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        논문(論文) : 자연에서 민족으로; 라인 신화의 탄생과 성장

        고유경 ( You Kyung Ko ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.106 No.-

        From Nature to Nation:the Myth of the Rhine Ko, You-kyung [Abstract] This paper explores the birth and the growth of the well-known national myth in 19th century Germany: the myth of the Rhine. It helps us to understand how nature has been used to build the national identity and how the invention of nation has affected the shaping of the national nature. From the early 19th century, the Rhine was found by the German Romantics as an ideal terrain in which to envision the sublime and the medieval revival. After the victory of Wars of Liberation in 1813, German nationalist intellectuals such as Ernst Moritz Arndt, author of Germany`s river, but not Germany`s Border, politicized the Romantic Rhine by re-imagining it as the fountain of German nationhood. This process was paralleled with the canalization of the Rhine, which was in itself a sign of the taming of nature of the modern nation-state. During the Rhine crisis of 1840, in which France renewed its claims to the Rhine river as their ``natural border``, German nationalists struggled against their ``hereditary enemy`` by composing patriotic Rhine-songs and by constructing national monuments such as Cologne cathedral. In this process, the Rhine was more and more identified with Germania, the goddess-like national symbol of Germany. The myth of the Rhine still remains at the heart of many people in Germany, even if it has lost its pre-war influence after 1945.

      • KCI우수등재

        문화에서 자연으로 -독일 자연의 벗(Naturfreunde) 1905-1933-

        고유경 ( You Kyung Ko ) 한국서양사학회 2003 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.76

        This paper examines a socialist origin of the German environmental movement. The history of the ‘Naturfreunde(friends of nature)’ before 1933 provides an informative example. Founded in Vienna in 1895 and active in Germany since 1905, the organization succeeded in making nature accessible to the working class by giving travel and recreational facilities. Its activities were aimed at getting workers to beautiful natural settings, at awakening their love of nature and at imparting to them knowledge about nature and culture. After the war and the revolution the Naturfreunde experienced a considerable influx like the other cultural organizations of the German labor movement. But in the emphasis on a contact with nature it had also in common with the bourgeois youth and life-reform movement. However, the practice of ‘Soziales Wandern(social hiking)’, which was to teach workers to understand the landscape in its social configurations, distinguished it from its bourgeois counterpart. The ‘collectivist’ aspect of Soziales Wandern gave it a proletarian character, it denied strongly the principle of ‘competition’ of the bourgeois sports. In this sense, the Naturfreunde played a key role between the workers’ culture and the bourgeois youth and life-reform movement. The influence of the latter stimulated a special consciousness of nature, so that the organization developed not only large scale of environmental education, but also campaigns against environmental disruption. Parallel with the rise of the modern industrialized society and of commercial tourism the Naturfreunde developed a professional commitment to environment protection and had a major share in advancing the theory and practice of alternative forms of ecological tourism. After its re-building in 1949 the Naturfreunde perceives itself as a socially oriented environmental movement. Building on their century-old tradition, it is nowadays committed to the implementation of ‘sustainable development’. (Ewha Womans’ University /koyouk@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        [독일] ‘트랜스내셔널 전환’과 독일사

        고유경(Ko, You-kyung) 역사학회 2011 역사학보 Vol.0 No.211

        This paper examines major achievements of the German history research in Korea during the last two years(2009~2010). The "transnational turn" of the recent historiography is also apparent by the studies of the German history: almost all fields of history, including migration, environment, memory studies, history education and urban history, show strong interests on phenomena beyond the boundaries of the nation-states. The 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall/German Unification 1989/1990 motivated studies on the processes of the German division and reunification as well as the everyday life during the cold war period. The arrival of the multi-cultural society in Korea arouses much interests on the experiences of migration in Germany. For many scholars, the coming to terms with the past and politics of memory in Germany are also attractive themes. Finally, rethinking of the modernization processes stimulates studies of religion, gender, generation, environment and urban history. The disproportionate emphasis on the contemporary history as well as main discourse of the German history centering on prussian-German empire are also noticeable. The time and space of the German history research needs to be expanded. For these purposes, transnational perspectives are and will be available.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        “자연을 자연이게 하라.”: 바이에른 숲 국립공원의 역사로 본 독일 환경주의

