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        청과물 저장에 관한 연구(제3보) : 환경압력변화가 Tomato 과실의 저장에 미치는 영향에 대하여 Effects of the Storage of Tomato fruits by controlled atmospheric pressure

        김성달,최종욱,손태화 한국농화학회 1973 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.16 No.2

        1. Tomato variety used was Bogsu No. 2 and it was grown in field. Experiments were conducted in 1971 and 1972 to examine the changes of CO₂ product on in each growth-period and the contents of acid, sugar and vitamine C during storage. 2. By controlled atmosplueric pressure the effects of respirationreduction in tomato fruits were the most effective at 660 Torr. part. 3. CO₂ production of tomato fruits harvested at each growth-period was differently changed at each growth-period and CO₂ production in tomato fruit at the same maturity from the plant showed Sigmoid type. 4. CO₂ production of tomato fruits harvested at the same ripeness score was in influenced by controlled atmospheric pressure during growth period and CO₂ production was reduced at SAP part compared with NAP part during the full growth-period. 5. The change of weight in tomato fruits was decreased in NAP part than in SAP part during storage and contents of acid, sugar, and vitamine C showed the same tendency.

      • 土壤條件과 栽培時期의 差異가 韓國産 野生산파(Allium Schoenoprasum L.)의 初期 收量 및 品質에 미치는 影響

        韓相政,金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1979 연구논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        This study was performed to investigate the effects of the different soil condition and growing season on the early yields and quality of Wild Welsh Onion. Plants were digged out, harvest and observed in early stage when the plants were soft. 1) When cultured in Spring and Autumn the yield was the most highest in loam soil and next was in sand and clay soil. The yields were increased in Autumn than in Spring in three soil conditions. 2) Leaf and bulb contained the higher moisture content when cultured in loam soil. Crude fiber and ash were higher in sand. Crude protein, fat, total sugar and calorie were higher in clay condition while the quality of Wild Welsh Onion was poor. 3) The bulb of Wild Welsh Onion cultured in loam, sand and clay contained the higher calorid, crude protein, crude fiber, total sugar and reducing sugar contents when compared with leaf of Chinese chives. The content of protein in leaf and bulb of wild Welsh onion was higher than that of chinese chives when cultured in loam and clay.

      • 토마토果實의 貯藏에 따르는 Etyhlene의 生成과 物成의 變化

        金聲達 대구효성 가톨릭 대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        The ethylene production and changes of texture in tomato fruits during storage was investigated to study the softening of tomatoes. Climacteric maximum of respiration was on 5days and 12days after storage at 25℃ and 15℃, respectively. the ethylene production rate was similar to respiration pattern. The content of protopectin was decreased rapidly, while the content of WSP(water soluble pectin) was increased rapidly during storage and these changes were related with respiration and ethylene production. PG(polygalacturonase) activity was increased at later stage of storage and it was seemed to bring the changes in pectic substances. The textural changes of tomato fruits during storage was made with texturem eter. Hardness was higher than fracturability at early at early stage of storage but this was reversed after middle stage, with the decreasement of hardness and fracturability, cohesiveness, adhesiveness and gumminess were decreased rapidly during storage. These changes were more rapid at 25℃ and seemed to related with changes of PG activity and pectic substances. From these results, the softening of tomato fruits during storage considered as a sequential process, i.e. ethylene triggers PG activity and PG changes pectic substances in fruits cell wall, so hardness and other textural parameters decrease during storage.

      • 減壓處理에 따른 토마토果實의 主要成分 및 含有脂質의 變化에 관한 硏究

        金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1980 연구논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the related respiration, important chemical components and lipids in tomato fruits under subatmospheric pressure. The results obtained were follows: Climacteric phenomenon in fruits was delayed ten days on the sub-atmospheric treatment than the normal atmospheric one. Average lipid content in tomatoes sampled was composed of neutral lipid(49%), phospholipid(31%) and glycolipid(13%). Seven constituents each from neutral and phospholipid were seperated through thin-1yaer chromatography. Changes on lipid content during treatments were associated with the climacteric pattern and the advance of maturity;At the climacteric on-set, the fruit color was light pink, and the content of neutral lipid was reduced to minimum. After this stage, this content was reversely increased. The advance of maturity was related with diglyceride and sterol ester in neutral lipid, and ph. choline and ph. ethanolamine in phospholipid. The changes of two constituents each on both neutral and phospholipid were reversed each other. It was concluded that changes of lipid content in tomato fruits were closely associated with the abvance of fruit maturity and climacteric pattern.

