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      • 分配理論 서베이 : 基一 : 分配적 正義의 探索

        李俊求 서울大學校 經濟硏究所 1988 經濟論集 Vol.27 No.2

        Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 傳統的인 諸思潮 Ⅲ. 롤즈의 分配的 正義觀 Ⅳ. 哲學과 經濟學 Ⅴ. 맺음말

      • 大學新聞의 役割에 關한 一硏究

        李俊球 弘益大學校 1975 弘大論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        College newspaper is quite naturally distinguished form general newspaper, since the goal of college newspaper is to better the reciprocal communication in the college society. College newspaper should speak for the interests or concerns common to the college compoments-professors, students and academic authorities and also its mission should be consistent with the proper functcon of college soiety. Therefore, to reasonably establish the position of college newspaper, we have to clarify the characteristics of college newspaper prior to touching the other matters. College newspaper is not only for professors, nor only for students. nor the more only for the academic authorities. As indicated in the above, college newspaper belongs to the whole people of college. Accordingly, in the light of its character, college newspaper should live together with college and find its ground in the duties college performs. In other words, the most vital function of college newspaper is no other than to strenuously back up college so that all the duties of college might be implemented more smoothly relative to education, research, student's movement and social services. It is quite true that college newspaper originally presented itself before students with an appearance of organizational paper for the academic authorities. However, it is also real that students have transformed college newspaper into the paper only for them as if they would have obtained the exclusive right to compile from the academic authorities. In a word, all the possible misfortunes have been derived from these two facts. Firstly, students have disregarded the college newspaper of academic authorities and that of student's exclusive compilation has become alien from academic authorities and professors. In this manner, college newspaper had to come in its thorny and winding road. Differently from the adverse period of general newspaper, this thorny road, however, is due to the fact that college newspaper has struggled to traverse the boundary of college society. Furthermore, the struggle has turned out to be the fallacy that college newspaper tries to be in line with social newspapers beyond college society that is a peculiar world of intellectual development. Repeatedly to say, students in part have the notion that college newspaper also should keep the attitude to report objectively and to comment critically on all the affairs occurring in the college society. But this notion has a grave defect owing to its subjective prejudice to see college newspaper identical with social newspapers College society has no need of sensational and shocking news unlike general society. The reason is that the reporting eye of social newspaer concentrates its focus on the greatest concernss of the largest multitude while that of college society sticks to the specialities which college is most concerned about and expects to occur in the unique society named college. Here we feel is worth while to review the functions of social newspaers: 1. self-conservation 2. report 3. instruction 4. recreation What relation could the above functions of social newspaper have with those of college newspaper? First, the function of self-conservation is not necessary to college newpaper, for college newspaper may well only get along with publicity regardless of merchandisability. Second, despite of the similar function of report both college and social newspapers perform, college newspaper cannot but pay attention to the concerns peculiar to college rather the greatest interests of the largest multitude. Third, as for the function of instruction, college newspaer should display it sufficiently through the editional, essay, column and the voices of readers(students). Fourth, by the recreational function college newspaper does not have to manage to attract more readers and to flatter them with a view to maintain itself. In brief, college newspaper should be strictly distinguished from the social ones by consolidating the posture of high dignity. College newspaper is not regarded only journalism as general newspaper is. College newspaper takes an important role of creating college culture by the way of coordination of journalism and academism, and at the same time, as the public utilities of college society and instrument of college education, it should be a front runner actualizing the college spirit. Nevertheless, some college newspaper shows the image of prossor's essay in general magazines and college newapaper itself seems to be essay paper. Next, strictly speaking, not a few of student's literary works on college newspaper seem to be in the same level of high school and the news also cannot surpass notice boards in campus. Beside, there's nothing worthy to be transferred into social newspaper. This is the big problem, intellectual poverty of college newspaper. In addition, our college newspaper try to expose the peculiarity of college so exceedingly that we often becoming far apart from the realization of ideal. College shall, by all means, see the whole notwithstanding its location in the specific territory, and what college shall pursue is to conquer the whole adversity and tribulation that we, all mankind encounter today and tomorrows, although college consist of a small part of people. College cannot live by itself. Open the windows of college, all the windows toward other college, general society and the world. College newspaper will perform its great task to look out of college and look into college from outside through these windows. With this role college newspaper shall strive to report emphasizing the deep and specialized, differently from social newspaper which reports the facts covering diversified and extensive fields on the viewpoint of objectivity.

