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      • 日刊스포츠新聞의 머리記事에 關한 分析(Ⅱ) : 第4501號~5580號 中心으로 centered on papers from No. 4501 to No.5580

        金柄斗 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1988 체육과학연구지 Vol.4 No.-

        The head reports from No. 4501(May. 3. 1984) to No. 5580(Nov. 4. 1987) of the "Daily Sports" was analysed according to the kinds of sports. The results are as follows; Baseball ; 1,475 times(26.59%),10,519 culumns(26.37%) Football ; 1,346 times(24.26%), 9,235 culumns(23.15%) The other ; 604 times (10.88%), 4,394 culumns(11.01%) Basketball ; 563 times(10.14%), 4,299 culumns(10.77%) Boxing ; 394 times(7.10%), 2.883 culumns(10.77%) Volley ball ; 360 times(6.48%), 2,709 culumns(6.79%) Track & Field ; 225 times(4.05%), 1,662 culumns(4.16%) Table Tennis ; 152 times(2.74%), 1,161 culumns(2.91%) Winter sports ; 130 times(2.34%), 928 culumns(2.32%) Swimming ; 46 times(0.82%), 342 culumns(0.85%) Tennis ; 41 times(0.73%), 296 culumns(0.74%) Ski ; 32 times(0.57%), 233 culumns(0.58%) Wrestling ; 25 times(0.45%), 170 culumns(0.42%) Archery ; 23 times(0.41%), 158 culumns(0.39%) Judo ; 22 times(0.39%), 147 culumns(0.36%) Shooting ; 18 times(0.32%), 134 culumns(0.33%) Weightlifting ; 16 times(0.28%), 118 culumns(0.29%) Ssirum ; 15 times(0.27%), 81 culumns(0.20%) Taekwondo ; 14 times(0.25%), 94 culumns(0.23%) Golf ; 9 times(0.16%), 63 culumns(0.15%) Cycle ; 9 times(0.16%), 55 culumns(0.13%) Mounteering ; 6 times(0.10%), 49 culumns(0.12%) Rugby Football ; 6 times(0.10%), 43 culumns(0.10%) Handball ; 5 times(0.09%), 38 culumns(0.09%) Badminton ; 5 times(0.09%), 32 culumns(0.08%) Gymnastics and Hockey ; respectively 2 times(0.03%) Horse riding and Ice Hockey ; ead 1 time(0.01%)

