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        겨울철 암반 조간대에서 갈파래 ( Ulva species ) 매트의 생물량

        최태섭(Tae Seob Choi),최종관(Jong Kwan Choi),박승민(Seung Min Park),김정하(Jeong Ha Kim),김광용(Kwang Young Kim) 한국환경생물학회 2001 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        N/A The biomass of Ulva mats was surveyed in a lower rocky shore of the southern coast of Korea during the 1998∼1999 winter. The population selected for the present study was located on the tidal zone ranging from 118㎝ to 136㎝ below mean sea level(MSL), where abundance of Ulva species was highest. The biomass of Ulva species increased gradually from December 1998 until February 1999, reaching the maximum of 374g dry wt·m^-2 in February. The biomass varied little among the sampling quadrats for each sampling time. Over the course of the study a total of 16 taxa were sampled from Ulva mats, of which 5 were macrophytes and 11 were macroinvertebrates. Rodophyta comprised 3 taxa, followed by Phaeophyta of 2 taxa, but there was no Chlorophyta except for Ulva species. The macrofaunal assemblage was consisted of 8 taxa of Mollusca, 2 Arthropoda and 1 Annelida. There was a dramatic increase in Maytilus sp. in February. Moreover, the trend of biomass were similar between some macroinvertebrates and Ulva species. The results suggested that macroinvertebrates may play an improtant role in nutrient dynamics as well as food web. Further experimental evidence may be necessary to explain the correlation between Ulva mats and abundance of coexisting macroinvertebrates.

      • KCI등재후보

        자연환경 보호지역에 관한 국제동향 고찰

        허학영(Hag-Young Heo),김보현(Bo-Hyun Kim),최종관(Jong-Kwan Choi) 국립공원연구원 2010 국립공원연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구는 보호지역 관련 국제 논의동향과 생물다양성협약 보호지역 실행프로그램의 전 지구적 이행 상황을 파악하기 위해 다양한 국제회의 및 관련 워크숍 자료와 관련 보고서 등을 생물다양성협약 보호지역실행프로그램에 초점을 두고 선진사례와 함께 살펴보았다. 최근 보호지역 관련 국제 논의 이슈는 ①기후변화 영향의 저감 및 적응 활동에 보호지역 활동 연계, ②해양보호지역에 대한 관심 증대, ③다양한 분야·기관·지역적 협력의 필요성(네트워크 중요성 증대), ④보호지역의 가치를 명확히 밝히고 비용 및 편익 공유, ⑤원주민·지역사회·이해관계자 참여, ⑥지속가능한 재정확보 등으로 나타났다. 생물다양성협약 보호지역실행프로그램에 대한 전 지구적인 이행 상황을 살펴보면, 16개 목적 중 육상 보호지역 지정 확대(goal 1.1), 보호지역의 중요성에 대한 인식증진(goal 3.5), 과학지식개발(goal 4.4) 등이 거의 목표를 달성한 것으로 평가되었다. 또한 진전이 거의 없는 것으로 평가된 것은 해양 보호지역 지정확대이며, 약간의 진전만 있는 분야로는 보호지역의 광역적 경관으로의 통합(goal 1.2), 보호지역 비용과 편익의 공정한 분배(goal 2.1), 지역사회 및 이해관계자의 참여(goal 2.2), 보호지역 재정적 지속가능성(goal 3.4) 등이 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 논의 결과를 보면, 생물다양성협약은 제10차 당사국총회에서 당사국별 목표 달성에 기반한 새로운 지표설정과 향후(post 2010) 장기적 전략계획수립을 권고할 것이며, 해양보호지역에 대한 노력강화, 보호지역의 광역적 경관으로의 통합, 이해관계자의 참여 강화, 보호지역 재정적 지속가능성 확보를 위한 개발도상국 재정 지원 등이 상대적으로 강도 높게 논의할 가능성이 크다. 따라서 이러한 국제 논의에 효과적으로 대응하고 향후 국제적 논의를 주도하기 위해서는 국가차원에서 우리나라 보호지역 전반에 대한 종합적이고 체계적인 검토분석이 필요하며, 이러한 평가 결과에 기초한 장기적 전략계획 마련이 시급하다고 할 수 있다. The objects of this research are to understand the international trends on Protected Areas and to identify the global progress on CBD PoWPA(Program of Work on Protected Areas of Convention on Biological Diversity) with the some examples of developed countries, through reviewing the recent reports and related discussion results from CBD, IUCN-WCPA, and the various meetings. As a result of the review on what have actively debated globally in these years, global issues on protected areas are as follows; ①Cooperate PA activities with mitigation and adaptation on Climate Change effect, ②Strengthen the Marine protected areas, ③Encourage the regional cooperation and networking with related fields, ④Identify the various values of PAs and share the cost and benefit ⑤Strengthen the participation of indigenous, local community, and other stakeholders, ⑥Ensure the sustainable budget. In terms of global progress on CBD PoWPA, to establish and strengthen the terrestrial PAs(goal 1.1), to increase public awareness on PAs(goal3.5), and to further develop scientific knowledge relevant to PAs have been evaluated as good progress among the 16 goals of PoWPA. Regarding the weak parts, to integrate PAs into the wider land and seascape(goal 1.2), to establish mechanism for the equitable sharing of both costs and benefits(goal 2.1), full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities(goal 2.2), to secure sustainable budget(goal 3.4) have been evaluated as some progress, especially to establish and strengthen the marine PAs has been evaluated as very little progress. CBD will be expected to recommend that all parties need to establish the strategic plan for Post2010 based on their own progress on PoWPA at the CoP-10(Conference of the Parties). The marine PAs, integrated management of PAs, participation of various stakeholders, and financial support for developing countries will be highlighted at the CoP-10. Therefore to effective correspond with global issue and to lead the global initiative on PAs, we are expected to polish review on our progress on PoWPA and to prepare strategic plan with reflecting the results and future directions.

      • 철도전기설비 전문시방서 제정

        양인동(In-Dong Yang),윤한훈(Han-Hun Yoon),김동철(Dong-Cheol Kim),조성희(Sung-Hee Cho),최종관(Jong-Kwan Choi),허상영(Sang-Young Heo),신재범(Jae-Bum Shin) 대한전기학회 2011 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.4-1

        To grow into global partner who guide "Rail Network" realization and eco-friendly green growth that make the safe and convenient world, Korea Rail Network Authority(KR) have improved railroad technique intellectually. Specially parts of roadbed, rail and architecture have contributed in railroad technology business elevation by setting standard reunified special specifications of construction. However, there was a little inconvenient point because the special specifications are not established in occasion of electrical part but collect of opinion of connection engine hereupon and establishes railroad construction electricity field full text specifications to industrial complex itself December, 2010 via examination and technology consideration of industrial complex inside business committee who is consisted of electricity technical expert and was published. Therefore, we wish to help comprehension for special specifications of railroad by other explains contents that arrange special specifications present condition and special specifications for electric part enactment present condition, and is collected in special specifications.

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