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      • 담화분석의 필요성과 담화조직

        張東植 순천대학교 어학연구소 1991 어학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        When we study language, not only its content but its function must be considered. Unfortunately however modern theoretic linguistics is much more interested in the former than the latter, which causes great unvalence in language research. This paper is attempted to show that systematic functional approach is necessary and possible. In chapter Ⅱ the dogma of generative transformational grammar is criticized. It is as follows : the arbitrary curtailment of the data base, the rise of formalism as theory and the neglect of the notion explanation. It is also criticized that generative transformational linguists limit many explanatory parameters which are indispensible for language research and focus mainly on propositional contents. In chapter Ⅲ, to give the evidence for chapter : Ⅱ English free variational suentences, possessive forms and subcategorization rule are examined. As the result it is proved that sentence level approach is not appropriate for language research and discourse must be considered for the comprehensive study. In Chapter Ⅳ, it is shown that discourse is a structural organizstion. And many explanation on the connection of the discourse such as Halliday and Hasan(1976), Rumelhart(1977) and Thorn-dyke(1977) are introduced. But all of these are not sufficent to explain complex discourse organization which consists of linguistic and non-linguistic features. I hope that these kinds of approaches will contribute to make a more global macro-structure which can explain langage phenomena adequately and sufficently.

      • 現行保安處分制度의 諸 問題點

        張東植 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1984 연구논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        The current "Social Protective Law has its essential individuality in that it restricts, loke penalty, the personal liberty and that it should be isolated from the society. Therefore, it should be perfect in both the system and management; but the reality is different. Consequently, this treatise aims at presenting the points at issue and the remedies involved therein as follows; 1. On the Judgement of the riskiness of a second offense: This requires: stipulaion of its eriterion, even briefly. 2. The treatment of narcotics and alcoholics should not be practiced the same way as the psychosomatic cases prone to active crime, especially it is problematic when liberty is restricted limitlessly without defining a period for remedy and care custody. 3. Instead of practincing the safeguard Superintendence right after executing a sentence, it is desirable to depend on the decision of the court either for security-measure or for penalties. 4. It is desirable to deal the repeated offenders or habitual criminals with indeterminate sentences instead of severe penalties, since they are men of weak will compared with common offenders. 5. No actual probation is effectively carried out on the persons requiring disposal of superintendence since the probation system has not yet been introduced in our country. In addition to all those above, it is suitable to abolish the present Social Protection Law which is a chause connected with an outrage upon personal rights, because the law prescribes disposal of protective superintendence even for the ringleaders of organizations or groups designed for crimes. At any rate, the purpose of disposals for superintendence and safeguards lies not only in safeguarding the society but also in rehabilitating and returning them to the society. Therefore, a humane study is essential for providing pertinent countermeasures to eliminate from the heart of the criminals the hatred and mistrust toward the society.

      • 영어 수동구문의 형식의미론적 분석

        張東植 순천대학교 어학연구소 1990 어학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        In this paper, an attempt was made to provide a uniform treatment of passive constructions in English. In order to solve this problem, I provide three approaches. These are sentential, phrasal and lexical approaches. In chapter Ⅱ, some problems are suggested when sentential and phrasal approaches are adopted. When sentential approach is adopted, verbs and the past participle form of the verbs should be explained separately. In the case of adopting phrasal approach, two rules are needed to explain passive constructions in English. But considering the aims of linguistic research, - that is to seek universality and simplicity in grammar, there are many strong points in adopting lexical approach. By applying this method, auxiliary 'be', past participle and by phrase can be explained uniformly. so I adopted Freidin's syntactic arguments of passives and accommodate them with the semantic translations within the framework of Montague Grammar. Also by this method not only the sentences with univeral and exsistential quantifiers but also the sentences with verb phrases can be explained without ambiguity. The details of the process are shown in chapter Ⅲ. But more studies are needed to show whether this process can be applied in progressive form and more studies on 'be' verb are needed to show that passive constructions are the same as the SVC form in school grammar. If these problems are solved, we can take a uniform treatment of the 'be' verb.

