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      • KCI등재

        이가 빠지는 꿈에 관한 고찰

        정승아 大韓神經精神醫學會 2009 신경정신의학 Vol.48 No.2

        Everyone frequently dreams of "losing ones'tooth". According to folk tradition, this tooth-loss dream has been regarded as bad dream which foretells the death of the dreamer's important relatives, and this is not different between oriental and occidental cultures. Freud related this dream to guilt about masturbation and fear of anxiety in the context of the Oedipus complex. However, there appears to be no difference between the frequency of this type of dream between males and females, as shown by reports from male and female internet portal users as well as previous reports in the literature. Considering other psychoanalytic interpretations, and the meaning of tooth in the folklore literature, or rituals about handling the lost tooth in the world-wide tradition, the tooth-loss dream seems to reflect a universal and archetypal anxiety over losing something important. At the most fundamental level, the tooth-losing may contain the most and first important losing or separating event, that is, separation from the mother's body. The loss of important body parts (castration) or body functions, or other personal losses, may be attached to the same line of memory and emotion. So, the full meaning of the tooth-loss dream can be uncovered by considering both the archetypal and personal layer of dreamers' experiences.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 “항미원조운동” 중 나타난 한반도 인식 ― 국내 시사선전을 중심으로

        손해룡 한국중국현대문학학회 2011 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.59

        Historical memories have always been obstacle that hinders the progress of the reconciliation within three countries of East Asia. In order to overcome this obstacle, we need to trace back to the time when the actual event occurred back in 1950s. In year 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War was accelerated the emergence of Cold War in Asia. Due to the rapid spreading of the cold war in Asia, it has resulted in the separation between North and South Korea and mainland China and Taiwan. To overcome this difficult situation, it is necessary and imperative to reflect on the causes that triggered the Korean War. This article has analyzed the points on China aiding North Korea and against American actions during the Korean War period and also the awareness and position of China toward the Korean peninsula and the separation of North and South Korea issues. After a series of in-depth research and study found that the contradiction in ideology between dominant countries - America and Soviet Union during the Korean War was the main factor that influenced the relationship between China and North Korea in terms of the idea of socialism. In the case of the configuration of Cold War, affected by the socialism ideology, China has taken an extreme diametrically strategy toward North and South Korean after the division. Furthermore, the propaganda and creation of dramatic works during the period in China were primarily focuses on farmers and laborers works. Hence in the distinction between North and South Korea, China has obviously shown a deeper relationship with North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        노년의 몸과 유교적 성찰

