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        The Concepts of Sin and Its Solution in Islam

        Ishak Ghatas 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한국이슬람연구소 2024 Muslim - Christian Encounter Vol.17 No.1

        The subject matter of study is sin and its solution in Islam with a brief comparison with Biblical concepts. Enquiries about sin and its remedy have appeared among humans since the dawn of creation. Religious terms such as sin, salvation, atonement and forgiveness are used to describe Man's spiritual state in relationship to a divine being. However, the universality of these questions should not blind us to the fact that they have been formulated differently by diverse cultures and religions. Commonly, in any religious context, the Deities decree codes and laws to preserve cosmic order, the harmony of human society and the relationship to the divine being(s). They also describe means to take away the consequences of breaking these divine codes. A remedy for sin is always presented to maintain proper relationships. Religions may differ in defining moral codes and laws governing behaviour. Islam is not an exception. Moral laws and codes of conduct are central to its message. It views sin and also sets norms providing forgiveness. The study points to particular terminology used in the texts designating sin and its remedy. Consequently, it defines the human and divine roles concerning the query of remedy for sin. The doctrinal analysis of sin and its related issues in Islam foretold some implications. The study dealt with three main ones: seeking spirituality, seeking solutions for here-and-now troubles, and the search for a satisfactory interpretation of the dualistic nature of Man. I will conclude with a brief comparison of biblical concepts. Doing a comprehensive comparison is beyond the limitations of this paper. I will limit the comparison to biblical notions in the Torah since it sets the foundations for biblical theology. This effort might provide a lens for further study of the larger question of the subject.

      • KCI등재후보


        Ishak Makram Ghatas 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 한국이슬람연구소 2022 Muslim - Christian Encounter Vol.15 No.2

        종교는 평화와 화해를 위한 힘이 되어야 하지만, 역사는 도리어 종교적인 폭력과 전쟁으로 점철되어 있다. 기독교와 이슬람의 관계 악화의 책임이 전적으로 십자군운동에 있는 것은 아니었지만, 적어도 무슬림들의 입장에서는 기독교 유럽과 이슬람교 사이는 일련의 군사적 충돌로 이어져 왔다고 보여질 수 있다. 이슬람이 다수의 비난을 받는 종교적인 동기에 의한 서방 공격을 일부 작가들은 문명 간의 충돌로 해석하기도 한다. 무지는 불관용을 낳고 갈등은 근본주의와 급진적 신념을 조장할 수 있다. 무슬림들은 더 이상 어딘 가에 사는 사람들이 아니다. 오히려 그들은 세계 거의 모든 곳에 있고 그곳에 서 살아가고 있다. 이렇듯 점점 다원화되고 다종교화 되어가는 사회 속에서 대화가 안정 적인 관계를 시작하는 첫번째 주목할 만한 단계를 만들 수 있을까? 서로 다른 형태의 종교간 대화를 발전시키는 것이 무슬림과 더 나은 관계를 이끌 더 큰 상호 이해를 발전시키는 것을 증진시킬 수 있을까? 이러한 대화에 급진적 경향의 종교인들이 참여할 수 있을까? 본고는 무슬림들과 대화를 통해 교감하는 것에 관한 이러한 질문들에 답하는 것을 목적으로 한다. Religions are supposed to be a force for peace and reconciliation; however, history tells religious violence and war stories. Although crusading was not exclusively responsible for the deterioration of relations between Christianity and Islam, it could be seen, at least by Muslims, as a series of military campaigns fought mainly between Christian Europe and Muslims. The Muslims’ religiously motivated attacks against the West that are condemned by the majority might be interpreted by some writers as a “clash of civilizations.” Ignorance may lead to intolerance, and conflicts that may promote fundamentalism and radical beliefs. Muslims are no longer a people who live somewhere far away; they are almost everywhere in the world and are there to stay. This significant change has led to increasingly pluralistic, multi-faith societies that ought to live together. This paper aims to answer the questions concerning engagement with Muslims through dialogue. It intends to set some guidelines for avoiding two extremes, that is, the claim that one faith (Christianity or Islam) holds the truth and the other needs to listen, and the passive position that both faiths are similar and offer different ways of reaching the same goal.

