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      • KCI등재

        Status of Nematode Resistance studies in Korea, Vietnam, and Malaysia

        Myoung Rae Cho,Chau N. Nguyen,Nik Masdek,Dorothy Chandrabalan,Taek Ryoun Kwon 한국국제농업개발학회 2010 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        작물육종 프로그램에 선충저항성은 매우 중요한 구성요소의 하나이다. 세계적으로 선충에 의한 작물의 수량 감소는 약 10% 정도로 추산되고 있으나 아시아 각국에서는 주요 작물별로 선충의 피해현황이나 저항성 작물 등에 대한 연구가 아직 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 한국, 베트남, 말레이시아 각국의 최근 선충저항성 관련 연구 현황을 분석하였다. 한국에서는 주요 경제작물 중 쌀, 콩, 고추, 오이, 참외 뿐만 아니라 장미, 카네이션, 국화 등 화훼작물에 대한 선충저항성 품종 선발 연구가 이루어졌다. 베트남에서 는 바나나, 커피, 쌀, 리치 등에 대한 선충저항성 검정연구와 식물 기생선충의 분포에 관한 연구가 이루어졌다. 말레이시아에서는 최근 파인애플에서 선충으로 인한 연작장해가 문제가 되고 있으나 저항성품종 개발 연구는 시작단계에 있다. 아시아 각국에서 선충에 대한 연구가 부진한 이유는 방제전략의 부재, 경제적인 종합방제 대책의 부족, 선충에 대한 정보 부족, 살선충제 가격 부담 등이 들 수 있다. 따라서 보다 경제적이면서 지속가능한 선충관리전략의 수립이 시급하다. 선충저항성 유전자원의 이용과 품종개발은 아시아 지역에서 경제적이고 효과적인 선충관리 대책의 하나가 될 수 있다. Nematode resistance has been recognized as an important prerequisite in crop breeding programmes. In Asia, the extent of damage brought upon by nematodes to major crops is still not unequivocally studied. It has been estimated that 10% of world crop production is lost as a result of plant nematode damage, however not much work has been reported in the field of nematode resistance in Asia. Researches done in Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia are described in this paper to provide an overview of the current status in nematode related research in Asia. In Korea, nematode resistance screenings were done on economic crops such as rice, soybean, hot pepper, cucumber, and oriental melon as well as on ornamental crops such as rose, carnation, and chrysanthemum. In Vietnam, nematode resistance screenings and nematode distribution studies were conducted on banana, coffee, rice, and litchi. In Malaysia, Paratylenchus sp. was reported as the causal agent of pineapple yield decline, however, studies on screening and breeding of resistant cultivar are in the beginning stage. Limitations faced in developing an integrated approach in combating the nematode problem in Asia include the absence of economical IPM solutions for specific pest problems, the lack of basic understanding of the biology of specific pests, and high costs involved on the dependence of nematicides. This urgently calls for economical and sustainable nematode management strategies. One such strategy foreseen as a viable approach in Asia would be the development of nematode-resistant plant germplasms or cultivars.

      • KCI등재

        한국, 베트남, 말레이시아의 선충저항성 연구 현황

        조명래 ( Myoung Rae Cho ),( C. N. Nguyen ),( N. Masdek ),( Chandrabalan ),권택륜 ( Taek Ryoun Kwon ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2010 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        Nematode resistance has been recognized as an important prerequisite in crop breeding programmes. In Asia, the extent of damage brought upon by nematodes to major crops is still not unequivocally studied. It has been estimated that 10% of world crop production is lost as a result of plant nematode damage, however not much work has been reported in the field of nematode resistance in Asia. Researches done in Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia are described in this paper to provide an overview of the current status in nematode related research in Asia. In Korea, nematode resistance screenings were done on economic crops such as rice, soybean, hot pepper, cucumber, and oriental melon as well as on ornamental crops such as rose, carnation, and chrysanthemum. In Vietnam, nematode resistance screenings and nematode distribution studies were conducted on banana, coffee, rice, and litchi. In Malaysia, Paratylenchus sp. was reported as the causal agent of pineapple yield decline, however, studies on screening and breeding of resistant cultivar are in the beginning stage. Limitations faced in developing an integrated approach in combating the nematode problem in Asia include the absence of economical IPM solutions for specific pest problems, the lack of basic understanding of the biology of specific pests, and high costs involved on the dependence of nematicides. This urgently calls for economical and sustainable nematode management strategies. One such strategy foreseen as a viable approach in Asia would be the development of nematode-resistant plant germplasms or cultivars.

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