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        경기도 남부 도당굿 중 제석굿 무가의 음악적 특징

        박정경(Bak Jyeong-gyeong) 한국무속학회 2003 한국무속학 Vol.0 No.7

        본고는 경기도 남부에서 전통적으로 연행되어 온 마을굿인 도당굿 중 제석굿 무가의 음악적 특징을 연구한 논문이다. 경기도 남부 도당굿의 제석굿에서는 크게 네종류의 무가가 불려진다. 이는 ①제석신의 내력을 엮어 부르는 제석본풀이 ②제석신을 찬양하고 굿에 좌정한 사람들에게 복을 빌어주는 당공수 ③무당과 악사가 주고받으며 제석신에게 정성을 드리는 거리노래 ④좌중의 시주를 받으며 제석굿의 대미를 장식하는 바라타령 등이다. 무가는 대부분 한정된 유형의 리듬과 선율을 반복하는 형태로 이어지며 사설의 진행에 크게 의존한다. 또한 경기도 남부의 무속음악은 ‘시나위권’에 속하여 mi를 굵게 떨고 do’에서 si로 퇴성하는 육자백이토리가 근간을 이룬다. 그러나 최근 도당굿을 연행하는 무당이 세습무(世襲巫)에서 강신무(降神巫)로 대체되고 완숙한 기량을 지닌 악사들이 타계함에 따라 그 음악도 변하게 되었다. 대표적인 예로 강신무들이 주로 익히는 서울 지역의 경토리 무가가 첨가되고 본래 육자 백이토리였던 무가들도 경토리와 혼화(混化)되는 현상을 보이고 있다. 그 가운데 거리노래는 경토리로 된 만수받이로 대체되었으며 본래에 불려지지 않았던 바라타령이 첨가되었다. 또한 과거의 도당굿 음악은 도살풀이-모리-발뻐드래로 이어지는 복잡한 장단의 사용을 큰 특징으로 하였으나, 최근에 연행되는 도당굿에서는 장단의 변화가 사라지고 도살풀이 장단만이 주요하게 사용되며 리듬형에 있어서도 단순한 반복으로 일관하고 있다. 본고에서는 무속음악에 대하여 한정된 자료를 분석하고 음악적 특징을 살펴보았다. 이는 무속음악을 심층적이고 다각적으로 연구했다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. 차후에 다양한 지역에서 전승되는 무속음악을 심도있게 살펴보고 분석된 결과를 사회ㆍ문화적 측면을 함께 고려하여 해석해 보는 작업이 계속되어야 할 것으로 보인다. Shaman music is of great value to study because it has exhibited a fundamental influence on the whole of Korean music, and shamanism still influences the social and personal lives of Koreans. In this work I will focus on the songs of Jeseokgut in the Dodang gut which functions to supplicate peace and happiness in the villages of South Gyeonggi province. Jeseokgut in South Gyeonggi-do dang gut, there are four different songs: the first is the song of Jeseok bonpuri which tells the story about the birth and growth of the Jeseok god; the second song is Danggongsu, which has long lyrics that extol the Jeseok god and petition him for good luck in town; the third song is Georinore (or Mansubaji), which features a call and response between the shaman and Janggu player; and the fourth song is Bara taryeong, performed during the gathering of oblation money from the audience. The shaman songs in Gyeonggi-do dang gut consist of infinite rhythmic and melodic patterns, the performance of which depend on the contents of the text in the gut. There are also two different types of tonal organization in Gyeonggi-do dang gut. Jeseok bonpuri, Danggongsu and Georinore are performed in the la-mode, referred to as yukjabegi tori. The remaining songs of Jeseok gut, Mansubaji, and Bara taryeong, are performed in the sol-mode, referred to as Gyeong tori. The existence of two different modes in Gyeonggi-do dang gut demonstrates that these songs have changed in the modern period. The jangdan (rhythmic patterns) of Jeseok gut have become simplified, and many of the shaman songs in the yukjabegi tori mode have either disappeared or have been reduced to mere decorative elements. These changes are connected deeply with the replacement of hereditary shamans with god-descended, or ecstatic, shamans. God-descended shamans, who historically have worked in Seoul and North Gyeonggi Province, have begun to perform the Dodang gut of South Gyeonggi province. This has given rise to a change in the music. In the performance of Jeseok gut, Bara taryeong and Mansubaji in Gyeong tori mode have begun to be replaced by Georinore sung in yukjabegi tori mode. Georinore is a favorite among young shamans with its monotone rhythm and simple melodies. Since the Mansubaji and Bara taryeong began to be sung in the Gyeonggi-do dang gut about fifty years ago, it appears that the Seoul gut has influenced the shaman songs of the Gyeonggi-do dang gut most significantly. This influence has inspired changes in the performance of songs within the gut. The interregional influence has caused the shaman songs of the Gyeonggi-do dang gut to experience more widespread use, and, compared to the original shaman songs of the Gyeonggi-do dang gut, the songs are much simpler.

