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        충남 연안의 경관생태적 지역발전 전략

        강대균 ( Tay-gyoon Kang ) 한국지형학회 2017 한국지형학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This article is written in the viewpoint of landscape ecological geography. The coast of South Chung-chong Province will make new characters of region in the development strategies program. This study is to describe geomorphological landscapes of South Chung-chong Province relating with it`s environment based on the coast. Although landforms constitute prominent landscape features as tidal flats and rock cliff do, it is nonetheless the features such as beaches, sanddunes, and coastal plains that have various ramifications for human communities. Tidal flats, beaches and coastal sanddunes are special in that their formation is attributable to the combined action of tidal flows, waves and winds. To some extent, the erosion of sand has been a global phenomenon. Human impact are involved. The influence of globalization and expansion of liberal trade appears in regions variously. Individual regions need to secure its competitiveness in the world market. Regions are not valueneutral abstract conception, but must be informal commercialized characters of region. The coast of South Chung-chong Province has experienced rapid and dramatic changes. In industrial times, the middle of west coast Korea turned into a major reclamation at larger scale. Reclaimed land was based on location of industry and mechanized agriculture. The west coast highway and bridges between island and land contributed to the development of west coast transportation. As information society matured, trend and value are changing. Environment and ecology emphasize and rediscover the value of tidal flats and sanddunes. The west coast region now receives attention as eco-tour and sustainable course.

      • KCI등재

        편마암과 한국의 지형발달

        강대균 ( Tay Gyoon Kang ) 한국지형학회 2015 한국지형학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        This study is to describe geomorphlogical landscapes of Southern Korea relating with it’s environment based on gneiss field survey and literature synthesis. This work is to review the gneiss landforms studies by Korean geographers. It is verified that geomorphlogical characteristics of gneiss present landscapes characterized by 1) in case of mountains, are difficultly and regularly weathered, so as to develop earthy forms; 2) in case of stream valley that is massif highland, high relief with colluvium. Korean peninsula have endured erodible geomorphlogical processes since Miocene when warping it up. Therefore many intermontane basins are located on the crossing tecto-lineament line areas which are surrounded by mountains composed of much less Precambrian gneiss complex. In fact, intermontane basin is mainly linear fault-line valley. All these facts owing to generalized superficial weathering and soil forming attitudes, vegetation on gneiss mountains and hills is dense. These features are related to predominance of mass-movement(mainly creep) over irregular topsoil and play an important role in maintaining slope regularity and ecological stability. Landscapes are sum of landform relating with rock weathering mode and soil, climate, water, vegetation, human activity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국의 화강암 지형에 대한 연구

        강대균 ( Tay Gyoon Kang ) 한국지형학회 2011 한국지형학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        한반도에서 화강암은 볼록한 석산과 오목하고 넓은 하곡과 같이 극단적인 형태의 지형을 발달시키는 이중성을 드러낸다. 화강암은 강한 암석이어서 산지를 형성한다. 화강암 산지는 험준하고 깎아지른 능선과 깊고 가파른 계곡을 형성하기도 하고 완만하고 부드러운 산세를 보이기도 한다. 풍화미지형은 토르와 타포니, 나마, 그루브, S자형암벽 등이 대표적이다. 선캄브리아기의 단단한 기반암으로 이루어진 한반도는 신생대 중신세 요곡융기 이후 각종 지형형성작용을 받았다. 그 결과 대하천 중·상류 구간에는 크고 작은 침식분지가 형성되었다고들 한다. 침식분지로 소개되는 곳은 대부분 단층선이 지나가는 골짜기이다. 지질구조선이 둘 또는 세 방향으로 교차하는 골짜기는 시야가 트여 있어 분지로 이해하기 쉬웠다. 폐쇄적이고 고립적 어감을 지닌 ``분지``라는 용어는 하천이 관류하지 않는 최상류 소규모 유역분지에 국한시켜 사용하는 것이 적절하다. 침식분지는 양구 펀치볼에서 그 전형을 보이는 바와 같이 접시를 닮았다. ``소위`` 침식분지의 경사급변점과 분지바닥을 이루는 충적지 사이 산록에는 완경사 지형면이 다양한 규모로 나타난다. 완만한 사면의 산록면에 대해서는 페디먼트, 주빙하성 사면퇴적물, 선상지, 하안단구 등 다양한 해석이 시도되었다. 한편 화강암이 심층풍화를 받으면 풍화층과 토양에 덮인 구릉성 산지와 평야를 형성하기도 한다. 심층풍화층은 규모가 작은 하천의 잦은 범람에도 쉽게 평탄화하는 성향을 보여 넓은 하곡과 평야를 발달시켰다. 한반도 서남부 해안지방은 해발고도가 낮고 기복이 작은 구릉지와 충적지가 넓게 펼쳐진다. 구릉지는 야산개발에 의해 밭 이외에 과수원, 목장, 임야로 이용된다. 하천 양안 충적지는 주로 논으로 이용된다. This work is to review the granite landforms studies by Korean geographers. It is verified that geomorphlogical characteristics of granite present landscapes characterized by 1) in case of mountains, are difficultly or irregularly weathered, so as to develop rocky forms such as domes, cliffs, and tors ; 2) in case of stream valley that is inter-massif lowland, low relief hills and flood plains with alluvium. All these facts owe to the difference of weathering mode granite properties. The granite hills and alluvial plains of southwestern coastal parts in Korean peninsula is low undulatory and large owing not only to the existence of highly weathered granitic regolith, but also to frequent flooding. Cultivated brownish field, orchard, meadow and forest are located at granite hills. On the other hand paddy rice field at granite alluvial plains. Korean peninsula have endured erodible geomorphlogical processes since Miocene when warping it up. Therefore many intermontane basins are located on the weathered granite areas which are surrounded by mountains composed of much less Precambrian gneiss complex. In fact, intermontane basin is mainly linear fault-line valley. The landforms of the intermontane basins are characterized by gentle piedmont slopes, alluvial fans, fluvial terraces and alluvial plains.

