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        어머니의 양육불안과 유아의 내재화 문제행동의 관계: 과보호 양육행동의 매개효과

        김승아,김리진 한국놀이치료학회 2023 한국놀이치료학회지(놀이치료연구) Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 어머니의 양육불안과 유아의 내재화 문제행동의 관계에서 과보호 양육행동의 매개효과를 알아보는 것이다. 이를 위하여 전라북도 J시와 W군에 위치한 유아교육기관에 재원 중인 만3~5세 유아의 어머니 271명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집한 자료는 SPSS program(ver. 23.0)과 Macro process(ver.4.2)을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 어머니의 양육불안과 과보호 양육행동은 유아의 내재화 문제행동과 정적인 상관관계를 보였다. 둘째, 어머니의 양육불안과 유아의 내재화 문제행동의 관계에서 ‘아기취급 행동’은 부분매개하는 것으로 나타났으며, ‘보호적 행동’의 매개효과는 나타나지 않았다. 이처럼 어머니의 양육불안과 ‘아기취급 행동’관련 과보호가 유아의 내재화 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 기제임을 확인하였다. 이는 어머니가 자녀를 양육시 불안감을 느끼는 심리적 어려움이 자녀의 내재화된 문제행동을 높일 수 있음을 주목하며, 자녀의 연령에 맞지 않는 행동을 대신해주는 도움인 아기취급 행동보다 발달에 맞는 도움인 연령에 알맞은 도움을 주는 부모의 양육행동을 보다 세분화하여 구분해서 살펴보아야 하는 필요성이 시사되는 바이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether mothers’-overprotective-parenting-behaviors had a mediating effect on the relationship between mothers’-parenting-anxiety and preschoolers’-internalizing- problematic-behaviors. For this purpose, a survey was conducted on 271 mothers of children aged 3 to 5 who were enrolled at an early childhood education institution located in J City and W County, Jeollabuk-do. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS program (ver. 23.0) and the Macro process (ver.4.2). The results of this study are as follows. First, it was seen that the mother’s parenting-anxiety and overprotective- parenting-behavior had a positive correlation with the child’s internalizing problem behavior. Second, in the relationship between the mother’s parenting anxiety and child’s internalizing problem behavior, ‘baby-behavior’ was found to partially mediate, and ‘protective-behavior’ did not appear to have a mediating effect. As such, it was confirmed that the mother’s parenting-anxiety and overprotection related to ‘baby behavior’ were mechanisms that influence the child’s internalizing problem behavior. This focused on the fact that the psychological difficulties a mother experiences when raising her child can increase the child’s internalized problem behavior. Additionally, it is believed that rather than ‘baby behavior’, which is behavior that is not appropriate for the child’s age, parents’ ‘parenting behaviors’ that provide age-appropriate help that are appropriate for their child’s development should be examined in a more detailed manner.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자기효능감과 외모관심도, 외모관심도와 외모관리행동의 영향: MZ 세대 남성들을 중심으로

        김승아,임천수,이지용 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2023 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        · Research topics: A Study on the Effect of Self-Efficacy on Appearance Interest and Appearance Management Behavior of MZ Generation Men · Research background: Recently, as the beauty consumption of MZ generation men increases, the beauty market's interest in men is increasing. Therefore, this study judged that an accurate analysis of the beauty market and direction was needed through a study on the appearance of men in the MZ generation. · Differences from prior research: Most of the studies on men in previous studies lack in-depth studies such as purchase behavior. On the other hand, this study enables more specific and in-depth research on male customers by studying appearance interests and behaviors based on the self-efficacy of men in the MZ generation. · Research method: Statistical Analysis through Questionnaire · Research results: First, the MZ generation men's sense of challenge is highly interested in individuality and their Performance ability is highly interested in relationships. Second, the MZ generation men's individuality interest is a lot of makeup and skin care, and the relationship interest is a lot of skin care. Therefore, it was confirmed that the self-efficacy of MZ generation men affects appearance interest and appearance management behavior. · Contribution points and expected effects: Through characteristic analysis of MZ generation men, it can be used as data to identify factors for the future development of beauty products and the growth of the beauty market.

