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        학교 교육행정서비스와 대학생의 인성 및 학교생활만족 간의 영향관계

        김익형,김창현 경북대학교 사범대학부속중등교육연구소 2019 중등교육연구 Vol.67 No.3

        본 연구는 대학교육수요자의 감소와 교육시장의 개방, 대학환경의 변화 속에서 대학의 생존전략을 위한 대학 교육행정서비스 질을 어떻게 제고할 것인가를 모색하기 위하여 이루어졌다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 대학교육행정서비스, 학생들의 교육행정서비스만족과 학교생활만족, 인성에 대한이론적 연구를 실시하였다. 이를 토대로 대학교육행정서비스 대상인 강원도, 경상북도, 충청북도의 4년제 대학 4개소와 전문대학 4개소 총 8개 대학의 대학생 1005명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시한 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이 연구는 대학 교육 행정 서비스와 인성의 영향력이 부분적으로나타났다. 둘째, 이 연구는 인성과 학교생활에서 대학생들의 만족감 사이의영향력이 부분적으로 나타났다. 셋째, 본 연구는 대학 교육 행정 서비스와 학교생활에서 대학생들의 만족도 간에 영향력이 부분적으로 나타났다. 따라서 학생들의 지원 선호도가 떨어지는 지방대학, 또는 지역적, 환경적여건으로 신입생 확보가 더욱 어려운 실정이 곧 신입생 감소와 학교재정 감소로 이어지고 이는 대학의 부실화를 불러올 수 있다. 이에 대학은 학생들에게 학교생활에 만족하고 학업 성취도를 높일 수 있는 합리적이고 효율적인질 높은 교육행정서비스와 인성교육을 강화해야 된다는 시사점을 제공한다.

      • 實驗大學 實施에 따른 師範大學 學生實態 (Ⅱ)

        林在圭,吳岱燮,琴鍾友,李潤樹 慶北大學校 師範大學 1978 敎育硏究誌 Vol.20 No.-

        The purposes of this study were (1) to reexamine what were found by the survey on KNU Teachers College Students after the Pilot School Project (Ⅰ) in order to assess the possibility of .generalizing results of the survey across different groups of students who enter Teachers College after the Pilot School Project was implemented, (2) and to examine students' opinion toward the current procedures of assingning freshemen to departments or majors of the Teachers College. The subjects were freshmen of KNU Teachers' College from 1975 to 1777 academic year. However, the data pertaining to the students from 1975 to 1976 had been gathered while the survey on Teachers College Students after the Pilot School (Ⅰ) was being carried out. In order to collect the data with regard to the students entered the Teachers College in 1977, four different questionnaives were employed. The data were statistically tested by means of chi-technique only when it seemed necessary and appropriate. Major findings of this study are as following: (1) After the Pilot School Project was employed, there were general tendency in students' reason applying for admission to KNU Teachers College: Each academic year, approximately 40% of freshmen decided to enter the college to be secondary school teachers in the future. (2) Students' attitude toward the new procedures of screening college applicants, which was employed after the Pilot School Project, were negative in general. Furthermore, their negative attitude became stronger year by year. (3) The degree of students' satisfaction with their majors were relatively higher than that expressed by the students who entered the college before the Pilot School Project was employed. (4) Both students' criteria for selecting their majors and then reasons for changing their majors which they had been interested in applying were varied across time subjects and time. (5) The obtained contingency coefficient between departments and GPA students of each department earned during thir freshmen year was 0.831. It seems to indicate that majority of freshment tends to choose their majors according to their GPA rather than their interest or aptitude. (6) Approximately 67.73% of freshmen of the 1977 academic year accepted the end of the academic year as the most appropriate time for assigning them to departments they desire to enter. 7) Approximately 52.10% of freshment supported the idea of assigningas many students to the departments as they wish to enter, as far as it is possible, by adjusting the capacity of department, which is regulated by MOE. (8) Approximately 61.08% of freshmen claimed not to deduct their GPA when their first choice of department became impossible and turned down to the second or the third one.