      • KCI등재

        유독물질로 인한 불법행위(Toxic Tort)의 인과관계의 인정에 관한 試論

        김병두 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2019 홍익법학 Vol.20 No.4

        석면, 화학물질 등의 유독물질에의 노출로 신체 또는 정신상에 손해가 유발된 경우 그 손해배상을 청구할 수 있는 유독물질로 인한 불법행위(이하 Toxic 불법행위라고 함) 개념은 전통적인 불법행위의 법리와 상이하지 않으나, 의학 및 과학기술의 발전에 따라 침해 및 손해의 유형이 不可視的의 原子(atom)단위로 잠재적ㆍ간접적인 유형으로 변화하자, 그에 대한 인식 및 대응을 위한 방법론으로써 1950년 이후 미국에서 인과관계이론을 중심으로 발전하였다. 그 범주에는 ⅰ) 업무상 질병을 이유로 하는 소송이나 ⅱ) 제조물책임 소송은 물론 ⅲ) 유독물질, 유독물질이 포함된 제조물, 유독물질의 배출로 인한 재해를 원인으로 하는 공해소송 등이 포함되고 있다. 위의 Toxic 불법행위에서는 독성이 강한 하나의 유독물질이 신체에 유입되어 급성으로 손해가 발생하기도 하나 대체로 독성이 약한 다수의 유독물질이 장기간의 잠복기간을 거쳐 만성적으로 질병 또는 사망을 유발하고, 광범위한 지역에 걸쳐 불특정 다수의 피해자가 발생하고, 상당 기간 잠복되는 동안 다양한 방법으로 발병된다. 그런 소이로 Toxic 불법행위에는 유독물질을 특정하거나 인과관계를 증명하기가 곤란한 특질이 있다. 위의 특질로 19세기 내지 20세기 초에 형성된 전통적인 불법행위 이론이 위의 목적물 특정과 인과관계의 증명에 관하여 어느 정도까지 적용될 수 있는지가 중요한 논의사항으로 다루어지고 있으며, 미국의 재판례는 목적물의 특정성과 인과관계의 증명책임을 완화하고 나아가 유독물질에 의한 불법행위의 유형에 상응하여 일종의 위험책임이라는 비전통적 책임이론을 인정하여 전통적인 불법행위 책임을 대체하고 위험책임에 따른 손해배상 이론을 인정하기에 이르렀다. 우리나라에서도 Toxic 불법행위는 석면 또는 고엽제 사건을 비롯하여 근자에는 삼성전자의 업무상 질병 등에서 법률상 분쟁의 유형으로 나타나고 있다. 일부 대법원 판결을 비롯하여 하급심 판결에도 위의 미국 Toxic 불법행위 법리가 일정부분 영향을 미치고 있다. 문제는 노출된 유독물질의 독성이 강하지 않아 장기간의 잠복기를 거치는 동안 전혀 발병되지 않은 대부분의 Toxic 불법행위의 경우 현행 대법원의 입장에 의하면 피해자가 고도의 개연성이라는 높은 증명도의 척도까지 특정 유독물질의 노출이 특정 질병의 원인임은 물론 다른 원인의 부존재 사실까지 증명하여야 불법행위의 성립을 주장할 수 있다는 데에 있다. 때문에 질병 또는 사망의 원인이 유독물질임을 특정하는 문제에 관하여 종전의 상당인과관계론의 한계를 가늠하여 피해를 구제할 수 있는 인과관계론을 천착할 필요가 있다. 상당수의 재판례는 상당인과관계의 관문에서 피해자에게 무거운 증명책임을 귀속시키고 있기 때문이다. 위의 재판례에 대하여 학계에서는 단순히 증명도만을 감경하는 취지의 논리를 전개하고 있는데 이는 증명책임분배와 자유심증주의의 한계를 극복하지 못하고 대법원 재판례의 입장과도 부합되지 않음은 대법원 재판례에서 이를 확인할 수 있다. 따라서 보다 근본적으로 접근하여 사실적 인과관계를 인정하고 그에 부응하여 증명도를 감경하든가 또는 위험책임의 법리를 Toxic 불법행위에도 적용하여 질병 발병의 위험이 현출된 경우 상대방에게 증명책임을 전환(prima facie case)하는 입론을 제시하고자 한다. 전자는 상당인과관계에서 사실적 인과... The most complex and uniquely challenging aspect of toxic tort cases is the determination of causation. To recover in any toxic cases, the plaintiff must prove that the toxic agent at issue caused the alleged injury. In a toxic tort case, proof of causation involves a host of medical and scientific issues, controversial conclusions, complex inferences, heavy reliance on statistical data and epidemiological studies, and invariably contradictory expert testimony. As the Supreme Judicial Court has recognized, the difficulties posed by the issue of medical causation in toxic torts litigation are exacerbated by the fact that “tort law developed in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries”. The traditional test for determining whether a defendant’s conduct was a “cause-in-fact” of the plaintiff’s injuries is the so-called “but for” test. Under this test, if the fact finder can conclude that but for the defendant’s conduct the plaintiff would not have sustained the injury, the defendant was a cause-in-fact of the injury. Accordingly, the conduct must have been a necessary condition leading directly to the injury. (1) Proof of proximate cause has included two elements : first, the plaintiff must show that the defendant’s conduct was a “cause-in-fact” of the harm suffered and, second, that a sufficient connection exists between the defendant’s conduct and the harm suffered by the plaintiff such that imposition of liability under the circumstances is fair. (2) In toxic tort cases, the causation inquiry is two-pronged. First, a plaintiff must show that the substance to which she was exposed can cause the type of injury alleged, i.e., “general” causation. Next, a plaintiff must show that in her case, exposure to the substance actually caused the alleged injury, i.e., “specific” causation

