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      • 동계 진해 마산해역의 중금속

        곽희상,이종화,Kwak, Hi-Sang,Lee, Jong Wha 한국해양학회 1975 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.10 No.1

        A survey was conducted to determine the concentrations of six heavy metals, namely Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg and Cd, in the sea water off Jinhae and Masan during January and February, 1974. The contents of Fe, Cu and Zn were the highest in Masan Bay, and decreased in order of Haengam Bay, Ungcheon area and Ungdong area. The Fe concentrations showed significant differences particulary in Masan Bay by depth. All of these characteristic would contribute to the assumption that the pollution might have originated from Masan. Pb contents varied in the range of 1.0-7.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l, but Haengam water contained the lowest concentrations of all areas surveyed. The contents of Hg and Cd showed 0.1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/l through survey regions respectively.

      • 가을철 영일만해수중의 식물성플랭크톤 색소량과 그 분포

        곽희상,이경노,Kwak, Hi-Sang,Lee, Kyung-Ro 한국해양학회 1977 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        무기물에서 유기물을 생산하는 곳으로서 뿐만 아니라 인류의 마지막 식량공급처로서의 해양에 대한 기초생산의 중요성이 날로 높아져 국제인도양조사때나 Kuroshio해역조사때 생산력이 측정되었고 북서태평양(Sorokin and Koblentz-Miskke; 1958, Ichimura and Saijo; 1959, Saijo and Ichimura; 1960, Aruga and Monsi; 1962, 천촌;1963), 인도네시아 주변해역(Doty et al;1963)등에서도 기초생산이 측정된 바 있다. 일본의 주요 9개만에서는 월별측정(송평 등;1964)이 되었다. 우리 나라 연안에서는 최와 정(1966)이 $C^{14}$를 이용하여 광합성량을 측청하였고 Kang(1967) 은 수영만에서 계절별로 산소소모에 의한 광합성량을 측정했다.다.

      • 가을철 영일만 해수중의 철분량과 그 분포

        곽희상,Kwak, Hi-Sang 한국해양학회 1977 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        우리 나라 주변해역에서 해수중의 중금속류조사 실적을 살펴보면 원과 박(1970)이 완도 김밭에서 수질ㅇ르 조사할 때 soluble iron을 조사했고, 이 등(1969)이 인천, 여수, 군산, 한산도, 강릉 등지의 수질을 조사할 때 구리의 함량을 조사한 일이 있다. 그러나 본격적으로 중금속류를 조사한 것은 김과 원(1974)이 수영만의 해수와 해조류 에서 구리, 수은, 납, 카드뮴을 조사한 것이 최초이며, 그 후 곽과 이(1975)가 진산 마산해역에서 겨울철에 해수중의 전철분, 구리, 아연, 납, 수은, 카드뮴의 분포를 조사했고, 원등(1976)이 울산만의 해수중에서 수은, 카드뮴, 구리, 납, 아연의 농도분포를 조사한 것이 전부다. 영일만의 조사로는 최와 정(1966)의 $C^{14}$법에 의한 생산력 측정과 최(1967)의 식물성플랭크톤분류, 홍 등(1971)과 황 등(1972)의 일반해양학적조사, 한 등(1974 a,b,1975)의 수질조사 그리고 곽(1976)이 가을철에 일반해양학적 특징을 조사한 일이 있을 뿐이다. 이와 같이 철분에 대한 자세한 조사가 우리 주변해역에서는 없었으므로 가을철에 영일만내 해수중의 각종 철분량을 조사하여 그 분포양상을 보고한다.다.

      • 가을철 영일만수괴의 일반해양학적 특성

        곽희상,Kwak, Hi-Sang 한국해양학회 1976 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        Some factors of seawater such as water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and asturation of dissolved oxygen were determined in 5 meters intervals from surface to bottom at 11 stations in Yeongil Bay of Korea during late October 1973. Distribution pattern of water masses in Yeongil Bay during the period seemed to be heterogeneous as dividing into two parts of surface and bottom. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and saturation of dissolved oxygen of surface water mass showed higher values and salinity of the mass showed lower values than those factors of bottom water mass. Surface water mass might be originated from Tsushima current during summer season and bottom water mass from cold body of East Sea of Korea which seemed to extend to coastal zone during winter season. Land water discharge from Hyeongsan River into the Bay is considered as a minor factor playing slight role in the water mass composition of the area.

