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      • KCI등재
      • CSR reporting on apparel companies’ websites: framing good deeds and clarifying missteps

        Jamie Gaskill-Fox,Karen H Hyllegard,Jennifer Paff Ogle 한국의류학회 2014 Fashion and Textiles Vol.1 No.1

        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting refers to the means by which an organization communicates to its stakeholders about the social, environmental, and financial impacts that its business practices have on society (Gray, 2008). CSR reporting is founded in the belief that organizations have responsibilities toward society that go beyond their legal obligations and economic interests (Carroll, 1991), including responsibilities toward employees, customers, suppliers, government and non-government organizations (Fraser, 2005). Within the global textiles and apparel industry, CSR involves mindful consideration of how the design, development, production, distribution, marketing, and consumption of goods may impact multiple stakeholders and simultaneously generate profit for individual companies (Dickson & Eckman, 2006). As such, disclosures of CSR business practices within the textiles and apparel industry necessarily focus upon a broad range of issues, including the environment, labor, fair trade, consumer deception and safety, and the objectification and commodification of the human body (e.g., in the context of advertising). Companies that engage in CSR reporting may derive varied benefits, including the ability to hire and retain quality employees (Dawkins, 2004), build customer loyalty (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001), build/manage brand image (Kavitha & Anita, 2011; Welford & Frost, 2006), minimize/manage risks throughout the supply chain (Welford & Frost, 2006), and increase long-term profitability (Vanhamme & Grobben, 2009). Companies disclose information about their CSR business practices through advertising and public relations to foster awareness of their socially responsible decisionmaking among stakeholders (Capriotti & Moreno, 2007; Farache & Perks, 2010). Research also suggests that stakeholders are interested in being informed about companies’ CSR initiatives (Dawkins & Lewis, 2003) and are willing to support companies that embrace socially responsible practices and to rebuke companies that act irresponsibly (Consumers Worldwide 1999). Although annual reports are a primary channel for disclosing CSR practices (Kavitha & Anita, 2011), company websites also are used to communicate about CSR practices, especially among larger companies (Holder-Webb, Cohen, Nath, & Wood, 2009) because the internet provides a practical and inexpensive way by which to share a wealth of information with a variety of stakeholders (Kent, Taylor, & White, 2003). Further, websites offer an advantage over conventional mass media in that they provide a means by which to obtain direct feedback from stakeholders (Pollach, 2005). © 2014 Gaskill-Fox et al.; licensee springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. Gaskill-Fox et al. Fashion and Textiles 2014, 1:11 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40691-014-0011-8 Prior studies have examined how companies use their websites to communicate about their CSR initiatives, including the types of information presented, the stakeholders to whom this information is targeted, and the factors that influence the type and amount of disclosures made (e.g., Basil & Erlandson, 2008; Capriotti & Moreno, 2007; Holder-Webb et al., 2009). No studies to date, however, have focused specifically upon CSR reporting among apparel companies via company-owned websites. This is somewhat surprising, given that the apparel industry poses a high risk for negative social and environmental impacts. In fact, over the past few decades, the apparel industry has received considerable criticism for numerous ethical “missteps”, thereby prompting the companies and their stakeholders to develop new CSR initiatives and to report their engagement in such initiatives. These initiat...

      • KCI등재

        An Investigation into the Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Physical Self Perception Profile in Non English Speaking Settings

        ( Jose Pedro L. Ferreira ),( Kenneth R. Fox ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2007 International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the structure, reliability, and preliminary validity of a Portuguese translation of the Physical Self Perception Profile (PSPPp) in a non English speaking student population. The PSPP was originally developed with American participants (Fox & Corbin, 1989; Fox, 1990) and has since been the subject of validation studies in other English speaking countries. Additionally, Flemish, Turkish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, French, and Chinese versions have been reported in published papers and conference proceedings. The psychometric properties and validity of this version of the PSPP were evaluated with a sample of female and male Portuguese students (N=1052) similar in age to the samples with which the original version was developed. Three sub samples (A, B and C) were used. Cronbach alpha values ranged from .72 to .79 for females, and .68 to .78 for males. Zero order and partial correlation coefficients replicated the established hierarchical organisation of constructs with physical self worth (PSW) functioning as a mediator between PSPP sub scales and global self esteem (GSE) for all sub samples. However, principal components factor analysis using sub samples A and B indicated that the original factor structure was not fully supported for both gender. As with the Flemish version (Van der Vliet et al., 2001, 2002), the CONDITION and SPORT constructs appeared to suffer from some confusion. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) also showed a poor goodness of fit for the original model for both genders, with CFI, GFI and AGFI indices for the original four factor structure only reaching .88, .89 and .87 for females, and .78, .76 and .71 for males. Three factor models were tested, producing higher values for the goodness of fit indexes. The conceptual and cultural implications of modifications to the PSPP in non English speaking populations are discussed.

