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        정신분석학: 존재에 대한 물음 - 실존적 불안과 자유에 대한 정신분석학적 소고

        류호 한국현대정신분석학회 2024 현대정신분석 Vol.26 No.1

        불안의 본질에 관한 탐구는 철학과 정신분석의 영역을 넘나들며 존재의 독특성을 헤쳐나가는 주관적 경험에 대한 깊은 통찰력을 제공한다. 쇠렌 키에르케고어(Søren Kierkegaard, 1813~1855)는 19세기 덴마크의 철학자로, 그의 저서들은 실존주의 철학의 초석을 마련했다. 특히 그의 저서 불안의 개념(Begrebet Angest, 1844) 은 다른 저서들과 밀접한 연관성을 지니며 그의 실존 철학 사상의 전개 과정에서 중요한 위치를 차지한다. 1844년 출간된 이 작품은 ‘실험적 심리학’의 출발점이라는 평가를 받으며, 인간의 내면을 깊이 있게 파고드는 획기적인 철학적, 미학적 성찰을 선보이며 후대의 하이데거, 사르트르, 카뮈 등 실존주의 철학자들에게 많을 영향을 미친다. 키에르케고어는 불안의 개념(1844) 에서 불안을 존재의 ‘가능성’과 윤리적 삶에 대한 인간 정신의 관계를 이해하는 데 필수적인 변증법적 요소로 상정한다. 그에게 불안은 단순한 부정적인 감정이라는 단순한 분류를 초월한다. 오히려 그것은 인간 조건에 관한 실존적 구성 요소로서 더 넓은 의미에서 인간 존재의 깊이와 복잡성을 이해할 수 있는 중요한 열쇠가 된다. 또한, 불안은 “인간을 무한한 차원으로 이끌고 나가는 것”(Grøn, 2016: 207. 재인용)으로 ‘무한한 가능성’이며, 동시에 선택의 ‘책임’을 부여하는 것으로 인간은 불안을 통해 자신의 한계를 인식하고, 진정한 ‘자아(Self-Ich)’를 발견하는 과정이라고 말한다. 이러한 과정에서 “인간은 자기 자신으로부터 멀리 떨어지도록 함으로써”(앞의 책, 207. 재인용) ‘자기-발견’이라는 “자기-관계(Self-Relation)”적 존재로 인식하게 된다. 불안은 일상적 현상이 아니라, 인간의 존재 방식에 근본적 속성으로 “인간은 자신으로부터 회피할 수 없다는 사실이다.”(앞의 책 57) 키에르케고어에게 불안은 인간이 자신의 가능성을 인식하고 선택하는 과정에서 발생하는 것이며, 이 과정은 인간이 자신의 존재(실존)를 결정하고 책임지는 과정이기도 하다. 키에르케고어는 자신의 저서 불안의 개념(1844) 에서 불안을 단순한 병리학적 해석을 넘어 인간의 ‘자유의 본질’을 드러내 주는 긍정적 ‘역동성’으로 묘사한다. 불안에 대한 키에르케고어의 이러한 개념화 작업은 프로이트(Sigmund Freud, 1856~7939)와 자크 라캉(Jacques Lacan, 1901~1981)으로 이어지는 정신분석 이론의 관점에서 그것이 어떻게 인간의 의식구조와 상호작용하는지를 이해하는 데 있어 풍부한 대화를 유도하는 중요한 요소로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역(農村地域) 보건소(保健所)와 보건의료원(保健醫療院)의 진료양(診療量) 및 진료비(診療費) 비교분석(比較分析)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        류호신 ( Ho-sihn Ryu ) 한국보건사회연구원 1990 保健社會硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        保健醫療資源의 地域的 偏重현상과 住民들의 보건의료 要求度 增大에 따른 문제점을 解消하기 위한 方案의 일환으로 政府는 農漁村地域중 醫療脆弱地域으로 판단된 15個郡 보건소를 1989年부터 보건의료원 體制로 擴大 改編하여 管理運行중에 있다. 본 論文은 農漁村地域 住民들의 보건의료이용 均霑이라는 觀點에서, 지난 1年 중(1989년) 4個月分의 醫療保險 診療費 請求明細書 資料를 基礎로 旣存의 보건소와 보건의료원간의 診療實態를 比較分析 하였다. One of the important issues in the provision of health care has been that of health care equality. For this issue, public health care systems should be strengthened in rural areas where medical facilities were weak. As a part of that program, the function of health centers have been reinforcement by the Korean government since 1989. At that time fifteen health centers out of the 139 health centers were changed to health medical centers in rural areas. This study attempts to compare the level of treatment and expenses of health centers and health medical centers from the point of view of equity in the use of health care services for the rural population. The data were analyzed based on medical insuarance bills at health centers and health medical centers in rural area for four months of 1989. The findings can be summerized as follows: First, the total number of cases treated at health medical centers was much higher (8,624 cases) than those of health centers (5,893 cases). Second, a comparison of the level of medical expenses at health centers and at health medical centers varied according to independent variables including: sex, age, type of medical insurance, treatment division, disease condition, number of visit days, days of medication. In detail, in the case of the average monthly total medical expenses per claim, health medical centers were from 2.0 to 3.1 times more expensive than those of health centers, and in the case of the average monthly amount paid by insurers, health midical centers were also from 2.6 to 5.3 times more expensive than health centers. Third, the effect of independent variables on medical expenses by multiple stepwise regression analysis was: the most predictive power variable of average monthly total medical expenses per claim of health centers was days of medication (R<sup>2</sup>= .78813), and of the average monthly amount paid by insurers per claim for treatment were also days of medication (R<sup>2</sup>=. 29269). In the case of health medical centers, total medical expenses were highly predictive according to the number of visits (R<sup>2</sup>= .4700), but there was little effect by independent variables on the amount paid by insurers.

