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      • 러시아 南沿海州地域의 鳥類

        元炳旿,李漢洙,朴眞永 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1993 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        본 논문은 1991년 6월 9일부터 1991년 7월 3일까지 러시아 연해주남부지역의 조류를 관찰한 결과를 종합한 것이다. 1. 본 조사를 통해 관찰된 조류는 총 106종 24,047개체이다. 2. 조사지역은 뻬레왈마을과 주변의 습지, 비낀강, 알찬강, 끄라스늬 야르, 한까호 및 까라뜨지나 자연보호지구 등지이다. 3. 뻬레호늬 뻬레왈 마을지역에서는 총 49종 296개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 북방쇠찌르레기(Sturnus sturninus), 귀제비(Hirundo daurica) 및 바늘꼬리칼새(Chaetura caudacuta)등이다. 뻬레호늬 뻬레왈 습지지역에서는 총 32종 151개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 붉은뺨멧새(Emberiza fucata), 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos) 및 검은딱새(Saxicola torquata) 등이다. 알찬강 지역에서는 총 31종 158개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 청둥오리(Anas platyrhynchos), 깝작도요(Tringa hypoleucos) 및 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos) 등이다. 끄라스늬 야르지역에서는 총 28종 162개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 북방쇠찌르레기(Sturnus sturninus)와 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos)등이다. 비낀강 지역에서는 총 33종 198개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 호사비오리(Mergus squamatus), 찌르레기(Sturunus cineraceus) 및 파랑새(Eurystomus orientalis) 등이다. 한까호지역에서 관찰된 조류는 총 31종 951개체였으며, 우점종은 붉은부리갈매기(Larus ridibundus)와 흰죽지갈매기(Sterna leucoptera)이다. 까라뜨지나 자연보호지구에서는 총 12종 22,038개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 팽이갈매기(Larus crassirostris)와 바다오리(Uria aalge)이다. 4. 비낀강 주변의 습지지역은 절종위기에 처한 조류의 번식지로서 매우 중요한 지역이며 국제적으로도 중요성을 지니는 지역이다. 따라서, 이 지역은 하루 속히 자연보호지구로 지정하여 영구보존관리토록 노력하여야 할 것이다. A birding trip to Primorskii region, Russia, was made from June 9 to July 3, 1991. The results of the birding trip are as follows: 1. A total of 24,047 individuals of 106 species was recorded. 2. The survey covered 7 major areas-Perebnui Pereval Village, Perebnui Pereval Wetland, Bikin River, Alchan River, Krasnii Yar, Khanka Lake and Karatzina National Reserve. 3. In Perebnui Pereval Village, a total of 296 individuals of 49 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Sturnus sturninus, Hirundo daurica and Chaetura caudacuta. In Perebnui Pereval Wetland, a total of 151 individuals of 32 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Emberiza fucata, Corvus macrorhynchos and Saxicola torquata. On the Alchan River, a total of 158 individuals of 31 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Anas platyrhynchos, Tringa hypoleucos and Corvus macrorhynchos. In Krasnii Yar, a total of 162 individuals of 28 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Sturnus sturninus and Corvus macrorhynchos. On the Bikin River, a total of 198 individuals of 33 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Mergus squamatus, Sturunus cineraceus and Eurystomus orientalis. On the Khanka Lake, a total of 951 individuals of 31 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Larus ridibundus and Sterna leucoptera. In Karatzina National Reserve, a total of 22,038 individuals of 12 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Larus crassirostris and Uria aalge. 4. The marsh areas around the Bikin River are internationally important wetlands supporting many endangered, species such as Mergus squamatus, Ciconia boyciana, Grus monacha, Porzana paykullii, Porzana pusilla, Turnix tanki, etc. Therefore, this area should be designated as a nature reserve and preserved for effective, continuous protection and management.

