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      • KCI등재

        Business Duration, Vertical Integration, and Firm Productivity Growth in Korea’s Core Growth-leading Industries

        배미경 한국산업경제학회 2016 산업경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This study investigates the extent to which the business duration of firms impacts their productivity growth within the bounds of a vertically integrated industrial structure in Korea’s three core growth-leading industries from 2006 to 2011. A fixed-effect stochastic frontier production model is applied to firm-level panel dataset from 2006 to 2011 for Korea’s automobile, electronics, and general machinery industries. Empirical results show that the productivity of older electronics firms declined more than that of older automobile firms, while older firms that vertically integrated with capital shares in the general machinery industry persistently increased their productivity. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, productivity loss was greater in the older electronics firms than in the older automobile firms; it was greater in the older firms not vertically integrated with capital shares than in the older firms that vertically integrated with capital shares. The institutional framework should be altered to increase the productivity growth of older firms, especially older firms not vertically integrated with capital shares. 본 연구는 수직통합의 정도가 높은 한국의 핵심 성장주도산업인 자동차, 전자, 일반기계 산업에서 생산과정 상 자본관계가 있는 기업 들 간에 거래가 있는 기업 들 (VI firms)과 그렇지 않은 기업들 (NVI firms)로 나누어 기업의 영업지속기간이 수직통합 하의 기업의 생산성증가에 미치는 효과를 규명하기 위해 고정효과 확률생산경계모델을 2006-2011년 기업 미시패널데이터에 적용해 이를 추정했다. 실증분석결과, 영업지속기간이 길수록 전자기업 들이 자동차기업 들에 비해 총요소생산성이 더 크게 하락하는 것으로 나타났으나 자본관계가 있는 기업 들 간에 거래가 이루어지고 있는 수직통합 일반기계기업 들 (VI general machinery firms)은 총요소생산성이 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 2008년 글로벌 금융위기라는 시장의 외생적 충격은 상대적으로 영업기간이 긴, 즉, 오래된 전자기업 들의 생산성 하락이 오래된 자동차 기업들의 생산성 하락 보다 더 크게 나타나고 있는 현상을 초래했으며, 특히 오래된 NVI 기업들의 생산성 하락이 오래된 VI 기업들의 생산성 하락 보다 더 큰 것으로 나타나고 있다. 따라서 수직통합 산업구조 하에서 영업기간이 길수록 생산성이 하락하는 기업들, 즉, 상대적으로 오래된 기업들의 생산성 하락은 자원배분의 효율성 또한 악화시키는 결과를 초래하므로 이를 개선하기 위한 제도적 시스템, 특히 중소기업 위주의 NVI 기업들의 경영환경 개선이 더욱 시급하다.

      • KCI등재

        Impacts of Changes on Productivity Growth in Korea’s Export-leading Industries

        배미경 한국경제연구학회 2020 Korea and the World Economy Vol.21 No.1

        This study investigates the impacts of changes on productivity growth in 10 export-leading industries from 1995 to 2014 in Korea. The extent of the impact thereof reflects the industrial features, the level of technological innovation, the maturity of the industry, the growth trajectory within the growth policy framework, market exogenous shocks, and market selection forces. The target industries led the growth and structural upgrades and reached record high productivity growth during the economic upturns. Large establishments persevered in the target industries, thereby verifying their resilience and contributing to the productivity growth in the aftermath of the market exogenous shocks.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 접근법이 유아의 사고력 증진에 미치는 영향

        배미경,황혜정 한국보육지원학회 2012 한국보육지원학회지 Vol.8 No.5

        본 연구는 프로젝트 활동이 유아의 사고력 증진에 미치는 효과를 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상으로는 경기도의 S유치원에 재원하고 있는 유아 60명을 선정하였다. 선정된유아들을 프로젝트 활동을 적용한 실험집단에 30명, 적용하지 않은 비교집단에 30명을 배정하고, 이들의 사고력을 비교 분석하였다. 프로젝트 접근법이 유아의 사고력과 하위구성요소인 지각적 사고, 분석적 사고, 종합적 사고, 추리적 사고에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과, 프로젝트 활동을 실시한 유아가 그렇지 않은 유아보다 지각적 사고, 분석적 사고, 종합적 사고, 추리적 사고가 높은 것으로 파악되었다. 따라서 프로젝트 접근법은 유아로 하여금 다양한 활동을 통하여 표상, 재표상의 단계를 거쳐 새로운 지식을 재구성함으로써 유아의 사고력 증진에 효과적이라고 할 수 있다.

