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      • DBAE(Discipline-Based Art Education) 프로그램을 적용한 미술교육에 관한 연구

        노은호 경원전문대학 1994 論文集 Vol.16 No.2

        우리나라 미술 교육과정의 흐름을 살펴보면서 우리는 현재까지 실행하고 있는 미술교육의 내용과 목표에 관한 문제점을 분석하였다. 이에 드러난 문제점을 수정 보완할 수 있는 새로운 추세의 미술교육 프로그램을 추구하게되어 미국의 Getty센터에서 개발한 DBAE프로그램을 소개하고자 DBAE의 특징과 설계배경, 내용, 선행연구 둥을 살펴보았다. 또 우리문화에 맞게 수정한 DBAE프로그램의 예를 부록으로 제시하여 구체적인 학습내용과 목표를 실현하는데 도움을 주었다. 결론적으로 DBAE의 특성을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 미술교과의 학문적 체계를 수립하기 위하여, 미술교과의 구조는 기존에 가르쳐왔던 이론교육과 실기교육을 서로 밀접하게 가르치되 이론교육을 더욱 강화하여 미술제작, 미술사, 미술비평, 미학 등의 내용을 통합한 형태로 구성한다. 둘째, 교사중심교육을 강조하는 DBAE는 교사들이 학년별에 따라 연속적이고 단계적인 학습내용을 고안하고 이 고안된 프로그램을 학생들에게 계열화되고 통합된 방법으로 반복 훈련시키는 교수(Teaching)형태를 추구한다. 세째, 미술교과도 역시 타교과와 마찬가지로 인지적 발전을 가져온다고 봄으로서 주지교과로서의 역할을 강조한다.

      • 인간의 뇌기능에 기초한 유아 놀이지도 전략에 관한 연구

        노은호,홍성미 경원전문대학 1996 論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to search the play teaching strategies Based on a Brain processing paradigm. Studies of the brain have reuealed that The left hemisphere is connected to the right side of the body and predominantly thinking as manifested in mathematical skills and language, the right hemisphere is connected to the left side of the body and predominantly controls the orientation is space, the identification and recognition of putterns, faces, and sites, and in general the more artistic and less analytical functions. Whereas the left hemisphere is primarily sequential in its operations, the right hemisphere is primarily are connected by a bundle hemisphere can thus transfer information from one side of the brain to the other, therefore, it is suggested thoes methods for play teaching strategies based on cognitive process of the brain. The first is to develop a remedial program for a weak hemisphere. The second is to develop a program matched the cognitive styles of the children with play teaching strategies for an enhanced learning. The third is to develop a program in order to balance the functions performed by the left and right hemisphere.

      • 열린교육의 개념 및 특징에 따른 열린 수업의 문제점에 관한 연구

        노은호,김영출 경원전문대학 1998 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Nowdays, it is the fact that the learners want the past education change because the past education was very standardized by memorization. The Sixth Reformation of Education Committee makes all the elemenatary schools to be the open education. But unfortunately, it's the reality that the problems have turned out at variance with its real meaning, therefore, this research put an emphasis on the analysis of the concept and the problem of the open education and inspection of the actual conditions of open education. Here are the issues of this research. - Only a minority is doing open education, which is using for breaking from the standardization. - It is not understood that the concept of individual teaching is the special character of open education. - It has a Rug Meeting in every hour. - Many places for learning are set up so that the students can study around. - People consider the open education as a free noninterference education., - The teachers give too much assignment to their students. - The open education is getting to be conventional again. - The students only want to have interesting activity after their basic assignment. - The training of studying for open education is lacking. - The teachers think a wrong thought that they can not do open education continuously. In conclusion, we need to make a textbook for students and the instruction book for teachers and also training of teachers is needed to decrease their mistake at the actual apot.

      • 재개념주의의 교육과정에 관한 미학적 접근의 의의

        노은호 건국대학교 1992 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        This study attempted to confirm the aesthetic meanings and values in curriculum inquiry. In order to confirm its meanings and values, the author, first disclosed the problems inherent in the Tyler paradigm, and, second, followed up the development of thought among the reconceptualists' curriculum inquiries, defining their aesthetic approach for new insight, and, third, reveal the aesthetic meanings of new curriculum theory. By relating the intellectual experiences to aesthetic experiences. The meanings and values of reconceptual aesthetic approach to curriculum inquiry may be summarized as follows: 1.The aesthetic approach indicates the need to extend the knowledge in aesthetic forms, and also the need for teaching to be an art, not a technique. 2.The aesthetic approach demands the new development of curriculum language in an attempt not to simplify the educational phenomena as well as to assist new curriculum design. 3.The aesthetic approach makes sufficient conditions in which the learner's situations are well explained and evaluated so that the meanings and the possibilities of learner are well defined and developped. 4.The aesthetic approach can provide a momentum to transform the quantitative approach in the study of education to qualitative approach, by realizing the educative experience in a different perspective.

