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      • 원주시 주요산업 경쟁력 분석

        이한주,정두환,김희수,이강빈 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 2000 産業經營硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The basic purpose of this study is to analyze the competitive power of major industry in Wonju, to grope the enhance device of its competitive power, and to suggest the policy through the comprehensive analysis. In this paper, the author describes the urban characteristics, industrial characteristics and outline of competitive power of major industry in Wonju, and analyze the security factor of competitive power, competitive power and its complementary factor of major industry through the questionnaire research for expert group by use of SER-M model. For analyzing the competitive power of major industry in Wonju, the author selected logistics industry, sightseeing industry and lacquer industry considering its influence upon Wonju economy and development possibility. The result of this study will be the guide post of the direction and plan for upbringing industry in Wonju.

      • 産業災害와 安全管理에 관한 硏究

        李熙俊 尙志大學校産業經營硏究所 1992 産業經營硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The major purpose of this study is to find the problems that the statistics of industrial accidents showed and to prevent the preventive countermeasures for effective security management. An industrial accident is a disease resulting from exposure during employment to condition or substance detrimental to health or life. This is caused by the conditions of employment and is not projected by the man. This results generally from the comprehensive factors. The claiments of 1990 are 7,542,752members and the economic deficit is up to ₩2,696,757million. Because of this severe damage, the preventive of the industrial accident is highly required. The way of preventive countermeasures could be presentation as follows. First, for securing the safety, precaution about the tools, machineries and working condition is needed from the time of installation. Second, a traing system for the managerial class the specialists or engineers should be established. Cultivation of the appropriate personnel and enhancement of technique for safety are prerequists for reduction of the industrial accidents. Third, the health checkup system must be improved. For the prevention of the occupational disease and good health of the works, experts who knows workers health must be appointed. In conclusion, industrial accident is not unavoidable result of the advance of the industries but the result of the incapability of management that can not meet the requirement necessary for the prevention of industrial accident. Therefore, each corporation should be regard the above mention and make effective safety control that is free from the industrial accident. The implement of organizational safety programs, similar to the application of company heaith plan, involves shared administrative responsibilities among top executive line personnel, staff specialists, first line supervisors, and organizational employment.

      • 私立大學 會計制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        송동섭, 김재준, 김경구 상지대학교 산업경영연구소 2001 産業經營硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        대학의 연구를 통하여 새로운 이론과 기술을 개발하고, 교육서비스를 통하여 인재를 양성하며, 사회봉사를 통하여 국가 및 지역사회 발전에 기여하는 서비스조직이라고 볼 수 있다. 대학이 우수한 이론과 기술을 개발하고 양질의 교육서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 이를 뒷받침 할 수 있는 막대한 자원의 확보와 자원의 공정한 배분과 효율적인 운영이 뒤따라야 한다. 대학의 이해관계자들은 대학을 운영하고, 평가하고, 지원하기 위하여 대학운영에 대한 목적적합하고 신뢰할 수 있는 정보를 필요로 한다. 이러한 정보를 산출하기 위해서 그에 적합한 회계제도가 뒷받침되어야 한다. 그러나 현행 대학의 회계제도에 대해서 많은 문제점이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구는 사립대학의 재무회계제도 개선에 관한 사항을 목적으로 사립학교법과 사학기관재무회계 규칙 및 동 특례규칙을 검토하였다. 본 연구결과 사립대학의 재무회계제도가 가지고 있는 문제점을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자금운용계산서에는 전반적인 자금의 내용과 유입 ·유출간의 균형상태를 나타내기 위하여 발생주의에 따라 회계인식하며 자금원천과 운용을 경상적, 비경상적으로 구분하고, 지출자금을 부문별, 활동별, 프로그램별로 표시한다. 둘째, 운영수지계산은 운영수지의 내용 및 그 균형상태에 관한 정보를 회계정보이용자에게 전달하여야 하며, 이를 위하여 발생주의를 적용하며, 운영수지를 부문별, 활동별, 프로그램별로 보고하고, 운영수지예산서를 작성하여 실적과 비교하며, 고유활동과 보조활동별로 운영수지를 보고한다. 셋째, 대차대조표가 대학의 전반적인 재무상태를 회계정보이용자에게 전달하기 위하여는 감가상각 회계의 도입, 기본금의 전입대상, 전입시기, 전입방법 등 회계처리기준의 제정 등에 대하여 명백하게 규정한다. 넷째, 원가회계의 도입에 관한 문제에 있어 등록금 책정 및 대학별 예산 배정을 위한 표준원가의 계산, 예산편성의 철저, 경영자의 의사결정의 유용성, 학교의 장기발전계획, 이해관계자에게 효과적인 정보를 제공하고, 효율적인 내부관리를 위해서도 원가회계의 도입을 위한 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 독자적인 특성을 지니고 있는 조직체의 회계기준의 확립과 회계제도의 체계화는 정부의 일방적이고 일률적인 법령의 제정, 공포 및 행정지도를 통해서 해결될 성질의 문제가 아니다. 회계이론가와 사학기관 회계실무자가 산학협동의 차원에서 사학기관회계와 관련된 이론의 체계화와 제도 정립을 위하여 연구할 수 있는 연구기관의 설립이 문제해결을 위한 한 방안이 될 것이다.

