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        금기어로서의 욕설과 공정언어(PC)

        민현식(Min, Hyunsik) 한국사회언어학회 2019 사회언어학 Vol.27 No.1

        Swearing is a verbal abuse of a curse and a verbally and mentally homicidal act. These days, however, the concept of swearing prevails in various contexts, as with the saying Any word that causes discrimination and hatred to the listeners is a curse. Words such as virgin, widow, and old man are not curses in a traditional perspective, but they can be interpreted as swear words that arouse an aversion depending on who listens to those expressions. Therefore, the movement of political correctness is foregrounded in pursuit of language purification, and the phenomenon of replacing old man with the elderly or silver is one example. These kinds of expressions appear in sociolinguistic areas that including race, sex, region, generation, occupation, and religion. These expressions could be political swear words and thus can be called political taboo words . These expressions are not traditional, objective, or typical swear words listed in the dictionary, but can be interpreted as subjective, psychological, and political swear words. Political taboo words should be purified to fair objective, nondiscriminatory, and non-aversive expressions; however, if purified languages are not coined, political taboo words can undergo the process of disuse.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육과 생애주기(평생)교육의 학제적 접근 -평생국어교육의 문해력 증진을 위하여-

        민현식 ( Hyunsik Min ) 국어교육학회 2015 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.50 No.1

        평생교육(lifelong education)은 넓게 보아 학교교육을 포함하여 개인의 전 생애에 참여하는 교육 및 학습을 총칭하여 요람에서 무덤까지 평생에 걸친 배움을 강조하는 교육이념으로 가정교육, 사회교육, 학교교육, 직업교육, 은퇴 후 교육 등을 모두 포괄한다. 평생교육에서도 언어와 사고력은 핵심 능력이므로 국어교육의 역할과 책임은 더욱 커졌다. 따라서 국어교육은 학교교과의 도구교과로서의 국어교육을 넘어 평생 발달 단계별 언어교육에 도움이 되는 <평생국어교육>의 개념을 정립해야 한다. 평생교육이 종합적, 융합적 학문의 성격을 띠므로 평생국어교육학문이 학제적(interdisciplinary) 성격을 띰은 당연하다. 평생교육 차원에서는 국어교육이 문해력(literacy) 증진을 위한 교과로서 더욱 핵심적 역할이 요구된다. 전 세계적으로 선진국에서도 문맹(비문해, illiteracy)현상이 10% 정도로 나타나는데 우리나라도 중학생 이상의 비문해 학생이 급증하고 있다. 인권 보장, 경제 향상을 위해서도 성인의 비문해 퇴치와 학교 속의 문맹자들을 퇴치하기 위한 국어교육이 초등학교단계부터 철저히 이루어져야 한다. Lifelong education indicates education and learning involved in one’s entire life, emphasizing learning all through life from the cradle to the grave, and covers home education, social education, school education, vocational education, and post-retirement education. As language and thinking are also core abilities in lifelong education, the role and the responsibility of Korean language education have been greater. Therefore, Korean language education needs to establish the idea of ‘lifelong Korean language education’ which helps language education for lifelong developmental stages beyond Korean language education as a tool subject of school curricula. Lifelong Korean language education studies are interdisciplinary as lifelong education has a feature of comprehensive and integrative studies. In the dimension of lifelong education, Korean language education is required to play a more fundamental role as a subject to promote literacy. Considering illiteracy phenomenon which appears as about ten percent among the national population in developed countries globally, the number of illiterate students among teenagers are increasing in Korea. For safeguard for human rights and economic improvement, Korean language education for eradicating adult illiteracy and illiterates at schools should be exhaustively implemented from elementary school.

      • 한국어 교육의 현황과 과제

        민현식(Hyunsik Min) 국제한국어교육문화재단 2015 국제한국어교육 Vol.1 No.1

        Korea has high ethnolinguistic vitality in terms of demographic capital (language population), political capital, economic capital, and cultural capital. The domestic Korean language education is mostly for foreign workers, female emigrants with international marriage, and international students or trainees. The external tasks of the Korean language education can be thorough administration of foreigners’ entry and exit, support for autonomous competition between private educational institutions, and support for long-term basic business of the Korean language education. The improvement of the system of certifying Korean language teachers is also necessary, and the policy should go toward integration with considering the failure of Western policies of multiculturalism. The internal tasks of the Korean language education can be purifying the Korean language, organizing the norms of language, establishing the world standard Korean language and standard Korean language grammar, building corpora, developing contrastive grammar, and pedagogical innovation in each language area. The overseas Korean language education should focus on strengthening learners’ motivation and bilingualism.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육의 철학과 정책

