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      • KCI등재

        정신지체아와 학습부진아의 작업기억 특성에 관한 비교연구

        여광웅,김나영,정영숙,이태화 한국정신지체아교육학회 2001 지적장애연구 Vol.3 No.-

        이 연구는 정신지체아와 학습부진아의 작업기억(working memory) 특성을 비교 분석하여, 그들의 인지능력 즉 정보처리 용량에 관련된 변인과 이에 따른 교수방법을 탐색 논의하였다. 연구결과와 논의를 통해 볼 때, 학습부진아의 작업기억 용량이 정신지체아보다 더 큰 것으로 나타났으며, 모두 지능과 연령 그리고 자극 제시시간변인이 기억탐색 속도, 전략사용, 부호화 등의 다양한 심리적 기제를 통해 작업기억 용량에 영향을 주고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 그리고 정신연령과 자극 제시시간이 증가할수록 작업기억 용량이 증가되는 것으로 나타났으며, 이것은 정신연령과 자극 제시시간이 증가함에 따라 기억 수행에 용이한 심릭적 기제가 활성화 되고 있음을 의미한다. The present study was designed to define the capacity of working memory (WM) of mentally retarded(MR) and Underachiever(UA). Subjects were 30 MR and 30 UA who were the same mental age, sampled from a special classes in the elementary schools and the middle schools in chungnam. Two group was formed according to three mental age (6,8,10) IQ scores ranges 50~75 for MR group, 90~110 for UA group. In order to define the capacity of WM of MR and UA, group(MR, UA), mental age(6,8,10) and speed of task presentation (3", 6")were used as independent variables and the capacity of WM as dependent variables. This study was taken following statistical methods in order to test study problems, problem 1 was conducted three-way analysis of variance by repeated-measures. Turky test was conducted to notice difference according to age. The main conclusion were as follows. First, the capacity of WM of UA is more larger than that of MR. Second, there are significant differences in the capacity of WM of MR according to mental age and speed of task presentation. Again as mental age and speed of task presentation in crease, the capacity of WM of MR increases. Finally, the capacity of WM of UA increases according to mental age and speed of task presentation. Jst as with MR, as mental age and speed of task presentation increase, the capacity of WM of UA increases.

      • KCI등재

        재택·순희학급과 특수학교의 중도·중복장애아 교육실태와 어머니의 지원욕구 분석

        여광웅,김나영,박현옥,김복순 한국정신지체아교육학회 2002 지적장애연구 Vol.4 No.-

        심신의 장애가 무겁고 두 가지 이상의 장애가 중복되어 그들만의 독특한 교육적 요구를 필요로 하는 중도ㆍ중복장애아동들은 자신의 소질 계발과 삶의 질 향상에 있어 많은 제약이 따른다. 특히 재택ㆍ순회교육은 대상아동의 특성상 교육의 장이 주로 가정이기 때문에 교육계획의 수립과 시행 단계에서부터 중도ㆍ중복장애아 교육에 있어서 어머니가 가지고 있는 지원욕구를 분석하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구에서는 현재 시행되고 있는 재택ㆍ순회교육 실태를 살펴보고, 중도ㆍ중복장애아의 어머니가 자녀의 교육과 관련된 지원욕구를 분석하여 보다 질적인 재택ㆍ순회교육을 위한 함의를 찾아보고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to supply basic data for effective educational programs and to plan for severe-multiple disabilities by analyzing tendency of the mother's desire which are related with their education after examining the educational reality of them in the itinerant classes. The subjects of this study were 50 mothers in itinerant classes of special schools, 80 mothers in itinerant classes of special school, 46 mothers in itinerant classes of special schools, the total of which were 176 persons. The results are as follows: First, as for analyzation for educational reality for them in itinerant classes; As for their educational arrangement, they answered that arrangements in special schools are most appropriate, and as for problems, they cite a lack of reciprocal action with their peer groups as an example, therefore we should develop an educational program through which we can activate reciprocal action with their peer groups. And there is no curriculum for them, and the development of appropriate curriculum is in urgent need we should also develop texts for them. And various contents and methods are in need so as to give educational activity. Second, as for analyzation of desire tendency related with education for their mothers in itinerant classes. Most of their mothers displayed a high need for 「growth and development of their children」, a 「desire for home education for their children」, a 「desire for children's education in educational organizations」, a 「a requirement for help」, a 「desire for counselling and parents' education」, a 「need for educational expenditure and support」, and a 「desire for group activity of their children and local community service」, which should be fulfilled by the children in mutual cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        MBTI에 의한 특수교육 및 재활과학전공 학생의 성격유형 특성 분석

        여광웅,임지향 한국정신지체아교육학회 2000 지적장애연구 Vol.2 No.-

        이 연구는 특수교육 및 재활과학을 전공하는 학생들의 성격유형과 기질 특성을 밝히기 위해 김정택 등(1990)의 한국판 MBTI 성격유형검사를 사용하여 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 연구대상은 대구대학교에 재학중인 특수교육과 학생과 재활과학대학 학생 각100명 그리고 비교집단으로서 자연계, 인문계 학생 각각100명씩 총 400명을 무선표집하였다. 성격의 4가지 기질과 16가지 선호경향을 중심으로 조사분석한 결과, 4가지 기질에서는 , 특수교육전공 집단과 재활과학전공 집단은 모두 SJ형이 가장 우세하여 안정감과 소속감을 추구하고 책임감이 강하고 타인의 반응을 중요시하는 성향이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 16가지 성격유형에서는, 특수교육 집단은 ISTJ형으로 책임감이 가장 우세한 특징을 보인 반면, 재활과학전공 집단은 ESFJ형으로 사교성이 가장 우세한 성격유형의 특징으로 밝혀졌다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the specific of the personality type according group with students of the special-education and students of the rehabilitation by the Myers Briggs Type Indicater(MBTI). The study involved a total of 400 students. 100 students with college of science, 100 students with college of literature, 100 students with special education and 100 students with college of rehabilitation. The following conclusion was drawn: 1. The specific of the personality type was SJ(Sensing and Judging) both group, students of the special education and students of the rehabilitation science. 2. The specific of the special education students' personality type was ISTJ(Introversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging). This indicates that special education students seeks stability, belonging and he/she is very responsible. He/she has consideration for another's response. The specific of the rehabilitation science students' personality type was ESFJ(Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging). This indicates that rehabilitation science students seeks importance of the relationship with each other.

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