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      • KCI등재

        농촌지도사업의 다원화에 따른 공적 지도사업의 역할과 과제

        고순철 한국농촌지도학회 2020 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.27 No.2

        The agricultural extension services in Korea have been provided by the Rural Development Administration, a government organization, since 1962. This aims to explore the issues in pluralism of extension worldwide, and to suggest tasks needed to improve public extension in Korea. Based on the review of background, types and issues of pluralism of agricultural extension, the following tasks were suggested for the public extension in Korea; Firstly, need to identify the lessons from the other countries where the pluralism system has been adopted, Secondly, need to compile the inventory about the private extension agencies and to assess their capacities, Thirdly, need to assess the farmers’ satisfactory level on the services provided by public and private agencies, and the farmer’s willingness to pay, Finally, need to further discussions to promote the partnership between public and private extension agencies.

      • KCI등재

        쌀 브랜드에 대한 소비자 인식과 구매 행태

        고순철,권오박 한국농촌지도학회 2003 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.10 No.1

        Recently, rice producers and related institutions have started to brand rice to increase sale. Despite such trend and the significance of rice branding to many parties including policy makers, no previous research has studied the relationship between consumers' psychological and socio-economic factors that underline consumer choice and judgment of branded rice. This paper discusses the variables related to branding through a survey based on 242 convenience consumer samples selected in Seoul metropolitan area in Korea, and presents the results and their implication for future research. The major findings are: 1) Consumers are reasonably well aware of rice-branding practices, and the main source of such information is in-store displays and packages, 2) It appears that consumers in general choose a rice brand based mainly on its taste and nutrition, and 3) the perceived difference among rice brands differs depending on some consumer characteristics. The perceived differences among rice brands in taste and in nutrition are relatively high for brand-loyal consumers and high-income consumers respectively. The perceived difference among rice brands in brand reputation is also relatively high for young, low-income, and brand-loyal consumers.

      • 지역사회개발의 학문과 실천분야의 연계를 위한 이론적 탐색

        고순철 한국국제지역사회개발학회 1998 地域社會開發學術誌 Vol.8 No.2

        The rapid change of modern society have greatly influenced the theories and practices of worldwide community development. With the premise that the theory and practice of community development should be responded to the situational change, this paper reviewed point of views on major principles and approaches of community development in Korean context theoretically. For the balanced development between the theory and practice of community development in Korean context, such the essential requirements as development of theoretical topics responding to the community chahges, professional ethical code, workbook and retraining courses for the field workers and strength of experimental education should be explored in inter-disciplinary approaches.

      • KCI등재

        소집단의 특성요인과 성과인식에 관한 구조관계 분석 -라오스 새마을운동에서의 마을개발위원회 사례-

        고순철 한국농촌지도학회 2019 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper was done as an exploratory study aiming to identify the relationship between small group characteristic factors and perceived performance in the Village Development Committee (VDC) in Saemaul Undong project in Laos. The data were gathered from 166 members in 17 VDCs in Vientian province, however 135 questionnaires were used in analysis. Structure Equation Model was applied in the analysis with Amos 21. The major finding of this study were as follows; firstly decision making was more influenced by task cohesion than social cohesion, secondly organizational citizen behavior was influenced by both task cohesion and social cohesion. However, social cohesion had more influence than task cohesion, thirdly the VDC members learned their technical knowledge from decision-making process, and influenced to their perceived performance level and to VDC sustainablity, and fourthly in overall, committee members implemented their jobs based on task-oriented.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 지역사회개발의 개념과 접근과제

        고순철 한국농촌지도학회 2002 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.9 No.2

        Although the philosophy of sustainable community development does not give the cure-all solutions for the major problems faced in the communities, it is theoretically and practically recognized as a newly emerging paradigm toward community development theoretically and practically. However, more specific tasks and issues of sustainable community development remain unchallenged and descriptive statements. The main objective of this study was to find out the extensive community development practices through the review of current works in the area of sustainable community development indicator, local agenda 21 and the relative issues. The recommendations of this study were the following; 1)The sustainable community development indicators available in the community level should be selected. Also, how to integrate the objective condition and subjective perception in community development practices, and how to weigh the indicator item should be solved in order to compare and measure the implementation of community development works. 2)In relation to local agenda 21, how to secure the implementation mechanism is more important than the developing the local agenda 21. 3)The policies aimed to raise the residents awareness, formation of community field, create community social capitals, and define strategies to the selective community development programs should be considered to make the philosophy of sustainable community development active in the field level.