        민현식 ( Hyunsik Min ) 국어교육학회 2016 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.51 No.2

        국어교육철학은 국어교육의 여러 문제를 언어교육철학의 관점으로 연구하는 분야로 여러 쟁점을 다룬다. 국어의 기본 문제에서는 국어관, 국어 위상론, 남북언어 통일관, 국어 정체성관이 쟁점이다. 국어교육 문제로는 국어교과의 성격론, 국어과 교육과정의 영역론, 국어과 교육과정의 내용체계론, 국어과 교육내용의 위계 발달론이 쟁점이다. 국어철학 차원에서는 학습자의 세계관 형성을 위한 문제, 국가와 민족의 문제가 쟁점이다. 사회, 도덕과는 초등학교부터 통일교육을 하고 국제화 시대를 다루는데 국어과는 통일교육이나 국어 위상교육이 중학교부터 하여 늦으므로 초등학교부터 시작해야 한다. 국어교육정책도 국어교육학의 하위학문으로 여러 쟁점이 있다. 대체로 언어정책은 정치적 상황을 고려하며, 국어 교과서 정책, 입시정책 등에 영향을 끼치며 국어정책과도 밀접하다. 국어정책의 쟁점으로는 통합의 언어정책, 남북언어통일 대비정책, 세계표준국어문법 수립, 4대 표기법의 실용화, 한국어 정보화와 세종 2단계 말뭉치 구축과 국어사전 신정책 수립, 신문맹 퇴치의 국어능력 증진 정책이 필요하다. 한글전용과 별도로 체계적 초등학교 한자교육도 필요하다. 한국어는 인구 자본, 정치 자본, 경제 자본, 문화 자본이 풍부하여 언어 활력이 매우 높다. 국어교육철학의 이론적 기초가 튼튼하면 좋은 국어교육정책도 나오고 효과도 크므로 두 분야는 긴밀히 심화 연구되어야 한다. Philosophy of Korean language education (KLE) is a research area that investigates various issues of KLE from a perspective of language educational philosophy. The controversial issues of the Korean language (KL) are values, status, language unification, and identity of KL. Several teaching issues of KL are the features and domains of the subject and curriculum of KL and contents structures and teaching orders in the curriculum. KLE should attach great importance to learners` development of world view through KL texts. The Korean language education policy includes the issues of KLE and Korean language policy which has a direct influence on the policy of textbooks and entrance examination. We need to establish the communicative integration of KL, as well as to prepare for the language unification, to build grammar standardization, to revise orthographies, to compile a mega-corpus, and to improve the literacy of KL. Systematic Hanja education at elementary school is also necessary aside from the exclusive use of Hangeul. Korea has high linguistic vitality in terms of demographic capital, political capital, economic capital, and cultural capital. A strong theoretical foundation of philosophy of KLE produces good KLE policy that will make an effective influence on KLE.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국의 국가 발전과 모어교육의 상관성

        민현식 ( Min Hyunsik ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2019 先淸語文 Vol.46 No.-

        This study investigated the factors of national development by Korean language education in South Korea. We can find the contributory factors such as outstanding human resources, realization of liberal democracy, a democratic and peaceful change of power, successful land reform, promotion of export-driven industries, success in agricultural improvement through Saemaul Undong(New Community Movement), promotion of national identity through Korean language and history education, and high educational zeal. We can find the cultural elements in South Korea's mother tongue education that promotes identity, morality, and humanity in an endeavor to ensure its national, moral, and linguistic legitimacy. Reminding citizens of their personal and national identity, the notion of identity is associated with patriotism. Morality translates into moralism as it promotes the ethicality of individuals and the state. Humanity promotes the linguistic sophistication of individuals and the state's refinement in humanities, giving rise to humanitarianism. Historically, there has been the Hangeul writing revolution of Sejong the Great, stylistic revolution of the Enlightenment Party, literacy movements led by churches and newspapers, anti-Japanese movement of Korean language promotion by Sigyeong Ju and the Joseon Language Society, and educational revolution in South Korea. South Korea's consistent Hangeul-only policy for public documentation suggests that efforts to protect a mother tongue in public and academic settings will benefit all Koreans.

