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        신체재교육을 위한 바티니에프 기본원리(Bartenieff Fundamentals)와 타프 테크닉(Topf Technique)의 비교 연구 -Floor Work을 중심으로-

        조은숙,이경희 한국무용예술학회 2009 무용예술학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        Since the beginning of the twentieth century, approaches to physical movements have centered on the monistic unification of spirit and body. It is the field of interest of professionals pursuing for pure arts and is also widely extended in overall society, emphasizing movement for both preventive and therapical purpose for maintaining a person's healthy spirit. Proper physical education is necessary in order to improve ability of self-expression and personal acceptance. In other words, only when a performer makes expressions by means of concrete movements coinciding with inner perception, spirit and body form integrational harmony, enabling sound life. Body Movement Therapy being extended as new field of study, somatics began in the Western society from the beginning of 1990's and has been applied in all fields of study dealing with movements. For the purpose of rich expression and activities of movements through physical arrangement and balance, the Body Movement Therapy ultimately means re-education of body that awakens kinesthetic perception. In other words, its purpose is to stimulate one's sprit and sense and then make stimulated internality expressed as proper outer behaviors. Bartenieff Fundamentals devised by Irmgard Bartenieff: 1900-1981 are methods of body re-education to develop personal expressions both in psychological and movement functional aspects and suggest Floor Works, which are composed of 6 basic exercises. Bartenieff's floor work has much similarity to the series of movements that are made while lying down among Tapf Techniques devised by Nancy Topf, 1942-1998. Just as Bartenieff studied body re-education on the basis of Laban's theory, Tapf developed movement series for body re-education on the basis of Ideokinesis theory. These two techniques are based on anatomical structure and functional study, and have a thread of connection in the aspect of pursuing physical arrangement through unification of body and soul. In addition, they are similar in the aspect of making the performer find right movements voluntarily rather than directing him of exact postures. Purpose of this study is to research Floor Works of Bartenieff Fundamentals and Topf Technique comparatively. Floor works of Bartenieff and Topf Technique are composed of simple movements and have been performed continuously for several years, to which all performers can easily approach. Nevertheless, at present, researches related to them are not sufficient. Therefore in this study, the researcher intends to argue principle and composition of movements through floor works performed in the two techniques. In order to achieve purpose of this study, the researcher intends to argue the concept of body re-education and floor works of Bartenieff and Topf Technique.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        청소년의 인터넷음란물 선호성과 위험 성행동 간의 관계-성별차이를 중심으로-