        고유경(Ko, You-kyung) 부산경남사학회 2020 역사와 경계 Vol.114 No.-

        이 논문은 독일 최초의 국립공원인 바이에른 숲을 사례로 독일 환경주의의 특징을 검토한다. 1970년이라는 뒤늦은 독일의 국립공원 탄생 시점은 독일 환경주의자들의 전통적 자연관, 곧 ‘손대지 않은 자연’에 대한 낭만적 감수성과 연관되어 있다. 중부 유럽에 미국식 ‘야성’이 존재하지 않는다는 사실은 19세기 말 이래 독일 환경운동이 국립공원 설립에 반대했던 가장 큰 이유였다. 따라서 바이에른 숲 국립공원은 냉전기에 관광업을 통해 ‘철의 장막’ 인근의 낙후된 지역경제를 부흥시키려는 바이에른 주 정부와 독일 환경운동사이의 타협으로 힘겹게 탄생했다. 이후 바이에른 숲 국립공원은 “자연을 자연이게 하라”는 표어 아래 숲의 생태를 보전하려 노력하고 있으며, 이는 인간의 손길로 다듬어진 ‘문화적 경관’을 선호하는 독일인들의 성향을 점차 바꾸었다. 이러한 변화는 자연보호와 관광이라는 상충하는 목적을 결합한 ‘자연관광’의 실천과 그에 대한 주민들의 반응에서도 읽을 수 있다. 바이에른 숲국립공원의 역사에서 나타나는 자연에 대한 인식 변화, 그리고 친환경적 생활방식의 실천은 1970년대부터 시작된 “생태학의 시대”의 특징이기도 하다. In the history of Germany"s long tradition of caring for nature, the year 1970 is regarded as the turning point toward the ‘age of ecology.’ Since then, ecological lifestyle has proliferated over German society. At that time, Germany"s first national park is established in the Bavarian forest near the Iron Curtain. The implementation of the national park idea started relatively late in this country. Initially approved of in context of regional planning, the national park eventually became a space where preservation and economic development acquired near equal status. The establishment of the Bavarian Forest National Park succeeded after a century-long process of consensus building between the conservationists, proponents and opponents. The national park"s motto, ‘let nature be nature,’ shows the desire of the German environmentalists who prefer to a policy of limited interference. During its fifty year"s existence, the Bavarian Forest National Park became a place where preservation acquired almost the same status as tourism and recreation. The value of the ‘untouched nature’ is now generally conceded despite of the traditional preference of the ‘cultural landscape’ in Germany.

      • KCI우수등재

        숲의 낭만에서 숲의 민족으로 -숲과 독일 정체성-

        고유경 ( Ko¸ You-kyung ) 한국서양사학회 2021 西洋史論 Vol.- No.148

        이 논문은 독일과 독일인을 특징짓는 ‘숲 애호(Waldgesinnung)’의 성립과 확산 계기들을 검토한다. ‘숲에 대한 독일 특유의 내적 친화성’으로 풀이될 수 있는 숲 애호는 19세기 초 독일 낭만주의 예술에서 탄생했으며, 1813-1815년의 해방전쟁을 통해 정치적 함의를 덧입게 되었다. ‘숲 낭만주의’는 독일 민족의 역사적 기원을 탐색하려는 노력과 결합했으며, 특히 토이토부르크 숲 전투와 그 영웅 헤르만의 기억을 통해 ‘숲 민족주의’로 발전했다. 19세기 중엽 문화사가 리일에 의해 학문적으로 정립된 숲과 독일의 동일시는 독일제국 시기에 지역과 세대와 계급의 경계를 넘어 확산됨으로써 독일의 내적 통일에 기여했다. 한편 나치의 ‘피와 땅’ 이념과의 연속성 문제와 관련하여, 이 논문은 독일 숲 담론의 인종주의가 최소한 1차 세계대전 이전 시기에는 주변부에 국한된 현상이었다는 입장을 취한다. This article investigates the connections between forests and concepts of nationhood during the long nineteenth century in Germany. Discourses about the ‘German forest’ as a source of national identity have their roots from the Romantic period. During the Wars of Liberation between 1813 and 1815, these discourses were given additional political implications and were combined with ideas about the origin of German history. Intellectuals and artists frequently found motifs of the German forest in the historical works of the ancient Roman writers, particularly in Tacitus’ Germania and Annals: the Battle of the Teutoburg. Ideas surrounding the country’s forests became a historical source of the German concept and cultural tenet of Waldgesinnung, which is best translated as ‘forest-mindedness’. The concept blossomed during the Second Empire and spread beyond the traditional boundaries of social classes and generations, and served as a symbolic band which tied the nation’s splintered history and society together. As a metaphor for the nation itself, the forest became an important element of German cultural landscapes. The German concept of forest-mindedness has often been held accountable for the rise of the Nazis’ blood and soil ideology, yet the racial element played only a marginal role within the forest discourse before the First World War. (Wonkwang University / koyouk@wku.ac.kr)

