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        적북지역 지연(특화) 산업의 개선방안

        최낙필 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 2000 지역개발연구 Vol.32 No.1

        Since the establishment of the local government in 1995, there are ever growing concerns about strengthening regional economies from all levels of local government. Especially, the Chonbuk area, as a backward region, has all the reason to reform old, low - productive industrial structure to new strategic knowledge - bred industry if we want to accelerate the regional economic growth. The purpose of this study is to help to set up and to suggest various ways of industrial advancement to improve the competitiveness of Chonbuk regional economy. The aualytical method used is related to 'regional growth rate differential analysis' and 'comparative labor productivity and 'comparative unit labor cost analysis.'

      • 全北經濟의 停滯性 克服에 관한 硏究

        崔洛弼,朴承基,安津,朴泰植,李海經,金宣坤 全北大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        This research is to give light upon the cause of stagnated economy of Chonbuk province by comparing the interreginal conditions of economy mainly since 1960s which is the period between Japanese Colony and the development of this province, and to propose its measures to overcome it. Chonbuk region, Since its opening of Kunsan port, through the term of Japanese colony, had been degenerated into a relative area of stagnation compared with other areas due to land seizure and exploitation of agricultural products by Japan. Thus since the opening of port the structure of economy in Chonbuk region was deformed into that is typical monoculture from colonial exploitation. Of course, althrough the structure of Korean economy under Japanese colony was generally maimed through exploitative structure of economy, it was demonstrated by substantiation data, that Chonbuk region with its opulent exploited as a primary object area of exploitation by Japan. Deprived of its autogenous vitality and alienated even from "the age of development" for decades, economical structure of Chonbuk province couldn't but be still aggravated rather than improved. Eventurally the gap between present growing regions is more over deepening through the compound geometrical functions of various factors that restrict regional development of economy as analyzed above.

      • 中小企業의 地域革新機能의 强化에 대한 小考 : 地域 土着企業育成事例를 中心으로 A Case Study of Cultivating Regional native Industries

        崔洛弼 全北大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.42 No.-

        This paper is to recognize the importance of regional reform functions of native industries in achieving economical independence in the advent of local self-governing system and to provide information about how to cultivate native industries in the Chon Buk region. A native industry or a territorial industry are composed of firms which produce products indigenous to a region and create external demand as well as satisfying local demand. Especially native industries include ancient enterprises that are rooted and grown in a region for a long time and thus are forming a place of original tradition. Usually they are based on locally-provided capital, resources, labor, and technology by having the main office and the main factory in the region.

      • 全北地域 中小企業 育成 方案 Ⅰ : 隘路要因分析을 위한 企業設問調査內容을 中心으로 Based on the Industry Survey for Primary Factor Analysis

        최낙필 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 1995 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        The era of local self-government has begun. The $10,000 per capita GNP is closing in, and the export reached $100 billion dollars. In the process of economic growth, however, interregional economic disparities has deepened. Despite strong efforts, we failed to lure enterprises into this region due to insufficient SOCs and not-so-attractive conditions for enterprises. In this era of localization and competition, we desperately need to develop active measures for the promotion of regional small and medium-sized industries which are currently under severe disadvantages due to lack of capital accumulation and technologies, and structural inferiority. By doing so, we can build strong foundations for regional economic growth as well as strong competitive stance. In this paper, I present a plan for fostering small and medium-sized industries in this region based on the industry survey.

