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        유치원 특수교육대상아동의 취학의무 및 유예제도에 대한 유아특수교사의 인식

        안은선(An, Eun-sun),임경원(LIm, Kyoung-won) 공주대학교 특수교육연구소 2016 특수교육논집 Vol.20 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 특수학교, 특수학급, 장애전담어린이집의 장애유아 초등학교 취학지도 실태와 유아특수교사의 취학의무와 유예제도에 대한 인식을 알아봄으로써 장애 유아 취학지도를 위한 개선점을 찾는 데 있다. 이를 위하여, 만 5세 이상을 담당하는 129명의 유아특수교사를 무선표집하여 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과, 우선 취학의무 및 유예제도에 대한 실태와 관련해서 교사들은 연중 수시로 학부모 방문이나 전화를 통해 주로 아동이 취학할 학교의 유형에 대한 상담을 실시하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 특별한 도움 없이 스스로 취학상담을 하고 있었고 취학 지도를 위한 연수나 교육을 받지 않은 경우가 대다수였다. 둘째, 장애유아의 취학의무제도와 유예제도와 관련해서 교사들은 인지·신체발달지연, 유아의 부적응 문제 등을 취학 유예의 이유로 인식하며 학부모와 동등한 입장을보였으나 취학연령 제한의 필요성을 주장하며 학부모와 상반된 의견을 나타냈다. 마지막으로 교사의 일반적 특성 중 교육기관유형만이 장애유아 취학의무제도와 유예제도에 대한 교사들의 유의미한 인식 차이에 영향을 준 변인으로 나타났다. This study examine a reality of the guidance for a school-age child and the recognition of the special teachers in preschool about compulsory schooling and probation system. In order to achieve the purpose, 129 special teachers in preschool were selected by random sampling to conduct survey. The results are as following. First, special teachers consult with parents frequently about the type of schools that their children will attend, primarily by having parents in school or making a phone call. Also, they hardly have an opportunity to be offered an aid from institution or be trained about an admission instruction. Second, teachers agreed with parents that a delay in physical and cognitive development, and children’s maladjustment cause the probation of entrance into a school. However, as opposed to parents, teachers indicated the necessity of limitation for the school entrance age. For the last, the school type that teachers belong to is the only factor that differs recognition of the special teachers in preschool about compulsory schooling and probation system.

      • KCI등재

        모래놀이치료에서 정서의 창조적 분출과 정신적 재탄생의 상징으로서의 화산의 분석심리학적 의미

        안은선(Eun sun An) 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2014 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.5 No.2

        This paper is about the symbolism of volcanos that appears in sandplay therapy, and presents the volcano as a symbol leading to the individuation of individuals. Although the eruption of volcanos has a destructive influence on the environment, it also has a regenerative effect as volcanic ash makes the soil be fertile or creates new islands. Similarly, the archetypal maternity has both destructive aspects and creative aspects. Based on Jung s theory, to have lots of experiences of death and rebirth like the eruption of volcanos to make the inner side transformed totally is needed. The symbolic meaning of a volcano energy is the Self in between consciousness and the unconscious. It can be connected to courage possible to face on negative emotions like anger, suppression, resentment and authority. This can be a drive to rebirth the creativity like pureness, modesty, and endurance while deppressing the old and negative emotions. The symbol of a volcano is considered as a process of individuation which makes people progress into a center of whole personality.

      • KCI등재

        정신장애인의 직업재활 동기 개념분석

        안은선 ( Eun Seon An ),서지민 ( Ji Min Seo ) 한국간호과학회 정신간호학회(구 대한간호학회정신간호학회) 2015 정신간호학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Purpose: This study was conducted to analyze and clarify the concept of ``motivation for vocational rehabilitation in persons with mental disabilities``. Methods: A hybrid model was used to analyze the concept of motivation for vocational rehabilitation in persons with mental disabilities. The model included a comprehensive literature review and field study. Field study was conducted through in-depth interviews with 5 persons with mental disabilities who had employment experience and participant observation in rehabilitation facilities. Results: The concept of motivation for vocational rehabilitation in persons with mental disabilities was found to be a complex phenomenon having meaning in two dimensions: Goal-oriented and cognitive dimensions. Five attributes and fourteen indicators were defined. Motivation for vocational rehabilitation in these persons was defined as a recognition of the need to get a job, and the willingness and confidence to get and keep a job in order to achieve normal life, happiness, economic stability, and their value. Conclusion: The findings from this study will contribute to the development of assessment tools and nursing interventions to reinforce the motivation for vocational rehabilitation in persons with mental disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        바위: 개성화 과정에서 출현한 자기(Self)의 상징 : 모래놀이치료과정에서 나타나는 연금술적 변환

