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        19세기 환곡(還穀)의 고갈과 고리대적(高利貸的) 운영 강화

        林成洙 ( Im Seong-soo ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2021 大東文化硏究 Vol.113 No.-

        19세기 이후 점진적인 세입 감소는 지방재정에도 연쇄작용을 일으켰다. 중앙정부의 재정수지 적자를 메꾸고 각종 추가 비용을 조달하기 위한 지원이 계속되면서 지방관청의 비축곡은 소진되기 시작하였다. 순조대 중반부터 급격히 감소하기 시작한 비축곡은 철종 13년(1862)에는 虛留穀의 비율이 전국적으로 54.4%에 이르고, 경기와 충청도는 90%를 훨씬 넘어설 정도로 고갈되었다. 환곡은 지방재정에도 활용되고 있었기 때문에 비축곡의 고갈은 지방재정을 더욱 어렵게 만들었다. 이때 활용된 것이 바로 錢還이다. 錢還은 곡물을 대신하여 동전을 분급하거나 징수하는 糶糴 방식이었다. 지방관청은 동전과 곡물의 계절별·지역별 시가 차이를 이용하거나, 자의적으로 詳定價를 조정하여 기존 耗穀 수입을 훨씬 초과하는 이익을 거두었다. 錢還은 비축곡의 고갈로 분급할 元穀이 부족한 상황에서 경비마련과 元穀 充完을 동시에 가능하게 했기에 점차 전국으로 확산되었다. 18세기 후반부터 시행된 錢還은 재정상황이 악화된 19세기 이후 더 강압적이고 高利貸的 형태로 변화하였다. 錢還·移貿·立本·加作·小詳定·小小詳定 등은 모두 錢還에서 파생된 환곡 운영이었다. 순조 30년(1830)이후 동전 유통량의 급격한 증가와 물가 변동의 심화는 錢還의 수익구조를 다변화하는 기폭제가 되었다. 동전 유통량이 재차 대폭 증가하고, 저축이 소진된 철종대 후반에는 그 폐단이 극에 달하였다. 이 방식들은 많게는 수십 배의 이익을 남겼는데, 그 부담은 고스란히 백성에게 돌아갔다. 임술민란의 주된 요인 중 하나가 바로 還穀이었고, 그 환곡 문제의 중심에는 錢還이 있었다. The decline in revenue in the 19th century was also a heavy burden on local finance. The central government covered the insufficient finances with support from local finance. Long-term financial support has gradually depleted local grain reserves. At that time the local government was raising funds by lending grain reserves. With the depletion of reserve grain, local governments' income has also decreased significantly. Since then, local governments have increased profits by sharply rising interest rates on grain loans. Under the new lending scheme, interest was collected several times more than the principal, far exceeding the legal interest rate of 10 percent. In addition, the local government's loan structure was originally designed to lend rice in spring and collect rice in autumn, but the new system lent coins in spring and collected rice in autumn. This operation was very advantageous for local governments that ran out of stockpiles. This system was called 'Jeon-Hwuan(錢還)'. Through Jeon-Hwuan(錢還), the local government was able to prepare for the operation and labor costs of the government offices and fill up the stockpile of grain. On the contrary, farmers had to suffer from high interest rates. The bankruptcy of the farmers led to additional burdens for other farmers. Nevertheless, the government's financial situation grew worse and worse, and interest on loans increased to cover the shortfall. This became a major cause of the mid-19th century peasant revolt.

      • KCI등재

        下顎骨에 發生한 神経鞘腫의 治驗例

        李相喆,金麗甲,林成洙,趙漢國,車德善 대한구강악안면외과학회 1981 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This is to report of a patient being treated for a benign neurilemmoma at Kyung Hee Medical Center, Department of Oral Surgery. 1. Patient undergoing the treatment was a sixteen year old male who had previously been examined and diagnosed as having a neurilemmoma on his lower right jaw by a general surgeon at an O hospital. 2. This particular disease extended throughout the lower right jaw as a multilocular type. 3. Clinical lab. findings and X-ray findings required differential diagnosis with amelo-blastoma. 4. Histopathological findings showed benign neurilemmoma and was able to detect Antoni type A as well as Antoni type B. 5. The above statement concludes the nemilemmoma is unlikely to recur when taken proper enucleation & marsupialization as diagnosed in this particular case.

      • KCI등재

        口蓋粘膜下 結締組織 有莖瓣膜術을 이용한 口腔-上顎洞 瘻孔의 治驗例

        Sang Chul Lee(李相喆),Yeo Gab Kim(金麗甲),Sung Soo Lim(林成洙),Dong Mock Ryu(柳東睦) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1981 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This is to report a case of oroantral fistula closure by palatal submucosal connective tissue pedicle flap technique. The patient, 39 year old male, had an oroantral fistula on the alveolar ridge of upper right 2nd molar area. Authors noticed the following advantages. 1. The flap was easily rotated and properly positioned without excessive tension by the two gingival bridge. 2. The wide contact surface of fresh wound gives high obstruction ability. 3. To give the patient minimal discomfort by avoidence of bare bone exposure on the palatal site. Then, the healing time can be shortened.

      • KCI등재

        異物體에 依한 慢性唾液腺炎의 治驗例

        Sang Chull Lee(李相喆),Yeo Gab Kim(金麗甲),Kun Taek Jang(張建宅),Seoung Soo Lim(林成洙) 대한구강악안면외과학회 1980 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The authors had a case of sialodenitis due to foreign body in the left submandibular gland. 1. This patient was a 26-yrs old male. 2. The foreign body which obstructed the left submandibular gland of this patient, was a seed about 12mm×1mm size. 3. In this case, We had a satisfactorable result from the surgical complete excision of the left submandibular gland.

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