      • 全北地域經濟構造의 變動推移에 關한 硏究 : 地域隔差와 經濟構造分析을 中心으로

        崔洛弼 全北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        Several factors are responsible for regional inequalities in a country, but it is my intention to pay particular attention to a number of phenomena which have been more and less neglected or insufficiently acknowledged, such as relatively low mobility of labour and capital, the geographical factors, the economic structure as many other primary and seconary factors. Among these factors, the analysis of economic Structure are very important methods for us to grasp the changes on differential growth of a special districts. In this study, I also analyzed the various changes of regional economic structures in Jeonbuk province with these methods. As facts, It is true that the Korean economy have ever been experienced higher gorwth rate (as 9~10%) per year by expanding the vigorous policys for manufacturing industries and heavy industries. In spite of such an outstanding growth of GNP or GDP, at present, Jeonbuk regional economy is faced to many problems which the depressed districts have to solve because of regional inequalable growth. At hence, Many problems are the continuous decrease of population, especially of rural labors, low growth rate of GRP and GRP per person, oneside economy with the primary industries and duplicity of economic structures, etc. In order to persist in national growth rate in Jeanbuk, we must get rid of the factors to disturb higher economic growth evidently, at same time, It is necessary and also valuable to substitute the economic structures specialized in the primary industries for that specialized in secondary industries which can be hasten high growth of the employment and income.

      • 全北中小企業의 低成長要因과 實質成長率의 地域間 比較分析

        최낙필 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 1996 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 중소기업의 저성장요인을 살펴보고, 수도권지역과 비교하여 이러한 실질성장률의 격차 원인을 파악하고자 하였다. 이러한 문제에 대한 대책으로는 도내기업을 기술집약형 중소기업으로 육성하여야 하고 이를 위한 토지균형개발법등의 조기제정이 선결되어야 하며 이를 바탕으로 산·관·학 협동의 강력한 지원체제와 도민의식이 전환되어야 한다는 결론을 도출할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 국토개발의 새로운 패러다임과 전북경제의 대응전략

        최낙필 한국산업경제학회 2007 산업경제연구 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 21세기 새로운 국토개발의 패러다임에 대응한 전북경제의 대응전략을 구명해 보고, 낙후된 지역경제가 지역적 개성과 특성을 살린 강한 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고자 하였다. 이와 같은 새로운 변화에 대응하여 위해서는 이 지역이 먼저 해결해야만 하는 과제와 발전에너지를 축적할 수 있는 대응전략이 있어야 한다 먼저, 선결과제로서는 지역적 사고에 의한 주민의 정체성확립을 위한 “주민의식의 대전환”과 긍정적·적극적인 주민참여의식의 고취, 농업의 재생과 활성화 및 고질적인 산업구조의 조정과 개혁을, 대응전략으로는 다시 전략의 기본방향과 대응전략과 정책으로 구분하고 있다. 따라서 새만금지구를 중심으로 한 활력거점 형성, 활력거점 중심의 산업복합체형성, 지역간 network 정비 등을 전략의 기본방향으로 하고 이것을 기반으로 하여 지식산업기반조성, 자동차 산업의 특성화와 지역특화산업의 재평가, 고급인력의 적극적인 육성과 도시생활기반 등 산업기반조성, 종합적인 중소기업체제의 구축, 문화관광산업벨트의 추진, 군산 자유무역지구의 지정과 국제화추진 등의 전략과 정책대안을 마련하였다. This paper is to investigate how the Chonbuk economy should react to this nationwide change and what are the possible alternatives to revitalize the backward regional economy and thus to assure the regional competitiveness. To effectively respond to these changes, there are several regional tasks to be resolved prior to building counter strategies of accumulating energies for regional development. First of all, the Chonbuk region urgently needs to build up its residental identity by switching away from residents' negative sense to their positive and proactive sense. Second, the region needs to reform and adjust its chronical industrial structure, and especially to revitalize the agriculture by recomposing into 'green tourism' and high-tech or bio-tech industry. To accumulate energies for regional development, this paper presents first the basic direction of strategies, and then specific policy alternatives. First, the regional redevelopment strategies should be in the direction of building up the new strategic industrial complex in connection with the Saemangum area, which will serve as a vital point of industrial network in this region. This paper suggests specific polices as follows: the promotion of a high-tech and knowledge-based industry, specialization of an auto-mobile industry, reevaluation of local specialized industries, bring-up the high quality of human resources, improving infrastructure of urban residence, comprehensive support for smaller businesses, promotion of culture-based tourism industry belts connecting from Samangum area to the Muju Taekwondo park, and the designation of Kusan international free trade area.

      • KCI등재

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