      • Experimental determination of the correlation properties of plasma turbulence using 2D BES systems

        Fox, M F J,Field, A R,Wyk, F van,Ghim, Y-c,Schekochihin, A A IOP 2017 Plasma physics and controlled fusion Vol.59 No.4

        <P>A procedure is presented to map from the spatial correlation parameters of a turbulent density field (the radial and binormal correlation lengths and wavenumbers, and the fluctuation amplitude) to correlation parameters that would be measured by a beam emission spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic. The inverse mapping is also derived, which results in resolution criteria for recovering correct correlation parameters, depending on the spatial response of the instrument quantified in terms of point-spread functions (PSFs). Thus, a procedure is presented that allows for a systematic comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental observations. This procedure is illustrated using the Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak BES system and the validity of the underlying assumptions is tested on fluctuating density fields generated by direct numerical simulations using the gyrokinetic code GS2. The measurement of the correlation time, by means of the cross-correlation time-delay method, is also investigated and is shown to be sensitive to the fluctuating radial component of velocity, as well as to small variations in the spatial properties of the PSFs.</P>

      • Symmetry breaking in MAST plasma turbulence due to toroidal flow shear

        Fox, M F J,Wyk, F van,Field, A R,Ghim, Y-c,Parra, F I,Schekochihin, A A IOP 2017 Plasma physics and controlled fusion Vol.59 No.3

        <P>The flow shear associated with the differential toroidal rotation of tokamak plasmas breaks an underlying symmetry of the turbulent fluctuations imposed by the up–down symmetry of the magnetic equilibrium. Using experimental beam-emission-spectroscopy measurements and gyrokinetic simulations, this symmetry breaking in ion-scale turbulence in MAST is shown to manifest itself as a tilt of the spatial correlation function and a finite skew in the distribution of the fluctuating density field. The tilt is a statistical expression of the ‘shearing’ of the turbulent structures by the mean flow. The skewness of the distribution is related to the emergence of long-lived density structures in sheared, near-marginal plasma turbulence. The extent to which these effects are pronounced is argued (with the aid of the simulations) to depend on the distance from the nonlinear stability threshold. Away from the threshold, the symmetry is effectively restored.</P>

      • The correlates of subjective perception of identity and expression in the face network: An fMRI adaptation study

        Fox, C.J.,Moon, S.Y.,Iaria, G.,Barton, J.J.S. Academic Press 2009 NeuroImage Vol.44 No.2

        The recognition of facial identity and expression are distinct tasks, with current models hypothesizing anatomic segregation of processing within a face-processing network. Using fMRI adaptation and a region-of-interest approach, we assessed how the perception of identity and expression changes in morphed stimuli affected the signal within this network, by contrasting (a) changes that crossed categorical boundaries of identity or expression with those that did not, and (b) changes that subjects perceived as causing identity or expression to change, versus changes that they perceived as not affecting the category of identity or expression. The occipital face area (OFA) was sensitive to any structural change in a face, whether it was identity or expression, but its signal did not correlate with whether subjects perceived a change or not. Both the fusiform face area (FFA) and the posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) showed release from adaptation when subjects perceived a change in either identity or expression, although in the pSTS this effect only occurred when subjects were explicitly attending to expression. The middle superior temporal sulcus (mSTS) showed release from adaptation for expression only, and the precuneus for identity only. The data support models where the OFA is involved in the early perception of facial structure. However, evidence for a functional overlap in the FFA and pSTS, with both identity and expression signals in both areas, argues against a complete independence of identity and expression processing in these regions of the core face-processing network.

      • 아동의 독서열에 대한 선도

        Fox, Lorene K. 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육학과 1966 교육 연구 Vol.- No.28

        국민학교 1학년 담임 선생이나 유치원 선생이 맨 처음 아동들에겐 글읽기를 가르치는 것은 아니며, 그 아동들은 이미 인쇄된 활자의 세계에서 생활하다 학교에 입학하게 된다. 그들의 가정에 책이 많든 적든 간에 그들은 얼마든지 글자를 보게 되는 것이다. 구석진 약방이나 지하도나 뻐스에서, 아니면 식료품 시장에서, T.V에서, 또는 네온싸인 불빛에서, 길거리에서, 어디에서나 글자를 보게 된다. 집에서만 하더라도 우편함이나 문틈에서 광고나 유인물이 날라 들어온 것을 볼 수 있으며 이들은 피할 수 없는 현상이다.

      • KCI등재

        Effect on Milk Quality, Causative Agents and Control

        Fox, Laurence K.,Bohach, Gregory A.,Lee, Sang-Un,Park, Kun-Taek,Park, Yong-Ho 한국수의공중보건학회 2003 예방수의학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        To summarize, mastitis infections attract white blood cells to move into the mammary gland. Their trafficking to the milk will cause a path of secretory cell destruction in their wake. This results in a leaky milk secretory system where components of the blood leak into the milk, reducing milk quality. Control of both contagious and noncontagious pathogens is warranted. There is a need to monitor the mastitis situation as closely as possible, and to root out the problem when it occurs by looking for the fundamental break-down in control. Mycoplasma mastitis seems to be increasing in prevalence. The best method to keep a hand on the pulse of the mycoplasma mastitis situation in a herd is to perform routine bulk tank milk cultures. The appearance of Mycoplasm sp. in the culture indicates that cows have mycoplasma mastitis. However, bulk tank milk cultures may yield false negative results. At times cows with mycoplasma mastitis may be shedding this pathogen at very low levels, not detectable in bulk tank milk. But with routine, perhaps weekly, bulk tank cultures, a dairy manager should feel confident that mycoplasma mastitis problems will be revealed. Once revealed, it is important that managers search and isolate infected cows, since mycoplasma mastitis is contagious. Yet the source of mycoplasma mastitis may not be exclusively the mammary gland. If future research definitively identifies different sources of this pathogen, such as colonization at other body sites, then new strategies need to be developed to control, and prevent, mycoplasma mastitis. The goal of mastitis control is illustrated in Table 1.

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