        조은숙 한국청소년학회 2013 청소년학연구 Vol.20 No.10

        본 연구는 청소년의 인터넷음란물선호성과 위험 성행동 간의 관계 및 그 관계성에서 나타나는 성차를 알아보고자 한다. 인터넷음란물선호성이란 ‘인터넷 서비스 중 주로 성인콘텐츠를 이용하는 성향’을 말한다. 위험 성행동으로는 이성과의 성관계, 동성과의 키스나 애무, 동성과의 성행위, 술마신 후의 성관계, 피임하지 않고 하는 성관계, 임신경험, 성병감염경험, 성폭력가해경험 등 8개행동이 포함되었다. 연구자료는 전국 74,186명의 중고생을 대상으로 시행된 2012‘청소년건강행태 온라인조사’의 원자료를 사용하였다. 위험 성행동여부를 반응범주로 하는 로지스틱 회귀분석에는 청소년의 인터넷사용시간과 성, 연령을 포함한 개인특성변수, 청소년의 거주지, 학교 및 가족환경의 특성을 반영하는 변수들이 공변량변수로 포함되어 청소년의 위험 성행동에 미치는 인터넷음란물선호성의 조정된 영향력을 볼 수 있도록 하였다. 분석결과, 인터넷음란물선호성은 청소년이 두가지 이상의 위험 성행동을 경험할 가능성을 예측하는 중요한 요인으로 나타났으며, 독립변수들 중 위험 성행동 가능성에 대해 가장 높은 승산비(OR=2.58)를 나타냈다. 이러한 경향은 남자보다 여자청소년에게서 더욱 강하게 나타나, 8개 위험 성행동별 인터넷음란물선호성의 승산비를 성별로 비교해보면 남자청소년은 2.11~4.45, 여자청소년은 2.64~32.68의 승산비를 나타냈다. 따라서, 인터넷음란물선호성은 개인특성 및 환경변인, 인터넷사용시간 등이 고려된 상태에서도 청소년의 위험 성행동을 예측하는 가장 중요한 요인 중의 하나이며, 이러한 인터넷음란물선호성의 영향력은 여자청소년에게서 보다 강하게 나타난다고 결론내릴 수 있다. This study aims to investigate the association between internet pornography preference and adolescents’ sexual risk behavior. “Internet pornography preference” refers to the behavior of pornography consumption as a primary usage of the internet. For this study, raw data from 2012 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBWS), in which 74,186 middle and high school students participated, were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to figure out the relationship between internet pornography preference and the sexual risk behavior adjusted for adolescents’ self, family, school and region variables. The odds ratio for two or more sexual risk behaviors and pornography preference was 2.56, which is the biggest OR for sexual risk behaviors among all 13 independent variables. Notable gender differences were observed. The odds ratios for various sexual risk behaviors and pornography preference were 2.11~4.45 among boys, while 2.64~32.68 among girls.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 표현어휘 교육을 위한 한․중 어휘대조: 『한국어 학습용 어휘 목록』과 ≪漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱≫을 대상으로

        조은숙 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2020 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.40 No.-

        Assuming that it is necessary to consider Korean words frequently used by Korean learners for the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions, this article serves as a preliminary study for designing the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions for Korean learners. The words in Level A of the Vocabulary List for Learning Korean are compared with the words in the Chinese Proficiency Outline for Chinese Vocabulary and Characters (漢語水平詞彙與漢字等級大綱). The result is that there is a significant difference between the two vocabulary lists. Therefore, it is suggested that a separate plan should be prepared for the education of Chinese vocabulary expressions for Korean learners. In addition, various issues have been noted in the process of comparison regarding designing of educational contents.

      • KCI등재

        데니쇼운이 미국 현대무용과 무용교육에 끼친 영향

        조은숙 韓國舞踊敎育學會 2001 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study is the examination of Derlishawn and its inf1uence on American modern dance and dance education. In the twentieth century, modem dance in America has grown quickly to a startling degree. With the passing of time, modem dance has been spread to many branches. Today we see various modem dance erformances which have their own personalities. And we can find many places to dance, for instance in dance studios, conservatories, and colleges. In this paper, Ihis researcher will consider influence of America's irHdem dance development, especially in education. There are two big roots of America modern dance if we trace back to the past: Isadora Duncan and Denishawn (Ruth 51. Denis and Ted Shawn). Duncan, St.Denis, and Shawn were famous dancers and they founded different dance schools. But generally Isadora Duncan sperlt the major part of her careers in Europe, and even thou인 she founded a modern dance school as an American, the school was in Europe. Denishawn was the first modem dance school in America. In American dance history Denishawn was the most influential modern dance company and school. This study focuses on theree areas of concern, the first is about the background of Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn. The second is Denishawn as a school, teaching method through Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shan's philosophy, and curriculum, and the third is Denishawn's influence on American Dance Education.

