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      • KCI등재

        ‘신해링턴주의(Neo-Harringtonianism)’에 대한 지성사적 재고(再考): - 제임스 해링턴의 『오시아나 공화국』의 수용사(受容史)를 중심으로 -

        윤석민 ( Yun¸ Seok-min ) 영국사학회 2020 영국연구 Vol.44 No.-

        제임스 해링턴의 『오시아나 공화국』의 수용사에 대한 연구는 지성사가들에게 매력적인 연구 분야이다. 1960년대 이래 존 포콕이 선도해온 연구는 이러한 수용사를 그가 ‘신해링턴주의’라고 명명한 이데올로기의 형성사로 이해할 수 있는 시각을 열어주었다. 포콕의 서사에서 신해링턴주의는 해링턴의 공화주의 사상을 잉글랜드의 ‘고래의 헌정’과 화해시키려는 이데올로기적 흐름을 의미한다. 하지만 정부 형태에 방점을 두는 이러한 서사는, 17세기 중·후반기 동안 고래의 헌정 담론이 그것을 실제로 유용했던 이들에게 무엇을 의미했는지를 간과한다. 그동안 덜 연구돼 온 이 시기의 팸플렛과 문학 작품을 분석함으로써 본 논문은 왜 신해링턴주의 문필가들이 왕정복고 이후 잉글랜드라는 변화된 정치 환경 속에서 반-궁정 세력으로 부상했는지를 효과적으로 해명한다. 그들에게 고래의 헌정이란 일인의 권력이 법 위에 있지 않으며 항상 법에 종속된다는 믿음의 원천이었다. 1675년 이전 신해링턴주의의 발생기에 나타났던 담론의 지형도를 들여다봄으로써 본 논문은 왕정복고(1660) 전야부터 왕위계승법 시행(1701) 전야에 이르는 시기 동안 신해링턴주의 이데올로기의 기원과 형성에 대한 대안적 서사를 구축할 수 있는 실마리를 찾아보고자 한다. The reception history of James Harrington’s Commonwealth of Oceana is one of the most promising areas of research for intellectual historians. Work done by John Pocock since the 1960s has pioneered a unique way to look at such history as the ideological development of what he termed “neo-Harringtonianism.” In Pocock’s narrative, it means a lineage of ideology in pursuit of the reconciliation of Harrington’s republicanism with the English ancient constitution founded on King, Lords and Commons. This conceptualization with special emphasis on the form of government, however, is necessarily hampered by its utter neglect of what the ancient constitution might actually speak to those who would muster it with reference to the writings of Harrington in the mid-seventeenth century and beyond. A closer examination of some under-explored written texts―both pamphlets and literary works― during this period can help better to explain how and why neo-Harringtonians emerged in the changed circumstances of post-Restoration England as members of an anti-court or anti-government party. They saw the ancient constitution as the source of the belief that single-person rule should not be above the law and should always be bound by the law. A more in-depth analysis of the discursive milieu in which neo-Harringtonianism was at its most incipient stage prior to 1675 permits a new vantage point from which to reconstruct an alternative narrative of the origin and development of neo-Harringtonianism from the eve of the Restoration (1660) to the eve of the Act of Settlement (1701).

      • KCI등재

        영국의 2008 및 2014 시민성 교육과정과 교재에 나타난 사회적 시민성의 특성 비교 연구 -복지를 둘러싼 시민의 사적 권리와 공민의 공적 책무를 중심으로-