      • 국어교육과 인문정신

        민현식 ( Min Hyunsik ) 서울대학교 국어교육과 2020 先淸語文 Vol.47 No.-

        Korean language and literature is the core of humanities and Korean language education is the core of humanities education. The characteristics of the Korean language curriculum are those of spirit, knowledge, thinking, tools, occupation, and culture. Assuming that humanities are often divided into four areas: language, literature, history, and philosophy, the humanistic spirit for Korean language education can be divided into the spirit of language, literature, philosophy, and history. It can be turned into literary, philosophical, or historical thinking. These three areas can be said to be the essence of the humanistic spirit that Korean language education should have. First, Korean language education as a literary thought must be faithful to the establishment of academic identity. It should be Korean language education for the nation, not education for the tribalism. We must stick to the rational hierarchies of Korean language curriculum. In order to protect and refine Korean language, it is necessary to cultivate historical and cultural consciousness through historical and cultural education such as Hangeul creation and Korean Language Society Case. Second, Korean language education as a philosophical thinking should help to develop metaphysical, epistemological and valueistic thinking. Korean language education should contribute to the formation of worldview, especially the identity of individuals and nations. The most important and basic thing in the formation of this worldview is the formation of identity. Korean language education should teach the language of freedom in order to protect the liberal democratic system. Third, Korean language education as a historical thinking should cultivate historical critical thinking. Historical critical thinking is about having objective, open and imaginative thinking about history. For national identity and legitimacy education, the righteousness of the Unification Silla and the "identity" and "orthodox" of the founding of Korea should be taught correctly. Korean language education should be able to cultivate humanity, learn communication tools, enrich knowledge of language and literature, cultivate professional language skills, and develop Korean language through language, literature, philosophy, and history.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학국어의 인문학적 내용 구성 연구

        민현식(Min, Hyunsik) 협성대학교 교양학연구소 2019 교양학연구 Vol.6 No.1

        대학 교양강좌로서 대학국어는 인문학 교육의 중요 핵심 강좌로서의 위상에 걸맞게 개발되어야 한다. 흔히 인문학을 문학;역사;철학의 과목이라 할 때 대학국어는 고교 4학년 교과로서가 아니라 인문 정신 즉 인문 교양을 함양하는 핵심 교과로서 토론과 작문 중심의 고급 언어기능 훈련을 추구하되 교육 내용은 철학적;문화적;역사학적 한국어를 융합하여 가르칠 수 있어야 한다. 철학적 한국어는 청년기 대학생으로서 방황하기 쉬운 대학생의 자아 정체성을 탐구하고 확립하는 내용이 되어야 한다. 학생이 본격적인 대학인으로서 인생을 출발하면서 인생의 근원적 질문인 존재론적 질문들에 답할 수 있도록 학생의 세계관을 형성시키는데 도움이 되는 내용이어야 한다. 문화적 한국어는 어문학 및 문화론적 관점을 융합해 한글 창제로 인한 문자 혁명;문체 혁명;교육 혁명의 역사적 전개과정과 의미를 이해하는 내용으로 구성하여 선진 한국어의 언어문화생활을 발전시키기 위해서 한국어 문화에 대한 자긍심을 가지며 이웃 언어문화를 존중하면서 한글 문명이라는 고유 언어문화를 발전시켜야 할 의식을 함양하여야 한다. 역사학적 한국어는 대한민국이라는 국가 공동체의 건국과정을 이해하고 건국의 정체성과 정통성을 밝히고 국어와 국사가 어떻게 한 몸을 이루어 발전해야 하는지 밝혀 주는 내용으로 구성해야 한다. 끝으로 한국어의 언어 활력과 미래 국가 발전을 위한 자긍심을 고취할 필요도 있다. “University Korean”, as one of the liberal arts courses at a university, should be developed in accordance with its status as an important core course of the humanities education. When humanities is often referred to as a subject of literature, history and philosophy, “University Korean” should pursue training in advanced language skills focused on discussion and writing and be able to teach the contents converging philosophical, cultural, and historical Korean language. The philosophical Korean language should be about exploring a student’s self-identity as a young university student and helping to shape a student’s world view to answer the student’s ontological questions. The cultural Korean language should be composed of contents that help understand the historical developmental process and meaning of the revolution of characters and education due to the creation of Hangeul by fusing the linguistic and cultural perspectives. The historical Korean language should consist of contents that define the identity and legitimacy of founding the Republic of Korea and how the Korean language and Korean history develop as forming one body. Finally, it is also necessary to promote the Korean language’s vitality and pride for future national development.

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