      • 漢江의 水鳥類調査

        元炳旿,朴眞永,金恩英,金和貞 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1993 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        1. 1989년부터 1992년까지 동계에 한강의 서울수계에서 관찰한 조류는 총 39종, 최대 개체수는 27,615개체이며, 우점종은 흰죽지이다. 2. 1993년 2월부터 4월까지 한강하류에서 관찰한 조류는 총 38종, 최대개체수는 110,989개체이다. 최우점종은 흰죽지이며, 청둥오리, 고방오리 및 큰기러기의 순이었다. 3. 1992년 3월부터 5월까지 밤섬에서 관찰한 조류는 38종, 최대 개체수는 2,327개체이다. 최우점종은 청둥오리이며, 흰뺨검둥오리, 쇠오리 및 비오리의 순이었다. 4. 밤섬의 번식조류는 흰뺨검둥오리, 청둥오리 및 깝작도요이며, 꼬마물떼새와 쇠제비갈매기는 번식장소의 감소로 크게 줄어들었다. 5. 조류의 번식기간인 4~7월과 월동기간인 12~2월에는 밤섬의 출입을 엄격히 통제해야 하며, 인공 자갈못의 조성, 인공 새집의 가설, 먹이 공급 등을 통한 장기적인 보호 방안이 필요하다. 6. 행주대교에서 최근에 세워진 오두산통일전망대까지 약 25㎞에 이르는 한강하류지역은 재두루미, 개리, 큰기러기, 쇠기러기 및 말똥가리류, 수리류, 개구리매류 등 맹금류를 포함하는 10만마리 이상의 대집단이 도래하는 지역이다. 따라서 현재 천연기념물지역으로 지정된 한강하구지역은 수금류의 보호를 위해 위에 언급한 지역을 포함하여 확대지정하여야만 한다. 1. A total of 39 species with a maximum individual number of 27,615 of waterbirds was observed on the Han River in Seoul during the winter periods of 1982-1992, among which the most dominant species was Aythya ferina. 2. A maximum count of 110,989 individuals of 38 species were recorded from February to April 1993 on Han River estuary. The most dominant species was Aythya ferina followed by Anas platyrhynchos, A. acuta and Anser fabalis. 3. A maximum count of 2,327 individuals of 38 species were made during the bird census on Pam Islet, among which the most dominant species was Anas platyrhynchos followed by A. poecilorhyncha, A. crecca and Mergus merganser. 4. The species of birds breeding on Pam Islet were Anas platyrhynchos, A. poecilorhyncha and Tringa hypoleucos. The number of Charadrius dubius and Sterna albifrons was greatly declined due to the decrease of their breeding sites. 5. People coming to Pam Islet should be restricted during the breeding season from April to June and the wintering season from December to February. Long-term protection measures, such as artificial gravel pits and nests, and feed, are necessary for the waterbirds inhabiting this islet. 6. The downstream of the Han River stretching about 25㎞ from Haengju Bridge to the Han River estuary, where the unification observatory has recently been erected, becomes the wintering site of more than 100,000 waterfowl including rare spcies such as White-naped crane, Swan goose, Bean goose, White-fronted goose; and birds of prey such as buzzards, eagles, and harriers. Therefore, the present natural monument of the Han River estuary should be expanded by legislation to include the downstream of the Han River mentioned above for the protection of waterfowl.

      • 청딱다구리 Picus canus friseoviridis (Clark)의 繁殖經過

        元炳旿,具太會 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1986 연구보고 Vol.1 No.-

