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      • 팽이 톱밥 人工栽培時 培地微生物相의 經時的인 密度變化

        배태웅,文炳周,辛元敎,宋模烈,李鉉旭,曺東進 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        팽이 재배에 있어 가장 큰 문제 중의 하나는 雜菌에 대한 汚染, 특히 細菌에 의한 피해가 극심하므로 作業段階와 栽培過程 전반에 걸쳐 培地徵生物相의 經時的인 密度變化에 따른 雜菌의 培地內 流入時期를 조사하여 汚染菌의 發生消長을 알아보기 위해 現地農家에서 시험해 본 결과 接種후 培養室에서 菌絲培養을 시작한 5일후부터 細菌이 檢出되기 시작하여 菌긁기전까지 약 25일간 0.5∼3.1×10⁴cfu/g의 密度를 보였으나 經時的인 密度增加는 없었고, 菌絲培養이 끝난 뒤 菌긁기직후부터 細菌의 密度는 118.3×10⁴cfu/g으로 급격히 높아졌으며 子實體生育 기간동안에 시간이 경과함에 따라 密度가 현저하게 증가되는 경향을 나타냈다. 이는 培養室 안으로 흐르는 空氣를 통하여 甁內로 細菌이 流入되고 또한 菌긁기 직후 培地表面에 灌注하는 물과 加濕機에서 噴霧되는 물粒子가 細菌의 密度增加에 절대적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단되므로 이때가 細菌性褐斑病菌에 感染되기 가장 용이한 시기로 생각된다. 眞菌은 菌긁기후 子實體生育 기간동안 1.17∼7.87×10⁴/g의 密度로서 菌絲培養 기간동안의 密度보다 다소 높게 檢出되었으나 대체로 經時的인 密度增加는 보이지 않았으며, 放線菌은 거의 검출되지 않거나 菌絲培養 후 5일째부터 다소 검출되기 시작했으나 밀도가 매우 낮았고 經時的으로도 증가되지 않았다. One of the most serious problem on the Enoki mushroom cultivation is the infection by pathogenicitic microorganisns, especially bacterial diseases causing serious economical losses in the mushroom production. It was carried out to find the tendency of the development of mushroom diseases by temporal changes and variation of the densities of media microflora through the cultivation periods and working stages in a mushroom farm. According to the results, several bacteria were detected from the fifth day after the inoculation and incubation of mycelium in the incubation room, and the density of bacterium was 0.5∼3.1×10⁴cfu/g media for 25 days before the inoculum-removing, although there was no increment of the density. Since the inoculum-removing after the spawn run, the density of bacterium was rapidly increased as 118.3×10⁴cfu/g media, and was significantly increased by time during the growth period of fruitbodies. It was hypothesized that it is the most suitable period for the pathogen infection because the bacterium might be introduced by the air in the incubation-room, and the increment of bacterium density might be affected by moisture supplied through watering or humidifier in the growing room after the inoculum-removing. Fungi were detected as the density as 1.17∼7.87×10⁴/g media and the density was slightly higher than that during the incubation period of hyphae, although there was no significant increment. Generally, the density of Actinomycetes was disregardfully low, or Actinomycetes were hardly ever found, although there was found some 5 days after incubation hyphae in few cases.

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