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Gevab: a prototype genome variation analysis browsing server
Kim, Woo-Yeon,Kim, Sang-Yoon,Kim, Tae-Hyung,Ahn, Sung-Min,Byun, Ha Na,Kim, Deokhoon,Kim, Dae-Soo,Lee, Yong Seok,Ghang, Ho,Park, Daeui,Kim, Byoung-Chul,Kim, Chulhong,Lee, Sunghoon,Kim, Seong-Jin,Bhak, BioMed Central 2009 BMC bioinformatics Vol.10 No.suppl15
<P><B>Background</B></P><P>The first Korean individual diploid genome sequence data (KOREF) was publicized in December 2008.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>A Korean genome variation analysis and browsing server (Gevab) was constructed as a database and web server for the exploration and downloading of Korean personal genome(s). Information in the Gevab includes SNPs, short indels, and structural variation (SV) and comparison analysis between the NCBI human reference and the Korean genome(s). The user can find information on assembled consensus sequences, sequenced short reads, genetic variations, and relationships between genotype and phenotypes.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>This server is openly and publicly available online at or directly</P>
Lee, Changho,Kim, Kyungun,Han, Seunghoon,Kim, Sehui,Lee, Jun Hoon,Kim, Hong Kyun,Kim, Chulhong,Jung, Woonggyu,Kim, Jeehyun SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS 2014 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS Vol.19 No.3
<P>An intraoperative surgical microscope is an essential tool in a neuro- or ophthalmological surgical environment. Yet, it has an inherent limitation to classify subsurface information because it only provides the surface images. To compensate for and assist in this problem, combining the surgical microscope with optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been adapted. We developed a real-time virtual intraoperative surgical OCT (VISOCT) system by adapting a spectral-domain OCT scanner with a commercial surgical microscope. Thanks to our custom-made beam splitting and image display subsystems, the OCT images and microscopic images are simultaneously visualized through an ocular lens or the eyepiece of the microscope. This improvement helps surgeons to focus on the operation without distraction to view OCT images on another separate display. Moreover, displaying the OCT live images on the eyepiece helps surgeon's depth perception during the surgeries. Finally, we successfully processed stimulated penetrating keratoplasty in live rabbits. We believe that these technical achievements are crucial to enhance the usability of the VISOCT system in a real surgical operating condition.</P>
Photoacoustic imaging platforms for multimodal imaging
Kim, Jeesu,Lee, Donghyun,Jung, Unsang,Kim, Chulhong 대한초음파의학회 2015 ULTRASONOGRAPHY Vol.34 No.2
<P>Photoacoustic (PA) imaging is a hybrid biomedical imaging method that exploits both acoustical Epub ahead of print and optical properties and can provide both functional and structural information. Therefore, PA imaging can complement other imaging methods, such as ultrasound imaging, fluorescence imaging, optical coherence tomography, and multi-photon microscopy. This article reviews techniques that integrate PA with the above imaging methods and describes their applications.</P>
Some Sociological Implications of Paul’s Earliest Teachings in First Thessalonians
김철홍(Chulhong Brian Kim) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2011 선교와 신학 Vol.27 No.-
사도바울이 어떤 도시에 도착해서 교회를 세우기 시작했을 때 그는 복음의 어떤 내용을 가르치기 시작했을까? 이 논문은 데살로니가전서에 나타난 바울의 초기 가르침, 즉 교회를 개척할 당시에 그가 선포했던 복음의 내용이 무엇이었는지를 밝히는 연구다. 데살로니가전서의 내용에 따르면 바울은 (1) 일신론(1:9), (2) 예수의 죽음과 부활 그리고 재림(1:10; 5:1-2), (3) 성도가 겪어야 할 고난(3:3b-4), (4) 세상으로부터 구분(4:1-8), (5) 형제 사랑 (4:9-10), (6) 자신의 일을 할 것(4:11-12) 등을 가르쳤다. 논문 길이의 제한 때문에 이 글에서는 첫째, 둘째 그리고 넷째 가르침에 대한 분석을 하되, 이런 가르침을 하였을 때 사회학적 관점에서 어떤 변화나 효과가 교회 개 척에 있었는지 살펴본다. What kind of teachings did Paul give to plant a church when he arrived at a Hellenistic city? This study attempts to put forward some sociological implications of Paul, teach¬ings given to his Thessalonian converts during the period between his first arrival at and departure from Thessalonica. The earliest teachings of Paul to the Thessalonian Christians found in First Thessalonians can be summarized in the fol¬lowing six points: 1) radical monotheism (1:9), 2) resurrec¬tion and return of Jesus (1:10; 5:1-2), 3) suffering as a part of the Christian life (3:3b-4), 4) separation from the world (4:1- 8), 5) brotherly/sisterly love (4:9-10), and 6) “labor with your hands” (4:11-12). Due to the limitation of the length of paper, in this paper only the first two teachings and the fourth are selected for a critical examination against the background of the Thessalonian social environment to determine sociologi¬cal implications of the Pauline teaching.