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        Sartre 실존주의의 인간비하적 요소

        박정자 한국불어불문학회 1984 佛語佛文學硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        On dit que l'existentialisme de Sartre tente d'exalter l'homme, la liberte´ humaine, en face. de l'absurdite´ fondamentale de l'univers. Mais en lisant ses oeuvres, nous sentons plus de nihilisme que de dignite´ humaine. Donc nous avons poursuivi les principes de sa philosophie. Et nous avons constate´ qu'il y a quelques e´le´ments d'avilissement dans sa philosophie me^me. 1. Liberte´ humaine Liberte´, c'est la re´alite´ humaine en tant qu'e^tre pour-soi. La liberte´ humaine coi¨ncide en son fond ave le ne´ant qui est au coeur de l'homme. L'homme se ne´antise dans la temporalite´. Etre, pour le pour-soi, c'est ne´antiser l'en-soi qu'il est. Dans ces conditions, la liberte´ ne saurait e^tre rien autre que cette ne´antisation. C'est par elle qu"il est toujours autres choses que ce qu'on peut dire de lui. Ainsi liberte´, choix, ne´antisation, temporalisation, ne font qu'une seule et me^me chose. L'homme est un e^tre pour-soi, le mode d'e^tre du pour-soi est liberte´, donc je suis condamne´ a` e^tre libre. Cela signifie qu'on ne saurait trouver a` ma liberte´ d'autres limites qu'elle-me^me; ou, si l'on pre´fe`re, que nous ne sommes pas libres de cesser d'e^tre libres. "Il l'(la liberte´) avilit en la mettant partout." dit Gabriel Marcel. Selon Sartre, ma liberte´ est l'unique fondement des valeurs. En tant qu'e^tre par qui les valeurs existent, je suis injustifiable. Etant donne´ qu'il re´pudie les valeurs, ou du moins qu'il reconnai^t la non-objectivite´ des valeurs, au nom de quel principe peut-on e´tablir une diffe´rence entre des hommes abuse´s et les re´sistants? Si on n'admet pas qu'il y a vraiment une valeur intrinse`que des causes, c'est-a`-dire une re´alite´ des valeurs, il est absolument impossible d'e´tablir ici une diffe´rence. 2. Le rapport avec autrui Etre vu me constitue comme un e^tre sans de´fense pour une liberte´ qui n'est pas la mienne. La honte est a` la racine lie´e au fait que je suis tombe´ dans le monde. Il n'y a pas peut-e^tre rien de plus remarquable dans l'oeuvre entie`re de Sartre que cette e´tude phe´nome´nologique d'autrui comme regard et moi-me^me comme expose´, comme perce´ a` jour, comme mis a` nu, comme pe´trifie´ aussi par ce regard, par cette me´duse. Mais nous avons le sentiment de´sespe´re´ qu'on ne peut jamais avoir la reconnaissance re´ciproque. 3. La mortalite´ absolue de l'homme La mort n'est aucunement structure ontologique de mon e^tre, du moins en tant qu'il est pour-soi. Il n'y a aucune place pour la mort dans l'e^tre-pour-soi; il ne peut ni l'attendre, ni la re´aliser, ni se projeter vers elle. La mort n'est rien d'autre qu'un certain aspect de la facticite´, c'est-a`-dire du donne´. S'il en est ainsi, nous ne pouvons plus dire que la mort confe`re un sens du dehors a` la vie: un sens ne peut venir que de la subjectivite´ me^me. Ce mate´rialisme grossier n'aboutit-il pas a` une de´pre´ciation syste´matique de l'homme? Il est tout a` fait naturel que l'homme tende a` s'e´prouver de plus en plus comme de´chet et comme possibilite´ excre´mentielle. Il est naturel aussi que Sartre se rapproche des marxistes.