      • KCI등재

        병원분만아(病院分娩兒)의 미숙아(未熟兒) 및 저출생체중아(低出生體重兒)에 관한 문헌고찰(文獻考察)

        류호신 ( Ho Shin Ryu ),홍재웅 ( Jae Woong Hong ) 한국보건사회연구원 1986 保健社會硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        The authors attempted to study on incidence, fatality and cause of death of premature and low-birth-weight infants by reviewing the 30 original papers published from 1955 to 1986 in Korea. All the papers were based on the hospital records of the new-born infants. Accordingly, the results would be interpreted in a limited ranges. The findings of this study were summerized as follows : 1. Although the incidence of the premature and low-birth weight infants were fluctuated by year, it was estimated that the incidence of low-birth-weight was 8.0 per cent in Korea recently. The incidence of premature and low-birth-weight infants was the highest during 1965-1970 (Premature 8.4%, low-birth-weight infant 10.9%). Regarding sex and maternal age, in male showed lower than in female and those with their mothers between 26 and 30 years of age revealed the lowest. Incidence was higher at the first born and the third born. 2. However the common causes of incidence were uncertain, it was suspected that the premature was caused by premature rupture of membrane, (pre) aclamsia, toxemia, abnormal placenta and low-birth-weight infants caused by toxemia, twin, premature rupture of membrane, abnormal placenta. 3. Fatality rates in hebdomadal period of premature and low-birth-weight infants tended in general to become lower annually. But, neonatal fatality rates were changeable. Fatality rates were higher in male than in female. The heavier the birth weight, the lower the fatality rate was revealed rapidly. 4. The most common clinical cause of death in low-birth-weight infants was respiratory distress syndrome, and followed by pneumonia & other infections, birth injury & intracraneal hemorrhage, congenital anomaly in that order. While the cause of death by autopsy was shown atelectasis, hyaline membrane disease, pneumonia & other infections, birth injury & intracraneal hemorrhage in that order.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 주부(主婦)의 로인부양의식(老人扶養意識)·태도(態度)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        류호신 ( Ho Shin Ryu ) 한국보건사회연구원 1985 保健社會硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        This study was to investigate the present status of family services for the aged in the contemporary Korean society. The Traditional family services for the aged parents is changing rapidly as consequence of rapid industrialization in the past decades. The present study attempted to find out motivation, financial support, problems in family service, relationship among the family members and consciousness of family service in extended family. A total of 1,694 housewives supporting the relating aged were interviewed. The samples of survey were consisted of 1,584 daughters-in-law and 89 married daughters and 21 others housewives. The findings are as follows; 1. The most notable motivation (67.7%) of family service is still the case supported by the married eldest son in contemporary Korean society. 2. Approximately two third of the housewives interviewed did not provide any regular extra-money for the aged. 3. The supporters such as daughters-in-law, married daughters and other supporters mentioned that the emotional problems in their services for the aged were more often than others; such as financial problems, medical care, provision of services. 4. As regard to the relationship among the family members, it was realized that the couples who communicated more frequently each other, had a closer relationship with their parents. Furthermore, their children of the couples who keep excellent relations, had better and more contact with their grandparents. 5. 97.5 percent of the persons interviewed responded that the children should take responsibility to take care of their parents. It is also found that more then half of the persons interviewed agreed with the eldest son`s responsibility for their parents. 6. It was also realized that among the persons interviewed including parents (the aged), the younger generation prefered to live independently instead of relying upon their children. But older generation had opposite opinion instead. In conclusion, this study confirmed that majority of Koreans interviewed had their opinions that the responsibility of taking care of the aged were still remained with their close family members. Therefore it is suggested that the above opinions should be considered in formulating the policy on the care for the aged.