        1973年 5月 19日부터 6月 30日까지 京畿道 楊州郡 榛接面 光陵林에서 청딱다구리 Picus canus griseoviridis의 繁殖經過를 調査하였다. (1) 孵化까지 7日間의 抱卵觀察에서 암수 어미의 둥우리 出入回數는 1日平均 3回였다. (2) 그러나 抱卵率은 1日平均 암컷이 45.88%, 수컷이 54.12%로서 수컷이 암컷보다 抱卵率이 높았다. (3) 孵化에서 離巢까지의 育雛期間은 24日이었고, 먹이를 물고 둥지를 出入한 回數는 1日平均 13回였다. (4) 育雛期의 어미의 在巢時間은 1日 平均 암컷은 47.98%, 수컷은 52.02%로서 수컷이 약간 많았다. (5) 育雛期의 成長率은 1日平均 全長이 6.98㎜, 翼長 4.23㎜, 尾長 2.92㎜, 體重 4.53㎜ 였다. (6) 育雛期의 食餌物은 개미의 卵이 大部分이었다. 개미類의 卵 95.32%와 成蟲이 2.08%였고 그밖에 昆蟲의 幼蟲 0.17%, 거미類 0.14%가 있었다. (7) 採餌地는 主로 70~80年生 老松들이 있는 곳이었으나 일부 混淆林 草地에서도 採餌했다. 抱卵期에서 家族期까지 같은 場所에서 採食하였다. (8) 勢力圈은 둥우리를 中心으로한 約 40m×25m 範圍의 西쪽 숲이었고 採食地는 勢力圈 밖에 있었다. (9) 勢力圈內 外敵이 侵入한 鳥類는 12種이었으며, 抱卵期 45.08%와 育雛期 54.92%로서 共히 侵入한 種에 對해서 防禦하였다. The reproductive success of the Grey-headed Green Woodpecker, Picus canus griseoviridis (Clark). The breeding biology of the Grey-headed Green Woodpecker, Picus canus griseoviridis was studied in Kwang-n??ng Forest, Chinch??b-my??n, Yangju-gun, Kyonggi-do, during the period of 19 May-30 June, 1973. 1. Until hatching there is a seven days period of incubation observed, and the pair of parents enter their nest an average of three times a day. 2. The incubation rate on an average day for a female is 45.88% while it is 54.12% for a male, and this fact indicates the incubation rate for a male is higher than for a female. 3. The period from hatching till leaving the nest (during the feeding period) is 24 days, and the percentage of parent's entering their nest is an average of 13 times a day for feeding purpose. 4. During the feeding period the female stays at the nest 47.98% of the time, and the male stays 52.02% of the time, so the male stays more time than the female. 5. The growth rate of the feeding period on a one day average shows that the total length is 6.98㎜; the wing length is 4.23㎜; the tail length is 2.92㎜; the weight is 4.53g. 6. The food items of the feeding period are mostly animal matters, and these items consist of 95.30% of Formicidae egg, 2.08% of Formicidae adult, 0.17% of Insect larvae, 0.14% of Spider, 0.04% of Snail, 2.10% of cherry and 0.16% of pine seeds. From this study, and eggs are found as their main foods. 7. The feeding ground in the majority of nest is found in a dead pine woods, which had from 70 to 80 years old, and also in the grassfield, and from incubation until fledgling periods it feeds at the same place. 8. The territory of the woodpecker had a 25×40m, with the nesting tree at center.

      • 漢江의 越冬鳥類

        元炳旿,禹漢貞,金相旭,具太會,李斗杓,崔東信 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1986 연구보고 Vol.1 No.-

        The Han River is an important river where some twentys pecies of waterbirds yearly visit for staging or wintering-including some species of surface-water (or inland-water ducks), geese, and diving ducks which are dominant. The river, which has the capacity for more than 15,000 waterbirds and which is located in their migrating route, is considered essential for their surviving. As we know, the accepted ornithological criteria for assigning international importance to wetlands as propounded by the International Wetlands Conferences in Ramar, Iran(1972) and Heiligenhafen, West Germany(1974) are: (ⅰ) the wetland should support at least 1% of the population of one or more species of waders or waterfowl in an international flyway. In the present context this constitutes Europe and North Africa; (ⅱ) the wetland should support totals of 20,000 or more waders and/or more than 10,000 wildfowl of all species. However, the number of the waterfowl visiting the Han River every year exceeds the figures suggested above for wetland criteria in Europe or North Africa. Thus, the Han River is regarded very important both domestically and internationally. The decrease in the past twenty years in the number of waterfowl and waders migrating to this river is largely due to the water pollution caused by industrial sewage and insecticides flowing into Han River and to the development of agricultural and recreation areas within the river which have encroached and impoverished habitats. For minimizing negative ecological impacts on wildfowl from the factors mentioned above and from Han River developing projects, constant efforts should be made for effective supervision and rational administration for nature conservation through scientific surveys and researches.

