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      • 미국의 Hegemony변화와 International Regimes의 역할

        김선숙 東亞大學校 大學院 1997 大學院論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to see the importance of International Regimes as international institutions and to draw a role of International Regimes as the factor that promote cooperation under international anarchy. the interest in regimes sprang from a dissatisfaction with dominant conceptions of international order and organization. Donald Puchlal and Raymond Hopkins argue that "a regimes exists in every substantive issue-area in international relations... Wherever there is regularity in behavior, some kinds of principles, norms or rules must exist to account for it." And Stephen Krasner defines a regimes as "implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures around which actors' expectations converge in a given area of international relations." International Regimes are examples of cooperative behavior and facilitate cooperation, order and stability, and aid the institutionalization of portions of international life by regularizing expectation. And Regimes can endorse different social mechanisms for resource allocations. The IMF's role in the balance-of-payments financing regime provides and example. Robert Keohane and Vinod Aggarwal have shown that regimes reduce transactions costs and facilitate decentralized rule-making. And he notes that "construction of a multilateral mechanism is organizationally less expensive than the marginal cost of dealing with an additional issue will be lower with a regimes, and he admits that cooperation is enhance global welfare, or at least the collective welfare of the regimes' adherents. International Regimes are said to affect states behavior in one way that regimes have altered the situation or setting in which states interact so that cooperation is more likely and regimes reduce the transactions costs associated with bilateral contracting. Therefore International regimes links domestic and international politics more closely. In addition to a role of International Regimes, the theory of hegemonic stability links regimes creation and maintenance to a dominant power's existence and the weakening of regimes to a waning hegemon. In Power and Interdependence, R. Keohane and Joseph Hye first linked regimes dynamics to waxing and waning state power. A preponderance of Hegemonic power provides the basis for international order. Recent observers, however, have noted that order can break down even when the hegemon exercises dominance. Furthermore, stable collaboration can be achieved in the face of declining hegemony. The exercise of power alone cannot lead to a stable international order. A cooperation among states is, thus, necessary for international stability. It is just a role of International Regimes. Accordingly International Regimes would be undertake to regulate and coordinate among states conflicts with the weakening of U.S. Hegemony.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 및 가구의 특성이 아동의 방과후 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간에 미치는 종단적 영향

        김선숙,임세희 한국아동복지학회 2018 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.64

        본 연구는 돌봄과 관련된 지역사회 및 가구의 특성이 연령증가에 따른 아동의 방과후 시간사용 중 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간에 미치는 영향이 어떻게 변화하는 지 살펴보았다. 또한 시간에 따른 아동의 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간 변화가 개별아동 간에 왜 차이가 나타는지 지역사회의 특성과 가구의 특성을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이를 위하여 한국복지패널 제1차, 제4차, 제7차년도 조사에 모두 참여한 총 419명의 아동 및 아동가구의 정보를 사용하여, 분석대상아동의 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간의 변화를 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저, 가구의 소득이 적을수록, 맞벌이 가구일수록, 아동이 거주하는 지역의 절대빈곤율이 낮을수록, 지역의 빈곤아동수 대비 지역아동보호수의 비율이 낮을수록, 그리고 불평등한 지역일수록 아동이 초등 4년 당시 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간이 긴 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 아동의 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간의 증가율은 양부모 가구일수록 크게 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 수급여부와 지역의 불평등과의 상호작용항은 아동의 초등 4년 당시 TV 및 인터넷 사용시간에는 음(-)의 방향으로, 증가율에는 양(+)의 방향으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 통하여 아동의 방과후 돌봄사업의 대상지역 및 대상가구 선정의 구체적 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. This study examined how characteristics of community and households affect the children's time for watching TV and using internet depending on their age changing. And this sutdy also examined what does make a difference between the children on their time uses for for watching TV and using internet. For doing this, we analyzed the changes of watching TV and using Internet by using information of 419 children and children 's households participating in the 1st, 4th, and 7th year surveys of Korean Welfare Panel. The results of this study are as follows. First, the intercept of changings of time uses for watching TV and using internet affect on the lower the household income, the double-earner households, the absolute poverty rate of child's residence area, and the lower the ratio of local child protection to the number of poor children in their community. The second, the slope of children's time for watching TV and using internet decreased significantly with double-earner parents. Finally, the interaction terms between receiving benefit of child's family and the inequality in the region have a significant effect on the negative (-) direction in the intercept of time for watching TV and using internet and the positive (+) direction in the slope. Those results of this study suggest the specific directions for the child 's care service after school.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 행복과 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인 - 생태체계적 관점의 적용 -