        안은선(An Eun Sun) 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2021 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.12 No.1

        This study investigated the process leading to individuation by examining the symbolism of rocks that emerged from sandplay therapy for a middle-aged woman from the perspective of analytical psychology and alchemy. The rock symbolizes an unchangeable life force, nurturing, recovery, source of living water, grave, and place in contact with spiritual energy. The alchemical process of creating new substances using existing substances proceeds in the order of calcification, dissolution, solidification, sublimation, decay, separation, and unity. In this study, the client expressed her unconscious through the rocks in the sand tray, which corresponded to the calcification of alchemy. Afterwards, the client expressed feelings such as despair and sadness that existed deeply within her, which were linked to the process of dissolution and coagulation of alchemy. Finally, the client could proceed with the process of individuation through self-integration with her shadow by accepting the suppression and wounds of her heart that were suppressed for a long time in consciousness, which is connected with the process of sublimation, corruption, separation, and unity in alchemy. The process of individuation involves completing the true Self by integrating the Self that exists inside the individual. We can integrate these processes through a confrontational dialogue between consciousness and the unconscious through symbols.

      • KCI등재

        집단모래놀이치료가 대학생의 분노표현 및 대인관계 문제에 미치는 효과

        안은선(An, Eun Sun),황화란(Hwang, Hwa Ran),박윤수(Park, Youn Soo) 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2019 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.10 No.1

        This study analyzes the effects of group sandplay therapy on anger control and interpersonal relationship problems among university students. The subjects were 24 students from 1st to 4th grades at N University in Chungcheongnam-do. To determine the effectiveness of the group sandplay program, we subsequently conducted a one-way ANCOVA with SPSS 25 for both the experimental and control groups. We found the program to have significant positive effects on anger control and interpersonal problem improvement in the experimental group compared to the control group. The results lead us to conclude that group sandplay therapy is conducive to controlling the emotions and improving interpersonal relationships among university students.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 결혼의식과 출산의식이 예비부모역할에 미치는 영향

        조은주(Eun-Joo Jo),안은선(Eun-Seon An) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.11

        본 연구는 간호대학생의 결혼의식 및 출산의식, 예비부모역할 정도를 알아보고, 결혼의식과 출산의식이 예비부모역할에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. 대상자는 B시 소재 4년제 대학의 간호대학생 202명이며, 자료수집 기간은 2015년 5월 11일에서 15일까지였다. 수집된 자료는 t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe"s test, Pearson"s correlation coefficients와 multiple regression으로 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 대상자의 예비부모역할 정도는 경제상태, 이상자녀 수, 희망자녀 수에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 간호대학생들은 배타적 결혼관이 높았으며, 출산의식과 예비부모역할 정도은 중간보다 높게 나타났다. 예비부모역할은 낭만적 결혼관, 소극적 결혼관과는 유의한 음의 상관관계가 있었다. 출산의식과는 유의한 양의 상관관계가 있었는데, 하위요인 중 저출산 원인 및 심각성 인식과 국가·기업의 출산지원에 대한 태도와 양의 상관관계가 있었고 각각 통계적으로 유의하였다. 예비부모역할을 설명하는 유의한 변수는 국가·기업의 출산지원에 대한 태도, 희망자녀 수, 경제적 수준, 소극적 결혼관으로 나타났다. 이 중 국가·기업의 출산지원에 대한 태도가 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변수이었으며, 전체 설명력은 26.9%이었다. 따라서 간호대학생의 예비부모역할의 인식을 높이기 위해서는 경제지원과 보육시설 지원 등 국가와 기업의 출산지원을 높이는 정책과 예비부모교육 프로그램을 개발하고 활용하는 방안이 필요하다. This study was conducted to identify the influence of awareness regarding marriage and childbirth on pre-parent"s role of the nursing students. The subject were 202 nursing students in B city. Data were collected from May 11 to 15, 2015 and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe"s test, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. Significant differences were found in pre-parent"s role based on economic status, ideal number of children, and desired number of children. Pre-parent"s role was negatively correlated with romantic views regarding marriage and passive views on marriage. In addition, there was a positive correlation between pre-parent"s role and the attitudes towards childbirth support by the nation and corporations. Meaningful variables that influenced pre-parent"s role were ideal number of children, economic status and passive views on marriage. Total explanation power was 26.9% and attitudes towards childbirth as well as toward support by the nation and corporations was the most influential factor. To enhance pre-parent"s role of nursing students, it is necessary to provide childbirth support by the nation and corporations in the form of financial assistance and childcare facilities, as well as to develop educational programs describing the pre-parent"s role.

