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        레거시미디어와 청와대 국민청원제도의 공중의제 대응방식 및 실효성에 관한 연구: 의미연결망분석 및 연결망군집분석을 통해

        남경덕 한국정치커뮤니케이션학회 2022 정치커뮤니케이션 연구 Vol.- No.67

        The purpose of this research is to review the antecedent and causation of the formation process of media agenda and public agenda. With the use of big data, it is essential to statistically verify the ‘reversed agenda setting’ theory suggested in 2006, which deals with the role change of legacy media by comparing the ‘agenda setting theory’ suggested in 1972. As President Moon Jae In’s period ends, this research aims to transform petitions collected from the ‘National Petition Program’ into a data The selected basic structure of this analysis were agendas that were originally not or were poorly addressed by legacy media, but re-handled through the ‘National Petition Program’. Through the process, the agendas were defined into the ‘reversed agenda setting’ process to draw the result of data collected from the petitions, and articles through UClnet, SNA, and CONCOR. According to the research, when the ‘poorly addressed agendas’ developed into public agendas, gaining attention through the ‘National Petition Program’, were rehandled in legacy media. In this process, the research also found out that there is an existing difference in the releases and actual agendas caused by the political characteristics of legacy media. The result statistically proved the ‘reversed agenda setting’ theory raised by Yonghwan Lee (2006) and proved the efficiency of the ‘National Petition Program’. While the conflicts between groups are getting severe due to the media clustering and hate speeches, as we are living in the era of COVID, I hope this research to be analyzed as the chance to reveal how efficiently nations are accepting the public agenda platform led by the government and the importance of ‘National Petition Program’. 본 연구는 미디어의제와 공중의제 형성과정의 선행 및 인과관계를 고찰하는 연구로, 1972년 의제설정이론(agenda-setting theory)을 토대로 2006년 제시된 레거시미디어(언론)의 의제 선정 역할 변화를 다룬 역의제설정이론(reversed agenda-setting)을 빅데이터를 이용해 검증하는 데 의의를 두고 있다. 나아가 문재인정부의 임기가 끝남에 따라 ‘국민청원제도’의 주요 청원 내용을 데이터로 풀어냄으로써 본 제도의 의의 및 실효성을 고찰하는 데 연구목적이 있다. 분석의 기본구조는 레거시미디어에서 다루지 않았거나, 미비하게 다뤄진 의제 중 국민청원제도를 통해 다시 한번 활발하게 다뤄진 청원(의제)을 분석 대상으로 삼았다. 이 과정에서 국민이 발화한 의제가 다시 레거시미디어에서 주요의제로 다뤄지는 양상을 ‘역의제설정’ 과정으로 정의하고 관련 청원의 내용, 뉴스 기사를 수집해, UCInet를 이용 SNA(의미연결망분석)와 CONCOR(연결망군집분석)를 통해 분석 및 결과 도출하였다. 추가로 각 레거시미디어사의 정파성에 따른 보도내용에 차이가 있는지 보고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 4대 주요 언론사의 보도내용을 분석대상으로 선정하였다. 연구 결과, 레거시미디어에서 미비하게 다뤄졌던 의제들이 국민청원제도를 통해 재차 화제(동의)를 얻어 공중의제로 발전되었을 때, 레거시미디어 역시 재차 의제로 선정하는 것을 확인했으며, 이 과정에서 레거시미디어 정파성에 따라 보도 내용의 차이가 있음을 역시 확인하였다. 해당 결과를 통해 김성태, 이용환(2006)의 연구에서 주장된 ‘레거시 미디어의 역의제설정’ 현상을 통계적으로 검증하고 그 매개체로써 ‘국민청원제도’가 효과적으로 운영되고 있음을 확인하였다. 코로나 시대를 거치며 미디어 군집화 현상 및 집단 갈등이 어느 때보다 심각해진 지금, 정부 주도의 공식적인 의제 발화플랫폼이 국민의 공중의제를 얼마나 효과적으로 수용하고 있는지 볼 수 있는 연구이자 국민 의제의 중요성을 알리는 작은 계기로서 연구의 결과가 해석되길 바라는 바이다.