      • Tomato 貯藏中 有機酸의 變化에 關한 硏究

        金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1974 연구논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        1973年에 栽培하여 收穫한 Tomato "米壽"를 常壓區와 感壓區로 區分하여 貯藏中의 有機酸 및 其他 成分의 變化에 對한 調査를 한結果는 다음과 같다. 1.Tomato 果實을 外壁, gelatin狀 組織, 胎座 3部位로 區分하여 調査한바 (1) 全酸의 含量을 gelatin狀 組織>胎座>外壁의 順이었고 貯藏 期間中 이 順位는 그대로 維持되었다. 貯藏區別로는 SAP區는 貯藏 初期에는 減少하다가 다시 上昇하였으나 NAP區에서는 繼續 減少하는 傾向이 있다. (2) 遊離酸의 含量에 있어서는 部位別 順位는 全酸과 同一하였다. 그러나 貯藏 期間中의 變化에 있어서는 全酸에 比하여 多少 減少 하는 傾向이었다. (3) 結合酸의 含量은 胎座>外壁 gelatin狀 組織의 順이었으며 貯藏 末期에는 貯藏區別로 볼 때 多少 差異가 있었다. (4) 糖의 含量은 外壁>胎座> gelatin狀 組織의 順이었고 ascorbic acid의 含量은 gelatin狀 組織>胎座>外壁의 順으로 糖과는 若干 다르게 나타났다. 2. 有機酸의 變化에 있어서는 (1) 全酸의 70∼80%는 citric acid이고 10∼20%는 maric acid이며 그 外에 oxalic acid, fumaric acid, acetic acid의 順으로 含有되어 있었다. (2) 貯藏區別 各酸의 變化는 ㉠ citric acid는 sigmoid 形의 變化를 보였으며 貯藏區別로 볼때 NAP區의 變化가 SAP區보다 크게 나타났다. ㉡ malic acid는 貯藏區別로 많은 差異가 있었다. 卽 貯藏 期間中 NAP區는 繼續 減少하였으나 SAP區는 貯藏 初期에 減少하다가 增加하였다. Tomato, Mishu-variety which was grown at field harvested, was used in this experiment. This experiment, dividing at Normal Atmospheric Pressure (NAP) and Sub-Atmospheric Pressure (SAP) was carried out to research about changes of organic acid and other components during the storage of Tomato fruits at 10℃. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Changes of total, free and combined acid a. Contents of total acid was contined orderly gelatinous pulp>placenta>outer well, and this order was constant during storage. In changes of total acid at treated-condition it in SAP-part was decreased at the beginning of storage and after that increased. But it in NAP-part was continously decreased till terminal of storage. b. In changes of free acid the order of it's contents was similar to total acid, but changes of free acid was apt to reduced more than it of total acid, c. Contents of combined acid was orderly placenta > outer wall > gelatinous pulp, and this order was apt to be changed more or less in accordence with stored-conditions at the end of storage. d. Suger-contents was orderly outer wall> placenta> gelatinous pulp, and ascorbic acid-contents was gelatinous pulp> placenta> Outer wall. 2. Changes of organic acid; a. Citric and malic acid in total acid were 70-80 and 10-20% relatively, and other acid except citic and malic acid was acetic, fumaric and oxalic acid. b. Changes of citric acid durings storage showed sigmoid type, and NAP-part was more decreased than SAP-part. c. Changes of malic acid during storage was different between SAP and NAP-part; Malic acid at NAP-part was continoutly reduced during storage, but it at SAP-part was decreased at begining of storage and increased agin.