      • KCI등재

        Wee Class 상담교사의 정신질환 청소년 상담에 대한 경험 연구: Giorgi의 연구방법을 활용하여

        박성원(Soung Won, Park),안은선(Eun Seon, An) 한국교류분석상담학회 2021 교류분석상담연구 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구는 정신질환 청소년에 대한 Wee Class 상담교사의 경험 연구로 서비스 제공자 관점에서 정신질환 청소년에 대한 상담교사의 경험을 이해하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구를 위하여 Wee Class 상담교사 5명을 대상으로 심층 면담을 진행하였다. 면담자료를 Giorgi의 현상학적 연구방법을 사용하여 분석한 결과, 총 3개의 구성요소와 10개의 하위 구성요소가 도출되었다. 3개의 구성요소는 ‘영향이 큰 보호자’, ‘변화를 이끌어 냄’, ‘부족한 서비스 환경’으로 나타났다. ‘영향이 큰 보호자’는 상담교사가 서비스 제공 과정에서 가장 크게 경험하는 영역으로 의미 단위는 ‘방해가 되는 보호자’, ‘새삼 느끼는 가정의 역할’, ‘도움이 되는 보호자’, ‘보호자에게 맡겨진 치료 결정’으로 나타났다. ‘변화를 이끌어 냄’의 의미 단위는 ‘무기하나 없이 현장에 놓여짐’, ‘외부 자원을 활용함’, ‘작은 변화로 보람을 느낌’으로 나타났으며, ‘부족한 서비스 환경’의 의미단위는 ‘통합적 서비스 제공 기관 필요’, ‘서비스 제공자 간의 긴밀한 협력 요구’로 나타났다. 연구 결과는 정신질환 청소년에 대한 이해와 상담교사의 역량 그리고 서비스 제공 환경에 대하여 3차원으로 구분되었고 이러한 결과를 토대로 정신질환 청소년에 대한 실천적, 정책적 제언을 하였다. This study is a study on the experience of Wee Class counselors in adolescents with mental illness. The purpose is to understand the counselor’s experience with mentally ill youth from a service provider’s perspective. For the study, in-depth interviews were conducted with five wee class counselors. As a result of analyzing the interview data using Giorgi’s phenomenological research method, there were a total of 3 components and 10 sub-components. The three components were ‘parents of great influence’, ‘making change’, and ‘insufficient service system’. ‘Parents of great influence’ is the situation that counselors experience the most in the service providing service, and the units of meaning appeared as ‘disturbing parents’, ‘realizing the role of family’, ‘helpful parents’, ‘parents treatment decision making.’ The units of meaning of ‘making change’ were ‘being placed on site without a weapon’, ‘using external resources’, and ‘feeling rewarded with small changes’. The units of meaning of ‘insufficient service system’ was ‘need for an integrated service provider’ and ‘need for close cooperation between service providers’. The results of the study are three-dimensional with understanding of mental illness adolescents, counseling competency, and service provision environment. Based on these results, practical and policy suggestions were made for adolescents with mental illness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구축적 조형소재로서 펠트의 융합가능성에 대한 연구