      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 생명의 기원과 진화에 대한 관점

        임은희,조정일,홍행화 慶北大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 2007 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구는 과학을 전공하고 있는 사범대 학생들의 생명에 대한 기원의 본성과 교수방법,기원 및 진화와 관련된 지식주장 에 대한 관점을 조사하고,전공,학년,종교와 관점과의 관련성에 대해 알아보고자 실시되었다. 본 연구는 광주광역시에 소재하는 한 대학의 사범계열 과학 전공 대학생 281명의 설문지 응답 결과를 대상으로 실시하였으며,설문지는 생명에 대한 기원의 본성과 교수방법에 관한 6개 문항과 기원과 진화에 관한 지식주장 11개 주제의 31개 문항으로 구성되어있다. 문항별 빈도와 평균값을 조사하고,배경별로 유의한 차이를 보인 경우 사후비교분석을 통해 관점의 차이 정도를 알아보았다. 분석 결과 대학생들은 생명에 대한 기원의 본성과 교수방법에 대하여 전반적으로 진화론과 창조론을 균등하게 바라보고 있으나,기원과 진화에 관한 지식주장에 대해 전반적으로 진화론적인 관점을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 연구 대상이 예비 교사들이었다는 점을 감안할 때,학교에서 두 이론을 교수하는 방법이나 학생 스스로 선택하도록 하는 내용의 기원의 본성과 교수방법에 대한 경향은 진화론과 창조론을 균등하게 바라보는 관점이 우세한 것으로 나타난 것은 주목할 만한 점이며,따라서 앞으로 기원과 진화에 관한 두 이론과 그 교수방법에 대하여 예비교사들을 대상으로 하는 체계적인 연구의 수행 이 필요하다. The purpose of the study was to investigate college students' views of nature of ongms and teaching of origins and of knowledge claim of origins and evolution. A total of 281 college students who enrolled in an university located in a metropolitan city participated in the study. The instrument of this study was a questionnaire which consisted of 6 propositions on the nature of origins and teaching of origins, and 31 knowledge claims about evolution. Frequency analysis, one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc comparison analysis were conducted. Regarding the views of nature of origins and teaching of origins, college students tended to think two theories of origins equal. Regarding teaching of origins, Christian students tended to treat two theories, creationism and evolution, more equally than non-Christian students did. Biology major students showed more positive attitude toward teaching origins with two model approach than the other majors did. Regarding knowledge claims of origins and evolution, college students' views of origins were skewed toward evolution side. Views on origins were different according to major, school year and its combination.

      • KCI등재

        학생부종합전형 자연계 지원자의 과학 선택과목 이수 현황 분석

        최혜미,권지원,박해정,정민주 경북대학교 사범대학부속중등교육연구소 2020 중등교육연구 Vol.68 No.2

        학생의 과목 선택권이 확대되고 대입에서 학생부종합전형이 정착되면서 대학 전공 공부에 필요한 선택과목의 이수 여부가 주요 평가요소로 활용되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 2019, 2020학년도 K대학교 학생부종합전형 자연계 지원자의 과학Ⅱ 선택과목 이수 현황을 분석하여 학생의 과목 선택 및 학생부종합전형 평가에 시사점을 주고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 과학Ⅱ 선택과목별 이수 비율은 단과대학별로 다른 특성을 보여 단과대학과 과학Ⅱ 선택과목 간 연계성을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 단과대학별로 특정 선택과목 조합의 이수 비율이 높아 해당 전공을 이수하는 데 유용한 선택과목이 서로 다름을 확인하였다. 이를 통해 과학Ⅱ 선택과목 이수 경향이 중요한 평가요소가 될 수 있으며, 대학은 각 학교별 과목 개설 환경 파악 및 비교 분석이 필요함을 제언하였다.

      • 全國 國立大學校 體育大會의 推移에 따른 功過 : 實態變遷에 따른 對策摸索

        李來華 慶北大學校 師範大學 1990 敎育硏究誌 Vol.32 No.-

        This subject of athletic meeting among national universities is second paper that has been after first investigation and analysis which had been worked in 1978. In this paper we will grope and present counterplan which has followed merits and demerits and the transition of actual conditions. Therefore, through the survey used athletics participeting in here (held by Kyung Pook national university) we have compared and analyzed the transition between 1978 and 1989, grasped the contradiction and problems of this meeting groped better plan and presented the revised scheme and menagement as the rules for this athletics. [The revision of rules] <Article 18> The division of games 1. Track and field events (Male) 100m, 400m, 1500m, 5000m, (160mR), high jump, long jump, shot-put, discus throw (8 persons) (Female) 100m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, (1600mR), high jump, long jump, shot-put, discus throw (8 persons) 2. Gymnastics (Male, Female) Male 6 Persons, Female 4 Persons, total 10 persons 3. Soccer (Male) 4. Volleyball (Male, Female) 5. Softball (Female) 6. Tennis (Male, Female) 7. Table tennis (Male, Female) <5 common events for male and female, 1 event for male, 1 event for female> total 7 events <Article 20> Participating requirements Male and female stadents who are in attendance at national universities and not athletes (except athletes) <Artile 24> Schedule Staying 3 days during 4 days instead of staying 2 days during 3 days (2 days for competition, an eve of arriving day) <Article 27> Scoring each event, sex distiction, the number of participating athletes × Score 10 (score 160 in track and field events, score 100 in gymnastics, score 110 in soccer, score 120 in volleyball, score 90 in Softball, score 60 in tennis, score 60 in table tennis) total score 700. ※ew have to revise the method of scoring some events have an davantage when the total score was egual <Additional rules> o We have to spread and strengthen public relations in order that every student can know about that athletic meeting o We have to realite and activate the system of admission and exhibition prite, and fix the meting of prite. o We have to prope the installations for creating atmosphere which take a serious view of participation and don't have to reflect some events of absence on records ※ for example, we have to revise the method of ranking decision and take off score 5 with distiction of sex and event instead of the total score with each university. Now it was confirmed that this athletic meeting held in a defective state. But we have to charge that kind of idea to abolish this meeting under the pretence of this reason. Therefore, although the methods of betterment presented in here are absolute. I know we have to give our deep concern and absolute efforts to improve this festival with intelligence and volition, then we can realite the expected abject as well as the meeting of athletic meeting.