      • KCI등재

        농업마이스터 대학 개설 전공의 지역 적합성 연구 - 품목별 입지계수를 중심으로 -

        고순철 한국농·산업교육학회 2011 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.43 No.2

        The Agricultural Meister College have offered 85 majors for 27 crops in 32 campuses at the Provincial level since 2009. The college have been established to foster the most advanced farmers(so called Agricultural Meister) with high skills of farming technologies as well as managerial capacities in their farming crops. The purpose of this study was to examine the region-specific relevancy of the majors offered in agricultural meister college schemes. The location quotients(L.Q) was used to analyse the region-specific relevancy with the 2005 agricultural census survey data. A criterion that L.Q is higher than 1.0 was adopted to determine region-specific relevancy. The major findings were as follow; firstly, the region-specific relevancy of 73 majors analysed were different among the crops. (1) In field crops farming, region-specific relevancy among each majors offered were 100.0% for melon and potato, 83.3% for rice, 60.0% for strawberry, 50.0% for garlic, 40.0% for ginseng, 33.3% for pepper and water melon, 16.7% for mushroom and 0.0% for tomatoes. (2) In livestock, region-specific relevancy among each majors offered were 81.8% for korean cattle raising, 80.0% for pig raising and 0.0% for chicken raising when the L.Q was calculated with total farming households. (3) In fruits farming, region-specific relevancy among each majors offered were 100.0% for peach and persimmon, 60.0% for grapes, 50.0% for pear, and 33.3% for apples when the L.Q was calculated with total farming households. With the fruits farmers, however, relevancy were 100.0% for peach, pear, mandarine, and grapes, 33.3% for apples respectively. (4) Region-specific relevancy for the cutting-rose farming was in only one region among three(33.3%). Secondly, when the L.Q was calculated with the total farming households, L.Q were higher than 1.0 for the 35 majors among total 73(48.1%) and 50.0% with the specialized farming households. Finally, 63.6% of majors offered in Chung-nam, 62.5% in Gyung-nam, 60.0% in Geon-nam were regionally specified majors in highly order. However, the lowerest region was Geon-buk with 30.0%. Based on the finding, the following recommendations could be drawn for the related studies; firstly, it is highly recommended to know the backgrounds to offer the certain majors in each Provinces using other factors to determine the region-specific relevancy. Secondly, it is needed to analyse the L.Q at the lower administrative units than the Provinces. Finally, the executing agency of agricultural Meister College should develop and apply the criteria to decide offering and closing the majors. 이 연구는 농업마이스터 대학에서 개설하고 있는 품목별 전공의 지역 적합도를 알아보기 위한 목적으로 수행되었으며, 이를 위해 2005년도 농업총조사 자료를 이용하여 품목별 입지계수를 분석하였다. 이 연구의 결과로 나타난 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 당해 지역의 특정 품목을 재배하고 있는 절대 농가의 수가 차지하는 비중은 전국의 특정 품목을 재배하고 있는 농가의 비중을 감안한 입지계수는 비례 관계에 있지 않다. 둘째, 개설된 85개 품목 중 분석에 사용된 73개 품목의 입지계수의 비중은 픔목별로 차이를 보이고 있는데, 그 현황은 다음과 같았다. (1) 작물분야의 경우, 시설참외와 감자(100.0%), 수도작(83.3%), 시설딸기(60.0%), 마늘과 시설멜론(50.0%), 인삼(40.0%), 시설고추와 시설수박(33.3%), 버섯(16.7%), 시설토마토(0.0%)의 순으로 적공 적합도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. (2) 축산분야의 경우, 전체 농가를 기준으로 할 경우, 한우(81.8%), 양돈(80.0%), 양계(0.0%)의 순으로, 전업농가를 기준으로 할 경우, 한우(81.8%), 양돈(60.0%), 양계(0.0%)의 순으로 전공 적합도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. (3) 과수분야의 경우, 전체 농가를 기준으로 할 경우, 복숭아와 단감(100.0%), 포도(60.0%), 배(50.0%), 사과(33.3%)의 순으로, 전업농가를 기준으로 할 경우, 복숭아, 배, 감귤, 포도(100.0%), 사과(33.3%)의 순으로 전공 적합도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. (4) 절화장미는 전공을 개설하고 있는 3개 지역 1개 지역(33.3%)만 입지계수의 비중이 전국보다 높아 지역적합도가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 전체 전공의 개설 적합도는 전체 농가 기준으로는 48.1%, 전업농가 기준으로는 50.0% 정도로 나타났다. 그리고 지역별 전공 적합도는 전체 농가를 기준으로 충남 63.6%, 경남 62.5%, 전남 60.0%의 순으로 높고, 전북이 20.0%로 가장 낮았으며, 전업농가 기준으로는 충남 72.7%, 제주 66.7%의 순이고, 전북이 30.0%로 가장 낮게 나왔다. 향후 농업마이스터 대학에서 개설전공의 적합도를 확보하고, 그 운영의 파급성을 높이기 위해 (1) 현재의 전공을 각 도에서 개설하게 된 배경을 살펴볼 필요가 있고, (2) 입지계수를 시․군 단위로 세분화하여 분석할 필요가 있으며, (3) 전공개설 적합도를 입지계수 외에 개설 전공 품목의 가격추이, 부가가치율, 순 소득율, 생산의 차별성, 경쟁력 등의 측면에서 분석할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        품목별 농업인 연구모임의 발전방안