      • 주간이슈 : 유럽 위기상황분석에 대한 시장평가와 시사점

        장동식,이정환 보험연구원 2010 KIRI Weekly(주간포커스) Vol.93 No.-

        유럽은행감독위원회가 2010년 7월말에 공표한 위기상황분석 결과는 시장참 여자들로부터 전체적으로 긍정적인 평가를 받고 있음. 유럽의 위기상황분석은 시장으로부터 성공적이라고 평가되고 있는 미국의 위기상황분석 경험을 바탕으로 남유럽 국가의 재정위기와 같은 특수한 상황을 추가하여 실시됨. 이 분석은 유럽 금융시장의 불확실성을 완화하는 계기로 작용할 것이라는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가받고 있음. 그러나 위기상황분석의 엄격성 및 투명성 측면에서 부정적인 평가도 제기되는 상황임. 일부 시장참여자들은 유럽 국가들의 채무불이행 가능성을 충분히 고려하지 않고 있기 때문에 실제 위험성이 저평가되었다는 논란이 있음. 또한 유럽은행감독위원회는 공개를 원칙으로 하였지만 강제하지 않음에 따라 일부 은행들이 위험요인을 공개하지 않았고, 이로 인해 분석의 투명성에 대해 부정적인 평가가 뒤따랐음. 유럽의 경우를 살펴볼 때 우리나라 감독당국이 위기상황분석을 실시할 때에는 엄격성과 투명성측면에서 시장의 불안 요인을 해소해 줄 수 있는 실질적인 계획과 대응이 필요하다는 것을 알 수 있음. 향후 위기상황분석을 실시함에 있어서 시장참여자들의 견해를 수렴하여 분석의 엄격성에 대한 논란을 방지할 필요가 있음. 또한 분석방법, 분석결과, 자본확충 계획 등을 세부적으로 공개하여 시장 불안의 확대를 미연에 방지할 필요가 있고, 아울러 발표 시기 및 발표 내용의 조절을 통해 시장충격을 최소화 하는 노력도 필요함.

      • 영어의 수동구문 연구

        張東植 順天大學校 1984 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, an attempt was made to provide a uniform treatment of passive construction in English. In order to slve this problem, I provide three appraches. These are sentential phrasal and lexical approaches. In chapter Ⅱ, some problems are suggested when sentential and phrasal approaches are adopted. When sentential approach is adopted, verbs and the past participle form of the verbs should be explained seperatly. In the case of adopting phrasal approach, two rules are needed to explain passive constructions in English. But considering the aims of linguistic research,-that is to seek universality and simplicity in grammar, there are many strong points in adopting lexial approach. By applying this method, auxiliary BE, past participle and by phrase can be explained uniformly. So I adopted Freidin's synatactic arguments of pasives and accommodate them with the sematic translations within the framework of Montague Grammar. Also by this method not only the sentences with univeral and exsistential quantifiers but also the sentences with verb phrases can be explained without ambiguity. The details of the process are shown in chapter Ⅲ. But more studies are needed to show whether this process can be applied in progressive from and more studies on BE verb are needed to show that passive constructions are the same as the SVC form in school grammar. If these problems are solved, we can take a uniform treatment of the BE verb.

      • 주간이슈 : 미국,일본의 지급여력제도 변화와 시사점

        장동식 보험연구원 2010 KIRI Weekly(주간포커스) Vol.79 No.-

        미국은 변액연금등의 C3리스크(금리 및 시장리스크)에 대한 지급여력제도 (또는 RBC제도)의 개선을 진행하고 있음. 2005년에는 C3 PHASE Ⅱ를, 2009년에는 계리기준 43(actuarial guideline 43)을 도입하였는데, 이는 원칙중심 및 확률론적 시나리오 방법으로 지급여력기준 금액 또는 책임준비금을 평가하는 것임. 일본은 지급여력금액 내 항목의 한도 및 제한, 위험계수 신뢰수준 등에 중점을 두고 지급여력제도를 개선하고 있음. 2009년 수정개정안에 지급여력금액에 대해 부채성 자본, 이연법인세자산 등의 한도를 설정하고, 장래이익은 계상에서 제외함. 지급여력기준금액에 대해서는 위험계수의 신뢰수준, 분산투자에 의한 리스크경 감효과 반영방법 등을 개정 그리고 미국과 일본은 국제기구 등에서 논의되고 있는 경제적 가치 기준의 지급여력기준금액 평가를 중장기적 관점에서 검토하고 있음. 미국 및 일본의 지급여력제도 개선 노력은 우리나라 감독당국 및 보험회사에게 다음과 같은 시사점을 주고 있음. 경제적 가치의 지급여력기준금액 평가는 중장기적 검토가 필요하며, 이는 국제적 정합성 등에 기여할 것으로 판단됨 가용자본 내 항목 검토시 손실보전성, 국제적 정합성, 은행규제와의 정합성 등을 고려하여야 하며, 또한 손실흡수 능력이 높은 자본 요소에 대한 비중 확대를 고려할 필요가 있음. 지급여력기준금액의 산출에 적용되는 위험계수는 지속적인 검토가 필요하며, 이는 제도의 신뢰성 제고에 기여할 것으로 전망됨. 변액연금의 보증리스크와 책임준비금을 동일 방법으로 평가하는 것에 대한 검토가 필요하며, 이는 산출 값의 타당성 확보에 도움을 줄 것으로 예상됨. 본고는 보험연구원의 공식 견해와 무관한 작성자 개인의 의견입니다.

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