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        사라리 축우페사의 원인에 관한 연구

        정종식 ( Jong Sik Jyeong ),박노찬 ( No Chan Park ),김정화 ( Jung Hwan Kim ),김영환 ( Young Hoan Kim ),조광현 ( Kwang Hyun Cho ),조민희 ( Min Hee Cho ),손재권 ( Jae Kweon Son ),김영욱 ( Young Wook Kim ) 한국동물위생학회 1999 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.22 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the epidemiological, clinicopathological, microbiological, pathological observations and other tests from sudden death in feedlot cattle at the region of Sarari in Korea during the period from 1994 to 1999. Massive or sporadic occurrence of sudden death has been observed in 101 heads of 47 farmhouse. There were 20.8% in spring, 29.7% in summer, 16.8% in autumn, 32.7% in winter, and 62.3% in reproductive, 27.7% in growing, 5.0% in beef cattle, 5.0% in calf in prevalence of sudden death in cattle. Enterotoxemia(88.0%), pneumonia(3.5%), intestinal diarrhea(3.5%), liver abscess(1.5%) and indigestion(1.5%) were detected from 67 heads of sudden death cattle. In clinical observations, cattle were generally died of sudden recumbency with convulsions followed anorexia, depression, ataxia, muscular tremor, tachycardia and dyspnea without any premonitory symptoms. Epidemiological surveys showed no evidence that other factors such as pesticide, insecticide, fertilizer, chemical drugs and those of others caused sudden death. Macroscopically, there were coagulation disorders of blood, congestion, edema and haemorrhage of lung, congestion and haemorrhages, watery and blood-tinged contents of small intestine. Histopathologically, we observed pulmonary congestion and haemorrhage, necrotic intestinal mucosa accompanied with haemorrhage and congestion, and also increased globule leukocytes between bronchial epithelia with mild pneumonia. Clinicopathologically, only elevation of blood glucose and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was detected. Magnesium and calcium deficiency were not detected, but parasites were detected highly in normal and dead cattles. Microbiologically, Clostridium(Cl) perfringens were detected from small intestinal contents of 94%(63/67) of sudden death cattle and 51%(51/101) of slaughter cattle, and the population were 10(6-8)cfu/mℓ after 16~32 hours. Consequently, it was proved that the cause of death in cattle was enterotoxemia. Pathogenic test of mouse and goat inoculated with Cl perfringens type A toxin has been demonstrated as similar observation to natural cases. In antimicrobial susceptibility test, ampicillin, bacitracin, polymycin, cephalothin, penicillin, choramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline were highly susceptible, and amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin, streptomycin, sulfamethoxine, sulfamethazine were resistant. Cl perfringens were resisted for 4 hours in 3% formalin, 20 minutes in 4% phenol, 20 minutes in 05% mercuric chloride and 40 minutes in 0.1% sodium hydroxide, respectively. The useful method to prevent from occurrance of enterotoxemia in feedlot cattle was a dietary administration of antibiotics and miyari acid.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A pathological observation on the experimental rabbit viral hepatitis

        정종식,권영란,이차수,신태균,Jyeong, Jong-sik,Kwon, Young-ran,Lee, Cha-soo,Shin, Tae-kyun The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1992 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        This paper dealt with the clinical and pathological observations on the experimental rabbit viral hepatitis. Rabbits with 2-14 months of ages were intramuscularly inoculated with virus suspension. The results were summarized as follows. Ninety percents of experimental rabbits inoculated with virus died within 96 hours postinoculation. Common clinical signs were inappetence, increase in body temperature, depression, mild diarrhea and in three cases, bloody foam from nostrils was recognized. At necropsy, in most of the experimental cases, there were hyperemia or haemorrhages in many organs and pale liver. Intestinal catarrh and retention of turbid urine in urinary bladder were seen in some cases. Histopathologically, liver necrosis was found in all the cases died of this disease. However, there was a difference in the severity of hepatic necrosis. Haemorrhages were Iecognized in lungs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and thymus, in order. Liver necrosis was marked even in the cases with no haemorrhage. Perivascular cuffing in brain and catarrhal enteritis in small intestine were seen in many cases. From these results, consistent and primary lesion in this viral disease is hepatitis in susceptible rabbits. It was concluded that rabbit hepatitis virus might have the properties of hepatotropism and consequently induce peripheral necrosis in the liver leading to acute viremia with haemorrhages. 국내에서 발생된 토끼 virus성간염의 병리학적 소견을 명확히 규명하기 위하여 2~14개월령의 재래토끼에 간염에 이환된 토끼의 간조직 유제를 접종한후 임상 및 병리학적으로 관찰하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 접종한 30마리중 90%인 27마리가 감염되어 접종후 96시간이내에 폐사되었고 2~3월령 3두는 감염이 일어나지 않았다. 임상증상으로는 식욕부진, 체온상승, 연변 등이 나타났고 3두에서는 비강내로부터 혈액성 포말이 관찰되었다. 부검소견으로는 장기의 충출혈, 간장의 변성이 전예에서 관찰되었고 소장의 카타르성 장염과 방광내 혼탁한 뇨충만도 관찰되었다. 광학현미경적 소견으로는 간괴사가 정도의 차이가 있기는 하나 폐사된 27두 전예에서 관찰되었고, 출혈빈도는 폐가 가장 많았고 심장, 간장, 비장, 신장 및 흉선 순으로 나타났다. 한편 출혈이 관찰되지 않은 예에서도 간의 괴사소견은 현저하였다. 소장의 카타르성 장염과 뇌의 혈관주위 임파구 침윤도 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 본 질병에서 출혈소견은 개체에 따라 변화가 심하였으나 중요한 소견은 간염으로 나타났고 원인 virus는 일차적으로 간에 친화성을 가지며 동시에 viremia를 일으켜 전신장기에 출혈을 야기하는 것으로 추정된다.