      • 의제설정 이론의 재고찰

        반현(Hyun Ban),Maxwell E. McCombs 한국언론학회 2007 커뮤니케이션 이론 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 매스 커뮤니케이션 영역에서 가장 활발하게 연구되어온 이론 가운데 하나인 의제설정 이론을 5단계 진화 모델이라는 커다란 틀 속에서 개념적으로 재정립해보고자 시도한 논문이다. 즉, 초기 미디어 의제의 공중 의제로의 전이에 관한 연구에서, 의제설정 효과의 외적 조건들에 대한 논의, 소위 ‘2차 의제설정’이라 불리는 이슈나 공적 인물의 특정 속성에 대한 전이 영역, 미디어 의제에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 대한 연구, 그리고 최근 활발하게 이루어지고 있는 분야인 의제설정 과정 이후의 다양한 효과들에 이르는 과정 등이다. 각 단계별 논의들이 기존 연구 문헌들을 통해 구체적으로 서술되었다. 본 논문에서 논의된 이론적 개념들과 접근 방식은 앞으로 학문적 논쟁과 도전의 여지를 남겨줄 수 있다. 다시 말해 이론적 진화의 완성이라기보다는 앞으로 후속 연구자들의 학문적 논쟁과 도전의 여지를 남겨줄 수 있다. 이를 위해, 추후학자들은 본 논문에서 제시된 개념들을 다양한 영역과 환경에서 다양하게 검증할 필요가 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 본 논문은 추후 의제설정 연구와 관련된 다양한 커뮤니케이션 현상을 연구하고자 하는 학자들에게 이론적 방향을 제시하고 개념정립을 하는데 기초적 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. This study attempts to reconceptualize agenda-setting theory, which, one of the most dynamic research fields in mass communication, has evolved into a broad perspective on news and public opinion from its initial focus on the influence that the news media have on public opinion about the issues of the days. Hundreds of studies have been done under a wide variety of circumstances, and now the theory has been expanded explanatory power by linking up with other communication theories, such as framing or priming. The evolution of agenda-setting theory has explicated five distinct theoretical areas and has expanded to include propositions about the contingent conditions for the effects, the impact of specific elements in the media’s messages, the influences that shape the media agenda, and a variety of consequences of the agenda-setting process. Each phase was discussed in detail with a variety of related literature. The concepts introduced in this paper are not the completion of theoretical evolution of agenda-setting theory. Rather, it leaves us more challenge and disputation from future scholars. Thus, the five-phase model needs to be more elaborated in terms of theoretical and methodological aspects. The theory of agenda-setting is a complex intellectual map still in the process of evolving.

      • KCI우수등재

        인지적․정서적 차원의 정향욕구 탐색의제설정효과 발생 원인의 개념 정교화

        안서현,이건호 한국언론학회 2019 한국언론학보 Vol.63 No.5

        The Need for Orientation (NFO) is known as the key psychological backbone explaining ‘why people cognize media issues as important’ in agenda setting theory. It seemed to successfully describe how media effects take place, specifically in first level studies of traditional media settings. Relevance and uncertainty, the two components of NFO, have been regarded as the strongest variables to support the effects, and thus treated as intrinsic predictors that guaranteed the theory and were barely further scrutinized. Since the emergence of new media, armed with internet technology, however, new questions have loomed about whether the robust power of these two variables can maintain their ability to explain agenda setting effects. Such questions were mingled with another curiosity, can the original NFO variables support the next phases of agenda setting effects including the second level. Along with these queries, scholars suggested agenda setting research which could combine other media effects theories, including uses and gratification, to enhance its explanatory power. In that regard, this article explored if there is any chance to find or develop NFO variables that strongly elucidate the causes behind why the agenda setting effects occur. To meet the goal, this study first attempted to refine relevance, the major and fundamental NFO variable, with two (cognitive and affective) dimensions. The cognitive dimension was then divided into four sub-dimensions (topical, substantive, situational and surveillant), and the affective dimension into another four sub-dimensions (hedonic, self, belonging, and aesthetic). Following the preceding literature, authors borrowed Saracevic’s conceptual manifestation of relevance (1996) and utilized some original ideas of NFO researchers (Camaj, 2014; Matthes, 2005; McCombs & Weaver, 1973; Weaver, 1980; Valenzuela & Chernov, 2016) and uses and gratification theorists (Katz, Blumler & Gurevitch, 1973; Katz, Haas, & Gurevitch, 1973; McQuail, Blumler & Brown, 1972; Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1980; Papacharissi & Rubin, 2000; Rubin, 1981; Rubin & Perse, 1987) in order to theoretically support these 8 variables. Then, the other original NFO component, uncertainty, was also categorized into 8 dimensions. After organizing the conceptual variables, this study conducted a survey (N = 334) to find if they can be employed as feasible variables to explain agenda setting effects, and factor analyses revealed that each of the variables had satisfactory internal reliabilities (All Cronbach’s Alpha values are over .7) and structural validity, which showed that all of them were found to be statistically workable variables. We believe that the results of this study can lead to various ways to consider the nature of NFO, and they hope the variables investigated here will eventually grow into some effective keys that can widen the understanding of agenda setting effects. Numerous studies, including experiments with different settings, are highly recommended to achieve this end. 이 연구는 의제설정 효과의 원인으로 알려진 정향욕구(Need for Orientation)를 개념적으로 세분화해 재구성하는 것을 목표로 했다. 이는 기존의 정향욕구 개념이 1차 의제설정 효과를 설명하는데 그치거나 다변화한 커뮤니케이션 환경에서의 의제설정 효과 발생 이유를 담보하는 데 한계가 있다는 선행연구들의 지적에 따른 것이다. 즉 1차를 넘어 2차 의제설정 효과 원인을 규명하거나 과거에 비해 다채로워진 현대 뉴스 의제설정 효과의 근거를 확인하기 위한 기초 작업으로 정향욕구의 탐색적 재구성을 시도했다. 이를 위해 커뮤니케이션 분야에서 수용자의 선택적 매체 정보 이용을 설명하는 이용과 충족 이론, 정보 검색 분야에서 유사한 내용을 다루는 논의를 빌려왔다. 구체적으로는 인지적 차원에서만 다뤄지던 기존의 정향욕구 접근법에 정서적 차원을 더하고, 이를 관련성(Relevance)과 불확실성(Uncertainty)이라는 정향욕구 기초 인자에 적용했다. 그렇게 재구성된 개념은 각각 4가지(화제적·실질적·상황적·사회감시적) 인지 차원과 4가지(쾌락적․자아적․소속적·위안적) 정서 차원의 하위 요소로 구분됐으며, 이들은 이번 연구에서 시도한 확인적 요인분석을 통해 개념적 정당성을 확보한 것으로 보인다. 연구진은 탐색적 차원에서 의미가 확인된 이 변인들이 추후 구체적인 실험 연구 등을 통해 보완을 거치며 실질적 설명력을 확보하는 토대가 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재
      • 정치커뮤니케이션 관련 주요 이론에 대한 고찰