        홍석민 ( Hong¸ Seok Min ) 영국사학회 2020 영국연구 Vol.43 No.-

        신노동당 정부의 복지체제는 선별적 사회적 시민권을 반영했으나, 이 정부 하의 2008 교육과정과 교재들은 다문화주의와 UN/EU 인권 문서들에 기초하여, EU 수준의 초국가성을 띤, 보편적 사회적 시민권을 지향했다. 반면, 보수당-자민당 연립정부 하의 2014 교육과정과 교재들은, EU의 영국 의회주권 침해와 다문화주의의 부작용을 지적하고, 사회적 시민권을 대헌장 이래로 여러 권리의 역사적 발전의 결과물로 서술함으로써, 영국이라는 국민국가 중심의 선별적 사회적 시민권을 지향한다. 또한 이 교재들은 선별적 사회적 시민권에 내재된 책무인 ‘취직/구직 노력’ 대신, 자립적인 삶을 위한 경제·금융 지식의 습득을 강조한다. 이는 최근 영국민의 복지 인식의 변화가 반영된 결과이기도 하다. 그러나 양쪽 교재 모두 시민의 자유주의적 권리 일반과 특히 사회적 시민권에 직접 상응하는 공화주의적 책무는 거의 규정하고 있지 않다. This study analyzed the 1998 Crick Report, the 2008 and the 2014 British national curriculums, and major citizenship textbooks used for the GCSE. It thereby explored how an individual’s liberal civil rights and his or her republican civil duties were intertwined around the idea of welfare in the context of the market, society, and the state. The New Labor government implemented a welfare system that reflected the notion of selective social citizenship. However, the citizenship textbooks based on the 2008 national curriculum under the same government supported the concept of universal social citizenship in order to strengthen the solidarity and cohesion of the British multicultural community. For this purpose, the textbooks grounded the universal social citizenship on UN and EU human rights documents, and thus the notion of the citizenship was to naturally be transnational at the EU level. Meanwhile, the citizenship textbooks based on the 2014 national curriculum under the Conservative-LDP coalition government, pointing to EU’s infringements of British parliamentary sovereignty and side effects of multiculturalism, described Britain’s social citizenship as a result of her own inner historical development of various rights originating from the Magna Carta. The textbooks, then, supported the notion of selective social citizenship which was to operate within the boundary of the nation state of Britain. However, the same textbooks never mentioned at all the condition of ‘getting a job (or job search efforts)’ which was designed as a responsibility inherent in the idea of selective social citizenship. Instead, the textbooks presented acquisition of economic and financial knowledge for an independent life as a possible substitute for the condition. However, neither groups of textbooks mentioned any specific republican responsibilities and duties directly corresponding to the idea of social citizenship in particular and liberal civil rights in general. Meanwhile, that the notion of social citizenship emphasized by citizenship textbooks changed according to the governments concerned was partly due to its politicization among political parties and, yet, mainly due to the recent changes in the British people’s perception of welfare in which the individual rather than the state took more responsibility. Now they were in search of a productive welfare model rather than a universal one.

      • KCI등재

        Improving Wind Speed Forecasts Using Deep Neural Network

        Seokmin Hong,SungKwan Ku 국제문화기술진흥원 2019 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.4

        Wind speed data constitute important weather information for aircrafts flying at low altitudes, such as drones. Currently, the accuracy of low altitude wind predictions is much lower than that of high-altitude wind predictions. Deep neural networks are proposed in this study as a method to improve wind speed forecast information. Deep neural networks mimic the learning process of the interactions among neurons in the brain, and it is used in various fields, such as recognition of image, sound, and texts, image and natural language processing, and pattern recognition in time-series. In this study, the deep neural network model is constructed using the wind prediction values generated by the numerical model as an input to improve the wind speed forecasts. Using the ground wind speed forecast data collected at the Boseong Meteorological Observation Tower, wind speed forecast values obtained by the numerical model are compared with those obtained by the model proposed in this study for the verification of the validity and compatibility of the proposed model.

      • KCI등재후보

        Researching Korean Constitutional Law and The Constitutional Court of Korea

        ( Seokmin Lee ),( Fabian Duessel ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2016 Journal of Korean Law Vol.16 No.1

        This article introduces Korean legal materials to English speakers wishing to undertake the study of Korean constitutional law and cases. The aim is to highlight relevant material provided by the Constitutional Court of Korea (CCK). Looking back over the last three decades, as the CCK has expanded and stabilized its role in the Korean constitutional system, the basic materials available on Korean constitutional law have grown in volume, partly due to the CCK`s efforts. However, there is still room for improvement in the CCK`s quest to become a leading court of constitutional adjudication in the Asian region, comparable to the positions of the German Federal Constitutional Court and the US Supreme Court on the world stage. Research on Korean constitutional law and cases will gain in significance once the permanent Research Secretariat of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies is established in Seoul in 2017. Therefore, an expansion in available research materials on Korean constitutional law is to be expected in the near future. An overview of the position of the CCK in South Korea`s constitutional system provides institutional context. This is followed by a discussion of CCK jurisdictions and their links to the case citation system. Research materials beyond case law are also introduced; finally, an assessment is made of the availability and potential growth of constitutional research material.

