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        지붕개량의 경제적 효과분석

        반성환 ( Sung Hwan Ban ) 한국농업경제학회 1976 農業經濟硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        This study attempts to evaluate the economic effects and farmers response of roof-improvement project, i.e. the replacement of straw thatch by slate and ceramic tile, which was carried out through the country as a part of New Community Movement in Korea. The study was based on the data obtained from 37 sample farms in four villages in Kyunggi province. However information from 151 sample villages was supplemented to compare with the results of this study. The followings are the major findings: 1. On the average, the total replacement cost per household was 135,753 won at 1974 prices. About 77 percent of total cost was expended in purchasing of slate or ceramic tile and other materials and the remaining 23 percent was imputed labor cost. The cost shares between labor and materials are quite agree with the study results based on the data obtained from 151 nationwide sample villages. 2. Fund for the replacement of the roof comes from two sources external and internal. The external source, government subsidy and loans from financial institution and private market, accounted for 30 percent. The remaining 70 percent of the fund was provided by the building owner with 7% in the form of labor and 63 percent in cash respectively. 3. By the substitution of slate or ceramic tile for straw thatch in roofing, the straw and labor needed for the replacement of straw thatch roof once a year and every two years are saved. The gross saving of straw and labor for a replacement were estimated to be 14,068 won and 17,178 won respectively totaling to 31,246 won. On the other hand the scrap value of straw for a replacement of straw thatch roof was estimated to be 6,014 won resulting in 25,232 won of net saving. 4. Under the assumption of expected use life of slate is 30 years, straw thatch replaces every two years and discount rate is 8 percent, the B/C ratio is 1.17. If we assume straw thatch replaces every year, the B/C ratio turns out to be 2.28. This ratio is rather low compared to the ratio of 3.28 obtained from 151 sample village study with the same assumption. This difference might have occurred due to the different detrimental rate of straw thatch among locations. In Kyunggi province humidity is lower and summer period is shorter compared to southern part of Korea. Therefore the detrimental rate of straw thatch might be lower in Kyunggi province than nation as a whole. 5. When we assume the straw thatch replaces every two years and expected use life of slate is 30 years, the internal rate of return is 10.2 percent. In the other study the internal rate of return was estimated to he 36.8 percent assuming that the straw thatch replaces every year. 6. The percentage distribution of alternative uses of saved straw are: 22% for feed, 12% as raw material for straw processing goods, 28% for manure, 30% for fuel, 5% for sale and 3 for miscellaneous purposes. 7. The alternative uses of saved labor are: 30% for crop cultivation, 19% for the manufacturing of straw processing goods, 10% for livestock feeding, 12% for public works, 10% for land arragement and 19% for leisure and others. The percentage distribution among alternative uses of saved labor differed significantly by farm size. The larger farms spent relatively more of their saved labor for direct production activities such as crop cultivation, livestock feeding and manufacturing of processing goods. On the other hand small sized farms spend relatively more of labor force to public works and leisure. 8. About 60% of farmers are voluntarily motivated to improve the roofs, 19% was persuaded by neighbors, 16% was to receive loans and only 5% of them followed community order. 9. As ex-post opinion, none of the farmers regretted the replacement of slate or ceramic tile for straw thatch roofing. The reasons are: it is more economical, 22%; saves labor, 25%; more sanitary, 22% ; alternative use of straw, 20% and others 9% respectively. It can be concluded that roof improvement project is e

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      • 기침이형천식 환아에서 기관지확장제와 스테로이드 흡입치료 효과