      • 韓·日 雨國의 近代化와 敎育 : A Special Study in Terms of Comparative Educational History 比較敎育史的 考察을 中心으로

        李俊球 弘益大學校 1985 弘大論叢 Vol.17 No.1

        This article is concerned with a comparative study on the modernization and educational renovation of Korea and Japan between the later part of century and 1910. Specifically, the writer tries to make a concrete research on why Korea was destined to be colonized as a result of the failure of its modernization while Japan could rise to the first advanced country in Asia after its Maiji Rehabilitation. In Chapter Ⅰ, the writer compares their modernization and educational renovation on the basis of the writer's conviction that a comparative study of such matters of the two countries is significant and worthy. In Chapter Ⅱ, the writer delves into what were the fundamental problems in the mdernization and education of Korea, diligentry referring to the data obtained in the preceding chapter.

      • 韓國近代의 留學과 民族主義 : with Referance to the Refration and Frustration of Their Movement 民族意識의 屈折과 展開

        李俊球 弘益大學校 1990 弘大論叢 Vol.22 No.1

        The Korean education as the leading factor of historical innovation and consciousness formation during the later 19th century was expected to to play a double role: encouragement of national consciousness and counter power to the rapid international surge. In the context of the contemporary national danger, the Korean students' national consciousness was relatively strong. However, it is noteworthy that their consciousness was gradually refracted and became eventually subject to the change of direction influenced by the outside world trend. Their change of direction is well illustrated by the fact that instead of pursuing their national consciousness movement, they turned toward the movement of independance and national salvation.

      • 行態經濟學의 登場과 經濟學의 未來

        이준구 서울대학교 경제연구소 2008 經濟論集 Vol.47 No.1

        신고전파 경제이론은 모든 경제주체가 이기적이며 합리적이라는 기본 가정으로부터 출발하고 있다. 그러나 경제이론과 현실 사이의 괴리를 메우기 위해서는 이기심과 합리성의 가정을 원점에서 다시 검토해 보아야 할 필요가 있다는 주장이 제기되기 시작했다. 바로 이런 배경에서 行態經濟學이라는 새로운 연구 분야가 태동하게 되었다. 일련의 심리학적 연구에 의해 이기심과 합리성의 가정이 현실과 상당한 거리를 갖고 있음이 밝혀진 데 힘입어 행태경제학적 연구가 본격적인 궤도에 오르기 시작했다. 이 논문은 그 동안 행태경제학이 발전해 온 과정과 현재의 상황에 대해 고찰해 보는 동시에 그 미래를 전망해 보는 데 주안점을 두고 있다. 우선 행태경제학의 이론적 배경에 대해 논의한 다음, 불확실한 상황에서의 선택 문제에 관한 전망 이론에 대해 논의하고 있다. 또한 행태경제학적 연구가 가장 활발하게 진행되어 온 분야가 게임이론과 금융이론이라는 점에 주목해, 행태경제학적 시각의 도입이 이론의 흐름에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고 있다. 이 논문에서 논의의 대상으로 삼은 행태경제학 관련 연구 업적은 지금까지 축적된 이 방면의 연구 업적 중 지극히 일부분에 지나지 않는다. 경제학의 각 분야에서 이루어진 행태경제학적 연구를 모두 살펴보려면 엄청난 분량의 지면이 필요하기 때문이다. 이 논문에서는 지면의 제약 때문에 행태경제학적인 특성이 가장 잘 드러나는 몇 가지 제한된 주제에 대해서만 논의를 한정하고 있다.

      • 大學內의 弘報機能과 大學新聞의 役割에 關한 硏究

        李俊球 弘益大學校 敎育硏究所 1978 敎育硏究論叢 Vol.- No.1

        This paper aims at the basic study to establish a theory for active use of the function of Public Relations in the college. But this study does not present some concrete plans, for it is carried out only through the references or books. To restore the academic reliability in the college, school authorities should stop the one-way publicty of its policy. The function of public relations should be reexamined for the expression of professors' and students' opinions and active exchange of mutual intention. Overall attention should be paid to college newspaper which plays an improtant part in bringing about effective public relations.

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