      • KCI등재후보

        신체 자각(Body Awareness)을 토대로 하는 낸시 타프의 움직임 원리와 태극권 움직임 원리의 상관성

        조은숙 한국무용예술학회 2008 무용예술학연구 Vol.24 No.-

        Incessant awareness of body helps the alignment of body and efficient performance of dance motion, and it can also influence the process of making creative movement styles. In this context, those areas which are related to somatology as body awareness, body conditioning, and body movement therapy are providing a new paradigm for the discipline of dance. Nancy Topf(1942-1998), a post-contemporary dancer, formulated a technique based on body awareness and applied kinesthetic imagery to choreography and improvisation. From 1970s she had started to study, based on Ideokinesis theory, "the flow of energy," and she had provided a new direction of the interface between Ideokinesis and dance by expressing free motions through the application the flow of energy to body movement. The movements appeared on the work of Topf and her technique seem to be very static and inward-focused. T'ai-Chi Ch'uan, a Chinese traditional body training technique, is a martial art performing a series of consecutive movements to harmonize with awareness and respiration. T'ai-Chi means that everything is created and change is made through the interaction between yin and yang energies. Everything has different properties in its essence, and change is occurring through confrontation and unification of these competing forces. T'ai-Chi Ch'uan is a martial art which is weaving confrontation and unification of yin and yang continuously through body awareness. The basic motion of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan is a circle and it moves slowly and continuously form start to end. T'ai-Chi Ch'uan is often called "a moving meditation," which needs intensive mental concentration when it is performed. In this regard, the movement principle of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan and Topf's movement principle are very similar. The term "body awareness" has been studied from the 20th century in the West, but it consistent with "the monism of mind and body" which has been developed from long time ago in the East. The purpose of this study is to identify similarities between Tops' movement principle and the movement principle of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan. For the purpose, at first, the concept and definition of body awareness are discussed first, then the body awareness characteristics of the movement principles of Topf's and T'ai-Chi Ch'uan are explained. In addition, the similarities between Topf's technique and the movement principle of T'ai-Chi Ch'uan are reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        초기 현대무용에서 남성 무용수의 위치에 관한 연구 - ‘ 쇼운과 그의 남성 무용수들’을 중심으로 -

        조은숙 한국무용예술학회 2011 무용예술학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        Most of the pioneers of modern dance that was developed in the beginning of 1900’s were women. And rather than showing woman’s beauty through dance, they used dance as means for solving social problems, especially for finding woman’s right. In the early modern dance, the role of men dancers was merely assisting role of doing only man’s role among the subject matter that women dancers intended to express. Under such circumstances, it was Ted Shawn(1891-1972) that influenced on improving men dancers’ position. It was from Shawn’s establishment of a dance troupe named as Shawn and His Men Dancers in 1933 after dissolution of Danishawn that he became to improve men dancers’ position. He formed a dance troupe at the farm house, Jacob’s Pillow that he had purchased. And until 1940 when his dance troupe was dissolved, the dance troupe had more than 1,000 times’ performances in about 750 cities of Canada, England and etc. including shows on tours in overall cities in the USA. And thereby, he could renew understanding of the audiences who had prejudice of men dancers. In order to show subjective men dancers’ shapes not as assistants to women dancers, Shawn showed works whose subject matter was sports, labor, war and etc. And by converting movements appearing in sports into dances, he emphasized men’s physical images. In addition, in his work, he included Christian ideas and used familiar folk music or spiritual songs to Americans and thereby obtained effective result of religious and interesting works. As representative works of Shawn, there are Kinetic Molpai(1935), Labor Symphony(1934), Olympiad(1936), Polonais (1933) and etc. Object of this study is to examine what kind of effort Ted Shawn made with his men dance troupe in order to improve men dancers’ position. In this study, the researcher intends to limit the period for examination from 1933 to 1940 when Shawn settled at Jacob’s Pillow and developed mend dance troupe after dissolution of Danishawn. The researcher is sure that study on Ted Shawn who made effort to improve men dancers’ position by forming the first men dance troupe would be meaningful for reconfirming men dancers’ position in modern dance. In order to achieve the object of study, the researcher intends to examine positions of women and men dancers in the modern dance world in the beginning of the 20th century and then argue Shawn and his men dancers’ activities and works.

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