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        바이마르 시기의 민족주의 영화에 재현된 프리드리히 신화

        高裕卿(Ko You-Kyung) 역사교육연구회 2008 역사교육 Vol.107 No.-

        This paper examines the cultural representation of the national myth and its effects in modem Germany, The myth of Frederick the Second, who made Prussia as one of the leading states in Europe, is an appropriate example for the purpose. After the Napoleonic War, the Frederician myth was gradually solidified into national memory through the agency of political rituals, symbols, monuments and historical writings. Since 1895 the new media film played a key role in this process. During the Weimar Period, a series of the films about Frederick the Great, the so-called 'Fridericus rex films', helped to promote authoritarian, monarchical and militaristic values. Films like Fridericus rex(1922/23), Der alte Fritz(1927/28) and Das Flotenkonzert von Sanssouci(l930) portrayed Frederick the Great as a military genius and patriotic hero and gave lise to enthusiasm as well as protest. Under the guise of historical realism, these films provided metaphors for the contemporary crises after the First World War. With its triumphant images, the Fridericus films compensated for the humiliations of Versailles and the economic hardship. For the nationalist right, the films could suggest the possibility of the ideological campaigns and reactionary solutions. As many film critics commented, the transition from Republic to Nazism and its imperialist and racist risk would be able to realize under such circumstances.

      • KCI우수등재

        노동자문화운동의 목표를 둘러싼 바이마르 시기 독일 사민당과 공산당의 논쟁 - 아마추어 연극과 영화의 사례를 중심으로

        고유경(You Kyung Ko) 한국서양사학회 2001 西洋史論 Vol.68 No.1

        The period of Weimar Republic is regarded as the turning-point of the German `Arbeiterkulturbewegung.` During this time, the workers` cultural institutions and their range of activity expanded, but their social functions changed gradually. There are three reasons for this change. First, the SPD became the most important supporter of the new parliamentary state. Second, the German labor movement divided into two opponent parties. Finally, with the expansion of commercial mass media like film, the inner disintegration of the cultural labor movement began to take place. The SPD, who should appeal to all sections of the population, had to give up its prewar principle of `class education.` In spite of their socialist ideal, the social-democratic cultural theorists developed educational and cultural movement with a concept of `mass education,` so that the dualistic character of social-democratic cultural policy was inevitable. On the other hand, the KPD, who took a completely different stand toward the state, emphasized the role of culture as the `weapon of propaganda.` Possibilities and limits of the workers` amateur theater and film can be explained in this context. The political implement of `Sprechchor` made the SPD, which mostly denied `non-artistic` culture, into a critical attitude toward it. With the same reason, the social democrat developed ambivalent perspectives on film, while this new mass media with the communist `Agitproptheater` took a great part in the cultural policy of the KPD. In this process, the cultural aim of the German labor movement before 1933 swung between two poles of `education` and `propaganda.` (Ewha Womans University)

      • KCI등재

        이주사회의 역사교육

        高裕卿(Ko, You-Kyung) 역사교육연구회 2013 역사교육 Vol.128 No.-

        In the course of globalization Germany has taken a path that has made it a modern immigrant society with increasingly ethnic cultural diversity. With the introduction of a new immigration law of 2005, Germany has altered into an ‘immigration country.’ It has also changed the tasks of the history education, which had been centered mainly on the formation of the national identity since the 19th century. The ‘intercultural’ history education in Germany demands a new identity which includes the understanding and respect for the others, the ethnic and cultural minorities. This paper illustrates the efforts of the German history education, focusing on the experiences of the second and third generation of the turkish immigrants. Besides history textbooks, immigrant museums and in particular the History Competition of the Korber Foundation in Hamburg, plays key roles in illuminating the immigrant history. Scholars are also seeking for the intercultural history education by the selection of historical contents, by the presentation of multi-perspectivity, and by the development of the teaching and learning processes which do not exclude the minorities.

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