촌개발전략

        권준국,주영희,조양희 한국국제농업개발학회 1993 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        This paper aims to analyze the agricultural structure and rural development strategies in the Kingdom of Thailand. Agriculture had long been an important sector of Thailand's national economic structure. It occupied 45% of total land, 67% of total labor force and 26% of total export although this sector contributed to 11.0% of the gross domestic product in 1990. Thailand's agriculture has many advantages such as favorable climatic conditions, vast and fertile soils, and cheap agricultural labor force compared with other countries', which had been main factors of the achievement of agricultural development over the past. In spite of continued agricultural progress, this sector has still many problems such as the poverty of farmers and income inequitability between urban and rural areas, low productivity, inappropriate land use, unstable market price, and shortage of agricultural credit. Improvement of agricultural productivity and continuous and strong government support are required to keep the high competitiveness of Thailand's agricultural products in the world market.

      • KCI등재

        Growth and Developmental Characteristics of Lettuce, Tomato and Melon Grown under Spectrum Conversion Greenhouse Films

        권준국,박경섭,최효길,이선이,Bekhzod Khoshimkhujaev,황미란,강남준 경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2013 농업생명과학연구 Vol.47 No.1

        This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of different spectrum conversion greenhouse films (red, blue, red+blue) to changing microclimate and subsequent effect on growth and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and melon (Cucumis melo L.) Transmission of PAR (photosynthetic active radiation, 400-700 nm) under red, blue, and blue+red (BR) films was higher by 7.2, 7.6, and 5.8%, respectively, as compared with control greenhouse film. Light transmission in the 300-1100 nm wave band was 91.6% and 91.3% under red and blue films, respectively, compared to 86.4% under control film. Mean daytime temperature in greenhouse was slightly higher in red and blue film and mean night time temperature was higher in BR film. There were no significant differences in relative humidity among the films. Number of leaves and plant fresh weight of lettuce were higher under BR film. Total number of marketable tomato fruits was greater under blue and BR film and fruit weight was heavier under red and blue film compared to control film. Under BR and red film melon fruit weight was increased by 140 g and 80 g respectively, as compared to control film. Sugar content in melon and tomato fruits was not affected by covering films.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 과실 생산 수출입동향 및 경쟁력 제고방안

