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      • 飮酒後 얼굴 붉어지는 사람에 있어서 運動이 直腸 및 皮膚溫度에 미치는 效果

        玄成澤,黃駿河,黃樹寬,朴載植 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1986 慶北醫大誌 Vol.27 No.1

        飮酒後 얼굴 붉어지는 사람에 있어서 運動이 直腸 및 皮膚溫度에 미치는 效果를 究明하기 위하여 建康한 남자 대학생 57명을 對象으로 하여 물 投與 對照群(W), 에타놀 投與後 얼굴 안 붉어지는 群(N)과 붉어지는 群(F), 물 投與後 運動시킨 群(WE), 에타놀 投與後 運動시켜서 얼굴 안 붉어지는 群(NE) 및 에타놀 投與後 運動시켜서 얼굴 붉어지는 群(FE)으로 구분하였다. 에타놀 投與群(N, F, NE, FE)에는 體液量 ℓ當 25% 에타놀 3㎖를 經口投與하였고, 물 投與群(W, WE)에는 에타놀대신 同量의 물을 投與하였다. 運動시킨 群(WE, NE, FE)은 물 또는 에타놀 投與 直後부터 3분간 rebounder上에서 ?直뛰기를 실시하였다. 體溫은 Yellow Springs Instrument製 telethermometer 44 TA 를 사용하여 直腸溫度와 大腿, 이마, 뺨 및 목皮膚溫度를 測定하였다. 直腸溫度는 에타놀 投與後 F群과 N 群은 모두 감소했고, 運動시킨 WE 群은 증가했으며, NE群은 運動後 40, 60 및 120분에 감소했다. FE群은 運動後 10분에 증가했으나 45 및 60분에는 감소했고, 30, 45 및 60분에는 WE群에 비해 낮았다. 大腿皮膚溫度는 에타놀 投與後 N 群은 별 변화가 없으나, F 群은 45분부터 다소 증가했다. NE 群은 運動後 45분부터 다소 증가했다. NE 軍은 運動後 45분부터 증가했고 FE 群은 運動後 계속 증가했다. 이마皮膚溫度는 에타놀 投與後 N 群은 30, 45, 60 및 90분에 증가했고, F 群은 45분에 W 群보다 높았다. 運動後 WE 群과 NE 群은 감소하는데 비해 FE 群은 증가했다. NE 群은 運動後 4분에 N 群에 비해 낮았고 FE 群은 10분에 WE群에 비해 높았다. 뺨皮膚溫度는 F 群에 에타놀 投與後 10분에 증가했고, 10, 20 및 30분에는 W 群보다 높았다. 運動後 WE 群은 20분에 증가했고, NE 群은 4, 90 및 120분에 감소했으며, FE 群은 10분부터 120분까지 증가했다. 목皮膚溫度는 에타놀 投與後 N 群은 4분에 W 群보다 높았고, F 郡은 에타놀 投與後 다소 증가했다. WE 群은 運動後 4분에 감소했고, NE 群은 4 및 90분에 감소했으나 FE 群은 20 및 60분에 증가했다. NE 群은 4분에 N 群에 비해 낮았다. 收縮期血壓은 에타놀 投與後 N 群은 4 및 10분에 증가했고, F 群은 다소 증가했으며, 運動後 WE 群은 4, 10 및 20분에 증가했고, NE 群도 4 및 10분에 증가했다. FE 群은 4분에 증가했고 F 群보다도 높았다. 擴張期血壓은 N 群이 에타놀 投與後 4 및 10분에 有意하게 높았으며, 心博數는 W 群은 물 投與後 20분에 증가했고, 에타놀 投與後 N 群은 별 변화가 없었으나, F群은 증가하여 20분에 최고치를 나타내고 120분까지도 높았으며 10 및 60분은 W 群보다 높았다. 運動後 WE 群, NE 群 및 FE 群 모두 증가했으며, 이로서 NE 群은 4분에 WE 群보다 낮았고 N 群보다는 높았으며, FE 群은 F 群보다 높았다. 이상을 綜合해 볼때 에타놀이 直腸溫度를 감소시키고 皮膚溫度를 증가시키며, 이런 현상이 얼굴 붉은 群에서 더 크게 나타난 것은 에타놀에 의한 血管擴張과 休息中인 顔面 毛細管의 活性等이 얼굴 붉은 群에서 더 顯著함을 의미하고, 運動으로 體溫이 증가한 것은 運動中 代謝가 旺盛하여 熱生産이 증가된 것을 의미한다. 또한 血壓은 運動負荷後 급증하였고, 心博數는 얼굴 붉은 群에서 에타놀 投與 및 運動後에 안 붉은 群에 비해 크게 높은 값을 보였다. The facial flush associated with ethanol ingestion is believed to be more prominent among the oriental people than the caucasian population, and is attributed to the total lack or a considerable decrease of the liver aldehyde dehydrogenase level. However, a little has been reported on the change of the body temperature, including the facial skin temperature, which may lead to some cluses as to the redistribution of blood to the surface areas of the body. In the present study, an effort was directed to elucidate the possible change of the body temperature including the rectal and some surface areas of the body in men showing facial flush following acute ethanol ingestion. Also physical exercise was combined with ethanol ingestion and the change of the body temperature was compared with the non-flushed subjects either with ethanol ingestion or exercise alone. Fifty-five healthy male college students were randomly selected for the study and after 6 or more hours of fasting, either 3 ml of 25% ethanol(Soju) per liter of total body water(Experimental group) or the same dose of water(control group) was administered. Exercise performed was the vertical jumping on a rebounder for 3 min immediately after drinking. The subjects were classified into 6 groups; i, e, water ingestion(W), flushed(F) and non-flushed(N) groups after ethanol ingestion, water ingestion and exercise(WE), flushed(FE) and non-flushed(N) groups after ethanol ingestion, water ingestion