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        조미김의 대중국 진출을 위한 마케팅믹스 전략 연구

        석민 ( Kim Seog-min ),전의천 ( Jun Eui-cheon ),최인녕 ( Choi Lin-yeong ),한상옥 ( Han Sang-ok ) 한국도서학회 2016 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구는 한·중 FTA의 대표적 수혜품목으로 주목받고 있는 조미김을 연구대상으로 하여 대 중국 시장진출을 위한 마케팅 전략을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 진행되었다. 연구의 주요내용과 방법으로, 먼저 세계와 한·중 양국 김산업의 현황 및 문제점을 관련 기관의 통계 및 선행연구를 통해 분석한 후, 한국과 중국의 김산업 무역구조와 국제경쟁력을 분석하였다. 중국 시장 내 한국, 태국, 일본 및 대만산 조미김의 국제경쟁력을 시장점유율(Market Share), 무역특화지수(Trade Specialization Index) 및 현시비교우위(RCA)지수를 이용하여 분석한 결과, 2015년 기준 한국의 MS가 65.14, TSI가 1.0, RCA가 1.37로 가장 높게 나타나 한국이 중국시장 내에서 절대적인 비교우위를 확보하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 태국이 일본의 중국시장 점유율 감소분을 대부분 흡수하면서 2015년 이후 시장점유율, 무역특화지수 및 현시비교우위지수를 빠른 속도로 증가시키면서 한국과의 경쟁이 점차 심화되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 본 연구에서는 중국시장 진출을 위한 전략으로 조미김의 위생검역 및 라벨링 규정을 분석하고, 이와 관련한 문제점과 준수 방안을 제시하였다. 또한 중국 조미김 유통시장 분석을 통한 마케팅믹스(Marketing Mix) 전략을 중국 소비자 요구에 맞는 다양한 맛의 제품 개발, 가공형상의 다양화, 건강 또는 선물세트 개발 등을 통한 가격차별화, 전문 및 온라인 유통채널 개발방안 등으로 세분화하여 제시하였다. 결론적으로는 한·중 FTA의 효과를 극대화하기 위해서는 정부차원에서는 중국의 조미김 관련 과도한 위생 검역기준을 완화시키기 위한 한중 검역·검사 협력 MOU를 체결을 추진할 필요성이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 또한 기업차원에서는 OEM 수출방식을 지양하고 한·중 FTA로 인한 중국 내 한국산 제품에 대한 이미지 제고효과를 적극 활용하여 중국 소비자들에게 한국산 조미김의 브랜드 이미지를 강하게 인식시켜나가야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to systematically propose the strategy for seasoned seaweed, which is gaining attention as a representative product that will benefit from the Korea-China FTA, to penetrate into the Chinese market. As for the main contents and methods of the study, the current status and problems in the seaweed industry (both in Korea and China) was analyzed using statistics and preceding researches from both countries. Also the trade structure and international competitiveness of the Korean and Chinese seaweed industry were analyzed. The result of this study is as follows. Based on the international competitiveness in terms of market share, the Trade Specialization Index and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) Index of 4 competing countries within China; Korea, Thailand, Japan and Taiwan, Korea`s MS was 65.14, TSI was 1.00 and F-H RCA was 1.37 in 2015. This indicates that Korea had secured an absolute comparative advantage in the Chinese market. Moreover, as a strategy to penetrate into the Chinese market, this study systematically proposed a measure involving Sanitary and Phytosanitary as well as compliance with the labelling regulations for the seasoned seaweed. In addition, a Marketing Mix strategy based on the analysis of China`s distribution market for seasoned seaweed was suggested. In conclusion, in order to maximize the effects of the Korea-China FTA, the government has to engage in entering into a MOU for sanitary and phytosanitary cooperation between Korea and China in order to relieve the excessive sanitary and phytosanitary criterion with regards to the seasoned seaweed of China. Furthermore, from the company`s perspective, they have to not be oriented on OEM export methods, and efforts must be made to strongly promote the brand image of Korean seasoned seaweed to the Chinese consumers.

      • KCI등재

        소설과 기억의 정치학

        김한식(Kim Han-sik) 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.31

        The greater part of the readers in south Korea are embarrassed at current north Korean literature, especially "Imperishable History." Because we cannot conclude whether "Imperishable History" is novel or history. And we do not admit "Forming the leader" in north Korean literature. We are unfamiliar with their writing and distribution system. Many man of letters think "Imperishable History" is not literature. "Eternal life" is one of the most interesting novel in "Imperishable History." It includes the story of the death of Kim, Il-sung and his last injunctions. But it do not have enough causal relationship and persuasive power. So we must read that text as the mirror of the north Korean history between 1994-1997. Three main topics are in this novel. The first is agricultural problem. The second is nuclear crisis. That is related to diplomatic, this is related to domestic. The third is restoration problem of a royal tomb of Dankoon. "Imperishable History" turns individual memory to official memory. It treats the history of Kim, Il-sung as the north Korean history. When a historical event occurred, always, Kim was there. Although it deal with the death of Kim, "Eternal Life" emphasize that his rule is not finished. The narrator says Kim's heroic deed is on his mind, and it is the real meaning of eternal life. It's very difficult to understand their novel. But we can admit that "Imperishable History" is not representative of all north Korean literature.