      • Tomato 貯藏中의 熟度 및 成分變化에 關한 硏究

        金聲達 대구효성 가톨릭 대학교 1975 연구논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        綠熟果를 採取하여 10℃에서 常?區로 區分 貯藏했을 때의 irpeness score와 呼吸量 및 成分變化를 調査한 結果 處理區別에 따른 ripeness score의 變化를 볼 때 減?區가 常?區보다 着色이 되었으며 呼吸量과 비교해 볼 때 chimacteric mazimum에서 ripeness score는 4 이상이었다. 그리고 산, 당, vitamin C는 熟度가 진행됨에 따라 감소되는 경향이었다. This paper reported the investingation on the change of ripeness score, CO2-production and the chemical contents of tomato at green stage, Tomato fruits was at normal atmospheric pressure(below. NAP) and sub-atmospheric pressure (below SAP) at 10℃. The pigmentation of tomatoes which was stored at SAP ant the stage green was delayed. Compared with CO2-productions, ripeness scores was 4 degree at climateric maximum. The changes of sugar contents and vitamin C of tomatoes stored at SAP was apted to decrease more than those stored at NAP.

      • Tomato 果實의 着色에 미치는 環境壓力의 影響

        金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1982 연구논문집 Vol.24 No.3

        In order to elucidate the extension of shelf-life of tomato fruits under thesub-atmospheric pressure storage, the respiratory amount, the degree of ma-turity, and the change of chlorophyll, Iycopen. and carotene content whichare closely connected with the coloration of tomato fruits have been investi-gated. The results obtained are as follows: The loss of chlorophyll was slower in the sub-atmospheric treatment than thenormal, and the lower the pressure was, the less its loss was. And the strikingdegree of its loss was revealed during during the climacteric rise of respiration. The production of Iycopence was also affected by the sub-atospheric treatment,and the amount of its production was supressed under the sub-atmosphericpressure than the normal. The lower the degree of atmospheric pressure was.the less the amount of its production was. The carotene content was increased during the storage, but it showed a slightincrease without being much affected by the storage conditions. The maturity was retarded to a higher degree in the sub-atospheric treatmentthan the normal, and the degree of maturity was considerably retarded inaccordance with the low degree of atmospheric pressure.

      • Tomato果實의 鮮度維持에 關한 硏究 : 環境壓力條件이 呼吸抑制 및 成分變化에 미치는 影響 Effects of Environmental Pressure on Respiration Inhibition and Storage ability in Tomato Fruit

        金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1972 연구논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was made on change of respiration inhibition and storage elements of tomato fruit under reduced atmospheric pressure in comparison with normal pressure. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The respiration was low under condition of 660mm Hg in the pressure of storage room than under condition of 760mm Hg and 560mm Hg. 2) Co₂was constant from three days after storage when Ventilation was 2ml/min and from early storage stage when it was 50ml/min. 3) The decreasing rate of total acid, total sugar and vitamin C was lower under reduced atmospheric pressure than under normal pressure. 4) The reduced weight ratio was low under reduced atmospheric pressure.

      • 減壓法에 依한 사과 Preserve 製造에 關한 硏究 : 第1報 糖液의 濃度.處理時間 및 眞空度가 果肉의 糖吸收度에 미치는 影響

        李盛雨,金聲達 대구 효성가톨릭대학교 1968 연구논문집 Vol.1968 No.3

        Absorption of sugar was investigated by varying the concentration of sugar solution and the period of treatment by employing the diminished pressure method on apple. The absorpiton of sugar was found to be very conspicuous when the vacum pressure showed more than 60mm Hg. However, the period of treatment did not show any effect on the absorption of sugar.

      • 사과 果汁의 酸 및 糖含量과 嗜好性과의 關係

        金聲達 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1985 연구논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relations between acidity and sugar concentration in apple beverge containig 10%, 20% and 30% apple juice and the consumers' preference. The following results were obtainned through sensory evalation. 1. Beverage sample containing 10% uice with 0.4%acid had higher preference than other sample containing same amount of juice with different acidity. (p<0.05). But beverage sample with 20% and 30% uice did not differ significantly in preferene as acidity changed. As for the effect of sugar concentration, samples with Brix value of 14 and 15 haad higher preference, regardless of juice content. (p<0.05). 2. Sour taste was proportional to acidity in beverage, but was reduced as either sugar or juice content was increased. However, the effect of juice was less than that of sugar. 3. Sweet taste was the determinant factor for the taste resulting from different combinations of acid and sugar in apple deverage.

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