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      • KCI등재

        이노우에 유이치의 초험적 경험과 문자 추상

        정경숙 ( Jung¸ Kyoung Sook ),안병학 ( Ahn¸ Byung Hak ) 한국기초조형학회 2021 기초조형학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 인간의 정신세계 속 무의식을 ‘추상’으로 형상화할 수 있는 근거와 방법에 대한 규명으로 연구 방법은 이노우에 유이치의 생애, 그의 문자 추상 작업, 그리고 그가 활동했던 보쿠진 카이(墨人會, Bokujin-kai) 정신으로 규명하고, 이를 바탕으로 예술가의 초험(超驗)적 경험과 그것이 발현된 예술로서 문자 추상의 감응 관계를 탐구한다. 인간 무의식에 의미를 부여하는 추상 예술의 핵심은 대상의 재현이 아니라 대상에 대한 작가의 불명료하고 모호한 감각적 감응과 그 감응이 대상에 반영된 대기이다. 예술가는 자신이 현실에서 겪는 경험을 감각의 변화를 통해 초험으로 전환하여 표상 안에서 투영함으로써 현실과는 또 다른 세계를 창안한다. 이와 같이 예술가의 창작 동기는 자신의 현 실 경험이 초험화 되는 과정에서 반영된 무의식이다. 예술가는 이 무의식을 문자나 이미지로 추상화하는데, 그 추상화된 표상은 예술가의 의식에 대한 상징으로 작동하며, 감상자의 감각을 지배한다. 연구 결과는 유이치의 문자 추상을 통해 예술가의 경험이 초험성을 획득하며 문자 추상 안에서 모호한 대 기를 형성할 수 있는 이유를 첫째, 문자의 강박과 법칙에서 벗어난 ‘기운 생동적 회화성’, 둘째, 예술가 의 내적 동기가 작품에 작용되어 대상과 형상을 초월한 ‘사의성(寫意性)’, 셋째, ‘무의식적 행위에 기 반한 서법’으로 인해 드러난 필압의 강약과 완급· 지속(緩急·遲速)으로 인한 추상적 대기의 고조로 규정한다. 예술가 개인의 초험화된 경험과 문자 추상의 관계에 관한 이 연구가 모든 예술적 사유의 정점으로서 ‘추상’의 본질에 대한 역할을 규명할 수 있기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to identify the basis and method for shaping the unconscious in the human psyche as “abstract”, and to identify the life of Yuichi Inoue, his textual abstract work, and the spirit of Bokujin-kai, where he worked, and explore the artist’s experience and textual sensitivity. The core of abstract art that gives meaning to the human unconscious is not the representation of the object, but the artist's ambiguous and ambiguous sensational response to the object and the atmosphere in which it is reflected. Artists create a world different from reality by converting their experiences in reality into first experiences through change of senses and projecting them into representations. In this way, the artist's motivation for creation is the unconsciousness reflected in the process of becoming a first-experienced experience. The artist abstracts this unconscious as a text or image, and the abstracted representation acts as a symbol of the artist's consciousness and dominates the sensation of the viewer. The researcher stipulates the reasons why the artist's experience acquires the first experience through Yuichi’s letter abstraction and creates an ambiguous atmosphere within the letter abstraction. First, ‘energy and dynamic pictoriality’, which is free from the obsessions and laws of letters, second, ‘Sauisung(寫意性)’, which transcends objects and forms, as the artist’s internal motives are applied to the work, and third, ‘calligraphy based on unconscious actions’. It is the height of the abstract atmosphere due to the strength and weakness of the force pressing the brush and the slow or fast speed. It is hoped that this study on the relationship between the artist’s personal experience and character abstraction can clarify the role of the essence of ‘abstraction’ as the culmination of all artistic thinking.

      • KCI등재

        빅토리아시대의 악몽 : 『드라큘라』

        김경숙 ( Kim¸ Kyoung-sook ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2018 영어권문화연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This essay aims at analyzing Bram Stoker’s Dracula not as a mere fantasy story about vampires but as a nightmare of the Victorian Age, which oppressed women, racial others, and colonies. This analysis is hinged upon an understanding of the Victorian Age as the Janusfaced period in which one half sends cheers toward progresses in science and civilization and the other half throws curses toward women, lower classes, and the colonized. On the one hand, Dracula can be read as dealing with a sort of “witch hunt” of female sexuality; on the other, it is about reinforcing the colonial cause and dispelling the fear of reverse colonization by the racial others. No matter how Dracula is described as an exotic, demonic foreigner in the text, the text Dracula, after all, reflects nothing but the self-portrait of the Victorian Age, which sucked the blood of women, the lower classes, and colonies.

      • KCI등재

        빨래 구정물로 쓰는 정사(情史) 혹은 야사(夜史) : 『피네간의 경야』 1권 8장 읽기

        김경숙 ( Kim¸ Kyoung-sook ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2019 영어권문화연구 Vol.12 No.3

        Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, a complex experimentation of more than 40 languages, is infamous for its esoteric text. Therefore, the early study guides published on Finnegans Wake tended to be limited to plot summaries and character analyses. However, in order to approach the universe of Finnegans Wake, it is not useful to repeat the overall plot summary from a macroscopic perspective; instead, it is more helpful to give close attention to words by words from a microscopic perspective. In this stance, this essay aims at analyzing Book I Chapter 8 as a template as closely as possible. I have chosen Book I Chapter 8 because this chapter is more readable than any other of Finnegans Wake. More importantly, the way in which the washerwomen narrate and gossip about HCE and ALP reflects how Joyce re-narrates Irish orthodox history as an alternative historiography. Accordingly, this essay, based upon a close interpretation of the text, tries to read the washerwomen’s gossip and chattering as a postcolonial echo rewriting histories of Ireland.


