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        Starnes 수술의 중기결과 -1예 보고-

        성시찬,손봉수,김영규,박진수,장윤희,이형두 대한흉부외과학회 2007 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.40 No.10

        심한 엡스타인 기형을 갖고 있는 한 신생아에서 Starnes 수술 후 중기 수술 결과를 보고한다. 환아는 출생 당일 청색증과 함께 심한 심비대로 입원하였다. 생후 19일째 심방화 우심실의 축소술과 함께 삼첨판 성형술을 시도하였으나 실패하였고 관상정맥동을 우심실 쪽에 두면서 삼첨판을 첩포로 폐쇄시키고 체폐동맥 단락술을 시행하였다. 생후 16개월에 양방성 상공정맥-폐동맥 문합술을 시행하였고 30개월에 심외도관 폰탄수술을 시행하였다. 현재 환아는 생후 56개월로 특별한 신체적 제한 없이 잘 지내고 있다. 최근 추적 심장검사에서 동율동 상태로 매우 작은 우심실과 함께 정상적 좌심기능을 보여주고 있고 우심실에 혈전 형성의 증거는 없었다.

      • 산전 초음파에서 진단된 담도낭종의 수술적 치료

        최윤미,최재혁,서정민,이석구,Choi, Yun-Mee,Choi, Jae-Hyuck,Seo, Jeong-Meen,Lee, Suk-Koo 대한소아외과학회 2004 소아외과 Vol.10 No.1

        Improvement in prenatal ultrasonography is leading to diagnose choledochal cyst before birth and before onset of classical symptom more frequently. But, there is a controversy about optimal timing for Cyst excision of prenatally diagnosed asymptomatic choledochal cyst. To identify the most appropriate timing for surgery in prenatally diagnosed choledochal Cysts, we analyzed 6 patients who had operation for choledochal cysts within 30days after birth at the division of Pediatric Surgery, Samsung Medical Center and Inha University School of Medicine, from June 1995 to June 2002. Males were four and females 2, the mean age at operation was 11.2 days, and the median age 8.0 days. The range of gestational ages of the antenatal diagnosis of bile duct dilatation was 24 weeks to 32 weeks, mean was 38.3 weeks, and mean birth weight was 3,298.3 g. After birth, abdominal ultrasonography, hepatobiliary scintigraphy, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancratography (MRCP) were performed. Mean age at operation was 11.2 days. All patients had the cyst excision and Rouxen-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Immediate postoperative complication was not found. During the median follow-up period of 41 months, one patient was admitted due to cholangitis, and the other due to variceal bleeding. Early operative treatment of asymptomatic newborn is safe and effective to prevent developing complications later in life.

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