      • KCI등재


        Ishak Altun,Gülhan Minak 대한수학회 2015 대한수학회보 Vol.52 No.6

        In the present paper, considering the Jleli and Samet’s technique we give many fixed point results for multivalued mappings on complete metric spaces without using the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric. Our results are real generalization of some related fixed point theorems including the famous Feng and Liu’s result in the literature. We also give some examples to both illustrate and show that our results are proper generalizations of the mentioned theorems.


        Mesh size refining for a simulation of flow around a generic train model

        Ishak, Izuan Amin,Alia, Mohamed Sukri Mat,Salim, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Shaikh Techno-Press 2017 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.24 No.3

        By using numerical simulation, vast and detailed information and observation of the physics of flow over a train model can be obtained. However, the accuracy of the numerical results is questionable as it is affected by grid convergence error. This paper describes a systematic method of computational grid refinement for the Unsteady Reynolds Navier-Stokes (URANS) of flow around a generic model of trains using the OpenFOAM software. The sensitivity of the computed flow field on different mesh resolutions is investigated in this paper. This involves solutions on three different grid refinements, namely fine, medium, and coarse grids to investigate the effect of grid dependency. The level of grid independence is evaluated using a form of Richardson extrapolation and Grid Convergence Index (GCI). This is done by comparing the GCI results of various parameters between different levels of mesh resolutions. In this study, monotonic convergence criteria were achieved, indicating that the grid convergence error was progressively reduced. The fine grid resolution's GCI value was less than 1%. The results from a simulation of the finest grid resolution, which includes pressure coefficient, drag coefficient and flow visualization, are presented and compared to previous available data.

      • KCI등재


        Ishak, Anuar,Nazar, Roslinda,Pop, Ioan 한국전산응용수학회 2007 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.25 No.1

        The characteristics of steady two-dimensional laminar boundary layer flow of a viscous and incompressible fluid past a moving wedge with suction or injection are theoretically investigated. The transformed boundary layer equations are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme known as the Keller-box method. The effects of Falkner-Skan power-law parameter (m), suction/injection parameter ($f_0$) and the ratio of free stream velocity to boundary velocity parameter (${\lambda}$) are discussed in detail. The numerical results for velocity distribution and skin friction coefficient are given for several values of these parameters. Comparisons with the existing results obtained by other researchers under certain conditions are made. The critical values of $f_0$, m and ${\lambda}$ are obtained numerically and their significance on the skin friction and velocity profiles is discussed. The numerical evidence would seem to indicate the onset of reverse flow as it has been found by Riley and Weidman in 1989 for the Falkner-Skan equation for flow past an impermeable stretching boundary.

      • Jugular foramen paragangliomas: preoperative transcatheter particle embolization

        Charbel Ishak,Varun Danda 대한뇌혈관외과학회 2020 Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neuros Vol.22 No.4

        Jugular foramen paragangliomas (JFP) are benign tumors of neural crest origin that are located along the temporal bone in the region of the jugular bulb and middle ear. The optimal management of these lesions includes surgical excision with or without preoperative embolization as well as stereotactic radiotherapy. The use of preoperative embolization in the treatment of JFP has shown great promise to bridge patients to surgery by diminishing complication rates and decreasing intraoperative bleeding. We present three successful polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particle embolizations of patients presenting with symptomatic JFPs. All patients recovered completely in the short term with no bleeding during or after resection of paragangliomas and they were discharged free of their presenting symptoms. Early clinical and imaging diagnosis followed by adequate treatment including preoperative transcatheter particle embolization and surgical or radiosurgical interventions can lead to excellent outcomes.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Some Fixed Point Theorems for Multivalued Maps Satisfying an Implicit Relation on Metrically Convex Spaces

        Altun, Ishak,Turkoglu, Duran Department of Mathematics 2008 Kyungpook mathematical journal Vol.48 No.3

        In this paper, we give some fixed point theorems for multivalued maps satisfying an implicit relation on metrically convex spaces. Our results extend and generalize some fixed point theorem in the literature.

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