      • KCI등재
      • 개인운영 장애인복지시설의 서비스 인식에 관한 연구 - 경기도 소재 장애인복지 시설을 중심으로 -

        박정자,정사무엘 공주대학교 KNU 기업경영연구소 2015 기업경영리뷰 Vol.6 No.2

        In Korea, there has been studied on service models for private-owned facilities for the disabilities to settle in a community at Gyunggi-Do. There are 12 private-owned facilities for the disabilities, which get legal recognition from government office, but not proper support due to legal problems. So, this study is focused on providing stable support through service models. First, Private-owned facilities can be a model to solve political and policy problems. The reason why the disabled enter a private-owned facilities, not a corporate facilities is they have an unfavorable perspective to meet their welfare needs. That's why they chose private-owned facilities alternatively. Second, existence of private-owned facilities shows a positive recognition of local residents. Third, private-owned facilities purifies many problems of the community. Even though it doesn't have government aids and is operated through participation of the local residents and supports, it is at the center of attention. Forth, private-owned facilities has its uniqueness. It goes for various attempts by owner's philosophy, management and calling. Actually it shows concrete achievement. Fifth, in cultural aspect, one of the factors to settle in a community is its unity with a local culture. Sixth, in social aspect, it has a function of social purification and uses it. Seventh, it has practical religious aspect such as respect for the individuals. Through its practice, it shows positive satisfaction. When all the elements above are put together , private-owned facilities in Gyunggi-do is positive. Therefore, as a new welfare service model, it can be stabilized on the premise of change in the mindset of the central or local government policy. On the service for the disabilities through private-owned facilities, there are suggestions firstly in Korea situation, secondly other countries such as developing and underdeveloped countries. 본 연구는 한국에서 장애인에 대하여 일정한 역할을 담당하고 있는 개인운영신고시설의 지역사회 내 활성화 방안에 관한 연구로 경기도 소재 장애인복지 시설을 중심으로 하였다. 면접설문을 위해 선정한 경기도내 12개 장애인을 위한 개인운영신고시설의 경우, 공공기관으로부터 법적 인정을 받고는 있지만 역시 법적인 문제로 제대로 된 지원을 받지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 개인운영신고시설은 현 시대의 정치적인 문제와 정책적인 문제에 대한 모델제시의 일환으로 보여 진다. 사회적으로 개인운영신고시설이 지역사회 내에 존재하는 것은 지역사회 성원들의 긍정적 인식이 높다는 것을 반증하는 것으로 여겨진다. 개인운영신고시설의 경우 운영자의 철학과 운영방침, 그리고 특별한 소명감 등으로 인하여 다양한 시도가 이루어지고 있으며, 실제로 이를 통한 구체적 성과가 나타나고 있으므로 긍정적으로 평가 할 수 있다. 개인운영신고시설이 지역사회 내에서 정착할 수 있는 여러 요인 중의 하나는 지역의 문화와 일치성의 여부이다. 사회적인 측면에서 보면, 사회정화기능을 가지고 있고, 정화적 기능할 발휘하고 있다는 점이다. 공간적으로 경기도 내 개인운영신고시설의 운영현황을 종합해 보면 긍정적이다. 따라서 중앙정부나 지방정부가 정책적 사고의 전환이 전제 된다면 새로운 복지서비스 모델로서 안정화 될 것으로 조사연구 되었다.

      • 溫突煖房의 衛生學的 硏究 : Korean hot floors

        朴貞子,朱仁鎬 우석대학교 의과대학 1970 우석의대잡지 Vol.7 No.1

        The main heating system at Korean houses provited an arrangement called "Ondol". The heated air and smoke from the kitchen fire place passing through horizontal flues below the mud-plastered stone floor of the house, escape trough a chimney on the side of the dwelling opposite to the fire place. The similar heating systems in the old days of Europe were called "Hypokaust" or "Kanal Heizung" in Rome period, and a so said "Kachl Ofen" in Germaney. Today's "Pechka" eating in Siberia and "K'ang" hot floors in China and Manchurian regions are archeologically similar to Korean "Ondol". The floors of the Ondol consist of flat stones, covered with successive layers of clay, oil paper, and mats. The poor construction of the Ondol causes leaking of smoke and gas indoors and often constitute the main source of carbon monoxide poisoning, since most of the houses use anthracite-briquette as fuel. The heating effects there of are fuel different according to the type of Ondol construction. By the different arrangement of flues, the Ondol is classified into various types, viz, randomly arranged stones, multiflues, span-like flues, or diagonal type. This study was attempted to find any difference of heating effects or gas leakage among different types of Ondol structure and also to obtain some information as to the geographical distribution of any specific type of Ondol in the country. Four experimental room models were built with the same type and materials except different structure of flue arrangement. Tele-Thermometer, YSI Model 44 with 12 channels(Yellow Springs Instrument Co.,) was used for the measurement of room temperature. Ondol floor's surface temperature was measured at 77 different points and temperature for spatial distribution was measured at the height of 30㎝, 75㎝, 113.5㎝ and 150㎝ from the floor. Carbon monoxide gas was measured with Kitagawa Co detector. Air samples were drawn through plastic pipes connected at various points inside the rooms. The room were heated at the same time with the anthracite briquette of the same commercial products. For the experiment of CO gas leakage, a small artificial hole (diameter, 1.0㎝) was made rom the smoke flue to the floor. The followings were the summary : 1. The frequency distribution of Ondol structure in Korea indicates: muli-flue type 34.2%, random type 18.8%, span type 11.5%, parallelled flue type 11.2%, curved type 7.7% and other types 16.5%. 2. The height of a chimney stack of dwelling houses is in general high in the central region of the country, while proceeding to the southern part it becomes very low. The percentage of the chimney stack which is lower than the roof of the house is: Kyongsang Namdo 97.9%, Cheju Do 92.5%, Cholla Namdo 83.3%, Ul-Lung Island 70.4%, Kyonggi Do and Kwangwon Do 8.0% each, Chungchong Namdo and Chungchong Pukdo 8.3% and 13.3%. 3. The frequency of using briqutte for fuel is: Seoul city 91.5%, Kyonggi Do 97.8%, Cholla Namdo 86.6%, Kyongsang Pukdo 73.0%, Chungchong Namdo 47.5%, Cheju Do 46.3% and other provinces 8.3~15.5%. The rest sill depends on fire woods. 4. In comparison of heating effects among different type of Ondol structure, it was found that both span and diagonal types are superior than the others. The average floor surface temperature of span type was 29.0℃, diagonal 25.7℃, random 23.6℃, and multi-flue 22.5℃, accordingly. 5. In all types of Ondol, the floor temperature around the fire mouth is much hotter than that at the floor site of the chimney by 8 to 15℃. This difference is markedly noticed in the span type structure. 6. The spatial distribution of room temperature is 18.8℃ for span type, 16.3℃ for diagonal and 13.3℃ for multi-type. 7. The heating effects at the walls, ceilings and doors are all superior in the span and diagonal types. 8.The heating discrepancy between the inner and outer sides of the walls and the windows is about 3.0 to 8.2℃, irrelevant to the structure of Ondol. 9. The degree of gas leakage is higher in the rooms of random and multi-types, conlpared with the span or diagonal types. 10. The lower the height of a chimney stack is, the more gas leaks in all types.

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