        김선숙 한국학교사회복지학회 2016 학교사회복지 Vol.0 No.34

        The level of children’s happiness dose not improve automatically by decreasing their depression level. That is, efforts to reduce children’s depression may not always achieve the result in enhancing their happiness. This study aims to investigate whether are factors affecting children’s happiness different from those affecting their depression and, if so, what are the differences from the perspective of the ecological system theory. To achieve this aim, the study focuses on examining factors affecting children’s happiness and depression from three different levels; that is personal level, family level and school and community level. The study employs the data collected from the survey on ‘the Korean children’s quality of life’which was conducted on the sample of 7,337 children aged 8, 10, and 12 who participated in the survey. The study finds that factors which affect the level of children’s happiness are not same as those which influence the level of children’s depression. From this finding, the study suggests that we should not assume efforts to reduce children’s depression have the consequences of increasing their happiness and that the efforts to enhance children’s happiness should go hand in hand with efforts to reduce children’s depression. 본 연구에서는 생태체계적 관점에서 아동의 행복과 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 포괄적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 특히 개인적 특성, 가족, 학교 및 지역사회 관련 요인이 아동의 주관적 행복감이나 우울감에 각각 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 확인할 것이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 Children’s Worlds에서 15개국 아동들을 대상으로 조사한 International Survey of Children’s Well- Being의 한국자료를 활용하였다. 조사 대상은 만 8세(초등 3), 만 10세(초등 5), 만 12세(중 1) 아동과 그 부모를 선정하였고, 각 연령대 별로 아동 및 부모 2,500쌍을 기준으로 조사하였다. 조사 결과 전체 불성실한 응답자를 제외하는 등의 데이터 클리닝 과정을 거쳐 총 7,337명의 아동 자료를 분석에 활용하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 개인적 특성과 관련하여서는 아동자신에 대한 만족도, 연령, 성별 등이 요인에 따라서 차이는 있으나 각각 아동의 행복과 우울에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 둘째, 가족관련 변인 중에는 소유물에 대한 만족도, 부모-자녀관계가 행복에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 학교 및 지역사회 관련 변인으로는 학교만족도와 지역사회만족도가 행복과 우울에 모두 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 아동우울을 예방하기 위해서는 아동의 객관적인 삶의 환경 및 조건을 개선하려는 노력이 필요하고, 동시에 아동이 보다 행복할 수 있도록 아동의 주관적 삶의 조건 및 환경을 개선하려는 노력이 필요하다는 것을 생각해 볼 수 있다.

      • 남북한 규범문법의 격 표시 형태소 처리의 비교

        김선숙 한국언어문학교육학회 2014 한어문교육 Vol.31 No.-

        I would suggest the base that unified grammar through comparison ‘case’ in South Korea with ‘격토’ in North Korea could be systematized. While ‘case’ is recognized word in South Korea, ‘격토’ is not recognized word in North Korea. In South Korea subjective complements ‘-이’,‘-가’, ‘-께서’, ‘-서’, ‘-에서’ are described, on the other hand, only ‘-이’, ‘-가’ ‘- 께서’ in North Korea are dealt with subjective complement without exception and ‘-에서’, -서’ are dealt with ‘위 격’. Only sentence component which is required a narrative word is recognized as complement. In South Korea, 보격 postpositions ‘-이/-가’ are situated before narrative words ‘되다, 아니다’: In North Korea 보격 postposition not only is not recognized but is dealt with ‘-이’, ‘-가’ as subjective complement. In North Korea since the sentence component and the object connected to an advervial postpositional word play a part in aiding incomplete narrative words, it is dealt with complement. As complement is a sentence component necessary and adverb is not indispensable, I think that dealing with them as complement is valid. A narrative word ‘-이다’ is not regarded as 격토 in North Korea. Instead ‘-이’ of ‘-이다’ changes into conjugated ending word, ‘바꿈토’. There is a pause before or after ‘-이다’ and it can be recognized as independent language unit. However, as it has a function of narrative word, it must necessarily discuss dealing with ‘-이다’. In South Korea, I am sure that Syntax theory on the basis of Structures and Transformational of Generative Grammar is different from ‘토’ theory and study sphere. I think it is necessary to look into the developing process by approaching comprehensive grammar theory of ‘토’ characteristics which is thought to be different between the two Koreas. Also, It is necessary to standardize on setting up the scope of each case between the two Koreas and it will be the next project.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택의 거주성능 평가모델 개발에 관한 연구

        김선숙,김광우,양인호 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.9

        This paper presents the development of a housing performance evaluation model for multi-unit residential buildings, Which is intended to encourage initiative towards achieving better housing performance and to support homebuyers'decision making on housing comparison and selection Forty-one objective and feasible housing performance indicators were selected from a review of existing evaluation models and interviews with experts, are classified into a series of categories The weight of each category and indicator is calculated by using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis, and the weight is converted into the credit, respectively The performance grades are divided into 4 levels, and evaluation criteria are suggested based on active building codes and current technology level Finally, the application process of the evaluation model are established through the field case study This model can be used for objective and practical evaluation and comparison of residential housing alternatives.

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