      • KCI등재후보

        지명채권양도의 공시방법에 관한 일고찰

        김병두 가천대학교 법학연구소 2011 가천법학 Vol.4 No.1

        부동산 등의 자산을 충분하게 보유하지 못한 IT 기업 내지 신설기업 등이 운영자금의 조달함에 있어서 채권의 유동화는 중요한 수단으로 기능하고 있다. 그 법률적 수단으로서의 지명채권 양도의 공시방법을 현실적 요구에 맞추어 개선하는 일은 시급한 과제이다. 때 맞춰 2009년 민법개정위원회에서 지명채권양도의 공시방법을 논의 중이다. 민법의 적용영역 내지 범위가 일반적인 사항을 규율하는 것이라 할지라도, 실제의 거래의 요구에 의하여 민법상의 지명채권양도의 공시방법과는 다른 공시방법을 채택하는 특별한 사항이 증가하고 있는 사실은 위의 논의의 실효성을 담보한다. 채권양도의 공시방법을 정비하는 것에 대한 전향적인 태도가 요구되고 있는 실정에서, 본고에서는 등기의 공시방법을 제언하고 있다. 이는 지명채권양도의 공시방법에서 발생할 수 있는 거래 불안, 고비용, 이중양도 등의 문제점을 극복하는 방안이라 본다. Capital circulation has become an important procuring method of operating costs for IT or newly established companies with insufficient capital such as real estate. Therefore, improvement of posting method for nominative claim, as its legal method, needs to be emphasized in response to actual demand. Fortunately, the posting method of the nominative claim is under discussion in 2009 Civil Law Revision Committee. Effectiveness of the discussion is promising since special posting applications have been increased by actual demands other than the posting methods for nominative claim specified on the Civil Law, though the application and the scope of the Civil Law are considered general regulations. This study proposes new posting methods for 'registration' while the revision of the posting method for bond transfer is widely recognized. Problems during the course of posting for nominative claims, including unstable trade, high cost, and double transfer, can be overcome through this.

      • KCI등재

        The $m$-th root Finsler metrics admitting $(\alpha,\beta)$-types

        김병두,박하용 대한수학회 2004 대한수학회보 Vol.41 No.1

        The theory of m-th root metric has been developed byH. Shimada [8], and applied to the biology [1] as an ecologicalmetric. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the m-th rootFinsler metrics which admit (alpha,beta)-types. Especially incases of m=3, 4, we give the condition for Finsler spaces withsuch metrics to be locally Minkowski spaces.