        이효성 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2019 한국사회과학연구 Vol.40 No.2

        Framing theory focuses on examining how the media influence the way in which the audience understands the events when they deliver the news in a particular framework of events or issues. However, framing researchers have not been able to provide definitive answers on how the framework presented by the media changes the individual framework of the audience and what effect it will have on the subsequent process. In addition, agenda-setting theory explains that the public's assessment of the importance of the issue changes when the media emphasize an issue. However, there are limitations that the theory cannot explain where the individual and public’s opinions about the issues are moving toward. These two theories have only paid attention to the direct effects of media use on the political and social participation of audiences. However, the priming effect theory of the cognitive psychological perspective which focuses on the indirect persuasion process of the media message contributes much in complementing the limitations of the previous two theories. 프레이밍(framing) 이론은 미디어가 어떤 사건이나 쟁점을 특정한 틀짓기로 뉴스를 전달했을 때 수용자가 그 사건이나 쟁점을 이해하는 방식에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보는 것이 주된 관심사다. 하지만 프레이밍 연구자들은 미디어가 제시하는 틀이 수용자 개인의 틀을 변화시킴으로써 그 이후 과정에서 어떤 효과를 초래하는 지에 대해서 까지는 명확한 해답을 제시하지 못하고 있다. 또한 의제설정(agenda-setting) 이론은 언론이 어떤 이슈를 강조해 보도하면 그 이슈의 중요성에 대한 공중의 평가가 변한다고 설명할 뿐, 특정 이슈에 대한 개인 또는 공중의 의견이 어느 방향으로 향하는 지에 대해서는 설명하지 못하는 한계점을 안고 있다. 이처럼 두 이론은 미디어가 수용자의 정치나 사회적 참여에 미치는 직접적인 효과에만 주목해왔다. 하지만 미디어 메시지의 간접적인 설득과정에 주목하는 인지심리학적 관점의 점화효과이론은 기존 두 이론의 한계점을 보완하는데 있어 기여하는 바가 적지 않다.

      • KCI우수등재

        공중 관여도와 미디어 신뢰도에 따른 기업 명성의 미디어 의제 설정 효과 연구

        차희원(Hee-Won Cha) 한국언론학회 2004 한국언론학보 Vol.48 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to verify the applicability of agenda-setting theory on corporate reputations. This research model was designed by the following two steps. As a first step, the study tested the relationship between media agenda and public agenda in business news. As a second stage, the relationship between the public agenda and public evaluation on corporate reputations by public involvement and media credibility was examined. The study has gone through the two research stages such as content analysis and survey. First, the content analysis of newspapers was conducted to identify the amount and attributes of the firms. Second, the study surveyed to test empirically the relationships between media agenda and public agenda in business news. Data were collected from 200 customers of big discount stores and analyzed with AMOS and SPSS. The results showed that the media agenda, public agenda and the corporate reputations had significant relationships. Especially, public agenda in business news was significantly related to the corporate reputations.