and exercise(WE), flushed(FE) and non-flushed(NE) groups after ethanol ingestion and exercise. The telethermometer 44TA by the Yellow Spring Instrument Co. was used for the measurement of temperature, and the rectal, thigh skin, forehead skin, cheek skin and neck skin temperature was measured. The systolic and diastolic peessure as well as heart rate also were recorded. The rectal temperature both in flushed(F) and non-flushed(N) groups were lowered comparing with the water ingested control, and WE group showed elevated rectal temperature while NE group showed lowered values at 40, 60 and 120 min after the exercise. The FE group showed a higher rectal temperature at 10 min but decreased values were obtained at 45 and 60 min after the exercise. The thigh skin temperature in N group showed little change but F, NE and FE groups all showed elevated values comparing with the control. The forehead skin temperature in N group showed elevated values at 30, 45, 60 and 90 min after ethanol ingestion, and F group increased temperature at 45 min comparing with W group. After the exercise, both WE and NE groups showed lowered values while FE group showed increased value. NE group showed decreased value at 4 min after the exercise comparing with N group while FE group at 10 min showed a higher value than WE group. The cheek skin temperature in F group was generally higher than W group throughout the experiment. After the exercise, WE group showed a higher value at 20 min while NE group showed decreased value at 40, 90 and 120 min whereas FE group showed higher values from 10 min through 120 min. The neck skin temperature both in N and F groups showed elevated values after ethanol ingestion comparing with the control. WE and NE groups showed generally lowered neck skin temperature after the exercise while FE group showed elevated values at 20 and 60 min after the exercise. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure were generally elevated in all the groups, and FE group in particular showed higher values at 4 min which was also higher than F group. From the above, it is concluded that ethanol ingestion results in the decrease of the rectal temperature and increase of the skin temperature. The above-mentioned phenomena are more prominent in the flushed group, which suggests that the dilatation of the peripheral blood vessels and the activation on the dormant facial capillaries are more marked in the flushed subejcts. The general elevation of the body temperature after the exercise may be the result of the enhanced general metabolism leading to the increased production of bodily heat.

      • Dish형 태양열 집광기의 플럭스 분포 해석

        현성택,강용혁,천원기 제주대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper was presented an experimental study to analyze focal plane flux distributions produced by solar concentrating reflectors. Videographic flux mapping was used to investigate flux distributions in the focal plane located at the aperture of the cavity receiver. Peak fluxs in the focal region of 765.5 kW/m2 have been recorded, which corresponds to a concentration ratio of 1150 suns for 663 W/m2 insolation and 90% mirror reflectivity. Total integrated power of 403 W was measured under focal flux distributions. As a result of the percent power within radius, approximately 90% of the incident radiation is intercepted by 0.037m radius.

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