      • 크래시된 이미지와 딥 클러스터링을 통한 크래시 분류 개선

        요한 ( Yo-han Kim ),이상준 ( Sang-jun Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2019 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        소프트웨어 크래시 분류를 개선하기 위해 호출 스택 정보를 기반한 많은 연구들이 있다. 본 연구에서는 크래시 직전 이미지를 수집하여, 기존 호출 스택 기반의 분류에서 발생하는 문제를 개선하고자 한다. 또한 이미지 자체의 직관성으로 개발자뿐만 아니라 개발 지식이 없는 실무자도 크래시 정보를 활용할 수 있고, 문제 해결을 위한 재현 루트 파악, 위변조 여부와 같은 추가 정보를 확인할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. 비지도 학습 기반인 딥러닝 클러스터링 N2D 알고리즘을 통하여 이미지를 자동 분류하고 순위화하는 시스템을 구축하여, 특정 소프트웨어에 특화되지 않고 다양한 소프트웨어의 크래시 이미지 자동 분류에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • 17세기 조선의 동전유통정책

        김한빛 ( Kim Han Bit ) 서울대학교 국사학과 2018 韓國史論 Vol.64 No.-

        This study focuses on the governmental regulation in coin production and circulation in Seventeenth-Century Choson. In preparation for famine, policy makers minted and circulated coin to conserve and store food resources. Policy makers and intellectuals insisted on coin circulation as the solution to conserve food resources, rather than good exchange. Rice and fabric, particularly ramie and cotton, were the traditional mediums of exchange in Choson. Since the majority of governmental finance consisted of rice and fabric, famine would cause financial shortage. Policy makers and intellectuals feared that famine would reduce trade due to the depletion of rice and fabric. The appropriation of good exchange for crops as currency would also aggravate starvation and intensify financial crisis. Therefore, policy makers consistently exhorted for coin mintage and distribution. On the one hand, the government in the early seventeenth century could not issue coins extensively. Copper, the primary material in coin mintage, was expensive because it was a major import from Japan and was a diversely demanded commodity. Evidently, coin mintage became a challenge for the Choson government particularly during and after the two major wars (Japanese Invasion and Manchu Invasion). On the other hand, the government of King Sukchong (1661~1720) obtained substantial fiscal afford for minting large quantities of coin by profiting from the intermediary trade between Qing and Japan and by implementing positive fiscal policies. However, the government of King Sukchong strictly limited coin production in order to prevent excessive coin distribution. The government also limited the period of coin distribution and the import volume of copper. Excessive coin distribution could lead to monopolization of profit for merchants and further exacerbate impoverishment of public welfare. Therefore, the government allownned coin mintage primarily for the central administration to prevent illegal production and authorized coin circulation mostly during famines and castle constructions to relieve financial shortage.