      • 知識基盤産業의 發展方向

        申仁洙 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 2000 産業經營硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        In Korea, the epoch-making expansion of support to develop the knowledge-based industry is needed, according that knowledge-based industrialization is performed internationally. But it is performed efficiently under the strengthening of local body's competitiveness of local body. The knowledge-based industry develops at the base of technology an information. But the important thing in the knowledge-based industry is real productivity. As the knowledge-based industry is based at knowledge, the role of the university is very important. In case of Korea, high-class research workers are in university Now about 60% of whole universities is located on the provinces, and more high-class research workers will settle in the provinces. The formation of the base in the knowledge-based industry in province the strategic supporting program of the government. Especially it is needed to focused its attention on software the department. Industrial-educational cooperation make it in the center of existing small and medium enterprises and venture enterprises, and fiscal and unfiscal supports of the government and the local autonomous entity are the starting point of the Industrial-educational cooperation Development of knowledge-based industry in the provinces needs a steady investment and can see its fruits as its selective plan do.

      • 經營 글로벌化와 現地法人의 權限委讓

        金喜洙 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 1999 産業經營硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        At first, we examined the problem of power delegation from headquarter to local company about overseas affiliate company. Also we researched power delegation about the manager of local affiliate company at local corporation. Study result found the problems as follows. 1) deficiency of advance preparations for delegating responsibility and right to local corporation 2) ambiguity of limit of responsibility and right between headquarter and local corporation 3) deficiency of delegation of responsibility and right to local corporation manager dispatched from the headquarter 4) absence of communication between headquarter and local corporation 5) more information supply flow from headquarter to local corporation than from local corporation to headquarter 6) deficiency of communication between headquarter and local corporation. The implication about problem is needed to secure the self-regulation rights of local management and delegate the internal right of local corporation. The management method for oversea investment local corporation of Korea company forces management of centralization to be strong. Considering circumstantial condition for local corporation, management type have to accomplish the differentiation and decentralization for satisfying local areas. The important core subjects process after the approval of headquarter. And subjects for deciding at local have to delegate a lot of right in local.

      • 환경경영의 현상과 전망에 대한 고찰

        김오우,임재화,황병문 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 2000 産業經營硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        Es ist inzwischen in der Leute Munde, dass Umweltmanagement eine neue und junge Disziplin in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist. Trotz dieser Anerkennung haben die Euphorie und Begeisterung aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Rezession eine gewisse Ernuechterung betroffen. Eines steht aber fest, dass Umweltschautz fuer die Betriebswirtscahftslehre keine Modeerscheinung wie einige anderen Managementskon-zepte, shondern eine sehr wichtige Zukunftsaufgabe sein muss. Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre hat auf dem Grundbelang des Umweltmanagements eigenstaendige Aufklaerungs- und Erklaerungsbeitraege in Funktionslehren und auch Gestaltungsbeitraege im Rahmen der Integrationsgedanke geleistet, um die wegen verschiedener Interessengruppe auftrettenden komplexen Umweltprobleme zu loesen. Dabei haben die bisherigen Arbeiten implicit oder explicit auf Basis einer zentralen Voraussetzung argumentiert:「Umweltschutz gehoert zu der wichtigsten unternehmenrischen Aufgabe, so dass er nicht nur notwendig, sondern auch erfolgreich ist.」 Aufgrund der rasch veranedernden wirtschaftlichen Umstaenden im letzten Jahren blieb solche Argumentation aber nicht genuegend in Geltung. Sieht man einmal von direkter Betroffenheit der Konsumenten etwa bei Gesundheitsrisiken ab, so wird bei der sinkenden Realeikommen und Arbeitslosigkeit als Realitaet deutlich, dass ein neuer oekologischen Wonnemonat von Seiten Konsumenten nicht viel erwartet werden kann. Bezogen auf diesen tendenziellen Veraenderungen ist die Frage des Ueberlebens und das Erreichen der hoehren finanziellen Ertragszielen vor anderer strategischen Ueberlegungen bevorzugt. Es ist auch in der Unternehmenspraxis gelaeufig, dass die Anpassung an oekologische Restriktionen im Unternehmen ueber ziemlich unterschiedliche Wege begrenzt ausgefuehrt wird. Die unternehmenrische Aktion fuer Umweltschutz ist im Sinne dieser Gegebenheit ein keinesfalls synchron oder gar ganzheitlich ablaufender Prozess, da die Bestimmungsfaktoren fuer die Wahl der Wege und deren Geschwindigkeit noch nicht hinreichend aufgeklaert worden sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist Umweltmanagement mehr als bisher gefordert, einige neue Gesichtspunkte und Thesen zu beruecksichtigen, die zur Bereitstellung leistungsfaehigerer Anpassungsmoeglichkeiten bzw. Loesungsansaetze an Umweltschutzprobleme unter die Lupe genommen werden sollten.

      • 경제체제이행에 따르는 시장지향적 기업경영문제 : A Study of Marketing in East Germany 구 동독지역에서의 마케팅과제 연구

        최창선,임병천 尙志大學校 産業經營硏究所 1999 産業經營硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        Transforming a former socialist economic system to a social market economic system proved to be a tougher and more difficult task than could be foreseen, especially for management in East Germany. This paper examines an account of the problems from the marketing aspect, which the East-German companies are confronted with. It is necessary to change from a distribution mentality on a seller's market to a marketing mentality on a buyer's market and to learn market economy know-how and commercial skills. This paper concludes by giving an indication of the magnitude of the problems to be solved in the unification process to the comming cooperation between South - and North - Korean companies.

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