      • 白頭山의 鳥獸類

        元炳旿 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1990 연구보고 Vol.3 No.-

        1. 지금까지 白頭山에 알려진 鳥類는 北斜面(中國領)에서 18目 48科 281種, 南斜面(北韓領)에서 15目 37科 133種이 各己 記錄되어 있으며 南北斜面에서 모두290種이 棲息한다. 哺乳類는 北斜面(中國領)에서 5目 17科50種, 南斜面(北韓領)에서 5目 17科66種이 各己 알려져 있으며 南北斜面에서 모두 71種이 棲息한다. 2. 本調査를 통해 觀察된 鳥類는 34種이며 哺乳類는 다람쥐와 우는토끼의 2種 뿐이나 10餘種의 絶種危機의 種에 대한 實態를 現地 白頭山資源硏究所 朴正吉氏로 부터 청취한 것을 收錄하였다. 3. UNESCO에서 指定한 生物圈 保護地區인 白頭山은 頂上까지의 車道建設, 探訪客의 쇄도, 野生鳥類의 密獵, 山林의 남벌 등으로 白頭山 生態系는 파괴 일로에 있다. 4. 白頭山 의 保護를 위해서는 다음과 같은 規制가 時急하다. 1) 探訪客은 一定한 地域과 通路外에는 出入을 엄격히 통제할 것. 2) 現地 住民의 銃器, 덫 등을 利用한 密獵을 엄격히 단속 할 것. 3) 앞으로는 山林伐採는 지양하고 파괴로부터 復元에 전력을 경주할 것. 4) 生態系의 파괴와 野生動物의 激減등, 지난날의 原始自然과 比較하는 學術연구를 통해 生物圈保護地區로서의 機能을 期할 수 있도록 努力할 것. The Survey was conducted from July 24 to August 10,1989. Mt. Paektu is the highest mountain in the Korean peninsula. The volcano has erupted at least three times about 3,000, 1,400, and 1,000 year ago. A large amount of Miocene plateau basalt (7 fissure eruptions during 19.9-2.6 Ma) and quaternary trachyte-pantellerite (3 central eruptions during 0.61-0.087 Ma) occur in the rift valley tectonic setting. 1. On the northern slope of Mt. Paektu, 281 species of birds belonging to 48 families and 18 orders are recorded. On the southern slope, 133 bird species occur, belonging to 37 families and 15 orders. A total of 290 species of birds inhabit both sides of Mt. Paektu. 2. On the northern slope of Mt. Paektu, 50 species of mammals belonging to 17 families and 5 orders are recorded. On the southern slope, 66 mammal species occur, belonging to 17 families and 5 orders. A total of 71 species inhabited both slopes of Mt. Paektu. 3. During the present survey, 34 specis of birds and two species of mammals (Asiatic Chipmunk and Northern Pika) were observed by the author. But, Mr. Park Chong-kil of the institute of Bilogical Resources of Mt. Paektu informed me of the present status of about a dozen endangered species of mammals. 4. Mt. Paektu is designated by UNESCO as biosphere reserve, but its ecosystem is being destroyed day after day due to the motorway stretched to the summit, the flood of tourists and visitors, illegal wildlife hunting, and reckless deforestation. 5. Therefore, the conservation of Mt. Paektu Biosphere Reserve urgently calls for some positive measures as the following: a. Strict control of tourists and visitors from entry into conservation areas. b. Strict regulation of the use of firearms and traps for wildlife hunting. c. Prohibition of deforestation and exertion for forest recovery. d. Promotion of comparative studies between the present status of the destroyed ecosystem and the reduced wildlife of Mt. Paektu and its former natural status with a view to establish effective measures and policies to restore the function of Mt. Paektu Biosphere Reserve.

      • 落東江河口 일원과 注南貯水池의 鳥類集團과 種多樣性의 豫備的評價

        元炳旿,咸奎晃 慶熙大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        1. Intra-area comparison of the bird population wintering and staging in spring and fall were made on the four census areas representing different habitats, namely, the Yongwol-ri inlet, the Juk-rim branch of the Nakdong estuary, Nakdong estuary and Ju-nam reservoirs, with a total of 54 daily counts during the period of October 1983-May 1984. 2. Differences of bird species diversity and the number of "equally common" species appear greater among the different substrates censused, and there are also differences of carrying capacity of bird populations and fluctuate seasonal rythmic population changes by habitat type. 3. A considerable effort should be made to preserve diversity of the bird species and of the wintering grounds which have been the only remaining areas for waterfowl and waders. Furthermore, a strict supervision should be exercised for elimination the causes of ever-growing pullution.

      • 洛東江河口의 鳥類

        元炳旿,咸奎晃 慶熙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        A survey of the invertebrate fauna of the sand bar in Nakdong delta and Yongwon-ri inlet, South Korea, was made, the count of migrating waders and waterfowl was taken, and the stomach contents of 5 Kentish plovers were analyzed. During the survey it was noticed that the commonest wader foraged near the water's edge and in shallow water during hightide. This may be correlated to the fact that their type of food is present in all these delta and inlet areas. The distribution and aggregation of waders and waterfowl shows an correlation to the distribution of their principal food species, and to other environmental factor such as the nature of the substrates and the availability of cover. The aggregating population of some waders confined to the remaining sand bar of Nakdong delta, e.g., Mujigae-dung, Galmaegi-dung, and Teama-dung, reflects changes occurring on a wide scale there. Although there may be a number of minor underlying factors, the fundamental cause for these changes in ascribed to the recent reclamation and construction of the barrage in the estuary.

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