        고순철 ( Soon Chul Ko ),정인환 ( In Hwan Jung ) 한국농촌지도학회 2010 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.17 No.3

        The objective of this study is to suggest the developmental tasks for the successful fostering the Farmer`s Study Group which have been guided by the agricultural extension work since 1994 in Korea. The 3,278 farmers study groups with 148,420 memberships have been organized in field of grains, cash crop, horticulture, livestock, improving living conditions, food processing and so on. Although the number of study groups have rapidly expanded, there also are tasks to be secured for their successful development in terms of (a) desirable phase of the study groups and goals of its fostering, (b) managements/administration of them, (c) long-term tasks to be reviewed. With regard to the desirable phase of the study groups and goals of its fostering, they should secure differential mission and the way of works compare to the other farmer`s groups. Also, there should be consensus on the proper number of study groups to be fostered with a agricultural technical center at local level. With regard to the managements/administration of the study groups, there should be the different support, assistance and guidance according to the developmental level of the groups. For these, there should be evaluation works on the groups, and guidance manuals for the extension workers. Also extension works should facilitate the establishment of networks among groups over the counties. Finally, to establish the nationwide association in hierarchy and to make the cooperative works with similar farmer`s group, doing the value-added activities rather than mere information exchange, and the introduction of capacity building programs for the extension workers are long-term tasks needed to review for the successful fostering study groups.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 신 농촌개발운동 1단계 (2010-2015) 사업의 성과와 한계

        고순철(Soon chul Ko) 한국농촌지도학회 2016 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.23 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the accomplishments and problems of National Target Program on New Rural Development(NTP-NRD) of the Vietnam government during the 1st stage(2011-2015). Based on the literature review and interview, the following suggestions were drawn with related to 19 criteria and 39 indicators; 1) the relationship between the overall goal and 19 criteria as its measures seems to be inconsistence, so that the meet of the 19 criteria regarded as the goal of the NTP-NRD, 2) there was no measures for the communes, where met the requirement of 19 criteria early, 3) most indicators were output oriented, while outcome level were little, 4) it needed to adjust for the some indicators as the implementation unit from commune level to more wider spatial level.

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