      • KCI등재

        스위스 노동시장의 이중구조에 관한 연구 : 외국인 노동자의 문제를 중심으로

        김승아,김면회 한독사회과학회 2021 한독사회과학논총 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 스위스 노동시장의 이중구조 문제를 외국인 노동자를 중심으로 파악해 보고, 코로나-19 이후 진행되고 있는 최근의 동향을 추적하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 연구 작업은 최근 확산되고 있는 유럽 내 극우주의 득세 흐름을 파악하는 것과 연결될 뿐만아니라, ‘궁핍’으로부터의 자유를 포함하는 인간안보(Menschensicherheit)와도 직결되 는 문제이다. 외국인 노동자는 스위스 경제에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 그러나 스위스 에서 외국인 노동자에 대한 스위스인들의 태도는 부정적이다. 스위스 노동시장에서 외국인 노동자의 70% 가량은 EU/EFTA 역내 국가 출신이고, 이들은 상대적으로 고임금/ 고숙련 직종에 종사하고 있다. 하지만 보다 상세히 분석해 보면, 서유럽과 북유럽 국가 출신 노동자들은 상대적으로 고학력/고숙련/고임금 직종에 종사하고 있는 반면, 남유럽 과 동유럽 국가군 출신의 노동자는 단순노동 또는 비숙련 노동에 종사하고 있다. 유럽 이외 지역 출신의 노동자를 살펴보더라도 비서구 출신 외국인 노동자들은 임금 및 실업률 측면에서 더욱 열악한 조건 속에 놓여 있다. 2020년 발생한 코로나-19로 인해 경기가 악화되자 스위스 연방정부는 노동시장의 유연성을 확대하였으며, 이로 인해 취약 계층에 속해 있는 노동자들의 상황은 다른 계층에 비해 더욱 악화되고 있다. 예상대로 최대 피해자는 비서유럽 출신 노동자들이다. 노동시장에서의 취약성 정도에 따라 가해지는 위협의 강도가 상이하게 나타나고 있는 것이다. 스위스 노동시장의 이중구조에서 나타나 는 비대칭적인 취약성이 코로나-19로 야기된 급격한 사회변동 과정에서 비대칭적인 인간안보(Menschensicherheit)로 직결되어 나타나고 있는 양상이다. This research aims to understand the problem of the Swiss labor market’s dual structure, focusing on foreign workers, and to track the recent trend after the outbreak of COVID-19. This research will not only lead to the understanding of the European right-wing extremism, which is recently dispersing and gaining power, but is also directly linked to human security, which incorporates freedom from “poverty.” Foreign workers are playing a crucial role in the Swiss economy; however, the Swiss have a negative attitude towards the foreign laborers within Switzerland. 70% of the foreign workers within the Swiss labor market are from the EU/EFTA nations, and they engage in high-paying and high-skilled jobs. Despite this fact, a closer analysis reveals that although workers from the nations of Western and Northern Europe relatively engage in highly educated, highly paid, and highly skilled jobs, those from the nations of Southern and Eastern Europe carry on simple or unskilled labor. Even looking at the workers from non-European nations, non-Western workers are exposed to more vulnerable conditions in the terms of wage and unemployment rate. As the economy worsened due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the Swiss federal government expanded the flexibility of the labor market, resulting in the worsening of the situation for the workers from the vulnerable social class vis-à-vis those from the other social classes. As expected, the victim with the greatest damage was the non-Western-European workers. That is, the intensity of threat differs in accordance with the level of vulnerability within the labor market. Asymmetrical vulnerability in the dual structure of the Swiss labor market is directly linked to the asymmetrical human security (Menschensicherheit) in the process of rapid social change triggered by COVID-19.

      • 장애인직업재활상담 서비스 전달체계 연구

        김승아 한국장애인고용촉진공단 고용개발원 1992 조사연구 Vol.- No.2

        "Disabled persons" means an individual whose prospects of securing and retaining suitable employment are substantially reduced as a result of physical or mental impairment. Terefore, "vocational rehabilitation" means that part of the continuous and coordinated process of rehabilitation which involves the provision of those vocational services, e, g, vocational training, and selective placement, designed to enabled a disabled person to secure and retain suitable employment . Also, effective service delivery system included that entry functions, accountability functions, provision of services, planning and control functions. The purpose of service delivery system of vocational rehabilitation counselling as key to enable a disabled person to secure, retain and advance in suitable employment and thereby to further such person's intergration or reintergration into society. We have to examine the over all service delivery system of vocational rehabilitation counselling for the purpose of searching the effective and workable plans. The research methods for the study were as follows : ① Establishment of theoretical bases of service delivery system of vocational rehabilitation counselling for the disabled through reference study. service dilivery system included that various functions and principles. Vocational rehabilitation included that intake, evaluation, counselling, training, placement, and follow-up. ② Visit and survey to in Seoul, Kyeong-Gi' s, policy office, medical office, vocational rehabilitation centrers, training ceters, special school's, special classrooms, and other welfare facilities in order to grasp the conditions of the institutes, vocational rehabilitation process, and its officer opinion for effective service delivery system of vocational rehabilitation. As a result of these methods, it was concluded that without improvement such as fellows below, the disabled persons in institute wouldn't be able to free themselves from unemployment when they want to job. First, administrative and financial support system need to be established, speecial school are under the control of Ministry of Education, vocational training are under the control of Ministry of Labor, and vocational rehabilitation centers and welfare facilities are under the control of the Ministry of Health and Social Wealfare. Therefore, a highter organizational system is necessary in order to bind the agencies together facilitation cooperation. Second, service delivery system need to be established. Each institutes never cooperates and helps each in order to serve better to disabled, - included that intake, evaluation, counselling, training, placement, and follow-up. Above all are interconnected. All institutes and other social association, and advocates need to share information and cooperate for the best service to each disabled. Third, for the purpose of effective service delivery system of vocational rehabilitation, we plan need to be developed for study, e, g, professional person and materials for vocational rehabilitation. Fourth, the vocational rehabilitation should be continuous. We need to be specialized the service, and facilitated the referral with institutes. Fifth, It the korea employment promotion agency for the dis abled that specially roles to execute a plan for the disabled. We need to view differently toward the plans for special stage. At last, policy shall aim at ensuring that appropriate vocational rehabilitation me asures are made available to all categories of disabled persons, and at promoting employment opportunities for disabled persons in the open market.

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