      • 유아 편식지도를 위한 통합적 요리프로그램 개발

        노은호 한국보육학회 2007 한국보육학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to provide basic materials for improvement of unbalanced diet of young children by developing the integrated cooking program for unbalanced diet of young children. For this study, 3 specialists in early childhood education and 2 kindergarten teachers investigated 5-years-old children by questionnaires and developed the integrated cooking program with modification and complement. As children experience and learn the physical world more by general domain than by specific domain, the integrated cooking program which is connected with mathematics, language, science, art, and creativity had a positive effect on children’s unbalanced diet. Therefore, teachers of early childhood education have to recognize the importance of the children’s dietary habits and promote eating behavior of children that has the nutrition education, the relation between nutrition and health, and the right dietary habits by cooking activity. In conclusion, for the balanced diet intervention by cooking program for young children, teachers do not teach young children recipe but help them activities of cooking program that are connected with the curriculum. 본 연구의 목적은 유아의 편식지도를 위한 교수ㆍ학습방법으로 통합적 요리프로그램을 개발하였고 연구방법으로는 문헌조사와 성남시에 거주하는 만 5세(40명)를 대상으로 실태조사를 하였다. 교사는 편식 유아의 수, 유아 음식 기호도, 편식의 원인, 급식과 간식의 현황 등을, 부모에게는 가정에서의 유아식습관, 부모들의 영양에 관한 인식 등을 설문지 조사방법으로 기초조사를 하였다. 이 결과를 토대로 하여 본 연구자와 유아교육전문가 2명, 유아교사 2명이 함께 연구하여 통합적 요리프로그램을 개발하였다. 통합적 요리프로그램은 유아가 요리하는 모든 과정인 조리 재료의 구입 및 탐색하기, 다양한 변화를 이해하며 음식 만들기, 완성된 음식에 알맞게 차리기, 맛보면서 이야기 나누기, 정리정돈하기 등을 통하여 영양소에 관한 지식, 영양 섭취와 건강과의 관계, 올바른 식습관 등의 내용을 경험함으로써 유아들에게 편식 교정이 이루어지게 하는 활동이다. 아울러 유아들은 자신의 세계에 대하여 분리된 영역보다는 통합된 전체로서 경험하고 학습하는 특정을 지니고 있으므로 수학, 언어, 과학, 미술, 창의성 등과 연계된 통합적 요리프로그램을 적용할 때 바른 식습관에 교육적 효과가 높다. 따라서 통합적 요리프로그램은 단순히 요리만을 하기 보다는 유아 교육과정과 연계된 통합적 요리활동을 하는 것으로써 그 과정에서 유아 스스로 바른 식습관의 중요성을 인지하게 되어 교정이 이루어지며 교사는 유아들의 일시적인 변화가 아닌 바른 식습관이 정착할 수 있도록 지도하는 것이 바람직하다.

      • 장애아 통합교육을 위한 일반교사와 특수교사의 인식과 상호협력에 관한 연구

        노은호 한국보육학회 2003 한국보육학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Recognition and Collaboration between Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Educator for the Inclusion of Young Children with Disabilities. Teacher recognition and collaboration is the most important factor for successful educational integration of young children with disabilities. In the recent years, early childhood educator early childhood special educator recognition and collaboration to promote the inclusion of young children with disabilities is highly valued. The purpose of this study was to investigate some of the key issues involved in early childhood educator"s recognition about disabilities, attitude about including classroom management and collaboration between early childhood special educator for the inclusion of young children with disabilities. First, recognition about disabilities resulted that early childhood special educator than early childhood educator appeared positive reflection. Second, attitude about including classroom management resulted that early childhood educator appeared hopeful and positive views. Third, prerequisite for inclusion presented that early childhood special educator required acutely. Accordingly, we suggested that teacher recognition and attitude is the most important prerequisite for collaboration of early childhood and early childhood special educator. Therefore various collaborative contents were suggested to facilitate the merger between general and special education that was the core component of inclusion.

      • 생태학적 유아 과학 교육 프로그램 개발 연구

        노은호 한국보육학회 2001 한국보육학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The childhood science education in this country has advanced to ecological approach from technological approach. As Human and the nature has been seperated each other and they have become non-human and non-nature. In these days it is necessary that the ecological approach should be orienting the relation of union from a view of life. Therefore the purpose of this study was groped for the ecological way to solve out the childhood science education and suggested the program of ecological approach. The contents of this study was follows. It was suggested the philosophy, the purpose, contents and methods on the childhood science education from the view of ecological approach in this study. and was suggested the contents, methods of the childhood science education by the step of development. The programs of childhood science education was suggested teaching plans which are composed of the process from a cacoon to silkworm by observation. The other programs in this study was integrated with a domain of children's story, the fine art, language, reasoning thought and expression. However the limitation of this study was not in relation to various kinds of domain on the childhood science education. Thus, the ecological approach will advance to the direction of science education which respects life with interrelationship and coexistance with the nature.

      • 통합적 유아 조리교육과정 개발 연구

        노은호 한국보육학회 2004 한국보육학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        When children have cooking lessons they also learn other basic concepts such as numbers, shapes, sizes, colours, textures, smells, tastes and measurements. When teachers use stories related to cooking, they can attract the children"s interest and lead the children to have a positive attitude. In addition to this, the children will learn to clean up after their cooking lessons. This will lead the children to develop a lifelong habit of tidying up after themselves. While it is worthwhile to give children cooking lessons, it is seldom done because most schools have inadequate facilities and programmes for such activities. The purpose of this research was to develop 24 creative educational cooking activities to match the yearly plan of a school. It can be used easily since it can fit in with the current educational programme. Educational institutions should be more concerned with teaching cooking. They should also try to expand the cooking experiences of children by experimenting with new recipes. They must also prepare the appropriate cooking facilities. Children"s cooking lessons should be related to real life. In addition to these 24 cooking lessons further lessons need to be developed. They should be related to the current educational programme and be adopted by all educational institutions.

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