      • KCI등재

        인감증명의 효력과 발급공무원의 주의의무 ― 간접증명방식의 전환을 계기로 ―

        김병두 한국민사법학회 2008 民事法學 Vol.40 No.-

        The seal certification system was changed as of Jan 1, 2003 into an indirect certification system referred to as ‘registration certification system’, in which copies of the original seal impressions registered to the authorities are issued. One recent judicial decision made by a lower court thereby states that the validity of seal certificates has been changed due to the revised seal certification act, which means owing a seal certificate is not enoughto legally identify himself/herself to other parties under the current seal certification act in force. Therefore, the party who is going to make a contract with other parties using seal certificates is solely responsible to crosscheck the opposite party’s identification in such a way that the seal impression shown on the certificates is compared with the real seal to be used as well as inspecting national identification card, personal reference or referees. A certificate of one's seal impression, originating in Japan in early the 20th century, is a system to identify a seal with the person concerned. Previously, certificates were issued when an imprint of the seal was found to be identified to the seal held by the certifying office. The seal certification system, in which the authorities certify the trueness of seal impressions in an official way, has to be differently applied as the social circumstances change, and the newly issued seal certificates can certify the trueness of personal identity no longer. In fact, owing a seal certificate does not necessarily mean that the certificate holder is the person concerned himself / herself. Nevertheless, the seal certificates have been used to prove the trueness of documents in common practice although the certificates are commonly issued without careful personal identification check. The seal certification system, of course, still contributes to constitute the trueness of documents. Owing to the fact, some people argue that the seal certificates may certify not only the genuineness of seal impressions, but also the trueness of personal identities and even that a certain contract is entered under the agreement by a person whose seal certificate is presented. However, the seal certificate’s ability to prove the genuineness of a seal impression is apart from the trueness of a document. The recent fraud cases using seal certificatesare attributable to careless personal identification check. Under the current indirect certification system, reinforced identification check process may burden the responsibility of the service personnel working in the authorities, which is opposed to the purpose of the shake-up. The provisions concerning personal identification check in the seal certification act should not just remain unapplied in the text. The regulations should be constructed based on the domestic circumstances. The reason why the certification system has been changed should be carefully reconsidered. One thing that should be pointedout is that the seal certification system of Korea has exactly followed that of Japan. Since the seal certification act wasrevised, the seal certificates are valid to use only for the genuineness of seal impressions. The personal identity or agreement of a party in making contracts cannot be guaranteed by the seal certificates any longer. The downgraded force of the seal certificates does necessarily lead to the weakened duty of care that should be taken by the authorities. Likewise, widely spread abuse of seal certificates will be gradually eradicated from the common practice.

      • Leadership 이 미치는 影響

        金柄斗 慶北大學校 師範大學 1983 體育學會誌 Vol.10 No.-

        1. The leader should properly motivate the students to do their best as possible as they can. 2. The leader should not only pursuit the aim of group but considerate students, and also try to unite them. 3. The leader should not carry out the tasks of group according to a regular type, but guide the group according to the aim of the group, human & material resources, and the question of time & space and other factors.

      • 各國의 體育行政實態에 關한 比較分析 : 敎師養成 制度를 中心으로 Chiefly on the System of Training Teachers

        金柄斗,安禹洪 慶北大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The following is to wrap up the studies on the administration of physical education in the above nations. 1. The number of institutions so bring up teachers of physical education in the United States is far greater than that of any other country in the world. Moreover, each university has its own variety of major fields in terms of curriculum. The teacher's certificate is given without examinations to whoever finishes the gievn courses. 2. In the Soviet Union the institutions for teachers of elementary school are separated from those for the teachers of middle and high school. The methodology of training teachers is civided according to major field in each university. 3. In the Communist China the systems are diveded for three levels: the leaders of high class, those of mid class, and those of common people. 4. In west Germany the teacher's certificate is given to the one who has not only finished the given courses but also passed the first and second pualifying examinations which shed the given courses but also passed the first and second pualifying examinations which are controlled by the state government. 5. In Japan the certificate is given without examinations to the one who has finished the given courses. There are two levels according to one's accomplishment of the given courses in major fields: first class and second class. 6. In Korea we train teachers of physical education in 42 universities. nevertheless, the number is puite small in comparison with those of the other countries. One can get the certificate when he has finished the given courses. For the betterment of teachers, high school teachers had better study two to three years in the graduate school of education and accomplish not less than 24 credits for the master's degree. In parrallel with contemporary social systems, each university ought to give respective and more specialioed courses to teachers, game coaches, dancing masters, teachers for extra-curricula activities, health educators, counselors, and others. Furthermore, we should replace the leaders of workship physical education, the agents of various soprts organizations under the Association of Korea Physical Education, the workers of public organizations related to health education, and the chief teachers of elementary school's physical education, with graduates of regular physical education departments. These items should be preceded by an essential condition that the regular reshuffle of personnel and financial support ought to run the same pace. A research of long-range view in level of policy is concluded to be urgent.

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