        임부연 ( Lim Boo Yeon ) 한국종교문화연구소(종교문화비평학회) 2021 종교문화비평 Vol.39 No.39

        사람의 노년은 몸의 불가역적인 노화와 함께 다가오니, 노년은 기본적으로 몸의 현상이다. 노인이 실존의 주체라는 관점에서 보면 노년의 문제는 외부의 사회적, 제도적 차원보다 우선 주관적, 체험적 차원에서 접근할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 조선시대의 유자(儒者)들이 몸의 노화 현상을 경험하면서 자신을 성찰하며 새로운 삶의 방향을 모색한 다양한 방식을 살펴보고자 하였다. 특히 몸의 노화 현상이라는 점에서는 동일하지만 흰머리와 어두워진 눈, 빠진 이빨이 몸에서 차지하는 위상과 기능이 다르므로 각각의 의미 부여와 대응 방식을 구분하였다. 우선, 인의(仁義)에 기초한 맹자(孟子)의 왕도정치(王道政治)에서 자발적인 공경과 돌봄의 대상을 나타내던 ‘백발(白髮)’은 자연의 공도(公道)로서 피할 수 없는 대표적인 노화 현상이었다. 조선의 유자들은 이러한 흰머리를 죽은 뒤에도 보존해야 하는 부모에 대한 효도나 임금에 대한 불변의 충성 등 윤리적, 정치적 가치로 채색하였다. 특히 노년의 머리털은 한편으로는 목숨보다 소중한 중화(中華) 문명의 상징으로 여겨졌지만 다른 한편으로 흰머리마저 빠진 노년의 대머리는 문화적 관습이나 구속에서 벗어나는 자유의 의미로 해석되었다. 둘째, 눈이 어두워지면 유자들은 외향적인 차원에서 산수(山水)의 풍광(風光)을 즐기거나 화초(花草)처럼 일상의 미세한 사물로부터 삶의 활기(活氣)를 얻고자 노력하였다. 다만 그들은 시력을 회복시키는 안경(眼境)에 의존해서라도 궁리(窮理)의 대표적인 방법인 독서(讀書)를 통해 학문의 즐거움을 추구하는 삶의 자세에 중점을 두었다. 더 나아가 외부의 시각적 자극을 차단하는 ‘정좌(靜坐)’는 마음의 본체인 신성한 본성에 다가가 삶의 참된 의미를 깨닫는 내향적 공부로 실천되었다. 마지막으로, 음식을 씹거나 말을 하는 기능을 담당하는 이빨이 빠지는 충격을 경험한 유자들은 노인이라는 새로운 정체성을 긍정하고 기존의 삶의 방식에 대해 성찰하였다. 가령 얼굴의 변형은 타인과의 관계를 줄여 고요한 삶에 나아가게 만들고, 대화할 때 발음이 새는 문제는 침묵을 지키거나 내면의 마음을 살피게 하였으며, 음식 섭취의 어려움은 부드러운 음식을 먹는 전환점이 되었다. 특히 몸에서 분리된 이빨에 대한 성찰을 통해 천지의 조화를 이해하고 외물의 변화에 휘둘리지 않고 이치에 순응하는 도덕적 주체성을 자각하기도 하였다. 결론적으로 조선의 유자들은 늙은 몸에 관한 다양한 성찰과 마음의 상대적 자율성에 기초해서 늙음을 비루하게 탄식[嘆老]하거나 망령되게 망각[忘老]하지 않고 자연스런 삶의 과정으로 편안하게 받아들이는 “안로(安老)”의 지혜를 보여주려 노력하였다. 오늘날 늙음을 편안하게 여길 새로운 가능성을 모색하려면, 우선 젊음과 늙음의 극단적 대립과 갈등을 강조하여 노년을 전면 부정하거나 차별하는 담론을 벗어나 젊음과 늙음의 대대(待對) 관계에 기초해서 노년의 공공성(公共性)을 이해할 필요가 있다. A person’s old age is basically a bodily phenomenon because it comes with the irreversible aging of the body. From the point of view that the elderly are the subject of existence, the problem of old age needs to be approached from the subjective and experiential level prior to the external social and institutional level. In this sense, this paper is aimed to investigate the various ways in which Confucian scholars(儒者) of Joseon Dynasty reflected on themselves, and sought new directions for life as they experienced the aging phenomenon of their bodies. In particular, gray hair, cloudy eyes, and lost teeth are all the same aging phenomena, but since they occupy different status and functions in the body, so Confucian scholars’ different ways of signification and response were distinguished. First of all, the gray hair, represented as the object of voluntary respect and care in Mencian royal politics based on humaneness and rightness, was a typical aging phenomenon that could not be avoided as a public way(公道) of nature. Confucian scholars of Joseon Dynasty colored the gray hair with ethical and political values such as filial piety toward parents that should be preserved after death and unchanging loyalty to the king. Especially the hair of old age was regarded as a symbol of the Jungwha(中華) civilization more precious than life, on the one hand, while on the other hand the baldness of the old age, even without gray hair, was interpreted as a meaning of freedom from cultural customs or restrictions. Second, Confucian scholars with old eyes becoming cloudy, from the extrovert dimension, tried to enjoy the scenery of the mountains and rivers or get the vitality of life out of the microscopic objects in daily lives like flowers and grasses. However, they focused on the attitude of life to pursue the enjoyment of learning through reading(讀書) as a representative way of investigating the principles of all things, even if they relied on glasses to restore their sight. Moreover, the quiet-sitting(靜坐), eliminating external visual stimuli, was practiced as an introverted meditation to approach the sacred nature as the essence of mind and to realize the true meaning of life. Third, Confucian scholars affirmed their new identity as old person and reflected on their existing way of life after experiencing the shock of losing their teeth, which are responsible for chewing food or talking. For example, the transformation of the face reduced the relationship with others and led to a quiet life, the problem of leaking pronunciation when talking made them to keep silence or examine their inner minds, and the difficulty in eating food became a turning point to eat soft food. In particular, they, reflecting on the teeth separated from their bodies, understood the creation of heaven and earth and realized his moral subjectivity conforming to principles without being swayed by changes in external objects. In conclusion, the Confucian scholars of Joseon Dynasty, based on diverse reflections on the aged bodies and mind’s relative autonomy, tried to accept aging as natural process of life comfortably rather than sighing shallowly or forgetting senilely. In order to explore the new possibility that we will feel comfortable with old age today, we first need to understand the public character of old age based on the dependent-confrontational(待對) relationship of youth and old, breaking away from the discourses that completely deny or discriminate old age by emphasizing the extreme confrontation and conflict between youth and old.

      • KCI등재

        한반도의 지정학적 의미에 대한 중국 정치엘리트의 전통적 인식

        박광희(朴廣熙) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2006 신아세아 Vol.13 No.3

          본고의 연구범위는 중국 근현대사 시기이다. 본고는 중국 정치엘리트들이 한반도의 중국에 대한 지정학적 의미를 어떻게 파악하고 있는가를 연구하였다. 중국 정치엘리트의 한반도에 대한 지정학적 인식은 양무운동시기부터 나타났다. 따라서 본고는 리홍장의 대일외교에서부터, 중화인민공화국의 마오쩌둥을 포함한 중국공산당 주요 지도자의 발언을 살펴보았다. 중국 정치엘리트의 인식에 따르면 한반도는 대륙으로 진출하고자 하는 세력의 도전을 막아주는 완충지대이다. 현재의 중화인민공화국 정치엘리트들도 한반도에 대한 전통적 지정학적 인식 즉, 순망치한(脣亡齒寒) 인식을 그대로 갖고 있다. 이것은 한반도의 통일에 부정적 영향을 끼친다.   This paper explores how the Chinese political elites in the modern and contemporary era have perceived the Korean peninsula in its geopolitical relation to China. The Chinese elites’ geopolitical perception of Korea traces back to the Westernization period, and this paper examines the remarks by major Chinese leaders since that period including Li Hongzhang and Mao Zedong. From the perspective of those Chinese political elites, the Korean peninsula has served as a buffer zone protecting the mainland China against intrusive foreign forces. Today’s PRC leaders also share the traditional geopolitical perception, which is best summarized in the expression “Chun-wang-chi-han”(脣亡齒寒). Based on this geopolitical perception, Chinese elites do not have a wholeheartedly welcoming attitude to reunifying two Koreas.<BR>  This paper concludes by developing a logic to persuade Chinese leaders into changing their geopolitical perception of Korea toward a direction to jointly work for Korean reunification. Specifically, this paper argues that Korean peaceful reunification will not cause any harm to the interests of China both in terms of Sino-Korean bilateral economic cooperation and multilateral economic and security collaboration in the Northeast Asian region.

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