      • KCI등재

        수변 복원 시 식물종 다양성 증진을 위한 β-diversity 연구

        한영섭,김해란,한승주,정중규,이승혁,장래하,조규태,강대균,유영한,Han, Young-Sub,Kim, Hae-Ran,Han, Seung-Ju,Jeong, Jung-Kyu,Lee, Seung-Hyuk,Jang, Rae-Ha,Cho, Kyu-Tae,Kang, Tay-Gyoon,You, Young-Han 한국습지학회 2013 한국습지학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        식물종 다양성이 높은 하천변 복원을 위해 8개 하천 13지점에서 자연하천변 식물군락의 이질성을 ${\beta}$-diversity로 조사하였다. 그 결과, 하천에서 내륙으로 들어감에 따른 이질성의 평균값은 0.32이었다(0.23~0.37범위). 이 값은 식물군락의 종 구성이 6번 완전히 바뀌는 community turnover를 나타낸다. ${\beta}$-diversity는 섬진강, 한강, 낙동강, 금강 수계 간에 차이가 없었고, 각 수계 안에서 하천 유역은 하류(0.23)보다 상류(0.36)에서 더 높았다(p level<0.05). 환경요인과의 관계를 알아보기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과 ${\beta}$-diversity는 경사도에서 유의성이 나타났다. Belt-transect를 통해 나타난 종들과 ${\beta}$-diversity 값을 통해 하천변의 우점종 모식도를 그려보면 상류의 종조성은 6번 바뀌고, 하류의 종조성은 약 5번 바뀌었다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 하천 계획에 실질적으로 활용할 수 있는 식재 수종과 식재 패턴의 기초를 제시하였으며, 하천변 식물군락의 종 다양성을 높이기 위해서는 경사도를 높이는 것이 가장 중요하다. We have researched heterogeneity of naturalized river plant community by ${\beta}$-diversity for restoration of river community which has high diversity plant species. As a result the average of heterogeneity was 0.32(range 0.23~0.37) from the river to the inland. This value shows community turnover of species composition of plant communities 6 times. The ${\beta}$-diversity was no difference among water system of Seomjin river, Han river, Nakdong river and Geum river. The upper-river valley(0.36) was higher than lower-river valley(0.23) in each water system(p level<0.05). Multiple regressing analysis was used for look the relationship with Environmental factors as a result, it shows ${\beta}$-diversity significant on a slope. River mimetic diagram with dominant species that appear through Belt-transect painted. Dominant plant species turned 6 time in upper-river and turned about 5 time in lower-river. The result of this study suggested practical basis of planting species and planting pattern. To improve species diversity of river plant community, slope degree raise is the most important.

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