      • 여름철 한국 연안해수중의 중금속 함량

        이광우,곽희상,이수형,이동수,Lee, Kwang Woo,Kwak, Hi-Sang,Lee, Soo Hyung,Lee, Dong Soo 한국해양학회 1979 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        In order to investigate water quality of coastal waters, samples were collected from the six coastal areas of Korean peninsula during summer of 1977, and analyzed for Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed no significant heavy metal pollution in most parts of the studied areas in comparison with results of other countries in literature. However, strong possibility of some specific heavy metal pollution is shown in the specific areas, such as Cu and Pb in the Sea off Cunsan, Pb in Kwangyang Bay and Cd and Pb in Ulsan Bay.

      • 여름철 한국 연안해수중의 영양염 함량

        이광우,곽희상,이수형,이동수,Lee, Kwang Woo,Kwak, Hi-Sang,Lee, Soo Hyung,Lee, Dong Soo 한국해양학회 1978 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.13 No.2

        General water quality parameters were measured, as a base-line study, for possible water pollution problems in the coastal waters of some important harbors and near-sea industrial complexes all around coastal zones of Korea from June 1 to October 15, 1977. The areas surveyed were near Mugho-Samcheog, Ulsan, Jinhae-Masan, Yeosu-Gwangyang, Mogpo, Gunsan and Incheon. Among the surveyed coastal areas, the Ulsan and the Jinhae-Masan areas showed high levels of dissolved oxygen, pH, COD and nutrients. Particularly, the surface waters of the Ulsan inner bay represented COD 15.6mg/l and NO$\sub$2/-N 110$\mu\textrm{g}$/l. The surface layer of the Masan bay displayed pH 8.92 and NO$\sub$3/-N 372$\mu\textrm{g}$/l, while 309$\mu\textrm{g}$/l of PO$\sub$4/-P was recorded in the surface of the Haengam bay. In general it is shown that some coastal areas are presenting signs of pollution from man's activities.

      • 의암땜 하류수역의 철분량과 그 분포

        최상,곽희상,Choe, Sang,Kwak, Hi-Sang 한국해양학회 1970 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.5 No.2

        Concentrations of the total, dissolved and particulate iron in waters of Lake Eui-Am have been determined spectrophotometrically on August 14, 1970. O-phenanthroline was the reagent used. Iron contents of the lake water were varied by the station and depth. Analyses showed variations in the total iron ranging from 238 to 2,643 ${\mu}$g/l (mean value 1,028${\mu}$g/l); the dissolved iron varied from 34.5 to 137.7 ${\mu}$g/l (mean value 83.0${\mu}$g/l), and the particulate iron varied from 179 to 2,544 ${\mu}$g/l (mean value 943 ${\mu}$g/l). Three forms of iron tend to increase with depth. This is believed that the suspended matter plays an important role in regulating of iron contents in summer season.