      • 大學生 出身地를 指標로 한 韓國의 勢力圈

        洪慶姬 慶北大學校 師範大學 1976 敎育硏究誌 Vol.18 No.-

        This study is to delineate the tributary area of eight provincial capitals (except Suwon) in Korea based on the university and college student catchment area. Student catchment area was known referring to the home addresses in the records of each student card furnished by the universities and colleges concerned. Based on this, the number of students sent to the nine provincial capitals by every Shi and Gun was counted and by doing this the dependence of each Shi and Gun upon the nine provincial capitals was measured. Then the tributary area of the nine provincial capitals was delineated by letting each Shi and Gun belong to the provincial capital upon which it depends most (figure 1). It has been suggested by geographers that the student catchment area can be used for the criteria of delineating the tributary area. But no attempt has ever been made to apply this. university student catchment area for the criteria to many cities of Korea. The student catchment area delineated here was compared with the telegram region once delineated by me (Hong, Kyung Hi : Delineation of the Tributary-Area of Cities in Korea Based on the Inter-regional Telegram Interchange, Education Journal of Kyungpook University, Vol. 14(1972), pp. 1-18)and the economic region by Norton (R.D.Norton & M.K.Wood: Economic Regions in Korea) and the Province as an administrative division, (fig. 2, fig. 3, fig. 1). As a result, the three kinds of tributary areas and province showed a close proximity to each other. Despite the fact that the selection of the college was decided by the students themselves, it was proved that the student catchment area nearly coincides with the province as an administrative unit (except seven Shis and Guns) and the province of Korea is in close proximity to the geographic region. The difference between the catchment area and the telegram region seems that the former uses the actual movement of the people as its criteria while the latter uses the means of mass communication irrelative to any geographical conditions as its criteria. The area in which the above three areas do not coincide with one another was regarded as a transition zone. 23 Shis and Guns were identified as transition zones and they were distributed generally around the vicinities of provincial borderlines, (fig. 4) This paper dealt only with the university level student catchment area as its criteria, but according to my experience of sample study in Taegu city it is hoped that, for more complete delineation of the tributary area of the provincial capital, both the catchment area of the patients in the general hospitals and the newspaper circulation area will be delineated and then combined with the student catchment area.

      • 大學生 隱語考

        徐炳國,柳基龍 慶北大學校 師範大學 1979 敎育硏究誌 Vol.21 No.-

        The aim of this thesis is. to study 2700 pieces of the secret language collected from collegians. The collegian secret language is characteristic of secrecy, taboo, novelty, the desire to break stereotype, humorousness, ostentation, and simplicity. It consists of neologism, popular tongue, vulgarism, slang, and abbreviation. It is also fresh and refined, and much of it has resulted from the knowledge and culture of high level. Besides, the secret language concerning smoking, drinking, speculative games, hetrosexual group meeting, date, festival, part-time job, and examination is productive.

      • KCI등재
      • 實驗大學 實施에 따른 師範大學 學生實態

        李相魯,林在圭,吳岱燮,閔庚德 慶北大學校 師範大學 1977 敎育硏究誌 Vol.19 No.-

        The purposes of this study were (1) to analyze students' reasons, for applying to the Teachers College, department and major; (2) to assess the degree of satisfaction on being assigned to their particular department; (3) to investigate their attitudes toward the new way of assigning students in terms of two broadly classified majors i.e., studies of humanistic and social sciences and studies of natural sciences; (4) to estimate the degree of fulfillment of student desire and degree of utility of physical facilities; and (5) to identify reasons of success or failure of the students in the respective departments they were assigned to. The subjects were 2 groups of Teachers College students, one group which entered the university in 1976 and the other in 1977. In order to collect data pertaining to students' opinions or attitudes, questioniares were used; the score on college entrance exam and grade point average were obtained from individual student reports. The data were statistically analyzed by means of either Z or chi-test. The major findings were as follows: 1. Approximately 41 percent of the freshmen of the Teachers College reported that they decided to enter the Teachers College in order to be teachers. 2. Approximately 70 percent of the Teachers College students decided their particular major by themselves rather than by suggestions or advices. 3. The degree of satisfaction on having entered the Teachers College was relatively high, since the average scale point was .472. 4. The fresh students showed a significant decrease in their positive attitude toward the new way of assigning the students to the department or majors. The average scale point of the students in 1975 was .276; that of in 1976 was .489; that of the students in 1977 was .077. When the changes in attitude toward the new way of assigning students to departments or majors were estimated, it was observed that the degree of those in favor was .489 at the beginning of the first semester, and-.677 at the end of the second semester. However, the degree of satisfaction reported by students after they were assigned to a specific department or major was .732. Therefore, the negative attitude toward the new way of assigning could be interpreted as a reflection of students' anxiety status of rather than an attitude against the new way of assigning the students.

      • KCI등재

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