        권준국 한국국제농업개발학회 1995 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.7 No.1

        일본의 과수主産地의 農業環境에 있어, 年平均氣溫은 사과 주산지인 東北地方의 경우 우리나라보다 낮으나 기타 과실류 주산지는 높은 경향이며, 降水量은 우리보다 대체로 많고 월별 고른 분포를 보여 유리하나, 日照時數는 사과, 배 주산지의 경우 우리나라보다 연간 약 900∼1,000시간 적다. 또한 과수주산지의 토양은 주로 화산회토, 산악지토인데 비해 우리나라는 충적토, 퇴적토 및 적황색토이다. 주요 과실류의 생산량은 사과의 경우 년간 100만톤 내외(우리의 약 1.7배), 배 40∼45만톤(2.5배), 감귤 200∼230만톤(3.5배), 감은 25∼30만톤 (2배), 매실 8∼10만톤(11배)정도이며 자급율은 '91년 약 60%이나 점차 저하추세이다. 戶當平均 果樹經營規模는 0.4㏊로 우리나라의 0.6㏊보다 작은 수준이며, 소득에 있어 사과는 우리와 비슷하나 배나 감귤은 우리보다 높다. 또한 10a당 사과의 노동시간은 우리나라가 약 1.4배 높다. 과수분야 試驗硏究機關은 중앙의 1개기관과 지방의 84개기관(그중 과수전담기관 13기관)에서 과수에 관한 시험연구를 수행하고 있고, 과수분야 硏究人力은 중앙에 100명, 지방에 600∼700명이 있으며 1人當 硏究項目數는 중앙 3.5항목, 지방 4.3항목으로 우리보다 훨씬 많은 수준이다. 일본의 주요 과실輸出量은 年間 사과가 15∼20천톤, 배 6∼8천톤, 감귤 10∼12천톤으로 배는 우리나라에 비해 3배, 감귤은 8∼9배정도 많으며, 주요 수입 과실로는 매실로서 년간 25∼30천톤 수입하고 있으며 감귤은 최근 수입량이 증가추세에 있다. 과실의 競爭力은 품질면에서 優位에 있는 반면 가격면에서 국내도매가격은 우리보다 높으나, 수출시 관세와 수출부대비용의 과다소요로 오히려 불리한 실정이다. 따라서 우리나라 과실의 경쟁력 제고를 위해서는 생산비 및 부대비용의 경감, 수출단지 조성 및 안정생산공급 체계화, 대외홍보 강화에 의한 해외시장개척 및 수출시장 다변화, 전문수출업체육성 및 지원강화, 과실류의 연구에 대한 투자강화 등이 선행되어야 할 것이다. This study aims to investigate the trends of production and trade, the present conditions of management and marketing and competitive power for fruits in Japan, and to project Japanese situations to Korea's. Japan produces fruits : approximately 1,000 thousand tonnes of apple, 400 thousand tonnes of pear, 2,000 thousand tonnes of citrus fruits, 250 thousand tonnes of persimmon and 100 thousand tonnes of plum. Of them, 20 thousand tonnes of apple, 7 thousand tonnes of pear and 12 thousand tonnes of citrus fruits are exported every year. Average orchard farm has 0.4 hectare, which is smaller than that of Korea. There are one national and 84 prefectural research institutions for fruits in Japan and the number of research projects per capita is 3.5. Competitive power in fruits of Korea is superior to Japanese, especially in quility, though price-wise competitive power is inferior because of higher costs related to customs and exportation.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 국제농업기술협력동향

        권준국,주영희,장안철 한국국제농업개발학회 1996 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.8 No.1

        日本의 國際農業技術協力動向을 파악코자 國際農林水産業硏究센타(JIRCAS)를 방문하여 蒐集한 資料를 토대로 分析결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 國際農林水産業硏究센타(JIRCAS)는 日本의 集約的인 協力硏究와 國際社會참여를 고조시키고자 '93.10月 설립 2. JIRCAS의 總人力은 165名의 硏究員과 行政要員으로 構戚되며 이 中 41名은 Okinawa 亞熱帶試驗場에 40여명은 海外파견 3. '94 회계년도의 JIRCAS 총예산은 198億원이며 이중 試驗事業費는 全體예산 34%인 68億원이며 시험사업비 배분율은 國際共同硏究와 海外파견이 73%이며 Okinawa 특정과제비 17%, 연구교류, 자료수집비 순임 4. JIRCAS의 重點推進硏究內容은 生物多樣化 지속과 遺傳資源 및 環境保全을 위한 地球課題 遂行이며 원활한 課題推進을 위해 農業, 林業 및 水産業 전문가들이 共同 참여 5. JIRCAS는 국제농업연구협력단(CGIAR)傘下 18個 國際硏究機關中 國際米作 硏究所(IRRI) 등 11個 機關과 共同硏究 推進 This paper aims to investigate the agricultural research trends in the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences(JIRCAS) with the agricultural research information data collected from the JIRCAS on Feb. 1996. JIRCAS has a current staff of 165 including research scientists & administrators & total expenditure is 2,645,216thousands of Yen in which operating costs are 1,735,894thousands of Yen & research promotion costs are 909,322thousands of Yen respectively. JIRCAS serves as a base of Japan's contribution to international agricultural research & development of technology in response to the many changes in the world situation. JIRCAS is committed to contributing to the sustainable developement of agriculture, forestry & fisheries on a global scale in harmony with the preservation of the environment and ultimately to the welfare of the international community. JIRCAS is engaged in research collaboration with 11 of the 18 organizations of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research).

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