      • KCI우수등재

        미디어 명성(Media Reputation)과 이슈명성(Issue Reputation)이 기업명성(Corporate Reputation)에 미치는 영향

        차희원(Hee-Won Cha) 한국언론학회 2006 한국언론학보 Vol.50 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to verify the applicability of the 2nd agenda-setting theory on corporate reputations. This research model was designed by the following two steps. As a first step, the study tested the relationship between the media agenda and the public agenda in business news. As a second stage, the relationship between the public agenda and the public evaluation of the corporate reputation was examined. The influence of issue attributes on that relationship was also examined. The study has gone through two research stages: content analysis and survey. First, content analysis of newspapers was conducted to identify the media reputation and the issue reputation. Second, a survey was conducted to test empirically the relationship between the media agenda, the public agenda and the public evaluation of corporate reputation in business news. Data was collected from 400 adults and analyzed with SPSS. The results showed that the media agenda, the public agenda and the corporate reputations had significant relationships. In particular, the issue attribute influenced the relationship between the public agenda and the public evaluation of corporate reputation.

      • KCI등재

        The Public’s Attitudes and Psychology on AI Issues: An Analysis from the Perspectives of Agenda-Setting Theory and Need for Orientation

        안서현,이건호 한국사회과학협의회 2024 Korean Social Science Journal Vol.51 No.1

        This research aims to confirm the impact of the media on the formation of public opinion on AI issues and to understand the reason behind that formation through agenda-setting theory. This study showed that public opinion is likely formed in a way that corresponds with the tone of media coverage and that negative reporting is more powerful than positive reporting. The concept of Need for Orientation (NFO), a psychological factor in agenda-setting theory, was utilized to interpret the reasons for changes in public opinion. The results of this study found that the 'intellectual' and 'belonging' sub-dimensions of NFO functioned to strengthen the participants' stances in the direction of the articles provided, whereas the 'topical' and 'hedonic' sub-dimensions diminished the intensification of the participants' stances. These results regarding the characteristics of public opinion on AI issues could aid in the analysis of situations highly dependent on public support.

      • KCI등재

        정책의제설정, 직접민주주와 하이테크 고용성장에 관한 연구 : 단절균형이론 관점에서

        김구민(Koomin Kim) 한국비교정부학회 2021 한국비교정부학보 Vol.25 No.4

        (Purpose) This study empirically examines the factors of high-tech employment with an emphasis on agenda-setting process across U.S. states during a 13-year period (2004-2016). (Design/methodology/approach) This study used a panel logistic estimation to analyze factors associated with high-tech employment. (Findings) Positive punctuation is driven by a neighboring state’s agenda-setting. This finding indicates that the social contagion and social learning model are applied to the high-tech employment. This result also suggests that high-tech employment in home state has already hit a peak and punctuation is less likely regardless of the neighboring state’s influence. State governments with more liberal ideological leaning can induce a sudden increase in high-tech employment. TELs increase the possibility of positive punctuation, and the line-item veto power decreases the possibility of positive punctuation. (Research implications or Originality) This study takes an initial step to analyze concrete mechanisms behind the punctuation of high-tech employment. In addition, this study is the first to link social contagion, a social learning model with punctuated equilibrium theory (PET). This study is the first to simultaneously analyze and compare the related mechanism factors of both punctuation and overall changes in high-tech employment. These results may provide practitioners valuable insight into factors associated with high-tech employment.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of the Relationship between Public Cancer Screenings and Media Coverage of Cancer in South Korea 2009-2017

        안서현,이건호 한국보건사회연구원 2022 保健社會硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        With the increasing necessity of cancer screenings, this research intended to confirm the importance of online media’s role in promoting public cancer screenings in South Korea where cancer screenings are conducted as a part of an organized, population-based program. Agenda-setting theory, which is significant in investigating the relationship between media and the public as well as in monitoring fluctuation of media coverage and people’s health behavior, was used in order to analyze (a) the trends of public cancer screenings (the number of cancer screenings) and cancer coverage (the amount of cancer coverage), and (b) the relationship between media coverage and cancer screenings. Significant correlations were found both in general cancer issues and with the five main types of cancer issues: gastric, colorectal, liver, breast and cervical cancers. Furthermore, there was a notable difference according to the examinees’ economic status; the correlations for the upper 50% of the examinees were stronger than for the lower 50%. The difference in the public’s decisions regarding health behavior based on media indicates the importance of strategies tailored to individual economic conditions.

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