      • 신용불량자의 현황분석 및 증가요인에 따른 정책제언

        배미경 啓明大學校 産業經營硏究所 2004 經營經濟 Vol.37 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the bad-creditor's behavior and increasing number of the personal bankruptcy who misleading the usage of credit cards. The results of study showed various aspects of rescuing those bad-creditors and suggested the political issues in aspects of consumer education. Approximately 50% percent of bad-creditors are ranged from age 20 to 30 comparatively younger consumers face more difficulties in using credit cards. There are many reasons to rapidly extend the number of using credit cards and one of them is that business sector does not examine the personal credit line and also most bad-creditor experienced the cashing service which has higher interests. To rescue those bad-creditors, government started to introduce personal credit recovering system but the procedure of application to be beneficial from those system.

      • 가계의 전반적 재무상태 측정 및 재무비율 영향요인 분석

        배미경 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2007 科學論集 Vol.33 No.-

        The study examines the relationships among financial knowledge, financial management, and objective financial satisfaction. The data used in the study was 331 households from the survey in both Seoul and Kyeonggi-Do. The data analysis was done using the SAS-PC program and several statistical techniques were utilized such as frequency, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were as follows, With both more assets and older household head, they tended to have more financial basic knowledge and tax/insurance. The households doing more on financial management implement were found to have more objective Financial well-being, while those doing more on financial management plan were found to have more objective financial well-being.

      • KCI등재

        Size Impact and Productivity Growth in Korea’s Export-leading Industries

        배미경 한국경제연구학회 2017 Korea and the World Economy Vol.18 No.3

        This study attempts to measure the impact from changes in the share of small and medium-sized establishments (SMEs) on the productivity growth of 29 export-leading industries and 13 other exporting industries during 1995-2014 in Korea. An increase in the share of SMEs promoted productivity growth in 21 export-leading industries, and that was significant in eight industries with the most in assembled vehicles, while it slowed productivity in seven industries, most considerably in coke, briquettes, and refined petroleum products. An increase in the share of SMEs in export-leading industries promoted productivity growth three times more than that in other exporting industries.

      • KCI등재

        Vertical Integration and Exogenous Market Shocks in Korea’s Automobile Industry

        배미경 한국산업조직학회 2023 産業組織硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        A stochastic production frontier of Korea’s automobile industry, vertically integrated with capital-share (VI) and non-VI (NVI) structure, identify: in the aftermath of exogenous market shocks, NVI firms with extensive business durations boosted industry productivity growth; NVI entrants enhanced industry productivity growth; exiting NVI and VI firms contributed to severe productivity retrogression in 2015, prior to actual exit; VI firms with extensive business durations boosted VI structure productivity growth, despite agency costs; VI entrants dampened VI structure productivity growth while NVI entrants boosted NVI structure productivity growth; and self-selecting firms shifting from VI to NVI structure increased NVI structure productivity growth.

      • 은퇴기 가계의 투자행동분석

        배미경 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2002 科學論集 Vol.28 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the financial status and investment behavior of the retired. We used KHPS in 1998, and the sample size was 392. The statistical tool such as T-test, Anova, and simple linear regression was utilized. 7 types. of investment were included in this study and the ratio of each type of investment to total assets were calculated to be dependent variable to find the effect of independent variables such as age, gender, marrital status, education level and so on. The results shows that the retired compared to non-retired households tend to have less in total asset but those two groups were not different in net-asset because of debt owned.

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