        편복양(Bok Yang Pyun),반성환(Sung Hwan Ban),김상현(Sang Hyun Kim) 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회(구 대한소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회) 1999 소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        목 적 : 기관지 천식의 전형적인 임상 증상인 기침, 천명, 호흡곤란 등의 3대 증상 중기침만이 유일한 임상 증상인 경우를 기침이형천식 이라고 정의한다 기침이형천식 환자에서 적절한 치료를 하지 않은 경우 많은 수에서 1-2년내에 천명 및 호흡 곤란을 동반하는 전형적인 천식으로 이행한다는 보고가 있다. 저자들은 소아의 만성 기침의 원인중의 하나인 기침이형천식 환자에서 기관지확장제와 스테로이드 흡입 치료의 효과를 알아보기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다. 대 상 : 1997년 1월부터 1998년 12월까지 순천향대학병원 소아알레르기 크리닉에 3주 이상의 만성 기침을 주소로 내원한 환자중 추적관찰이 가능하였던 48명(남아 28명, 여아 20명)을 대상으로 흥부 방사선 촬영, 부비동 촬영, 말초혈액내 호산구수, 혈청 총 IgE치 등을 측정하였고, 운동 부하전 후의 폐기능검사(최대호기속도)를 시행하였다. 대상 환아 모두에게 흡입용 기관지 확장제와 스테로이드제를 투여하였으며, 부비동 촬영상 부비동염이 있었던 예에서는 항생제 투여를 병행하였다. 대상 환아는 처음 내원시 최대호기속도(PEFR)를 측정하고 1주 간격으로 4주간 관찰 후 폐기능의 호전 정도와 임상 중상의 호전 여부를 비교하였다. 결 과: 1) 대상 환아는 4세부터 12세 사이였으며, 기침이형천식군이 26명, 부비동염을 동반한 비기관지염군(대조군)이 22명이었다. 남녀비는 기침이형천식군에서 1.1:1, 대조군에서는 1.8:1로 남아에서 많았다. 2) 대상 환아 48명 모두에서 밤에 심해지는 기침이 있었으며, 기침이형천식군 26명중 19명(73.0%)와 비기관지염군 22명중 14명(64.6%)에서 운동후 기침이 심해지는 증상을 호소하였다. 3) 기침이형천식군 26명중 22명(84.6%)에서는 4주간의 기관지확장제와 스테로이드제 흡입치료 후 증상이 소실되었고, 다른 4명의 환아에서도 증상이 많이 개선되었다. 비기관지염군에서도 항생제 투여 후 16례(72.7%)에서 기침이 소실되었다. 4) 기침이형천식군에서는 26명중 13명(50%)에서 호산구가 증가되어 있었으며, 대조군에서는 22명중 4명(18.2%)에서 증가되어 있었다. 평균 호산구수는 기침이형천식군에서 274.2±172.3/㎣, 대조군에서 163.2±85.2 /㎣로 기침이형천식군에서 의미있게 높았다. 혈액내 총 IgE 평균치는 기침이형천식군에서 132.0±144.7 IU, 대조군에서 76.4±64.4 IU로 기침이형천식군에서 높았으나 통계학적으로는 의미는 없었다. 5) 내원시 최대호기속도 기저치는 기침이형천식군과 비기관지염군 모두 정상범위였으며, 운동 부하후 15% 이상의 감소를 보인 경우는 기침이형천식군에서 12례(46.1%), 비기관지 염군에서는 5례(22.7%)로 기침이형천식군에서 운동유발후 폐기능의 감소가 현저하였다. 6) 기침이형천식군에서 치료 후의 최대호기속도는 예측치의 124.6±19.3%로 의미있게 증가하였다. 비기관지염군에서도 항생제 치료 후에 최대호기속도는 예측치의 111.6±12.1%로 증가하였다. 결 론 : 만성 기침을 호소하는 환자의 경우에 다른 원인적인 질환을 배제하고 기침이형 천식으로 진단되는 경우에는 기관지확장제와 함께 스테로이드의 흡입 치료가 증상의 소실과 폐기능의 호전을 가져오는 것으로 생각되며, 이는 기침이형천식이 천식의 전단계, 또는 잠복 천식의 형태로 생각할 때, 천식으로의 이행을 예방하고 향후 기도내 만성적인 염증 반응을 감소시켜줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : Cough variant asthma may be defined as a presentation of asthma that fulfills all the criteria of asthma, inflammatory process of the airways and airway hyperresponsiveness. Because of the cough is only the manifestation in cough variant asthma especially in children, it may be very difficult to assess by the physical examination and routine spirometry. Airway function may be further evaluated by bronchial provocation, usually with methacholine or exercise, to supprot or exclude the diagnosis of asthma. In children too young to perform pulmonary function tests, a therapeutic trial can serve as a diagnostic tool. In this study we evaluate the effectiveness of inhaled bronchodilator and corticosteroid treatment to the children with cough variant asthma. Methods :Forth-eight children who visited to our pediatric allergy clinic having a chronic cough more than 3 weeks were enrolled to our study. We defined a children who showed bronchial hyperresponsiveness after exercise challenge as a cough variant asthma. We analyzed the changes of PEFR before and after exercise and treatment for 4 weeks. Results : 1) All the patients with cough variant asthma or sinobronchitis have a night aggravating cough as a sole manifestation. 2) The baseline % predicted PEFR showed within normal range in the study subjects. But there was significant decrease of % perdicted PEFR after execise challenge in the patients with cough variant asthma. 3) There was significant increase of % predicted PEFR after treatment with inhaled bronchodilator and corticosteroid in the patients with cough vatiant asthma. Also it is noted in the patients with sinobronchitis treated with antibiotics. Conclusion : We can find significant improvement of clinical manifestation and pulmonary function-in the patients with cough variant asthma who treated with inhaled bronchodilator and corticosteoid. Because of many children suffering from chronic cough may have a cough variant asthma, we emphasized that inhaled bronchodilator and corticosteroid treatment is effective for long-term control of cough variant asthma.

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