      • KCI등재

        남해산 및 서해산 참굴(Crassostrea gigas) 종패의 상호 이식 후의 성장

        정종락,곽희상 한국수산학회 1970 한국수산과학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        우리 나라 남해산 참굴과 서해산 참굴의 형태학적 특성이 단순한 생태학적 요소에 기인하는지 또는 유전학적 요소에 근거를 두고 있는지를 규명하는 한 방도로 1968년 중에 채묘된 남해 해역의 통영 예천 그리고 고홍산 굴씨와 서해 해역의 충남 간월도산 굴씨를 1969련 5월 중에 각 산지간에 상호 교환 이식하여 해수 유통이 잘 되는 플라스틱 바구니에 담아 간조선 1시간 이내의 지점에다 설치한 간이 수하식 시설에 항상 해수에 담기는 위치에 매단 후 월 2회에 걸쳐 굴씨의 성장 측정과 해수 및 공기의 온도 그리고 염분 측정을 시행하였다. 조기분과 후기분 굴씨의 성장은 시초에는 후기분보다 17∼240% 컸던 조기분 글씨가 성장과 더불어 후기분과의 차이를 점점 좁혀 1차년도 성장이 끝날 무렵인 12월까지는 5∼20%선까지 좁혀졌다. 서해역 간월도산 굴씨의 서해와 남해 해역에서의 성장은 남해산 굴씨에 비해 훨씬 뒤떨어지고 있으며 이는 비록 동일한 species에 속하는 참굴이기는 하나 다른 race에 속함을 시사하고 있다. 남해만 굴씨의 성장은 장소를 불문코 대동소이하며 이는 이들이 동일한 품종에 속한다는 통상 관측을 확인하는 것으로 설명할 수 있다. 월 2회에 걸쳐 얻어진 온도와 염도 변화에 의하면 우기 중 육수의 혼합으로 인한 해수 염도의 저하나 온도 변화가 굴의 산란으로부터 굴 치패의 부착 과정을 심하게 저해하는 정도에 달하지는 않은 것같다. 그러나 굴의 산란기 전후와 굴 치패의 부착 기간 중의 집약적인 측정 자료가 없으므로 이 결과는 4개소의 해양조건의 대체적인 성격을 표시하는 제한된 자료에 지나지 않는다. As an attempt to determine if the morphological differences between the southern and western oysters are due simply to the local ecological factors or are based on their fundamental genetic nature, oyster seeds produced in 1968 at Tong-Young, Ye-Chun, and Ko-Hung on the south coast and at Kan-Wol-Do on the west coast were cross-transplanted during May of 1969 to compare their growth. The spats were placed in plastic baskets which permitted free water flow through and the baskets hung from a wooden rack located at a tidal zone of less than I hour exposure at a depth chosen to keep the baskets submerged in water at all times. Twice a month the growth of the spats were measured along with the air and water temperature and salinity. The early summer spats, which were 17-240% larger, in size, than the late summer spats at the time of cross-transplantation, grew more slowly than the late summer spats when exposed to identical environmental conditions, shortening the initial gap to a 5-20% level as the first year of the growth phase came to an end in December. The growth of the Kan-Wol-Do spats lagged considerably behind the southern spats at all localities tested, whereas there were no significant differences among the latter groups. This suggests that the morphological differences between southern and western Pacific oysters in Korea are a manifestation of genetic variety and that Pacific oysters cultured along the south coast are of an identical variety as they are commonly believed to be. The seasonal changes in temperature and salinity even during rainy season in both the southern and western coastal areas are well within the range suitable for successful spawning, and spat fall. However, since the results were based on twice-a-month measurements with no data covering the critical period before and after spawning, they can only serve to indicate at best the general pattern of changes in the environmental conditions of each growing area.

      • KCI등재후보

        영랑호의 (永郞湖) 환경학적 (環境學的) 연구

        이진환,곽희상 ( Jin Hwan Lee,Hi Sang Kwak ) 한국하천호수학회 1987 생태와 환경 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study are not only to scrutinize the water quality due to environmental change but also to clarify the phytoplankton community in the Youngrang Lake. Firstly, environmental study have carried out from the surface and the bottom layer at five stations of this lake during the periods from June to August 1986. Water temperature ranged uniformly from 20.5℃ to 22.5 ℃ in the surface and that of bottom were low of 2.9-4.8 ℃ . Salinity was varied from 0.78‰ to 1.94‰ and it was thought that Youngrang Lake was changed from brackish lake to freshwater lake. Secchi disc transparency changed from 0.5 m to 1.0 m. Dissolved oxygem concentrations showed 6.1-9. 1 mg/l in the surface, but those of bottom were little or anoxic conditions. The pH value showed a great fluctuations due to the river discharge and decreased gradually by months. Especially surface pH were almost lower than those of bottom except station 1. The former was thought of depending the increasing of phytoplankton photosynthesis, but the latter was thought to effect H₂S reduction. Chlorophyll-α concentrations varied from 26.82 mg/m³ to 90.69 mg/m³ in the surface and from 14.30 mg/m³ to 51.75 mg/m³ in the bottom. It could be pointed out hypereutrophication lake from the viewpoint of the standard value of eutrophication by Yoshida (1973). Nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate concentrations have increased from year to year and also have kept water pollutions to be excessing of eutrophication.

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