        차영순(Cha Young soon),안은선(An Eun-sun) 한국조형디자인학회 2018 조형디자인연구 Vol.21 No.1

        오늘날 현대사회는 그 구조가 불명확하고 탈 경계적인 특성을 강하게 강조하는 경향이 있다. 이러한 특성은 하나, 또는 주요 이상이나 이념에 구애 받는 사회가 아닌, 다양성과 상대성을 통해 자신의 의지와 생각을 자유롭게 표출할 수 있는 사회를 웅변하고 있는 것이다. 즉, 우리의 시대는 모더니즘의 특징인 이성적 주체 개념의 틀을 벗어나는 경향을 보이고 있는 것이다. 이러한 사회적 변화는 문화, 예술에도 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 그리하여 현대미술은 다양하고 복합적인 양상으로 급격한 변화를 가져왔으며 두드러진 현상으로 다원화를 통해 그 방향이 모색되고 있어 규정지어진 장르의 구분을 넘거나 혼합매체의 사용과 소재에 대한 새로운 해석으로써 작품을 표현하고 있다. 결과적으로 오브제의 조소성과 독립성이 강조되는 구체적 형태보다는 작품이 설치될 공간과의 상호작용 관계에 대한 시도가 이루어져 설치미술의 장르가 부각되곤 한다. 이러한 설치미술은 여러 가지 소재로써 시도되었는데 그러한 특성을 잘 구현할 수 있는 섬유는 유연성, 촉감성, 가변성을 지니고 있는 소재로 각광받곤 한다. 섬유소재 중 펠트는 자연에서 나온 양모를 소재로 한다. 펠트는 모섬유의 특징인 축융성을 이용하고 있는바 수축과 팽창을 통해 발생하는 가소성으로 인해 다양한 변화를 유도하므로 양모문화권은 물론 비문화권에서도 사용이 넓게 확대되고 있다. 펠트는 일반 섬유로 된 직물과는 구조가 다르다. 펠트는 개별적인 실과 실의 교차를 전혀 찾아볼 수 없으며, 압축에 의해 얻어지는 섬유의 얽힘으로 이루어진 매우 작은 섬유조각들이 서로 얽혀있는 소재이다. 그러므로 천편일률(千篇 -律)적으로 정해진 규칙이 있는 계통화, 위계화된 수직적 구조가 아닌 자유로운 형태의 수평적 구조로 프랑스의 철학자 질 들뢰즈(Gilles Deleuze)가 언급한 ‘반-직물(Anti-tissu)’의 성격을 지니며, 리좀(Rhizome)의 개념에 해당하는 흥미로운 소재라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 펠트소재의 가변적인 특성과 입체조형으로서의 전개에 대해 연구함으로써 조형소재로서 확장 가능성을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 현대미술의 매체로써 섬유소재가 갖는 펠트의 재료적 특성에 따른 의미를 살펴보고 이를 실현한 섬유조형사례에 대해 연구하였다. 또한 펠트의 특성 중 주목받지 못했던 가변성과 다른 소재와의 융합성을 살펴보았는데 이는 구축적 소재로서 펠트의 새로운 가능성을 제시해보았다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. Today’s modern society is a tendency to strongly emphasize unclear and demarcated characteristics. It is not a society that is subject to one and major ideal, but a society that can express people’s own will and thoughts freely through diversity and relativity. In other words, the contemporary era has moved beyond the framework of modernism, the concept of rational subject, which has been dominating modern trends of thought. These social changes have had a significant influence on culture and art. And they have brought on dramatic changes in various and complex aspects which have been sought after through diversification. Work has been expressed beyond the categories of defined genres through use of mixed media and with new interpretation of materials. Therefore, rather than existence in a specific form, attempts of expansion of the form and interaction with the space in which the work would be installed, and it led to the genre of installation art. This installation has been attempted with various materials, especially fibers, which have been popular as elastic, tactile, and flexible materials. Among the textile material, felt is a wool material derived from nature and is used in regions of wool heritage as well as regions of non-wool heritage because it induces changes due to plasticity caused by shrinkage and expansion by utilizing the melting property which is the property of fiber. It is different in structure from a fabric made of ordinary fibers, and no individual yarns or crosses can be found at all, and there is only the entanglement of the fibers obtained by compression. It can be said that very small pieces of fiber are intertwined. It is not a vertical structure with hierarchical rules but a horizontal structure that is as described and can be said that It has an anti-tissue character and is the concept of Rhizome by combining fixed and flexible at the same time by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. This paper attempts to propose the possibilities of felt as a sculpting material by examining the transformable characteristics of felt and its development as a three dimensional sculpture. To this end, this study has examined the meaning of fiber materials by nature of felt as media of contemporary art and examples of fiber formations. In addition, it has studied felt’s flexibility which has not been highlighted of the characteristics of the felt and its convergence with other materials, which is significant in that it has studied the new possibility of felt as a constructive material.

      • 간호대학생의 간호학 프로그램 학습성과 성취와 자기효능감 간의 관계

        이영은(Young Eun Lee),정귀임(Kwuy Im Jung),권수혜(Soo Hea Kwon),안은선(EunSun An),태영숙(Young Sook Tae) 고신대학교 전인간호과학연구소 2018 전인간호과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influencing factor of achievement of nursing education program outcome among nursing students. Methods: This research was cross sectional survey design. Participants were 215 nursing students and recruited from 3 or 4-grade nursing students from one university in B metropolitan. Data was collected by structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results: First, The achievement average score of the participants nursing education program outcomes was 3.85±0.44 out of 5. And the self-efficacy average score of the participants was 4.01±0.56 out of 5. Second, As result of analyzing general aspects of the nursing education program outcomes, statistically significant differences were found in gender, satisfaction of major, satisfaction of clinical practices, one s own personality, adapt to environmental changes. Third, As result of analysis of correlations between achievement of nursing education program outcomes and self-efficacy of the nursing students were statistically significant relationships(r=.661, p<.001). Forth, Factors significantly influencing factor of achievement of nursing education program outcomes was the self-efficacy(β =.661, p<.001). Explanatory power of the model was 43.5%. Conclusion: It is necessary to increase a self-efficacy that will develop achievement level of nursing education program outcomes of nursing students.

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