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고바야시 다케히코(Kobayasi Takehiko ) 한국생태환경사학회 2023 생태환경과역사 Vol.- No.10
일본의 12세기는 모든 면에 있어서 전환점을 맞는 시기였다. 그것은 기후적으로도 예외가 아니였으며, 헤이안(平安) 해진기[海進期, 로트네스트(Rottnest) 해진기]가 서서히 끝나가는 ‘무더위(暑熱)의 시기’가 시작된 것도 이때부터였다. 여름철의 더위와 겨울철의 추위라는 양극단의 기후가 사람들을 힘들게 하는 형국에 대해서 가인(歌人) 후지와라노 사다이에(藤原定家)는 자신의 일기 『明月記』에 ‘하늘’에 대한 공간 인식으로서 “天變頻示, 凶事間聞”라는 기록을 남겼다. 이는 지상의 인사(人事)가 하늘(天)로 하여금 ‘暑氣殊甚’라는 이상기후를 일으켜 사람들에게 계시와 경고를 하고 있다는 사상이다. 그러나 사람들의 관심은 기상현상을 일으키는 아득한 저편의 우주공간으로 향해 있었기에, 실제로 기상현상을 발생시키는 지상의 동향보다는 오히려 천문의 이변을 감지하는 쪽에 중심을 두고 있었던 것으로 보인다. 본고에서는 12세기에 기록된 『明月記(照光記)』를 중심으로 하면서도 『永昌記』, 『山槐記』 등 서기 1100년대를 아우르는 일기와 고문헌을 대상으로 기상현상에 관한 기사를 분석하여 당시의 일본 주민들의 기상관의 특징을 검증하고자 한다. The 12th century in Japan was a turning point in everything. This was not an exception in terms of climate, but also in the “hot and hot season” when the Heian period was coming to an end. The extreme climates of summer and winter were bothering people. In his diary, “Meigetsuki” , the poet Sadaie Fujiwara's perception of the sky is that personnel on the ground are making abnormal weather conditions such as “Heaven” and giving revelations and warnings to people. However, people's attention was directed to outer space far away, which causes weather phenomena, and it seems that it was more important to detect astronomical abnormalities than to detect near-ground trends that actually caused them. This article focuses on “Meigetsuki,” which was written in the 12th century, and examines the characteristics of weather views by Japanese residents at that time, focusing on articles related to weather phenomena recorded in diaries and ancient records that can cover almost the 1100s. 日本の12世紀は全てに於いて転換点とも言うべき時期であった. それは気候的にも例外ではなく, 平安海進期(ロットネスト海進期)が漸く終わりを迎えようとしていた「暑熱の時期」にも当たっていたのである. 夏季と冬季に於ける暑·寒両極端な気候が人々を悩ませていた. 歌人藤原定家(ふじわらのさだいえ·ふじわらのていか)が自身の私日記である『明月記(めいげつき)』[建久7年(1196) 6月 25日条] に於いて示した「天」に関わる対空間認識である「天變頻示, 凶事間聞」とする記述とは, 地上側に於ける人事が, 「天」をして, 「暑氣殊甚」とした異常気象を出現させ, 人々へ対して啓示·警告を行なっているとした思想である. しかしながら, 人々の関心は気象現象を引き起こす遥か彼方の宇宙空間に向けられており, 実際に気象現象を発生させる地上付近の動向よりも, 寧ろ, 天文の異変を察知することの方に重要性があったものと見られる. 本稿は, 12世紀に筆録をされていた『明月記(照光記)』(筆録期間1180~1235年)を中心としながら, 『永昌記』(記主藤原為隆, 同1105~1129年), 『山槐記』(記主不明, 同1100年)等, 西暦1100年代をほぼカバーすることのできる日記·古記録類に記されていた気象現象に関わる記事を中心としながら, 当時の日本在住者に依る対気象観の特質を検証したものである.
Prediction of Axial Thrust for Mixed-Flow Pumps with Vaned Diffuser by Using CFD
Harada, Ichiro,Kobayasi, Katsutoshi,Ono, Shigeyoshi 한국유체기계학회 2010 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.3 No.2
It is important in pump design that the axial thrust of mixed-flow pump is predicted with high accuracy. In this paper, predictions of the axial thrust were carried out with CFD for mixed-flow pumps of three specific speeds. The region concerning the axial thrust prediction was picked out, and was divided into two parts. One of them was hydraulic part, which included the impeller and the vaned diffuser. The other was the rear part of impeller. These parts were calculated and evaluated individually. The CFD results were compared with experimental ones. They showed good agreements. It is shown that the axial thrust for a mixed-flow pump can be predicted by using CFD with practical accuracy.
Current Level of Reproductive Performances in Japanese Black Cows
Uchida, Hiroshi,Kobayasi, Jin,Inoue, Tatsushi,Suzuki, Keiichi,Oikawa, Takuro Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.8
A set of 313,169 reproduction records of Japanese Black cows calving between 1987 and 1996 were collected in nation widely Japan to investigate the current level of reproductive performances and the factors influencing the performances such as calving interval, first calving age, services per conception, calving difficulty, non-gestation period and gestation length. All the records of reproductive performances are outcome of artificial insemination. The means of first calving age, calving interval, non-gestation period and gestation length were 25.0 months, 389.9, 101.9 and 287.5 days, respectively. Services per conception were 1.41 and degree of calving difficulty was 1.07, which suggests most of the calving, did not need assistance. There were chronological tendencies that first calving age became younger while calving interval became longer. Differences in reproductive performance were found for seasons and calving numbers. Calving interval became shorter towards the fourth calving but became longer afterwards. The cows calving in May had the shortest calving interval followed by those in April and June and first calving age had a similar tendency. The cows with the standard body condition score showed more favourable reproductive performances compare with those with rather fatty or thin body condition scores.