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2차원과 3차원에서의 비정렬 동적 적응격자 형성법에 관한 연구
박영민(Y. M. Park),오우섭(W. S. Oh),권오준(O. J. Kwon) 한국전산유체공학회 2000 한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2000 No.5
Two and Three dimensional dynamic adaptation code is developed for transient computations. This code involves mesh refinement and coarsening to either add points is high gradient regions of flow or remove points where they are not needed, for high spatial accuracy. Temporary cell algorithm is used to maintain the original grid Quality. To show the assessment of the accuracy and efficiency, two dimensional steady and unsteady flows are computed. Also, three dimensional steady computations are made to assess the refinement using temporary cell algorithm. The result shows the high spatial accuracy primarily in discontinuity regions in steady and unsteady computation.
3 레벨 인버터를 이용한 유도 전동기의 직접 토크 제어
박영민(Y.M. Park),이세현(S.H. Lee),윤재학(J.H. Yun),박영우(Y.W. Park),김남해(N.H. Kim),이교범(K.B. Lee),송중호(J.H Song) 전력전자학회 1999 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.7
In this paper a Direct Torque Control(DTC) scheme for PWM three level inverter-fed induction motor drives, is presented and discussed. In orde to deal with DTC scheme applied three level inverter, the selection of voltage vector is proposed to minimize switching frequency and torque ripple. The simulation results shows a validity of thi control scheme
박영민(Y.M. Park),최인호(I.H. Choi),장병희(B.H. Chang) 한국전산유체공학회 2008 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.13 No.4
The present paper describes the results of performance analysis for UH-60A rotor blade in hover. For the numerical simulations, commercial CFD software, FLUENT was used with Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. The flow solver was based on node based scheme and second order spatial accuracy options was used for simulations. For the enhancement of wake capturing capability, high resolution grid was used around tip vortex region. Granting that somewhat over-prediction of thrust was observed near blade tip region, performance was well correlated with experimental data within 3% accuracy in the operating region. Finally it was shown that the present flow solver can be used as a preliminary performance analysis tool for hovering helicopter rotor blades.
전산해석 및 풍동시험을 이용한 다기능 대기 자료 센서의 공력 설계
박영민(Y.M. Park),최인호(I.H. Choi),이융교(Y.G. Lee),권기정(K.J. Kwon),김성찬(S.C. Kim),황인희(I.H. Hwang) 한국전산유체공학회 2010 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.15 No.3
Aerodynamic design of the vane type multi-function probe was tried by using CFD and wind tunnel test for the MALE UAV and small business jets. The present multi-function probe can measure total pressure, static pressure and angle of attack by using rotating vane. Therefore, major performances are determined by aerodynamic characteristics of vane. In order to design the sensor compatible to the requirement, aerodynamic characteristics of sensors were investigated by using CFD and dynamic response analysis was also performed for transient performance. The final aerodynamic performance was measured by the wind tunnel test at Aerosonic and the results were compared with the present design. The results showed that the aerodynamic design using the CFD can be successfully used for the design of vane type multi-function air data sensor.