        A Conceptual Approach for Discovering Proportions of Disjunctive Routing Patterns in a Business Process Model

        ( Kyoungsook Kim ),( Moonsuk Yeon ),( Byeongsoo Jeong ),( Kwanghoon Kim ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2017 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.11 No.2

        The success of a business process management system stands or falls on the quality of the business processes. Many experiments therefore have been devoting considerable attention to the modeling and analysis of business processes in process-centered organizations. One of those experiments is to apply the probabilistic theories to the analytical evaluations of business process models in order to improve their qualities. In this paper, we excogitate a conceptual way of applying a probability theory of proportions into modeling business processes. There are three types of routing patterns such as sequential, disjunctive, conjunctive and iterative routing patterns in modeling business processes, into which the proportion theory is applicable. This paper focuses on applying the proportion theory to the disjunctive routing patterns, in particular, and formally named proportional information control net that is the formal representation of a corresponding business process model. In this paper, we propose a conceptual approach to discover a proportional information control net from the enactment event histories of the corresponding business process, and describe the details of a series of procedural frameworks and operational mechanisms formally and graphically supporting the proposed approach. We strongly believe that the conceptual approach with the proportional information control net ought to be very useful to improve the quality of business processes by adapting to the reengineering and redesigning the corresponding business processes.

      • KCI등재

        Paralysis and Nostalgic Memory in "Eveline"

        Kyoungsook Kim (김경숙) 한국제임스조이스학회 2006 제임스조이스저널 Vol.12 No.2

        Paralysis and Nostalgic Memory in “Eveline” Kyoung-sook Kim This paper examines how individual memories as mirrorimage of national history are detrimental to reaching an epiphany or a keen sense of political and historical consciousness. In “Eveline,” nostalgic memory ends up disguising the past and paralyzing Eveline’s agency and ability to change her oppressive present. As long as nostalgic memory of the past repeatedly numbs her pains in the present, it is not so easy for Eveline to sever the umbilical cord that has bound Eveline to her family for her whole life, much as the Irish are yoked to Irish history. In this view, memories cannot be seen simply as counterhistories that could straightforwardly challenge the legitimizing force of history. Instead, we should note that memories are in complex complicity with history in paralyzing individuals. Much like history, nostalgic memory turns an individual into a “passive” and “helpless” being (D 41). More importantly, since an individual’s memories are deeply intertwined with his/her national history, the story “Eveline” can be read as an alternative historiography mapping how much of Irish’s psychological territory is colonized by the Janusfaced past―rosy and nostalgic, but oppressive and paralyzing at the same time―just as Ireland’s national territory is colonized by the foreign force. In other words, the psychological state of Eveline can be expanded to the Irish collectively, who are like “passive,” “helpless animal[s]” (D 41), both under the grip of oppressive, dehumanizing history, and under the paralyzing hypnosis of nostalgic memories of their lost homeland.

      • KCI등재

        “Make His Private Linen Public”: Rereading Finnegans Wake through Gossip and Echo

        ( Kyoungsook Kim ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2019 제임스조이스저널 Vol.25 No.2

        The eighth episode of Book I of Finnegans Wake consists of a series of gossips between two washerwomen, who gush out all the rumors about HCE(Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker) and ALP(Anna Livia Plurabelle). Here, HCE’s fall caused by gossips resembles Parnell’s downfall; HCE and ALP’s marriage allegorizes early colonial history of Ireland. Much like Shem who writes with his own excrement like ink, these washerwomen rewrite HCE and ALP’s stories and Irish history using the dirty water from their laundry. Their uncouth gossips provide alternative, unofficial history retold obliquely. In his earlier works, Joyce expresses his anxiety over English, the colonizer’s language, as the tool of his art. What Joyce does in Finnegans Wake is not imitation but echo. Echo does not seek for perfection. The language of Finnegans Wake is not English but the echo of English, which is amputated, fragmented, and hybridized. It does not permit any space for cultural hegemony or power of the British Empire. Much like echo, gossips also disrupt the authority and authenticity of official historiography. In case of Parnell, gossip played a huge role in his downfall. Gossips can be an alternative vehicle to shape and reshape history/historiography. In a word, this essay aims at rereading the washerwomen’s gossips about HCE and ALP as an alternative historiography. To conclude, gossips exercise a centrifugal force to spread out alternative, heterogeneous, versions of official historiography, which wields a centripetal force to assimilate various voices into a homogeneous version.

      • KCI등재

        The Carnival of the Repressed Others: Re-Reading Joyce’s “Circe” through Bakhtin

        ( Kyoungsook Kim ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2017 제임스조이스저널 Vol.23 No.2

        Although there is no clear evidence for any direct acquaintance or influence between James Joyce and Mikhail Bakhtin, Joyce’s works can be read through Bakhtin’s theories. This essay aims at interpreting “Circe,” the fifteenth episode of Ulysses, through the lens of Bakhtin’s concept of “carnival” in which subject and object are indistinguishable, and the repressed others reverberate heteroglossic voices. In this interpretation, we do not limit “Circe” to Bloom’s fantasy; we can discuss a limitless carnival in which the boundaries between subjects and objects are erased, and the suffocated voices of the repressed others including inanimate objects during the daytime are all polyphonically resounding throughout “Circe.” Bakhtinian insight is very useful in reading Joyce’s text because Joyce’s project is subverting the seemingly fixed hierarchies and identities, and especially because “Circe” revises any totalizing interpretation of Ulysses.

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