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        영어·IT와 관광·컨벤션영어의 융합교육과정 개발

        박상수(Sangsoo Park),권선희(Sunhee Kwon),김수환(Soohwan Kim),정희태(Heetae Chung) 한국영미어문학회 2009 영미어문학 Vol.- No.92

        The aim of this research is to develop a converged curriculum for students who major either in English and Information Technology or English and Tourism/Convention simultaneously. The converged curriculum is to put into operation by the Division of English, Pusan University of Foreign Studies. This curriculum is designed to promote the mutual understanding of regular academic subjects and works in the integrated majoring course of English & Information Technology and Tourism/Convention & English in the Division of English. Given the 21st century that is featured by information technology society and tertiary service industry such as convention and tourism without national barriers among countries, university students should prepare for their future life in the global age as a glocalized(=globalized and localized) expert who can challenge to dynamic future environments with competency and creativity. Therefore, departments concerned in the university should provide students with a curriculum which can lead the spirit of time and can meet the demand of industry in the real circumstances. To complete the feasible and practical curriculum for students who will work for information technology, convention, tourism or knowledge industry after graduation, it is presupposed that the course of study ought to fully reflect the demand of relevant regional industries and harmoniously consist of subject whose theoretical contents automatically reduced into practice in the field work. In this respect, the curriculum proposed here will satisfy the need of related students and industries.

      • KCI등재

        ICT 산업 연구개발투자의 효율성 및 생산성 분석

        조윤기(Yunki Cho),권선희(Sunhee Kwon) 한국자료분석학회 2022 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 비모수적 추정방법인 DEA와 Malmquist 생산성지수를 통해 ICT 산업의 연구개발투자의 효율성과 생산성 변화를 측정하여 ICT 산업의 경쟁력을 확인하고자 하였다. R&D투자의 효율성을 측정하기 위해 사용된 산출변수로는 매출액과 부가가치를 사용하였으며 투입변수로는 연구개발투자의 시차를 고려한 R&D스톡과 상근상당인력기준 연구인력수를 사용하였다. 실증분석결과, ICT 산업 R&D투자의 효율성은 0.391로 낮게 나타났으며 반도체부품업과 인쇄회로기판 및 전자부품 실장기판부품업이 1로서 가장 높은 효율성을 보이고 있는 반면 영상기기와 통신 및 방송기기업, 그리고 패키지 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업은 효율성지수가 10% 이하로 낮은 효율성을 나타냈다. 그리고 ICT 산업의 평균 Malmquist 생산성지수는 0.934로서 매년 평균 6.6%의 연구개발투자의 생산성이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 총요소생산성의 변화의 요인을 분석한 결과 기술진보는 매년 평균 1.4%로 증가한데 반해 기술적 효율성은 8%씩 하락한 것으로 나타나 ICT 산업의 총요소생산성 감소는 전적으로 기술효율성에 의한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 연구개발투자의 생산성과 생산성변화 요인이 세부업종별로 상이하게 나타나 향후 ICT 산업의 연구개발투자의 생산성이 지속적으로 개선되기 위해서는 산업별 생산성변화 요인을 고려한 차별화된 전략이 요구된다. This paper measured R&D investments efficiency and total factor productivity(TFP) of ICT industries reflecting the time lag of R&D investments and R&D stock as a input, and decomposed the sources of total factor productivity change into technical change and technical efficiency change by the non-parametric Malmquist productivity index. The results of this study are as follows. First, efficiency scores of ICT industries are 39%, and Manufacture of semiconductor components and bare printed circuit boards and loading of electronic components onto PCB showed highest efficiencies. Second, total factor productivity decreased 6.6% annually. But manufacture of semiconductor components and bare printed circuit boards and loading of electronic components onto PCB, and system and package software publishing showed productivity increase, and technical progress contributed to TFP increase. Third, technical efficiency did much for TFP decrease of ICT industries. Technical progress, however, reduced the extent of TFP decrease.

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