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        대전광역시 노령화 지구의 공간적 분포 패턴

        정환영(Hwan Yeong Jeong),고상임(Sang Im Ko) 한국지역지리학회 2000 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 중부지역의 중심지로 발전하고 있는 대전광역시를 대상으로 노령화 지구의 공간적 분포 패턴을 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 노령화 지구는 대전광역시 CBD지역과 CBD인접지역, 그리고 주변지역간에 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내고 있으며, 그 분포에 있어서도 양극화 현상이 뚜렷함을 확인하였다. 그리고 인구감소지구는 노령화지구와 대체로 중복되어 있고, 비노령인구의 전출에 의하여 노령인구비율이 높아지고 있으며, 인구증가지구는 노령화 지구와 전혀 중복되어 나타나지 않고, 비노령인구의 전입에 의해 노령인구비율이 낮아지고 있다. 인구이동에 의한 노령인구의 증가여부를 확인하기 위하여 각 그룹별로 연령 코호트 분석방법을 이용하여 노령화 지구의 출현요인을 분석한 결과, 인구노령화의 진행은 인구의 사회적 증감률 변화와 매우 밀접하게 관련되어 있고, 특히 비노령인구의 전출에 의해 노령인구비율이 높아지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. CBD지역과 CBD인접지역을 포함한 중심시가지에서는 결혼, 새로운 주택취득에 의한 세대분리 등의 전출, 즉, 비노령인구의 전출이 인구노령화를 촉진하는 주요인이 되고 있고, 반면 주변지역에서는 비노령인구의 지구외로의 전출뿐 아니라 새롭게 노령인구로 편입되어져 가는 연령층 인구와 사망률의 저하에 따른 평균수명의 연장으로 인한 노령인구의 절대적 증대가 인구노령화를 촉진하는 요인으로 작용하고 있다. This study is to investigate and analyze regional patterns of aging in Taejeon Metropolitan city - the overpopulated area of ChoongCheong Province - by cohort analysis method. According to the population structure transition caused by rapid social and economic changes, Korea has made a rapid progress in population aging since 1970. This trend is so rapid that we should prepare for and cope with aging society. It is not only slow to cope with it in our society, but also there are few studies on population aging of the geographical field in Korea. The data of this study are the reports of Population and Housing Censuses in 1975 and 1985 and General Population and Housing Censuses with 10% sample survey in 1995 taken by National Statistical Office. The research method is to sample as the aging district the area with high aged population rate where the populations over 60 reside among total population during the years of 1975, 1985, 1995 and to sample the special districts of decreasing population where the population decreases very much and the special districts of increasing population in which the population increases greatly, presuming that the reason why aged population rate increases is that non-elderly population high in mobility moves out. It is then verified and ascertained whether it is true or not with cohort analysis method by age. Finally regional patterns in the city are found through the classification and modeling by type based on the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population, and the special districts of increasing population. The characteristics of the regional patterns show that there is social population transition and that non-elderly population moves out. The aging district with the high aged population rate is divided into high-level keeping-up type, relative falling type below the average of Taejeon city in aging progress, and relative rising type above the average of the city. This district can be found at both the central area of the city and the suburbs because Taejeon city has the characteristic of over-bounded city. But it cannot be found at the new built-up area with the in-migration of large population. The special districts of decreasing population where the population continues to decrease can be said to be the population doughnuts found at the CBD and its neighboring inner area. On the other hand, the special districts of increasing population where the population continues to increase are located at the new built-up area of the northern part in Taejeon city. The special districts of decreasing population are overlapping with the aging district and higher in aged population rate by the out-migration of non-elderly population. The special districts of increasing population are not overlapping with the aging district and lower in aged population rate by the in-migration of non-elderly population. To clarify the distribution map of the aging district, the special districts of decreasing and increasing population and the aging district are divided into four groups such as the special districts of decreasing population group - the same one as the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population group, the special districts of increasing population group, and the other district. With the cohort analysis method by age used to investigate the definite increase and decrease of aging population through population transition of each group, it is found that the progress of population aging is closely related to the social population fluctuation, especially that aged population rate is higher with the out-migration of non-elderly population. This is to explain each model of CBD, inner area, and the suburbs after modeling the aging district, the special districts of decreasing population, and the special districts of increasing population in Taejeon city. On the assumption that the city area is a concentric circle, it is possible to divide it into three areas such as CBD(A),

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