      • 한국 혁신형 중소기업의 인력지원정책에 관한 연구

        김한준 ( Han-jun Kim ),이기훈 ( Gi-hoon Lee ) 사회혁신기업연구원 2018 혁신기업연구 Vol.3 No.1

        세계경제가 글로벌(global)화 되면서 국제무역 질서가 개편되고, 기술혁신이 가속화되는 가운데, 중소기업은 국내적으로는 산업구조의 변화로 인해 여러 가지 어려운 환경에 처하게 되었다. 4차 산업혁명시대에는 대기업의 역할보다 변화와 혁신에 신속한 대응력을 보유한 중소기업의 가치의 중요성이 대두되고 있으나, 정부는 중소기업의 인력 수급의 어려움을 해소하기 위해 인력지원정책을 실행하고 있으나 그 효과가 미미한 것으로 알려졌다. 본 연구의 목적은 다양한 문헌연구를 통해 한국 중소기업 인력지원정책에 대한 이론을 고찰하고, 중소기업의 인력지원정책의 현황에 대해 살펴보며, 산업기능요원 제도와 고용허가제도, 그리고 인력채용패키지 제도와 외국인 산업연수 제도를 분석해보자 하였다. 또한 본 연구는 한국 중소기업 인력지원정책에 대한 문제점을 연구하여 산학연계 맞춤형 인력양성 사업과 해외 고급 기술 인력도입 지원 사업에 관한 경제 발전 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 연구결과는 먼저, 한국 정부는 외국인의 국내적응 지원프로그램의 연구 개발과 우수 외국인력 유치를 위한 사회적 인프라 구축 및 외국인 인력정책을 개선해야 한다. 둘째, 한국 정부는 실업계 고등학교나 전문대학에 대한 체계적인 지원을 통해 중소기업에 보다 많은 전문 인력들이 유입될 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 중소기업 인력난 문제 해소를 위한 현장체험을 잘 활용하는 효과적인 교육훈련을 실시해야 한다. As the global economy becomes global, the international trade order has been reformed and technological innovation has accelerated, so that SMEs are in a difficult environment domestically due to changes in the industrial structure. In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the value of SMEs with rapid responsiveness to change and innovation is emerging rather than the role of large corporations. The government is implementing a manpower support policy to solve the difficulty of supply and demand for SMEs, but the effect is known to be insignificant. This study investigated the theory of human support policy for small and medium-sized enterprises in South Korea, the status quo of human support policy for small and medium-sized enterprises, industrial skilled workers system, employment permit system, human recruitment plan system and foreign industrial training. Based on the results of the study, first, the Korean government should improve foreign labour policies by establishing social infrastructure for R & D of foreign family adaptation support programs and attracting foreign workers. Second, the Korean government should provide more professional workers to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises through systematic support for vocational high schools and universities. Third, effective education and training should be conducted to make full use of on-the-job experience and solve the labour shortage problem of small and medium-sized enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        국제우주법상 분쟁해결에 관한 연구

        김한택 ( Han Taek Kim ) 안암법학회 2013 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.41

        As far as the settlement of the space law dispute is concerned, there are provisions dealing with those problems in INMARSAT, INTELSAT, ITU, INTERSPUTNIK, ARABSAT, ESA, the United Nations resolutions of DBS, RS and NPS principles and space treaty provisions. However in this article I dealt with the traditional methods of settlement of the international law disputes such as negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement which are included in article 33 of the United Nations Charter and the settlement of the space law dispute contained in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, 1972 Liability Convention and 1979 Moon Agreement. Cosmos 954 incident was the first case occurred in Canada by the Soviet Union in relation to the settlement of the space law dispute. Cosmos 954 was a reconnaissance satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1977. A malfunction prevented safe separation of its onboard nuclear reactor; when the satellite reentered the Earth`s atmosphere in the following year it scattered radioactive debris over northern Canada, prompting an extensive cleanup operation. Under the terms of the 1972 Liability Convention, a state which launches an object into space is liable for damages caused by that object. However Cosmos 954 case was settled not by the 1972 Liability Convention, but by 1981 Protoco1 on Settlement of Canada`s Claim for Damages Caused by Cosmos 954, although the two countries were the parties to the 1972 Liability Convention. International Law Association(ILA) proposed the Draft Convention on the Settlement of Space Law Dispute in Taipei Conference in 1998. International Tribunal for Space Law, ICJ and Arbitration were the proposed possible solutions to deal with the settlement of the space law dispute in the Draft Convention. However in my opinion the establishment of the Annexes of the Settlement of Space Law Dispute to 1967 Outer Space Treaty or 1972 Liability Convention would be better than the enactment of the Space Law Dispute Convention. The fact that Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA) adopted “Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Outer Space Activities” in 2011 and nominated 16 judges over the world in 2012 is a recommendable way to the Space Law Dispute among states.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        갑상선암 환자에서 방사성옥소 ( 131I ) 치료로 인한 림프구의 자매염색분체교환 ( SCE ) 빈도 증가

        지열(Ji Yeul Kim),범희승(Hee Seung Bom),최근희(Keun Hee Choi),광윤(Kwang Yoon Kim),윤정한(Jung Han Yoon),제갈영종(Young Jong Jae Gal),재민(Jae Min Kim) 대한핵의학회 1993 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.27 No.1

        N/A To evaluate the genotoxic effect of 131I, lymphocytes from 9 patients who underwent large dose (150 mCi) 131I therapy after total thyroidectomy were studied for sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) before and after their first radioiodine treatments. Frequency of SCE (FSCE) was counted in chromosomes of 30 lymphocytes in each patients, and was expressed as numbers of SCE per cell. Numbers of leukocytes were also observed during 131I therapy. Pretreatment FSCE (4.2±0.7) was not different from the control (3.8±0.4, p=0.17). However, the frequency was significantly elevated after 131I administration (at the second day, 7.9±0.8, p〈0.001) and was diminished but still significantly elevated after a week (at 9th day, 6.4±0.6, p〈0.001). While counts of leukocytes in the peripheral blood showed no change(p〉0.05). In conclusion, chromatids of human lymphocytes were significantly damaged after 131I treatment without any bone marrow supression. And the repair of SCE was not complete within one week.

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