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        Alcohol-induced hepatic fibrosis in pig

        Lee, Chang-Woo,Jyeong, Jong-Sik,Lee, Cha-Soo,Jeong, Kyu-Shik The Korean Society of Veterinary Service 2003 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        A number of toxicants have been incriminated as a causing hepatic disease. Among many detrimental injury, alcohol has been noted for hepatitis, fatty liver, fibrosis, and hepatic cirrhosis. The purpose of this study was to develop animal model for hepatic fibrosis in pigs fed ethanol, and to search for a new anti-fibrogenic agent via this model. Twelve male Landrace pigs were divided into 3 groups of 4 animals each. Group 1, 2 and 3 were fed with active ceramic water only, ceramic water + liquid diet containing 15% ethanol and normal tap water + liquid diet containing 15% ethanol for 12 weeks, respectively. At week 12, all pigs were immediately sacrificed for collection each tissue and blood. Serologically, serum ALT and AST levels were significantly reversed in group 2, as compared to group 3. They were normal range in pigs of group 1. Microscopically, macrovesicular lipid droplets and moderate hepatocellular necrosis were evident in the tap water + ethanol fed group 3. However, the active ceramic water treated group 1 showed normal architecture. Moreover, in group 2, mild fatty changes and necrosis were observed in hepatocytes. Collagen fibers were increased in spaces surrounding periportal and interlobular connective tissues in the group 3 of tap water + ethanol, but collagen synthesis and its thickness of fibrotic septa connecting portal tracts were markedly reduced in the group 2 of ceramic water + ethanol. Myofibroblasts were detected mainly in the interlobular connective tissues of pig liver of group 3 treated ethanol and tap water. Few to no myofibroblasts were observed in groups 1 and 2. CYP2E1 was not or rarely detected in group 1 fed ceramic water. However, group 2 showed slightly activation of CYP2E1 in the area of pericentral vein, while CYP2E1 was significantly activated in group 3 fed tap water and ethanol. Based on the above data, we believe that we have developed a unique alcohol induced fibrosis model in pig, which will be useful in developing anti-fibrotic agents and drugs. Furthermore, the active ceramic water used in our study had an inhibitory and may be protective against ethanol induced hepatic toxicity and fibrosis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Further characterization of the causative virus of rabbit viral hepatitis, so-called rabbit haemorrhagic disease in Korea

        정종식,정규식,이차수,신태균,Jyeong, Jong-sik,Jeong, Kyu-sik,Lee, Cha-soo,Shin, Tae-kyun The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1992 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        국내에서 발생한 토끼 바이러스성 간염 소위 토끼 출혈병의 원인 바이러스를 감염토끼의 간조직으로 부터 분리정제한 후 바이러스의 핵산과 구성 단백질의 특징을 관찰하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 토끼간염바이러스는 분자량이 약 54 kilodalton인 한개의 구조단백을 가진 RNA 바이러스이며 바이러스 핵산의 크기는 약 7.5 kilobases로 나타났고 바이러스의 RNA는 배양세포에서는 감염을 일으키지 않았다. 바이러스 구성단백의 양상과 핵산의 크기 등을 종합해 볼 때 토끼의 간염 바이러스는 Caliciviridae에 속하는 것으로 간주된다. The causative virus causing rabbit hepatitis has been further characterized by evaluating viral proteins and viral nucleic acids of purified viruses from the liver of the experimentally infected rabbits. Rabbit hepatitis virus has one major structural protein of 54 kilodaltons and some minor proteins. Vrial RNA was resistant to DNAse I. The size of viral nucleic acid of this virus was calculated to be about 7.5 kilobases. These findings indicate that rabbit hepatitis virus belongs to the family Caliciviridae.

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