      • KCI등재

        예술과 감정 그리고 미적경험에 관하여: 불안(Anxiety)을 중심으로

        류호 한국기초조형학회 2020 기초조형학연구 Vol.21 No.5

        불안은 무엇으로도 명확하게 규정할 수 없는 비가시성과 부정성(불쾌)으로 인해 보편적인 쾌(아름다움)을 추구하는 미학적 전통에서 단지 주관적 경험으로만 간주되어 왔다. 이러한 맥락에서 전통적으로 미적경험은 외부 대상 특히 예술이나 자연의 형식에 따른 시각적 경험을 중심으로 설명한다. 본 연구는 이러한 외적 대상에 대한 시각적 인식에 앞서 이미 작동하고 있는 인간의 근원적인 감정 즉 불안을 미적경험의 중요한 요소 상정한다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 인간의 근원적 감정에 관한 자크 라캉(Lacan, J.)과 키에르케고어(Kierkegaard)의 불안이론을 기초로 미적경험의 전통적 논의의 한계를 비판적으로 분석한다. 이러한 탐구방식은 미적경험을 외적 대상에서 인간의 내적감정을 중심으로 이동시키는 것을 의미한다. 실존주의 철학자 키에르케고어는 '불안의 개념'에서 인간의 근원적이고 원초적조건으로 불안을 언급한다. 또한 키에르케고어에게 불안은 ‘가능성’에 의미와 다름없다. 정신분석의 관점에서 라캉(Lacan, J.)은 불안을 주체를 압도하는 ‘실재적 경험’이지만 그것의 원인과 대상은 어떠한것으로도 환원 불가능한 ‘근원적 정서’라고 언급한바 있다. 본 연구는 먼저 이러한 인간의 근원적 불안에 대한 논의를 키에르케고어의 실존주의와 라캉의 정신분석학을 통해 살펴보고, ‘모호함’, ‘식별 불가능한 것’으로서의 불안을 칸트(Kant)와 버크(Burke, E)의 숭고의 논의와 비판적으로 연결할 것이다. 또한 내적감정을 미적경험으로 나타낸 표현주의 작가 뭉크(Munch)의 작품을 사례를 들어 불안의 문제를 조명한다. 이러한 분석방법은 시각적 경험에 선행하는 기억, 환상, 무의식, 욕망과 같은 주관적정신현상들의 근거로서 불안을 상정하고 불안이 미적경험에 중요한 요소임을 밝힌다. 이로서 대상에대한 시각적 경험의 전유물 한정된 미적경험의 한계를 불안이라는 ‘가능성’에서부터 새롭게 접근해야한다는 결론이다. 따라서 본 연구는 미적경험에 대한 전통적 논의를 비판적으로 확장하여 새로운 내러티브를 제시하는 계기가 될 것이다. Anxiety has been regarded only as a subjective experience in the aesthetic tradition of pursuing ‘universal pleasure’(beauty) due to invisibility and ‘negativity’ (displeasure) that cannot be clearly defined by anything. Traditionally, In this context, aesthetic experience are centere on external objects, especially visual experiences according to the forms of art or nature. This study postulates the underlying human emotion, anxiety, as an important element of aesthetic experience, prior to the visual perception of these external objects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to critically analyze the limitations of the traditional discussion of aesthetic experience based on Lacan and Kierkegaard's theories of ‘anxiety’. This method of exploration means shifting aesthetic experiences from external objects to human inner emotions. Existentialist philosopher Kierkegaard refers to anxiety as an Essential and fundamental condition of human beings in the ‘concept of anxiety’. Also, For Kierkegaard, anxiety is also synonymous with ‘possibility’. Lacan referred to anxiety as a “real experience” that overwhelms the subject, but says the cause and object are “essential emotions” that cannot be Reduction to anything. This study will first look at this discussion of human fundamental anxiety through Kierkegaard and Lacan, and critically link ‘ambiguous’ and ‘the Invisible’ as the Emotion of Anxiety with the discussion of the sublime of Kant and Burke. It also sheds light on the issue of anxiety by taking an example of the work of Expressionism artist Munch, who expresses inner emotions as aesthetic experiences. This analysis method assumes anxiety as the cause of subjective perception that precedes visual experience, and reveals that anxiety is an important factor in aesthetic experience. This concludes that the limits of the limited aesthetic experience of the visual experience of the object should be approached anew from the 'possibility of anxiety. Therefore, this study will be an opportunity to critically expand the traditional discussion of aesthetic experience and present new narratives.

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