      • KCI등재

        Neue Entscheidungen zum Verbot politischer Parteien in Korea und Deutschland - eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung

        Seokmin Lee 한독사회과학회 2017 한독사회과학논총 Vol.27 No.4

        2017년 1월 17일, 독일 연방헌법재판소는 민족민주당(NPD)의 해산여부에 대한 결정 을 내렸다. 이 결정은 한국에 특히 중요한 의미를 가진다. 대한민국 헌법재판소는 이미 2014년 12월 19일 통합진보당에 관해 이미 정당해산의 결정을 내렸으며 그 법리적 판단에 있어서 독일 연방헌법재판소 및 독일 학계의 기존의 정당해산과 관련한 법리들이 직간접적으로 영향을 미친 것이 사실이다. 2017년 독일의 연방헌법재판소의 새로운 정당해산결정에 사용된 법리가 기존 법리와 차이가 있거나, 더 발전된 부분이 있다면 대한민국에서 그것을 비판하든 수용하든 간에 이는 정당해산결정의 법리와 관련하여 반드시 참고해야 할 점이라고 할 수 있다. 이 글은 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 하여, 먼저 한국의 2014년 결정의 내용을 분석적으로 소개한 후, 독일 연방헌법재판소의 2017년 판결의 내용을 분석하여 제시하여 서로를 비교하였다. 이러한 기초 위에서 결론적으로는, 특히 대한민국의 결정은 정당해산제도가 보호하고 자 하는 '민주적 기본질서'의 의미가 재차 설명되었고, '비례원칙'을 적용한 것이 특징적이 며, 또한 해산된 정당 소속의 국회의원의 의원직 상실을 헌법재판소의 결정만으로 할 수 있다고 한 점이 두드러진다고 할 수 있다. 독일의 결정에서는 특히 비밀 조사기관의 역할과 언론의 자유에 대한 판단에 주목할 필요가 있었다. 무엇보다도 독일의 경우 해당 정당의 목적과 활동이 위헌성이 있다는 점을 인정하였지만, 해산을 할 정도의 '잠재적 위험성'은 없다고 보았다. 이러한 판단이 해산과 존속이라는 일도양단적 결론을 넘어 정당해산에 관하여 '제3의 길'을 만든 것인지에 대한 평가는 아직도 독일에서 헌법조항 의 개정을 수반한 논의가 진행중이다. 향후 한국에서도 지속적으로 관찰하면서 숙고해볼 필요가 있다고 하겠다. At the beginning of this year, on January 17th 2017, the German Federal Constitutional Court gave its ruling on the application for a decision on the unconstitutionality of the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD). This judgment is of particular interest to Korea, as in Korea as well it is the Constitutional Court that is vested with the decision on the banning of political parties the latter additionally having oriented itself towards the hitherto existing jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court when giving its ruling banning the Unified Progressive Party (UPP) on December 19th 2014. Based on this background, the Korean judgment is outlined first and the topics to which the German judgment is to be compared are drawn thereafter. Subsequently, the German judgment is analyzed in detail. On this basis conclusions can be drawn in the last part. These concern especially the interests protected by the party banning procedure, the applicability of the principle of proportionality, the possibility to take into account the particular situation on the Korean peninsula and the loss of parliamentary seats as legal consequence of the banning. The German judgment prompts to additionally think about the role of the secret service and the protection of the freedom of speech.


        Real-Time Walking Pattern Generation Method for Humanoid Robots by Combining Feedback and Feedforward Controller

        Seokmin Hong,Yonghwan Oh,Doik Kim,Bum-Jae You Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2014 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics Vol. No.

        <P>This paper focuses on real-time walking pattern generation for humanoid robots with linear inverted pendulum model (LIPM). In general, there are many issues in generating proper walking patterns of center of mass and zero moment point (ZMP) with the LIPM since the LIPM has two drawbacks such as instability and non-minimum phase property. For resolving these difficulties, the paper proposes a new real-time approach by combining a feedback and a feedforward controller. The feedback controller employs a pole placement method which shifts the poles of the LIPM in order to improve system stability. The feedforward controller utilizes advanced pole-zero cancelation by series approximation method (APZCSA) for reducing non-minimum phase property which occurs by an unstable zero and is not able to be dealt with by the feedback controller. In addition, the APZCSA improves the tracking error induced by finite series approximation. Using the two controllers, the proposed method makes the transfer function of overall walking pattern generation system approximately unity and consequently generates a stable walking pattern which follows a desired ZMP according to walking path. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified by walking pattern planning examples and experiments with the humanoid robot MAHRU-R.</P>

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